#zomba othello demo at Nofim and some funny cartoons   9.5.2023
nataliesnews · 1 year
zomba, othello, demo at Nofim, and some funny cartoons   9.5.2023
zomba, othello, demo at Nofim, and some funny cartoonds
So what else have I been doing besides politics? I went on Saturday to Cinematheque to see the London theatre which we watch as it takes place on the stage in England. Not one of my favourite plays but this was so good. Iago so amazingly clever and evil. And on quote:Othello.."..An honourable murderer....for nought I did in hate but all in honour,,,take it out of  context but it describes how women in the Arab community are killed for the honour of their men "
I went downstairs to exercise and found that they were doing Zomba. I never tried it because I thought it was everyone just doing his own thing and my balance is not so good. But I was persuaded to stay and am glad I did so. Now that the summer is coming and I can do less walking and try not to go out in the heat of the day I need exercise and also to keep myself occupied.
At the Saturday demonstration we were joined by a couple with a dog and she reminded me that during the Corona period, my friend Dori, from Ra'anana had asked her to come and speak to me from the pavement. So now we met in the open air for the first time. I try not to think of that period. It has definitely had an effect on me as I find that sometimes if I am too much in the flat I get that feeling of panic again.But as I have friends who are still suffering physically from the Corona that is not so bad.
Something  so nice. A woman wrote to me on whatsapp and I am now thinking where she got my name from.....said that she was one of those in Jerusalem who are active in the various protest movements in Jerusalem. She asked me to phone her and asked if we would be prepared for couples with young children to join us here at Nofim at our demonstrations as otherwise the demonstrations at the president's office start very late. Public transport only starts running past eight because of Shabbat and the summer clock. Prepared????
I told her we would jump at it.
At the Schechter class today for the lecture on the ages I heard two of the women speaking of a Shabbat conversation. The two subjects were is a croissant considered bread for ending a meal with the blessing. . Which sent me to Google and now I am completely confused.....according to Google there does not have to  be bread on the table to do so. But they were discussing if a croissant is considered bread. And then if one is allowed to remove the vegetables from a soup....I understood that you could do so if you have a certain type of spoon on Shabbat. With all honour to people's religious beliefs but when do they get time to think of anything else. On the other hand they are women steeped in Jewish learning.
Anyhow before you go on to the darker side of my letter
And this which I really love. Thank you Tamar
I am listening to the first chapter of Follett's " The winter of the world ". It is hard listening to it. About the brownshirts of Hitler and the whole chapter is so similar to the rise of Ben Gvir  that it is frightening and sickening. Not that we have got that far yet but it could well be. The violence today in Israel is terrifying and it is  not only a case of there being more media. Twice lately ...and who knows what has not been reported.....Arabs were beaten up only for speaking Police arrested two suspects, are expected to bring in more from Mount Meron assault; The  victim: 'I shouted to them that I'm Druze, hoping they might stop beating me, but they didn't'; And by the way this Druze has served in the army which most of the visitors to this shrine have not done so. And the case in Tel Aviv where a group of about 15 young men attacked, punched and knifed a young man whom they heard speaking Arabic. I cannot but compare what I am listening to with thi. And it also reminds one of pogroms. And there is not a weekin the Arab communities that they do no kill one of their own. Either criminals settling stores or families with vengeance in their hearts. I am convinced that the reason is that there are more and more guns flying around.
Years ago there was a terrible case in Israel .....4 boys of Kibbutz Shomrat raped a 14 year old girl for days.  Four days in which 11 boys raped a 14-year-old girl.
Only four of them were tried, Arik Chazon, Nadav Biton, Ofir Barry, and Tzafir Tsavison.
They received a ridiculous sentence of 15 months in prison.
And today, 35 years after Ofir Barry is the owner of a successful real estate company, Eric Chazon is the owner of a pest control company. Nadav Biton left the country and Zafir Tsavison still lives in Kibbutz Shomrat. All are married, all are parents and raise children and live their lives to the fullest. Yael Grimberg, after an exhausting life, after a life in poverty and with countless suicide attempts and mental problems, was found dead today at the age of 49. I wonder if their neighbours  or people  they work with know what these men did . And the fact that one of them still lives on the kibbutz says it all.  Unfortunately Israel has not progressed very far in their treatment of rape victims.  As far as I can remember she and her family were not long time members of the kibbutz and that was why the kibbutz turned their back on her. I phoned the kibbutz today and told them that even today when people mention Shomrat that is one of the first things they think of.  Last night they tried to interview the four men and not one of them said that he was ashamed of what they had done. There were actually 11 rapists but for some reason none of them were brought to trial.
"Israel's far-right government is set to back a bill on Sunday That would launch a pilot program building energy storage plants to provide the ultra-Orthodox population with electricity that wasn’t generated during Shabbat." Have  you any idea how much that will cost us? But more than that is how much further they are going back into the Dark Ages and I don't mean that as a clever pun. Those of us who worked all our lives are more and more having to support these parasites. I am also very worried about what is happening in Jerusalem and more and more in Kiryat Hayovel which is being taken over by the ultra-orthodox. And if I sound anti-Semitic I am because these are not people who are tolerant of anything but their own way of life. Already one of the community centres which used to hold lectures on Shabbat can no longer do so.
He is not a suspect. If you look at this article and video  video you will see the shooter standing while the Palestinian runs away and  simply shooting him in the back...the Israeli was drunk and also had his driving license suspended. Ben Gvir calls for a relaxing of gun laws. Can you believe it? There is so much violence today in Israeli society. There have been two cases of Arabs being beaten up just for being Arabs. The one case dafke at the celebraionts of Miroin
At funeral, thousands hail Arab teen shot dead in road clash as a ‘martyr’
Suspect Dennis Mokin, 32, appears in court as relatives of Diar Umari shout 'murderer'; victim's father and Arab MKs blame Minister Ben Gvir for encouraging civilians to carry guns
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