#zoology party n stuff
I'm jenny I post about cervids and planes and weather and video games and fiction podcasts and whatever I want 👍
I'm an adult and I reblog nsfw things on occasion, they'll be tagged with #nsft and/or #suggestive
If you need anything tagged feel free to shoot me an ask or message!
I post my art on my Instagram !
bugsnax sideblog: @shellsy
this is here too: @unimportantwtnvdetails
dividers: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
tags index I guess
#cervidology - Infoposts on cervids
#zoology - Stuff about assorted animals
#weather zone - Weather Stuff
#plane zone - Plane Stuff
#look at my art boy. - My art
#buggyposting - Personal
I also have assorted tags for photos and information about several cervid species (Whitetails, Mule Deer, Moose, Caribou, Etc.)
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Tag Index (extended edition) below
#look who's in court defending gay rights - ace attorney
#band girls at the party - bandori
#i care about you and your ugly feelings im serious - project sekai
#so cute! unfortunately i just killed his mother - pokemon
#look at my doodles boy. - doodle tag/not full art
#imagine a world where autism is the norm - oc tag
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Survey #213
"there's a voice in my head, says i'm better off dead, but if i sing along a little fucking louder to a happy song, i'll be all right."
Are there popsicles in your freezer right now? No. Ice cream? No. Is there a lamp in your bedroom? Well, two heat lamps for Kaiju and Venus. Would you prefer eating jello or pudding? Pudding. After washing your hair, do you put any products in it? No. Last time you ate a salad? Yikes, it's been a long time... Can you name 2 books of the Bible? Uhhh Luke and Revelations? Do people usually think your brother is handsome? I don't know, I haven't lived with him since I was a kid, and he doesn't live in my state. So we don't know the same people. Have you ever crawled thru a vent? Not to my memory. Are there toothpicks in your kitchen? They're in the bathroom. How many living grandparents do you have? One. Do you eat more than 3 meals a day? No; I don't even always have three. Do you know how old your house is? I believe it was made in the '70s. Do you think you have great potential for success? Meh. Have you applied any lipstick, chapstick, gloss, etc to your lips today? No. Would you rather have tan or pale skin color? Pale. Sometimes I hate it, but I like it more overall. Especially when you're a goth at heart know what I'm sayin'. Last time you entered a high school? Probably my sister's graduation. Last time you rode a bike? It's been years, dude. Probably not since high school. Do you drink your water from the tap? You couldn't pay me to. Our water is technically clean, we've had it tested, but dead serious, the hot water smells like rotten eggs. I'm pretty sure Mom said it's something about the salt content in the pipes. But nevertheless, mind over matter would nooot work. Is there any kind of design on your socks? I'm not wearing socks. Have you ever had an ice cream cake for your birthday? No, I'm not a fan. Do you use dryer sheets? Yes. Do you like Subway? Yeah. What was your worst mistake in your life? Letting a guy become god, the entire universe, and more to me. Is this year the best year of your life? Oh, hunny- Is there someone in your life you wish you never met? I don't think so. Did you sleep well last night? I never do. I always wake up at least once. What’s the last song you heard? "Happy Song" by Bring Me The Horizon is on repeat. What is your favorite line from a TV show? I don't have a clue. Any current family issues? No. Who is the last friend you spent time with outside of school? Summer and I talked for a while at my niece's b-day party a few days back. What do you think of your mother? Your father? Your siblings (if there are any)? I love them. There's one sister I don't know so can't really say anything on her, then I do have another sister who, if I can assume via Facebook interactions, can't be too fond of me. But I could be mistaken with my habit of said assuming... Who/What is one person/thing that had the biggest impact on your life? Who: Jason. What: my mental health. What is the biggest problem in your life right now? How isolated I am and void of purpose I feel. What is one band that you find yourself going back to again and again? You mean like, stop liking but then get back into? None, I think. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender as you? Yes. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender as you? Yes. Do you and your dad get along? Yes. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive for? Idk. Can you see your purse right now? Yes. Are you wearing any perfume? What kind? No. Are there products in your hair? No. Have you ever eaten cat food? I don't think so, though I wouldn't be surprised as a kid. How many pets do you have? Six. Do you actually like them? All but my sister's dog. I can't stand him. Do you have one best friend who is always there for you? My girlfriend. Do you wear skirts a lot? I never do. I hate my legs. Do you basically live in jeans? I have zero jeans. Do you wear sweatpants a lot? Not really; if I'm not in pjs, I'm usually in dance or yoga pants. How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? Zero. Do you like hoodies? Yeah. Big ones or the form fitting kind? Bigger ones. Did you ever actually have a rubber duck? I think I did. Are you one of those people who claim to live with no regrets? I go back and forth, lol. But no, I have regrets. Do you love your computer? It's got a few issues, but yeah. Do friends or family come first? Family of the heart, anyway. Us sharing blood doesn't mean shit to me, honestly. What’s your lucky number? I don't believe in "lucky" numbers. Who were the last 5 people you spoke to? I'll include via technology because otherwise I have no clue. Mom, Sara, Emma, and two women interested in adopting Kaiju. Do you have the same password for everything? No. Do you get shy around the person you like? Sometimes. What color is your phone? Dark navy. Do you prefer pens or pencils? Pencils. Do you like peanut butter? Yes. If you could live forever, would you? Hell no. Do you talk in your sleep? A lot. What was the last thing you regretted? Probably depression binge-eating something. Are you any good at cutting hair? Never tried. Do you like your yearbook picture this year? N/A What was the last YouTube video to make you laugh? Ummm there was something last night, but idr what. Do you like tomatoes? No. Do you have a pool? I wish. How would you describe your style? Too poor and lazy to be a goth so dresses in whatever is at the top of my drawer tbh lmao. Do you still talk to any of your exes? One. Have you ever been arrested? No. What was the last thing you watched on TV? I don't watch TV by my own volition anymore and there's not even a TV in my room, so... I really don't know. Do you have a tan? Even the Irish are ashamed of me. What was your most embarrassing moment? Who knows. I'm so easily humiliated and affected by it that I can remember times I've been even remotely embarrassed as far back as pre-k. Do you fall for people fast? No. Do you tell your parents everything? No. Are you quick to judge? Depends. Not generally. When was the last time you crawled through a window? I have zero clue. Are you scared of spiders? Most, yes. What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Have a full-blown panic attack despite that being physically impossible. Do you plan on moving within the next year? It'd be nice, but I estimate it'll be around two more years. Have you been to a baby shower? Yeah. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Hm. A few, since the parking area behind the house is decently-sized. Are you taller than your mom? No. Are you a cuddler? Yes. Sleep on your back or stomach? My stomach/upper torso kinda to the side. Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry? I don't remember. Though I know I was mad recently. How long has it been since you had sex? Almost four years. Who was the last person to call you babe? Sara. Last reason you went to the ER? My sister got in a car wreck. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yeah. When was the last time you shaved your legs? It's been maaaany months. What facial cleanser do you use? Biore. Do you use a blowdryer? No. If someone wanted to know what you smelt like, what should they smell? Dogs and cats lmao. Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now? No. For that one week a month, do you hate being a woman? Still rather be a woman. Favorite underwear brand? Idk. Last thing you bought at the mall? A book. Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes. What if an ex asked to be back in your life? Aaron: We've never had issues, we just drifted apart. It'd be weird for him to ask that, but I mean, sure? Juan: I don't know. Probably not. Jason: I REALLY don't know. We could probably be friends at a distance. Tyler: No, I think. Girt: He's still in my life. If you’re on a laptop, how much charge does it have right now? It's charging and only tells me the minutes until it's at full charge. Last gift you received? I don't know. Lesson you recently learned? I absolutely cannot work in a busy environment. What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Probably ketchup. What is a field of study that is of your interest? Zoology. What do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone? Thinking too hard on what the appropriate amount of eye contact is. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeah. What time of day do you feel mostly at peace? Morning. How has the weather been treating you lately? It's way too fucking hot and humid. Have you ever lost a pet in a tragic way? How did you cope? We've had numerous cats be hit by cars. It was always sad, but I mean, I got through it. Especially as I was just a kid and didn't quite fathom how serious death was, nor did any cats I was SUPER attached to die that way. What can you go a day without doing? Going outside. What can’t you go a day without doing? Using some form of technology. Talking to Sara. Who do you spend most of your time with? No one. I'm usually alone. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. What type of quality is a must-have in a friend? A caring heart. Have you ever eaten a zucchini? A fried one that was sliced into chips. What type of art would you hang up in your room? Dark art or fandom-related stuff. What goes good with a nice cold glass of milk? Oreos omggggg. What fruit is too sweet to you? None, I think? How much money did your last vacation cost? I don't even remember my last vacation. Have you ever taken a physics class? Yeah. What are your thoughts on celebrity idolization and ‘fangirling/fanboying?’ Oh boy, I can't talk shit here for obvious reasons lmao. What is the messiest area in your home? I'm not sure... I haven't been in my sister's old room in forever, and I can't remember if it's empty or not. If it is empty - hell, even if it isn't -, the answer's probably the laundry room. Who was the last person you called? My mom. What’s your favorite computer game genre? Horror is my favorite game genre period. Do you have any exes your parents never liked? No. Well, Mom had mixed feelings about Juan, but so did I. She didn't not like him, though. Do you take public transportation to work? N/A. Public transport doesn't even come here. What extracurricular activities did you do when you were growing up? Soccer for one season (I hated it), softball, basketball, briefly cheerleading, and dance. Has anything unusual happened to you recently? Idk. I don't think so. Do you like chicken korma? I have no clue what that is. What was the last type of tea you drank? I never drink tea; I hate it. Have you ever been severely mentally ill? Yes. Where is the most interesting place you could go that’s within day-trip distance from your house? Stealing previous answer: Washington D.C. Do you ever rearrange your furniture? No. Have you received financial help from your parents in the past 5 years? Lol I'm still financially dependent on them. Are you a fast or a slow eater? I am an extremely fast eater. I'm not messy or anything, I just, eat how I feel is normal? Just chew until you've done so enough to swallow. What room(s) of your house did you last vacuum? Mine. How old were you when you had your first relationship? My first "real" relationship started at 15. I had a middle school bf for just like... a month or so, but that was all puppy-dog love. Why did your last relationship end? I verified that I didn't like him romantically, and I also found I was just too guarded. In our four months of dating, I got no closer to him than I was from the start. I wasn't ready to date a guy again. What was the last thing you purchased from a small local business? No idea. Is there anyone in your family/household whom you frequently argue with? No. Do you live in a high cost-of-living area? No. Have you ever used chewing tobacco? Ew, no. Do you ever feel like someone would be disappointed to see your body or are you comfortable with your body enough where you don’t think that? I fucking hate my body and I'm sure anyone else would too. What is your favorite flavor of Monster? I don't like Monster. Do you follow your head or your heart? Both, I guess. It depends. How do you act under pressure? Did somebody say PANIC?!?!?!?! Do you ever call people just to hear the sound of their voice? No. Do you ever look back at your yearbooks? No. It'd probably depress me. Have you ever ran from the police? No. Have you ever written on someone’s face in your yearbook? Ha ha yeah, back as a kid... Are you double jointed? No. Who was the last person to yell at you? Mom. What is your favorite stuffed animal that you own? My first stuffed meerkat I named after Zaphod from MM. Or my moose Brownie. Do you have any trophies? Somewhere. Do you work out? No. What grade are you in? I’m not in school. Do you like screamo music? No. Let me hear words, please. If I learn the lyrics, I can /sometimes/ enjoy the song, though. What does your wallet look like? It's rectangular with a Harley Quinn design. Do you have any hickeys on you? No. Is weed a drug? *Technically*, by definition, yes Who’s the first person you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on? Mom or Sara. Would you cheat on someone for revenge? Or if they wouldn’t find out? No, that's fucking stupid. If you got pregnant right now, would you keep the baby? If I was, God forbid, raped, I don't think I could. If I had unprotected sex willingly, I truly think pregnancy would traumatize me, but I'd probably go through with it and put it up for adoption. I'd want to take responsibility for my actions. Does your family have a secret? No. Are you prejudice against any groups of people? No. If someone gave you a houseplant, would you keep it? Yeah, to be nice. That fella wouldn't live long, though. When/where are you most likely to sing? In the car. Are there any exercises that you do regularly? I'm trying to get in the habit of planking every day since it works out your whole body. Would you ever wish to explore a cave? HELL YES!!!! If you had a son right now, what would you name him? Probably Damien. Who names their son after a Markiplier character? Me. But real talk, I like the name. Do you own a desktop or a laptop? A laptop. Have you kissed more than three guys this year? I haven't kissed any guys. Who’s with you? Mom's on the couch outside my door. Can you use chopsticks? I highly doubt it, especially because I have tremors. When did you last go to an amusement park? Oh, wow. I actually think this was shortly before Jason and I broke up. So 2015. Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Don't you fucking dare joke about rape, retardation, suicide, or self-harm. What would you do if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both females. We can't. Your phone is ringing. It’s your ex. What do you say? I don't have any of my exes' numbers, so I'd answer it and say "hello?". Are any of your texts in your inbox locked? A couple from Sara. If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard, could you still type? Yes; I don't look at the keyboard when I type. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Twice now. Do you currently have a scar? I have a lot. Have you ever seen somebody get shot? No. You have $5 and need to buy snacks at a petrol station. What do you buy? I mean, it depends on what I'm up for. Usually Reese's or something sour. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be? Probably a dolphin. What do you order most off the internet? Clothes. Describe the last time you were injured? So I have this awful habit of tearing my fingernails when they get long, and I peeled it way too short. Rock concert or symphony? Y'all know I'm picking rock. What is the wallpaper of your mobile phone? Mark and Chica, and my home screen is Sara and me. Most recent movie you’ve watched at the cinema? Detective Pikachu. Name an actor/actress you’ve had the hots for? Jason Momoa. My straight side is certainly still there, friends. What’s your favorite kind of cake? Red velvet. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No. Have you ever eaten snow? Yeah. Have you ever done ballet? No. Do you listen to classical music? No. Do you watch Spongebob? I don't watch TV period. Do people consider you intelligent? Those in my life seem stuck on high school me, when I was really smart. I don't think I am anymore. What curse word do you use the most? "Fuck," oops. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? Well yeah, I'm probably gonna BE that person one day, lmao. What’s the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? It's impossible to mispronounce my name... The only thing that sometimes happens is my name is misspelled.
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t0ngue-tech · 7 years
Touch Me
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“‘Hey.’ You said softly and sat up to gently rest your hand above his knee. ‘Do you want to try it too?’“
↠good ol’ SMUT↞
word count: 4.5k
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR SUNSHINE! holy crap i almost didn’t upload this today bc busy T_T but tyj i found the time! and what better way to celebrate than with smut :D i love hoseok so much. my precious angel. i hope you all enjoy this ^-^
There were no words to describe how you were feeling at the moment. Relieved? Overjoyed? Exhausted? Hell, nothing could ever describe the feeling of completing every final for college classes. All of the stress and late nights were finally over and now it was time to welcome the long-awaited time of the year: summer break.
You were more than ready to wake up after 12 noon and not worry about being late to a class. This also meant you were able to go out with your girlfriends without having the did I have any assignments due thought in the back of your mind. Summer break was the epitome of freedom for college students and after all the stress you’ve gone through, you were determined to make the best of your break.
Unfortunately, you weren’t able to fly back home because of financial circumstances but luckily your family understood. You worked in the main office on campus, so you needed to make sure you looked for a summer job.
Jung Hoseok, a friend you easily connected with in your zoology lab during your second semester was your knight in shining armor.
“My uncle owns a restaurant a couple of miles out of town, so I work there every summer. I can totally hook you up with a waitress job.”
“Hoseok. You’re the best!”
“Damn right. Also, you can totally stay at my apartment! It beats staying at the dorms anyway.”
He was right. Staying at the dorms during summer would’ve been lonely, especially since your roommate was going back to her hometown.
Your promised yourself to make the best of your summer break and so far it was going all according to plan.
“I swear, some people are just straight up ridiculous.” You exclaimed stepping off the elevator at Hoseok’s apartment complex.
“Was it that bad on the floor tonight?” Hoseok chuckled, slightly offending you.
“Yes. Some lady was complaining that an item was taken off the menu and I explained to her that it was for limited time only. Then she asks to speak with the owner—I bring your uncle in and he explains the same thing. And do you know what the lady says?!”
“Enlighten me.” Hoseok unlocked his door and you brushed passed him, walking backwards whilst you finished your rant.
“‘Alright, I understand. I wasn’t told that.’” There was utter rage in the way you tossed your bag onto the sofa. “You’re lucky you were working the register tonight.”
Hoseok laughed and opened his refrigerator. “You sound like you need some alcohol. What will it be?”
“Anything strong. I’m so over tonight.” You laid on the suede cushions and rubbed your temples. You were grateful for having a job and a place to stay, but nights like these made you want to throw in the towel and purchase a ticket home.
“Here you go my lady—jack and coke.” Hoseok placed the caramel colored glass bottle on his coffee table along with a liter of soda. Alcohol was very much needed.
Hoseok switched on the tv and joined you on the sofa after pouring up a shot for the both of you. After a quick toast, you weren’t sure how much more shots you took after that. Hoseok handled his liquor better than you and there had been multiple times where you called him to escort you back to your dorm because of one too many drinks.
Your body felt light and your vision was a bit hazy, but you were still aware of what was going on. You were crouched beside Hoseok who looked interested in whatever was playing on the tv. He went from pouring up shots to mixing the drinks so that you could slow down on your drinking.
Hoseok was an excellent friend, someone who you could rely on and someone you could flirt with shamelessly without it being weird. There was no doubt in your mind that you found him attractive, but nothing ever pushed you to want to start anything with him.
“Hoseok.” You breathed out. “Can you get me a shirt to wear? I feel hot in this stupid long sleeve shirt.”
He snickered and ruffled your already tousled hair. “Anything for you.”
Five minutes hadn’t pass and Hoseok was already returning with a t-shirt in one hand and something that appeared to be a polaroid.
“I grabbed one of my shirts from on top of my dresser and this fell from beneath it. I’m assuming it’s yours?” He sat down and handed you the photo. You stared at the photo for no longer than ten seconds and you easily recognized the boy sitting beside you.
The picture was taken about two years ago considering the color and length of your hair. The boy in the photo was much taller than you and had faded blond hair and deep dimples. He had one arm draped over your shoulders and the other was holding a can of beer. You recognized the background and knew it was taken during a family party at your house.
“This, my friend, is Kim Namjoon.” You spoke slowly.
“Oh god, ew! No, no, no.” You reeled back, disgusted. “He’s my best friend back at home.”
Hoseok nodded at stared at you gazing fondly at the picture. “Did you like him?”
“Not romantically.” You laughed. “He and I are extremely close and I haven’t seen him in two years. We contact each other from time to time, but he’s always busy with music.”
Hoseok snatched the photo out of your hand and intensely stared it. You studied his facial expression, but the alcohol was making it difficult to stay focused.
“Are you sure you two never dated? Because you guys look good together.” Hoseok placed the photo on the table and took a long sip from his cup.
“Hmm, is Jung Hoseok jealous that I have another guy friend that I’m close with?” You teased, hooking your arm around his.
“N-No. Of course not.”
You squinted at him and giggled. “Needn’t worry, my love. You have nothing to be jealous of. Sure, Namjoon is my best friend and all but I want to put him in a chokehold majority of the time.”
“Why is that?”
“He’s way too touchy-feely with me.” You huffed and took a sip of your alcohol.
Your mind was flooded with both sober and drunken memories of evenings with Namjoon lying on his bed or in your living room when no one was home. The memories made you shudder, causing you to tank the rest of your drink.
“So you two were also friends with benefits?” Hoseok asked shyly.
“Nope. No sex, absolutely no sex.” You slurred. “Just… touching each other.”
He cocked an eyebrow at your and honestly, this was a topic you never spoke about, not even to your roommate but you put all the blame on the alcohol for making you feel risqué.
“He’d always want to touch my chest or make me touch his, you know.” Hoseok averted his gaze from you and nodded his head. You caught the adorable soft hue of pink of his cheeks and it only made you want to continue to spill your secret.
“The first time it happened, I adamantly refused to touch him and I didn’t speak to him for a week.” You laughed and scooted even closer to Hoseok. “After a while, I didn’t mind him touching me or me touching him. The moment never really lasted long anyway because despite how things were going, there was a line that he never crossed. Plus, he always complimented my chest.”
Hoseok was now staring at you, wide eyed and mouth agape. It was the alcohol’s fault for making you think that Hoseok looked extremely cute gawking at you. You were supposed to be feeling embarrassed about exposing yourself, but instead you felt confident about and encouraged Hoseok to ask questions if he wanted to.
“H-Has things ever almost gotten out of hand?” He whispered.
You swam through your thoughts trying to recall any moments where things were taken too far. “Hm, besides the usual touching, the farthest Namjoon and I ever went was probably me straddling him in his bed or kissing him just once when we were drinking.” You released Hoseok to pour yourself a shot and surprisingly, he didn’t stop you. “Oh! Or having his mouth around my nipples but that’s about it.”
“So he’s never uh-um—he never—“ Hoseok choked. It was obvious that asking personal questions about your somewhat sex life was making him nervous because you two never shared any details. The only things that were ever spoken between you two were I got laid last night or I think she wanted the D. Nothing ever explicit ever left your mouths in front of each other, but of course, you were feeling risky.
“Never what? Eat me out?” You smiled slyly at him. His face blushed crimson at your words and slowly nodded his head.
“Nope and just in case you’re wondering, I’ve never given him a blow job either.”
The room grew silent and while you nonchalantly sat in place, Hoseok fiddled with his glass and continuously cleared his throat. Was Hoseok always this adorable? Because all you wanted to do was kiss away the nervous look on his face.
“W-Wow. I didn’t think you were that kind of girl.” He was trying to relax by leaning back on the sofa, but he caught your gaze and quickly looked back to the tv.
“Neither did I, but he’s the only guy I’ve ever done that kind of stuff with and it seemed casual—I don’t know. It isn’t weird to me.” You leaned away from Hoseok to put one of your legs on top of his thighs. He flinched at the contact and you couldn’t help but laugh at his cute reaction to something so simple.
Hoseok’s attention remained on the tv and you couldn’t stop staring at him. You always thought he was attractive, but it never came to the point where you had the sudden urge to climb onto his lap. Your body felt warmer and it wasn’t because you didn’t change into the other t-shirt, but because of remembering the feeling of Namjoon’s hands roaming all over your body. You glanced down at Hoseok’s hands that were resting on the denim covering his thighs. Would he want to touch you as much as you wanted to feel him? The thought of straddling his thighs and lacing your hands into his cherry red locks made your heart race. You felt bold and you weren’t sure how Hoseok would react, but fuck it, it wouldn’t hurt to try.
“Hey.” You said softly and sat up to gently rest your hand above his knee. “Do you want to try it too?”
Hoseok whipped his head to your direction. You loved the shocked look on his face, so you slid your hand up slightly higher. You watched as his breathing pattern grew quicker and more jagged at your touch. You didn’t want to force him, but deep down you wanted him to say yes.
“I-I don’t know, y/n. I—“ You watched silently as his eyes trailed from your eyes down to your lips. “But I’m not Namjoon. I-I can’t—“
With the way Hoseok was staring at you, you could tell he was practically undressing you with his eyes.
“I don’t care.” You whispered dangerously against the shell of his ear.
“You sure?” The wavering tone of his voice changed to something darker. His words struck a chord inside of you and pushed you to lift yourself up and settle your knees on either side of his thighs. One of your hands crept up to the back of his neck and the other to hold his face.
“Touch me, Hoseok.”
The seductive tone of your voice shook Hoseok down to his core. His hands disappeared from his sides and hesitantly crept up behind your thighs. You cursed yourself for not changing out of your pants as soon as you got home because you craved to feel the warmth of his skin against yours. You pressed your lips inches away from his ear and whispered, “touch me more.”
In an instant, you were now lying beneath Hoseok who had lust glazed over his eyes. Just as you did, he leaned down only inches away from touching your lips with his. “You do realize what you’re asking from me, right?”
“Yes.” You breathed, trying to close the distance between your faces but Hoseok smirked and pulled back.
“You’re a little drunk don’t you think?”
You huffed and reached as far as your could to unbuckle Hoseok’s belt. The room spun a little and your body a lot hotter, but his face was in focus ane you knew exactly what you wanted.
“I’m not drunk, Hoseok.” You said sternly. “I want you.”
That was all it took for Hoseok to dip down and capture your lips with his. The kiss was sloppy yet controlled. His mouth was hot and you tasted the trace of whiskey mixed with cola. The taste was intoxicating and with the way he licked the inside of your mouth and nipped at your bottom lip, your senses were going crazy.
Hoseok supported himself with one beside your head and worked to undo the first couple buttons of your top to expose the light pink patterns of your bra. He kissed your mouth and trailed down your neck, sucking lightly to elicit whimpers from you. The journey from your neck to the valley of your breasts felt excruciatingly long. He teased you by slowly kissing your skin and blowing a breath of air onto the wet area. If he were to keep moving at this pace, you weren’t sure how much more you could take.
“Hoseok, hurry up.” You panted.
He looked up and kissed you square on your mouth. He then unbuttoned the rest of your shirt and pulled you up to have you flush against his body.
“Patience, y/n. It’s not everyday I get to have my hands on a pretty roommate.” The smirk he flashed you made you squeeze your thighs together.
Your shirt and bra were soon discarded and he had you leaning back on your elbows, letting out broken chants of his name as he circled his tongue around your nipple. Whenever things went down with Namjoon, your body automatically got excited, but the feeling was on another level with Hoseok sucking on your body. Maybe it was because he wasn’t Namjoon or maybe because it was with someone you never thought of doing sexual actions with, but you were overwhelmed with arousal and your mind was clouded with nothing but thoughts of Hoseok.
He released your nipple and attacked your neck with wet kisses. His slender fingers gently dragged themselves down the exposed flesh of your stomach. He traveled lower to the button of your jeans and popped it open in one swift motion.
“This has to go.” Hoseok whispered hotly in your ear. He sat up to slide your jeans off your legs and of course, he made sure to take your panties off with it.
Your core was soaked just by Hoseok leaving kisses all over your body. He stared at your with hungry eyes and peeled off his shirt realizing that you were the only one naked. It was your first time seeing his body this close and you were, no doubt, impressed. His body was toned and it looked perfect to leave little marks all over. Unknowingly, you licked your lips and Hoseok caught you. He laughed and knelt down between your knees.
“Like what you see?” You nodded, eyes never leaving his. “You said that Namjoon never ate you out.” Your stomach tightened as Hoseok made himself comfortable between your legs. He hooked his arms around your thighs and pressed his tongue flat against your entrance and licked upward in a torturous pace. “It’s such a shame. He doesn’t know how good you taste.”
“Mm, Hoseok..” you moaned, resting a hand in his hair.
Hoseok leaned back in, licking another stripe from your entrance to your clit. You bit back a moan as he continued eat you out, grip on your thighs tightening the more you moaned his name. You felt one of his fingers trace your core and right when you were going to beg, he slid his finger into you.
You sighed in bliss at the feeling, but the sigh quickly morphed into a pleasured moan as he wasted no time in fingering you. He slid another finger into you and sucked on your clit, making your stomach tighten even more.
With the way your gripped his hair and the breathy moans you let out, Hoseok knew you were at your limit. He quickened his pace and your toes were curling in pleasure as he continued to push you closer to your release.
Strings of curses and choked up pleas of Hoseok’s  name filled the air as you came. Your thighs were shaking as he kissed your skin, whispering the sweetest compliments. You couldn’t remember a time you came that hard with Namjoon or with anybody at this point.
Hoseok sat up to cup your face and mold his lips against yours. Unlike the previous kisses, this was a lot more gentle. The alcohol flavor was now faint and you were now able to taste the addicting sweet notes that were entirely Hoseok. He began to pull back, but you softly bit on his bottom lip and whined wanting to kiss him more. He cracked a smile against your mouth and gave you one more proper kiss before fully pulling back.
Hoseok held your face gently in his hands and kissed your forehead. You wanted him so bad and you were hoping he wasn’t going to stop just because he made you cum. Your heart pounded in your chest and you looked him dead in the eyes, “I want you, Hoseok.”
He smirked and fiddled with the button of his jeans in between his fingers. “Want what?”
You furrowed your brows a bit, obviously impatient from coming down from your high. You forgot all sense of control as you sat up on an elbow and reached over to undo his button yourself.
“Fuck. Me. Jung. Ho. Seok.” Lust dripped from each syllable and he wasted no time in attacking your neck with sloppy kisses. The rough feeling of his denim jeans rubbing against your soaking core was a different sensation, but nonetheless, turned you on even more.
He broke away from you completely and you missed his warmth. You watched him as he fumbled with his jeans, pulling them down his legs along with his boxers. His already hardened member sprung out and you were honestly surprised. You never imagined Hoseok naked and the sight of his toned body right in front of you felt like a dream.
Hoseok settled himself in between your legs with his cock just barely grazing over your center. Your breathing became jagged as you waited for him to enter you, but instead, he slowly ran his length in between your slick folds.
“Are you sure?” He asked and you quickly nodded.
“We’re currently roommates and once this happens, things could get awkward.” Those words sunk in for a split second because he was right. Doing this could ruin your friendship with Hoseok and you didn’t want that. He was an important person to you and you couldn’t imagine not being friends with him anymore because you had sex with him.
Or who knows, what something more than friendship sparks after this happens. Honestly, you were hoping for that option.
“Please,” you begged quietly. “Fuck me.”
Not even a second later, Hoseok prodded his tip at your entrance. You screwed your eyes shut at the feeling of him pushing into you, stretching you with his length. A low grunt rumbled in his throat, making you open your eyes to face him.
“You feel amazing.” He sighed, pulling himself about halfway out of you and then thrusting back into you.
Breathless pants left your lips and you gently dug your fingernails into his shoulders. Compliments from Hoseok raised goosebumps on your skin; constantly telling you how beautiful you were and how amazing you felt. He had one hand gripping your waist and the other held your face as you sucked on his fingers.
The pace Hoseok set was just right, making your toes curl in pleasure and the ragged pattern of your breathing made Hoseok want to fuck you harder. He grasped your leg and slung it over his shoulder to push deeper into you. A choked out moan dripped from your lips and Hoseok swore it was one of the most beautiful things he ever heard.
“Ah—ah! F-Fuck! Hoseok—h-harder..” You managed to say as clear as you could. The same tense sensation began to bubble in the pit of your stomach. All you needed was Hoseok to not stop so you could find your release.
He bucked his hips and granted your wish, fucking you into the cushions of his sofa. Your leg slid down to hang over his forearm and in that position, he hit your sweet spot perfectly. Your moans grew louder at the feeling of Hoseok pulling out and roughly slamming back into you.
“Cum for me, y/n. I want to hear you cum again.” He whispered seductively in your ear. His words only weighed in more pressure in your gut. Your arms made their way to his back. You needed something, anything, to hold onto with the way he was fucking you.
“Fuckfuck—Hoseo—ah—“ A sentence was barely formed as you felt yourself at the brim of cumming. You clawed at his sweaty back and arched your own, overwhelmed at the pleasure shooting throughout your body.
Hoseok kissed and sucked on your neck, constantly telling you how much he loved listening to you cum. He slowed down for your sake, letting you catch your breath. You were certain you were going to feel pain in your hips tomorrow morning, but god, you never felt this good.
“Just a little longer, okay?” Hoseok gave you another kiss and tugged at your thighs to bring you closer to him. You nodded and winced in pleasure because he was still hard inside of you.
“Am I being selfish for being happy that your friend didn’t see you like this?” He questioned with a sly smirk. He pumped into you slowly, making sure you felt every inch of him.
“N-No,” you sighed. “I’m glad it’s—ah—it’s y-you.”
Hoseok failed to hide the smile that bloomed across his face. He leaned down to kiss your jawline, “I might want to do this again, you know?” Hoseok sped up his pace a bit just to hear you moan louder. “Will you let me?” At those words, his movements easily went back to his rough pace he had earlier and your answer was replaced with a delicious plea of his name. “Please say yes.”
“Yes, Hoseok, yes,” you said with no hesitation. Hoseok’s thrusts became rougher and it was obvious that he was close to his limit as well. The sound of skin slapping against skin intensified and the repeated chants of each other’s names remained in the atmosphere.
Not long after, Hoseok choked out a whisper of your name before pulling out and spilling his cum onto your stomach. As he jacked himself off, you pulled him down by his neck to kiss him. You played with his tongue with your own and gently bit his lip. He gave you a sweeter kiss after he finished and instructed you to stay lying down. He scooped up his boxers and walked into his kitchen.
You laid there, still trying to catch your breath. The apartment was quiet except for the sound of faucet in the kitchen turning on. You were so sure that Hoseok fucked the alcohol out of you because the room wasn’t blurry and your vision was clear.
Hoseok returned with a warm rag and a glass of water. He wiped his cum off of your stomach and helped you sit up to take a drink of water. It wasn’t necessary, but he even helped you put on the shirt he got you when you started drinking.
“Sorry about your back.” You whispered shyly. Hoseok tried to whip his head around to take a good look, but it was obviously impossible to so it by himself. You chuckled and took a quick photo with your phone. There were long red marks dragging down to his mid-back and even small crescents behind his shoulders; thankfully it wasn’t deep enough for it to start bleeding.
“Nah, it’s alright. You sounded like you were enjoying it all, so…” Hoseok side eyed you with a smirk and you playfully shoved him with your foot. He quickly grasped your ankle and began to lightly graze the sole of your foot with his fingernails. Your laughter was also laced with screaming and begging him to stop tickling you. It felt as if it was going on for hours when it was happening for less than a minute. To your favor, he finally obliged and joined you on the sofa.
Before Hoseok parked himself back in between your legs, he remembered to help you put on your underwear. Even after everything that happened, you weren’t sure why you felt shy as he dressed you. He had seen your completely naked and yet you were embarrassed when he was putting some of your clothes on.
Hoseok wrapped his arms around your middle to rest his head above your stomach. Your hands automatically tangled themselves in his slightly damp hair. The world seemed to stop for that moment and the only thing that mattered was the boy resting in between your thighs.
“I was being serious about what I said, y/n.” He suddenly spoke, tilting his head to meet your eyes.
You brushed back his hair and his eyes fell closed at your touch. “I know. I was too.”
You caught the corners of his lips stretch upward before burying his face in the shirt. Your hands remained in his hair, gently massaging his scalp. It was crazy how the world worked because was probably the last person you would have slept with—not in a bad way, more so because you enjoyed your friendship with him.
You never realized how relaxing it was to have Hoseok so close to you. Stroking his hair and grazing his shoulder blades was almost therapeutic. It was crazy how perfectly your bodies molded together and how you felt this wave of comfort lying there with him.
“...summer…” Hoseok mumbled into the fabric.
“Hm?” You angled your head to check if he was talking in his sleep. At first, his eyes appeared closed but you noticed him blink. He removed one arm from under you to place his chin on his palm and he held you tighter with the other. You couldn’t help but smile at him with the way he gazed at you; almost like a gaze of longing.
“This is going to be an interesting summer.”
another side note: the part where y/n talks about the experience with nj is a true story LOL. no im not a fwb with my friend. we did not have sex. we only touched each other, but nothing more than that. reminder that only the stuff with namjoon is a true story. huhu. /face palms/
♡ rae
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