#zeref is just an endlessly confused character i'm not sure how to feel about him
ac-liveblogs · 4 years
(1/6)This is a rant but i need help for mental wellness sorry :p Do you think mavis's character has been an utter disappointment especially during the alvarez arc. I didn't see her do anything to live upto the image of a superior individual with hell a lot of visdom, high moral sense and experience that she's been given being the founder of FT. On one hand she thinks guildmates are soldiers supposed to put their lives on line(i get that since it's a war but just in contrast to makarov)
(2/6) But when it comes to zeref, isnt she too kind. I know she's doing them all a favor by killing him but it doesn't look anything like a punishment. In Her last conversation with him while dying, its like she has nothing to tell him off( except for that chest punching, and calling him out for killing makarov. Damn that didn't look serious at all.)The two of them are celebrating that moment in which he finally gets what he wanted and see absolutely no need for redemption . Just sweet talk.
3/6 have nothing against their love and she doesn't have to stop loving him for being just. Its the complication in this relationship that attracted viewers but in the end it just wasn't all that complicated to be resolved coz she forgets and forgives after a few punches and a kiss ! And even if its a rare situation , we still have Jerza as a better example for how she could have said or done different things at the end. Ezra loves him too but she never once kept her feelings above what's right
4/6 and just. Erza does stop Jellal from killing himself because she loves him but she also makes him realize that to redeem himself he needs to live and earn his own forgiveness. That's what love should do -make you a better person. She isn't soft on him and tells the bitter truths he needs to hear. This is called development.
And Mavis being so wise should've done her part like that even better. But she's so in love and so kind that it makes her forgive and forget everything he's done. Not one sentence that throws light on his atrocities. Not one word of contempt. No complaints. She doesn't even try to make him realize he's been wrong and selfish and even his curse can't excuse that. They're both convinced that its all over
6/6 They're both convinced that its all over and he needs no introspection. I can't just pretend that zeref deserves this happy ending and i cant have respect for Mavis after that. While she was narrating to the guild her story, She was afraid people would shame her for being in love with zeref. I think if there's anything she should feel guilty about then its not that but what she said and implied in this god forsaken Alvarez Arc. What do you think ?
Hey I'm sorry i sent a 6 part question but its all messy. Its my first time here. So some parts are public and mistakenly some are anonymous. God I'm sorry:( . I really liked you blog. Please tell me if you see my question. Its on FT. Love and appreciation....!!!
It’s cool!! I left you anonymous bc I wasn’t sure what you’d prefer, let me know if you’d like me to attach your name to this ask :)
Tbh you’ve hit the nail on the head with a lot of the issues I have with Zervis, which is that despite the fact the relationship is unhealthy, that’s just... not addressed. Zeref does literally anything and Mavis still drops everything to save him and ascend, which... okay, anticlimactic for one, holy shit does he get off easy for two, and really, REALLY unsatisfying for three? 
I’m down with unhealthy relationships in fiction as they can be endlessly fascinating, but everything about the way Zervis is handled just confuses Zeref’s character and tanks Mavis’ to the point I’m not sure what I’m supposed to take away from it. What I’m getting is just “unhealthy codependence stuck in an eternal loop” which, fine, that can be interesting, but their Twisted Romance comes at the literal cost of Zeref’s character and what little credibility Mavis still had. It also lacks a satisfying resolution and isn’t exactly what the series was setting up for Zeref. 
It’s no secret I’m not a fan of Alvarez Zeref - I feel he doesn’t jive with any of Zeref’s prior characterisation or anything that’s been built up about him over the course of the entire series, and it’s really not fun getting hyped for any of his established plot threads and having them swept under the rug by someone that... really had nothing to do with it? Kinda showed up at the last second?
We spent all that time building up Jellal’s goals, Zeref’s sins, Natsu’s past and Zeref’s connection to Acnologia and for... what, exactly? To not pay off on any of it?
Mavis as a smart, logical tactician was always a bad joke so i’m less annoyed about her, but Zeref... man. He isn’t defeated, he isn’t redeemed, he just kinda peaces out with no consequences or self reflection and Acnologia takes the stage. Cool, I guess? What, narratively or thematically, does this accomplish?
“Love forgives all sins especially the really bad ones?” “Mavis needs a therapist?” “Zeref is a karma houdini?”
UGH anyway I’m not into Fairy Tail anymore despite the name, but it turns out I still had some Thoughts about Zeref so how ‘bout that!
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