#ziva lucero
tsarisfanfiction · 5 months
for the OC ficlet ask X, Y, Z (feel free to discard one letter if u want Im just being a 🤡) prompt: star
OC Ficlet Ask You might be being a clown but I do have Apollo kids with all of those letters! They do have a pretty big age gap here, though (details at the end of the post), so I had to get a little creative... Very loose on the prompt here but ah well :P
Yvonne sighed, pulling the strap of her shoulder bag until it sat more snugly in the hollow between her shoulder and neck. The trip had been long and tiring, but it was nice to visit another part of the world. She wasn't as much of a stargazer as some of her siblings, but the Spanish National Observatory had a great deal of published works that made for an interesting annual read, and as her flight to Greece involved an overnight layover in Madrid, she'd decided she might as well take advantage of her brief stop in Spain with a pre-booked visit to the Royal Observatory.
A young brown-haired girl ran past her as she made her way through the neighbouring park, giggling as she was chased by several other youngsters around her age, shouting in strings of Spanish. Yvonne didn't speak Spanish, but it wasn't so far away from French that she couldn't get the gist of the words.
"Give it back, Ziva!"
"Catch me first!"
"Go that way, head her off!"
Yvonne didn't know what the girl - Ziva - had stolen, but it all seemed to be in jest, so she left the children to their chaos as she continued her trek across the park and towards the Observatory.
The park was busy, but above the laughter of young children and the whisper of light wind in the trees was the sound of a mellow instrument. A cello, if Yvonne's years in cabin seven surrounded by musicians had taught her anything. It wasn't loud, or obstrusive, but Yvonne had always loved listening to her siblings play.
She had some time before she was supposed to be at the Observatory for her visit. A brief detour, following the sound, had her stumbling across a young man perched on a stool, eyes closed as his bow danced across the strings of his instrument.
The piece was familiar, and with a small smile, she sat herself down on a nearby bench and listened, not interrupting. To mortals, it was likely a pleasant but unfamiliar tune, but despite being an instrumental variation, Yvonne would always recognise a camp favourite.
When it finished, she clapped lightly, and he looked at her, his eyes widening as he caught sight of her throat. Yvonne had never got out of the habit of wearing her old camp necklace; her students thought it was quaint, and the fact that several of the designs came from Greek mythology, as far as mortals were concerned, meant that no-one batted an eyelid at a lecturer on Greek history wearing them.
This young man clearly didn't wear his any more, but there was nowhere else where he would have learnt to play that tune.
"Cabin Seven?" Yvonne asked him in English, shifting closer. He met her eyes and nodded.
"You?" he asked, and she smiled at him, at her little brother.
"Me too," she said, "although I was never the best at music."
He shrugged. "Not everyone is," he agreed, because their father was the god of too many things for them all to be good at the same couple of things. "Xavier."
OC list: Yvonne Calvert - Canadian, aged 32 Ziva Lucero - Spanish, aged 10 Xavier Campara - Spanish, aged 24
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