#zoro's chains though????? by e
aseyaz · 2 years
i need a 🚂 ran on me by the monster trio
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i need them to **** my **** and make me ***** and ***** shamelessly and then ill **** the hell out of ***** **** ajoidjoeijfeoispokzojdeij
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joyish-little-boy · 9 months
One Backstory to Rule them All
Anyone else think about how Sanji's backstory parallels every other Strawhat's backstory?
1. Luffy - Luffy is the most obvious, as they quite literally flashback to Shanks losing his arm right after Sanji explains how Zeff sacrificed his leg for Sanji. It's interesting the parallel here - because Shanks sacrifice is what took Luffy a step further in his dreams and made him determined to be the captain of his own pirate crew rather than simply joining Shank's crew, which is what he wanted to do previously. Now, for Sanji, Zeff's sacrifice had the opposite effect and Sanji chained himself to Zeff and what remained of Zeff's dreams rather than being pushed forward by it.
2. Zoro - I find it interesting that all of the Monster Trio parallel each other in their backstories in that all of them constantly lost when they were kids. Zoro lost 2001 times to Kuina, Luffy lost 50 fights to Ace and 50 to Sabo every day, and Sanji was constantly being beaten by his siblings. Each were called weak by those beating them, and each grew past that. What's also interesting to me is that there's the specific method of losing in Sanji's losing montage that's a direct callback to Zoro's backstory, as Oda includes multiple scenes of Sanji being beat at fights with wooden swords.
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The difference being that Kuina is a decent human being and doesn't abuse Zoro. She calls him weak, but ultimately respects him as a rival and Zoro respects her in turn. Luffy also eventually earns that respect, though Sanji never does which leads to a noticeable difference in how Zoro and Sanji see themselves and their places on the crew - Thriller Bark I think being a perfect example of how Sanji believes that he's replaceable in a way that Zoro doesn't.
3. Nami - Nami and Sanji were both kids that found themselves in abusive situations, though at different ages. For both of them, their abuse centered around a man who's belief in their own superiority led them to a sense of entitlement to what was theirs. Arlong believed in his own biological superiority and Judge believed in the superiority of the Vinsmoke name, as well as genetic superiority which led him to experiment on his own children. Arlong values the lives of fishmen, the lives of the rest of his crew over the lives of Nami and the rest of her village. Judge values the lives of his other children over Sanji, seeing him as a failure for the way he was born (although it's also mentioned he blames Sanji for what happened with Sora). I think another very interesting parallel in their stories is the role of their respective older sisters. Nojiko and Reiju both privately support their younger sibling but both cannot stand up to the abusive figure in their lives. Nojiko gets tattoos to match Nami's to help her feel less alone, she listens to Nami, and does her best to try and support her through the 8 years of hell (8 years being another parallel to other members of the crew including Sanji). Reiju for her part laughs along with her brothers, but never lays a hand against Sanji and does her best to patch him up after everyone is gone. Their actions are indirect and discreet, save for the final fights, and that muted care is a very interesting part of each of their characters and it's why, I think neither of them felt it was their place to accompany their siblings on their journey. When Nami leaves, Nojiko lets her go, like she's always let her go. And Reiju pushes Sanji to leave, just as she pushed before. That regret of not being able to help more will stick with them forever.
4. Usopp - Usopp's backstory is all of 5 seconds long and still manages to parallel Sanji's somehow??? If I had a nickel for each strawhat who's mom was sick and died from illness when they were young, I'd have 2 nickels-
5. Chopper - HOO boy the parallel of your biological family hating you for the way that you were born and neglecting/abusing you for it hits right on Chopper's blue nose. Now, it's not all bad for either of them, though - considering they each had someone that accepted them for who they were. Chopper had Hiraluk and Sanji had Sora. Hiraluk inspired Chopper to be a doctor, emphasizing he had the most important qualification - a big heart. Sora meanwhile cried about how kind Sanji was to Reiju and her nurse, when he told her to "get better soon", calling him the "sweetest boy in the world". That kindness - that caring nature, is something that Hiraluk and Sora would do anything to protect and it's so evident that these two cared deeply for their kids. It's why Hiraluk ate that poisoned mushroom and encouraged Chopper to become a doctor and Sora ate the ruined food despite her fragile constitution and asked Sanji to cook for her again! This is love, baby!
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These two kids were willing to risk so much to bring nourishment and care to the ones they loved, BOTH standing up to their biological families - Chopper fighting through his old herd of reindeer to get the mushroom, and Sanji sneaking out risking his father's wrath and braving the storm and wild dogs to deliver the food. Hiraluk and Sora are Chopper's and Sanji's source of encouragement which kick start each of their passions. And both of them tragically die which is honestly just heartbreaking. But all hope isn't lost, and both Chopper and Sanji find a new mentor, ones who are strict - but do care a lot for each of them, and help them develop the discipline they need to learn their respective crafts. Kurehara and Zeff are interesting parallels, both tough older mentors who are sharp of tongue and strict with their new apprentices. They can be this way without discouraging Chopper and Sanji, because the passion has already been ignited and so it's easy to see how they're good fits for helping these two live up to their full potential.
6. Robin - the big parallel with these two boils down to these two scenes and I sob about both of them.
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Saul and Reiju, telling them to set out to sea, placing faith in the vastness of the world, knowing that they've done everything they can for now and planting that seed of hope that someday Robin and Sanji will meet people that can give them what they deserve is just such a touching moment. While this parallel is interesting, what's also interesting is the ways in which these two characters differ. The danger that Robin runs from is something that chases her, whereas the danger that Sanji runs from is his family and once he's made it onto the boat he's free. Robin thought she would never be safe, Sanji thought he was safe up until the wedding fiasco. And precisely the thing that hurts Sanji - the fact that his family wanted him gone - is so different from what's hurting Robin - the fact that she'll never be left alone by the government. Robin is wanted for the skills she and only she has, her story is (wo)man vs world, her bounty set at 79,000,000 which is the literal value on her head. Sanji is unwanted for the skills he, and he alone (in his family) lacks. There's no bounty, no one goes after him. His story is man vs self and undoing the damage that was done to his psyche as a child. It's so fascinating to me the way that both of these characters are saved by the crew in similar but such different ways, the way that each of them wanted to die, but for different reasons. Robin wanted to sacrifice herself because she's been betrayed and hurt by the world so many times that she couldn't trust in the strawhats' love. She loved them too much to risk being hurt like that again. Sanji wanted to sacrifice himself because he'd rather die than inconvenience the crew. Rather than not believing in their love, he doesn't believe he's worth that love, preferring to solve his problems on his own. And I think that it's so fitting the way that both of their stories intersect in Wano, with Robin being able to protect Sanji and Sanji finally believing in his own worth enough to ask for help. They're such different characters, with Sanji wearing his heart on his sleeves and Robin holding her's close to her chest and such interesting mirrors of each other.
7. Franky - they're cyborgs, what else can I say? The difference here is clear - Sanji's body was modified without his consent, whereas Franky modified himself. They're also both unwanted children, with Franky's parents abandoning him on Water 7 whereas Sanji's father was happy when Sanji left.
8. Brook - the parallel here is in the loneliness that both of them experienced, and really Sanji just got a taste of what Brook went through. Sanji and Brook were both parts of different crews before they were on the strawhats, albeit Sanji as a child and for a very short time, whereas Brook was with the Rumbar pirates for a longer time as an adult journeying very similarly to how the strawhats are now. Both were the sole survivors of their respective crews after being attacked, and though Sanji had Zeff on the rock, neither of them communicated with each other for the first 70 days after their initial agreement. Sanji felt a taste of the 50 years that Brook had to go through, with no food or water or way to escape off his abandoned pirate ship.
9. Jimbei - honestly I don't really have a good comparison for these two, other than they're both people who when confronted with the cruelty of others chose irrational kindness. Jimbe eventually learned how to live with and respect humans, and Sanji wouldn't let his family die, even after everything they put him through. They're both people who derived their codes of honor from others - Jimbei from Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime and Sanji from Zeff. Idk maybe there's more there, but i don't really have too much to say about these two
Anyways, idk i just think they're neat 👉👈 and the way that Oda threw in parallels to all the other character's when completing Sanji's backstroy is so fascinating to me
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thewildomega · 4 years
Star in the Sand Ch.22
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Waking up you groaned and moved your hand to rub your throbbing head. Pushing yourself to sit up on the cold floor you cracked your eyes open and looked around the room to see metal walls, metal floors and a heavy duty metal door. Trying to recall what you had been doing earlier you blinked. You remembered training with Zoro, it hadn't been easy to convince the swordsman to teach you some spearman ship but after explaining that you were determined to be able to protect your child he had agreed to help you. 
It had been about a week since the ship had left Fishman Island and while you were excited to see Crocodile again you decided to take this opportunity to better get to know the crew. Teaching Sanji recipes from your world which Luffy enjoyed taste testing. You told Chopper stories you knew as well as exchanging jokes with Brook. Drawing sketches of different machines and explaining them to Franky while Usopp took a chance to help show you different plants he had learned about. At night Nami would explain the different weather patterns and how to better understand the signs of a oncoming storm. Before bed you talked with Robin about your world.
During that time your belly had slowly started getting a bit larger as well, your bones no longer protruding to the point that you could rival Brook. Nami and Robin had even had some lotions and oils to help with your dry skin and hair. You still looked different than you had before going into Impale down but hopefully now you might not scare Crocodile away. Sleeping in an actual bed had also helped with the deep shadows around your eyes even if you were constantly plagued with nightmares. Now that you thought about it that was the last thing you remembered doing. After sparing with Zoro a bit you had drank the vitamin infused smoothie Sanji had made you and then followed Bon's advice to go lay down and rest. 
This however was not Nami and Robin's room. You weren't chained or tied so that was a good thing. However you were only dressed in a pair of jeans and a black tank top. You didn't even have any shoes on, the sandals that Nami had gotten from Pappag. Now that you were coming to some more you realized it was actually cold, not as cold as level five but still chilly. Then it hit you. Punk Hazzard. "Oh Fuck." How the hell had you slept through the arrival, you must have really been out of it. If you were in here then that meant that Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp were already on the hot side and you and the others were here. Only thing was though that you looked to be locked away in a separate room. Why was that? No matter the reason you had to find a way out of here. Standing up  you looked around the room and saw it completely bare. Trying the door just for the hell of it you weren't surprised to find it locked up tightly. Go figure. There had to be a way out, think! The walls were metal as well as the floor, looking up you saw the ceiling made of the same metal but... there was also a vent. You could work with that. 
Looking around the frozen wasteland, his hair blowing in the harsh wind. They had been walking around for a while now, bypassing the group of marines. Splitting his crew in thirds to go search in a different locations while Daz, Hex and himself went towards the mountains he stopped when he heard explosions. Narrowing his eyes he sensed the presents of others and started that way. When they got close enough that they could see smoke he heard yelling and turned his head to someone he wasn't expecting. 
"GATOR! Hey Crocodile!"
"Straw-hat." he spoke around his cigar. Of course, that's how she got here. 
"Over here!"
Sighing he wasted no time in turning to sand and quickly flying towards the yelling idiot. 
"You're here, that means you got Y/n's letter, she's going to be so happy!" Luff spoke with a smile as Crocodile reformed.
"AHHH NOW CROCODIE IS HERE TOO?!" Both Usopp and Chopper yelled. 
"She's with you then? She's safe?" he asked, not being able to keep the emotion out of his voice. Quickly looking around the place that seemed to be in ruins he noted a few of the Straw-hat crew, Nico Robin included along with another face, Law. However he didn't see Y/n anywhere. 
"Well no not exactly..." tilting his head and rubbing the back of his head. 
Seeing Crocodile's brow twitch Robin stepped forward some. "What he means is that she is not with us right now."
"Then where is she?"
"I duno?" Luffy shrugged. 
Gritting his teeth down on his cigar he heard as Robin offered to explain their current situation. Sighing he moved over to speak with her, hearing the Straw-hat crew go back to they previous conversations. For the next few minutes Robin explained to him how Y/n had temporarily joined them along with Bon Clay. "Bentham?"
"Yes he apparently helped her escape Impale Down. I am guessing that since she knew about us from her world, she knew where to find us in Sabaody, knew that Luffy would have no problem helping her." 
Humming he puffed on his cigar as Robin told him about everything that had happened since they had gotten here. They had apparently separated but even once they were all reunited Y/n was not with them. "How is she? How has she been?" 
Taking a deep breath Robin blinked and looked to her old boss. It was strange seeing him care about someone's wellbeing but she wouldn't comment on it. "Well I did not know her before hand but as for her health... it has improved slightly since she first arrived. I am sure our Doctor, Chopper, can tell you more at a better time." 
"Hey how about changing us back now, I can't do anything in this body." Franky yelled.
Turning his attention back to the rest of the group he watched as Trafalger Law used his Devil fruit powers to change some of the Straw-hat members back to their original bodies. After that he stood back with his arms crossed over his chest as Law explained how this Caesar Clown who used to work with Vegapunk had taken over the island and how he was experimenting on children. His main goal to change them into giants so the military could use them in war. 
"...this woman you are looking for, the one known as Firelocks Y/n, she's in the main Lab. Caesar is keeping her locked up in a separate location from where the rest of you were taken." Law explained. 
"But why? What would he want with her?" Nami asked. 
"Think about it. Caesar has been experimenting on kids for a while now and while he has had some results he hasn't gotten the ones he wants. Vegapunk himself determined the sooner a specimen started getting the drug the better the results."
"But that would mean?! NO! No he can't!" Chopper yelled. 
"What I'm not getting it." Luffy said in confusion. 
"Caesar is keeping y/n because he wants to experiment on her... because she is pregnant!"
His breath caught in his throat. Pregnant, she was still carrying their child? This whole time? Through Impale Down? Blinking and then gritting his teeth when he registered what he had just heard the cigar soon broke in half between his teeth. This Caesar was threatening his soulmate, his child. 
"This guy is a sick son of a bitch ain't e'?" Hex spoke in a growl. 
"Yes. I'm not leaving this island until Y/n and the children are all safe." Nami spoke. 
"If I leave here with Luffy are you going to stay here alone?" Law asked. 
"Wait I'm not going anywhere. If this is important to Nami and Chopper than I'll stay too. Plus Y/n is my friend and that Caesar guy has her, I'm not just going to leave her there. I mean I told her I'd help her get back with Gator. Then Sanji wants to put that Samurai back together. Look if you are going to work with us then get used to helping people." Luffy told Law as he turned towards him some.  
Seeing Law's look Usopp sighed. "Here's the thing. See most of the time when you're forming an alliance you get a couple of groups with a common goal and you negotiate the best way to get it done, does that sound right?"
"So you'd think but in Luffy's world that logic get's thrown out the window completely."
"Just means I'm friends with you." Luffy butted in with a smile. "Like me and Crocodile, we're friends, right Gator?"
Blinking slowly he stayed silent, his arms crossed over his chest. 
"That's a yes." Luffy grinned. 
"You can forget about having any say in what we do. It's all up to him." 
"All up to me." Luffy beamed. 
"As soon as this guy makes up his mind about something that's it. You're along for the ride wither you like it or not. If selfness was a power he'd take out that emperor on the spot." 
"What Emperor?" Daz asked. 
"After this we're gonna go take down Kaido." Luffy grinned. 
"Fine but we have to hurry up, there's no time. Putting the Samurai back together can be your groups problem. I guess I can go investigate the drug that was given to the children. If they have already started giving it to the woman then maybe I can come up with an antidote. Now who's the ship's doctor again? You come with me, we'll do research behind Caesar's back. Crocodile, one of your men can come as well, maybe he can search around the lab for Firelocks but if they get caught it's on them."
Looking to Hex he tilted his head and saw him nod and start walking away with Law and the furball. 
"Daz perhaps you can stay here and help Nami and Usopp protect the children. Their withdrawals have been making them lash out and they coudl use the help." Robin suggested. 
Nodding once Daz looked to him he heard Straw-hat say that he was with them. 
"Now I'm gonna go kick this Caesar's ass." Luffy smiled. 
Crawling through the vent for sometime you grumbled to yourself as your knees started to ache. So far you hadn't been able to find a suitable room to drop down into and you were starting to wonder if you ever would. Continuing to crawl you stopped when you heard voices. Quietly moving over to look down into the vent you saw none other than Law and Monet. They seemed to be walking down what looked to be a hallway of sorts. You couldn't make out much but when you heard Law say something about leaving you knew what events were about to unfold. Shit. As they passed out of your view you heard another voice, a deep voice. As the three talk about 'Joker' you heard a pained gasp and wince, this had to be the part where Vergo shows up. That was one guy you really didn't want to be found by.
Staying as still and as quiet as a statue you watched as not too long later Monet and Vergo walked by, Vergo dragging a now unconscious Law behind him. With the poisonous gas soon to be flooding the place you didn't want to keep trying your luck with the vents. Glancing down to the floor you saw it not too terribly far down and sighed. Slowly opening the vent you peeked out to make sure the coast was clear. Easing out you hung from the vent as you tried to lower yourself down as best as you could. Taking a deep breath you let go and managed to land on your feet before falling back on your ass. Better than you stomach. Placing a hand over your baby bump you took a moment to get your barring's. Now you just had to make it to the center part of the lab so the gas wouldn't turn you to stone. Wrapping your arms around yourself you grit your teeth, cold why did it always have to be the cold? Hearing your stomach let out a growl you sighed. "I know." patting your belly gently you walked down another hall but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw two of Caeser's men standing there. 
"Hey! What are you doing out of your room?" 
"Get her!" 
Throwing your fist through the air and kicking at the other you grabbed his gun when he dropped it. Slamming the but of it into the man's gut you heard him groan. Swinging it around into the other's face you knocked him to the ground and didn't see him get up. As the other went to get up you quickly went around him, putting the barrel of the gun against his throat and pulling back. Whimpering out as he elbowed your ribs hard enough to make the breath leave you, pulling it as hard as you could you were thrashed around until he finally fell unconscious. Pulling the gun out you swung the strap over your arm and hurried on before more showed up. Passing by a door you saw words written on it out of the corner of your eye you glanced up and rose a brow. 
"It brings back memories to see you two in the same cell." Robin spoke. 
"Oh yea Smoky and I got caught by you and Gator in Alabasta. Kinda funny now that you both are in here with us isn't it?" Luffy laughed. 
"Forgive me if I fail to see the humor." He said with a slight roll of his eyes. 
"Shut up you damn fools!" Smoker growled. 
It shouldn't have surprised him that that feathered idiot was behind this whole operation. He wasn't even surprised to see he had managed to work a spy into the navy itself. When Caesar came into the room he grit his teeth. To think someone like him was able to defeat all of them, even when it seemed like Straw-hat had him. Hearing him tell the 'Vergo' man to start the video he saw him turn to them again and begin taunting Law. Seeing them have not only Law's heart but Smoker's as well made him raise his brow. Watching the screen he knit his brows at the giant piece of candy being laid out. Listening to Caesar go about explaining this 'smiley' creature he watched the screen as it showed the purple gas start infecting the island. When the footage showed others out on the snow running away from it he blinked when he realized it was some of his own crew along with the straw-hats and Bentham. 
"Hey that's Zoro, they're all running from the smoke." 
"Would you look at those fools, what are they doing out there and what the hell kind of run is that?" 
"Oh look the Samurai got his body back." Robin grinned.
"Yeah you're right, guess that means he isn't going to give me his legs." Luffy grumbled. "Hey wait that's not important right now Robin." Leaning up some he looked to the video "Run faster guys, that smoke will freeze ya dead! You gotta ru..ahn..ahh." Falling to the ground on his face he groaned. "Aw man I don't have the strength to yell. Damnit, dumb sea prism stone." 
"I take it those are your friends Straw-hat Luffy?" Caesar asked before laughing. 
"Yea they are my friends and they are going to be make it just like Y/n once I find out where you're keeping her. You better not have given her any of those drugged candies." Luffy growled. 
Hearing his soulmate's name get brought up he snapped his eyes over to the man, his body tensing slightly.
"I believe he is talking about the woman Joker wants." Vergo spoke in his calm voice. 
"Oh her?! I wouldn't dream of drugging her, well not if I want to keep my life. Don't get me wrong I would have loved to test the effects of my drug on her and the unborn child but Joker made it perfectly clear she was not to be touched."
"Why what the hell would he want with her?" Law asked. 
"He doesn't want anything with her, he's simply the delivery man." 
"For who? Who want's y/n?"
"Big Mom maybe, Y/n told me, Robin and Nami that she wanted to kill her." Franky added. 
"Try the other side of her family line." 
"Yes one wouldn't be able to tell she comes from such a strong bloodline just by looking at her." Caesar grinned with a small chuckle. 
"Kaido. She is Kaido and Big Mom's granddaughter." Law spoke once it clicked in his head. 
"So Two of the emperors had a baby?!"
"What can I say, they're must have been some lonely nights on Rock's ship." Vergo huffed.
Shocked by the news he felt his heart hammer in his chest. She was in even more danger than he first thought. If that were true then that would mean...
"So what the hell does Kaido want with her?!" Luffy yelled. 
"Kaido wants a strong army, she's his blood..." Law told him. 
It wasn't difficult to put together what Law was saying and once he did he felt the vein in his forehead and neck stick out, his fist clenching at his side and his teeth gritting together. Over his dead fucking body. 
"I can see this troubles you Crocodile." Vergo spoke, addressing the ex-warlord for the first time. "Knowing that the two of you were affiliated before her time in Impale Down I am going to go out on a limb and say the child growing in her womb is possibly yours. If it's any consolation Kaido may allow her to keep the child once it is born... if she behaves. If not then it will join you in the afterlife." 
"Bastard." he growled so deep it almost sounded inhuman. 
Laughing at the whole situation Caesar gave a smile. "I'll give you this one last chance to see her." Waving his hand towards the workers he saw them pull up the footage of her room, "Now say goodbye to your ahhhh where did she go?!" 
Seeing the room empty he felt hope fill him. She had made her way out. 
"Shishishi, Y/n escaped Impale Down, did you really think you would be able to hold her in there?" Luffy giggled.
"I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you." Robin chuckled
"Grahh. No matter, she will be found soon enough but I'm sorry to say that by then you all will be dead." Nodding his head he watched as the crane picked up the cage and started moving it. "Time for me to show the world that my weapon is tougher than any high bounty pirate, Marine vice admiral or Warlord of the Sea." Caesar laughed.
Getting freed by Law he stood straight and brushed off his clothes. Getting into the lab he watched as the rest of the Straw-hats, marines and his own crew hurry into the lab. 
"Alright looks like everyone's here." Luffy smiles.
As soon as he heard Law tell them they needed to get to the door with R building 66 on it he looked down to his men. "Go help the Straw-hats with the kids then get to that door."
"Oh Mr. Zero there you are. Wait where is Y/n?" Bon asked, quickly looking around for his friend. 
"I'm going to find her." he replied gruffly. Turning around he waited for no reply, refusing to be separated from his soulmate any longer. 
Running through the lab you held on tightly to the sword you had gotten off the most recent group of Caesar's men. After hearing one of them yell 'There she is..." you were fairly certain they knew you were missing now, which meant Caesar did as well. Assholes had made you drop your jar of peanut butter you had swiped from the kitchen as well. You heard an explosion go off earlier so you guessed the others had made it inside by now. Knowing from the manga that the gas would be spreading quickly now you pushed on to make it to building R. Wincing when your leg ached you moved your hand down to hold it over the bleeding gunshot wound there. As another round of gunfire rang out around you, you heard one yell that you were not to be seriously injured. Running behind the corner and onto the stairway you tried to outrun them but were forced to stop when more yellow dressed men showed up in front of you. 
"Now come on lady, just come with us and we won't be forced to hurt you anymore." 
Gritting your teeth you looked back and forth, you were surrounded and while you may have been able to take on five or six of them there looked to be at least a dozen. Backing into the railing you snapped your eyes behind you to see the floor far below. There was no way you would survive the fall... but there was another option. Looking back to the group you saw them inching there way closer. It was now or never. Turning around quickly you climbed the railing and jumped. 
Grabbing hold of the chain you gasped as it started falling, you were not expecting a pully. Seeing the ground coming up fast you grabbed hold of the other one and let out a muffled scream when it tore away the skin on the palm of your hand. Pushing through the pain you slowed yourself down enough to not die when you hit the ground but you didn't stick the landing and were left a little dazed when your head smacked against the hard floor.  Blinking slowly as the world seemed to spin you held your belly with one hand and turned your head to the side to see the yellow suited men running down the stairs. There muffled yelling rung in your ears and you whimpered as you pushed your body to sit up. Seeing the fallen sword on the ground not to far away you crawled over to grab it and pushed yourself to your unsteady feet. 
Raising your head as the heavy footsteps grew closer you just did swing your sword in time when one of them took the chance to grab you. The man was quickly replaced with another and all too soon you found yourself in another fight but this time it wasn't looking too good. Crying out when one of them sliced at your shoulder you backed away, the grip on the sword loosening to the point you almost dropped it. Bringing your knee up and then kicking you refused to give up but you were quickly growing exhausted. Tring to swing the now heavy sword again it was blocked and smacked from your hand. Feeling a hand yank on your hair you winced and hit against the man as he stood above you. Seeing him hold out a can of what you guessed was that sleeping gas you held your breath and tried yanking out of his hold. 
"This would have been much easier for you if you would have just did as we sa... ah!" 
Feeling the hand on your locks loosen you went to fall to the floor but something held you up. Seeing nothing but black you let your eyes slip close, a heavenly smell filling your nose. Then there was a voice, a deep voice, one you had only heard in your dreams for what seemed like a lifetime. Pulling back some you looked up and saw him. After so long you weren't sure he was real. "C..croc?"
Taking care of all the filth that dared hurt his darling he looked down when he heard her trembling voice. Seeing those sea blue eyes looking up at him and hearing her say his name he couldn't help but grin. As soon as he did he felt her arms wrap around his waist, her face burring into his abdomen. 
Shaking with sobs you held onto him so tightly you only knew his clothes would be wrinkled. It was him, it was really him. 
Prying her arms from him only long enough for him to lift her up he felt her arms wrap around his neck. Holding her with his left forearm and hook he wrapped his right arm around her to return her embrace. His eyes closed momentarily, relishing the knowledge that she was in his arms once again after six months apart. 
There were so many emotions overtaking your body but none more prominent than happiness. Tears poured from your eyes, soaking into his coat and shirt but he didn't seem to mind. "I'm ssssorrryyy." you sobbed. 
Hearing her heart wrenching apology he licked his lips, swallowing the lump growing in his throat. "Why on earth are you apologizing to me? You have no reason to be sorry..." Clenching his teeth he gently rubbed the back of her head and hair. "I on the other hand don't deserve your forgiveness, everything that happened to you, all of this, it's my fault." 
Shaking your head you nuzzled your nose into his neck. "No it's no..."
"It is." he said through gritted teeth. "I failed you again... I didn't..."
Leaning up you pushed your lips to his. Holding his face in your hands you refused to let him break away. After a few moments he sighed, his lips softening to kiss you back and you knew you had won. Tears continued dripping from your eyes and no doubt onto his face. Pulling away only to peck his cheeks and lay your forehead on his you closed your eyes. You didn't know wither it was from finally being reunited with your lost love again after so much or all the injuries but you felt very tired. 
Feeling her body slacken against his he opened his eyes slightly and looked down to her. Seeing the blood on her forehead he recalled where they were and what was happening. Moving her over to the steps he sat her down and kneeled in front of her while his eyes scanned over her body. He could see blood soaking her pants leg, a gash across her shoulder and blood coming from her head. There was so much more he wanted to observe but now wasn't the time. Removing his belt he put it around her upper thigh and pulled it tight to stop the bleeding until it coudl be treated. There wasn't much he could do about her other injuries unfortunately. As his eyes fell to the small bump under the thin tank top she was wearing he felt his heart beat harder in his chest. Reaching out he ever so gently placed his hand over the majority of her stomach. Blinking he stroked her belly with his thumb, "You truly are an amazing woman." 
Grinning bashfully you looked down to his hand and placed yours overtop for a moment. That quiet moment was soon interrupted as a loud explosion shook the lab. "We have to go, now." 
Nodding he stood and removed his coat wrapping it around her slightly trembling body he lifted her up into his arms again. He would get them out of this place and then he would never have her out of his sight again. 
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zonamievents · 5 years
ZoNa Summer Festival Day #7
Theme: Barbecue Rating: T / PG-14 Word Count: 2,190 words
Nami didn’t think it was necessary to have a ‘celebratory barbecue’ for returning to the Sunny after a night out in the jungle. Sanji, on the other hand, was adamant that it was vitally important. The crew had been forced to wait out the entire evening before they could look for her and the swordsman, and those stressful hours were torture for them. Or so she had been told.
It was the dramatic chef who explained all of this to her while preparing his portable grill on the shore of the island, so there wasn’t any time to properly discuss the matter.
If an outdoor lunch was inevitable, then Nami had no choice but to enjoy the festivities.
Within a matter of minutes, she had emerged from the Women’s Quarters in a brand new bikini. The fabric was a vibrant sangria red, with golden chain links integrated into the straps over her shoulders and the thin bands along her hips. It made her feel elegant after spending the night sleeping on the ground—
Well, no. That wasn’t entirely true. She spent some of it in Zoro’s arms.
“Sanji-kuuun!” she called out to the party organizer rather hastily as soon as her sandaled feet jumped off of the wooden ramp and hit the shore. “How much longer until we get to eat?”
“Just five more minutes, Nami-swaaan! Help yourself to a piña colada under the umbrella with Robin-chwan!” Sanji suggested while squealing like a child. He was behaving very much like a kid on their birthday as he tossed an assortment of meats and vegetables onto the barbecue, something that never ceased to amaze her. The energy he could summon at a moment’s notice for either cooking or women was a feat in its own way.
“How are you feeling, Nami?” Robin asked her the moment she walked under the shade of the umbrella.
Making herself comfortable in the only other lawn chair, Nami sighed as she answered, “I’m all right. It wasn’t that bad, actually.”
Laid out on her own seat, sunglasses falling down the bridge of her nose, the older woman eyed her with soft surprise. “You managed to find shelter from the rain?”
“Oh yeah,” Nami waved off her worry. At the same time, her other hand reached for her awaiting piña colada. “I knew it was coming and Zoro found us a place to hide in time.”
“That’s a relief. We were all worried that you were stranded in some way.” Admitted Robin.
The straw popped out of Nami’s mouth after her very first sip. “The closest thing we had to shelter was some branches leaning up against these chopped down trees! It’s amazing I didn’t catch a cold or anything.”
“Especially if you weren’t able to make a fire.” Agreed her friend, behaving as if the worry had yet to leave her.
“No, but I had Zoro’s big body as a heat source, which is just as good.” Nami promised her at a rambling pace just to put an end to any lingering concerns. Then, she dove back into her drink.
The sounds of Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Franky playing some ball-related game on the beach behind her gathered the navigator’s attention, compelling her to take a look at what they were freaking out about. In some strange way, whenever she was away from the signature Mugiwara crew chaos, she missed it dearly. Listening to her captain demand another turn for whatever exercise they were doing was oddly comforting to her.
“Is that so?” The sung question wiped away the momentary peace Nami was feeling though as it called her focus back to Robin. She had yet to fix the position of her glasses, which only emphasized the suspicious arch in her brow as she stared back at her.
It took her an embarrassingly long moment to realize what could have garnered such a reaction from her friend. As it dawned on her, Nami sat up straight and flailed the way an innocent person totally would have. “I was willing to stay on the ground all night b-but Zoro let me use him as a body pillow! I-In a seated position, w-with me-e-e curled up in a ball like a cat!”
There were imaginary pins and needles prodding her as the seconds ticked by them. Robin was taking her time digesting her words – or perhaps her behavior when saying those words – and then replied with a meager, “I see.”
Nami watched the older woman finally push her sunglasses up to their proper resting place and reach for her drink. Sipping on the icy beverage felt like a cheap attempt at preventing her from saying anything more than that. The polite answer left the navigator feeling dismissed, whether intentional or otherwise, inspiring her to leave her seat and take a stroll around the set up the crew had made on the beach.
Drink in hand, of course.
She already had her fair share of befuddling thoughts about Roronoa Zoro – she didn’t need the scrutiny of her crew mates added to the mix. It was true that she had recently become incredibly… fascinated by him. It had always baffled her, which was a different sort of fascination. But his reactions to her lately ever since their naked dip in the sea had left her feeling scattered. Was she supposed to pretend it didn’t happen? Was she supposed to be timid around him now? Was he avoiding her or was she just hypersensitive to whatever he did now?
It was taking her a while to see beyond his squeamish behavior and figure out how she would react to this perplexing version of Roronoa Zoro, but she’d get there. Even if it meant she’d end up yearning for another evening in his arms for the rest of their journey and it never happened again, at least she’d know what she wanted from him, despite the odds that nothing particularly wonderful would ever take place between them.
Or maybe she was starved in another way: her empty stomach was aching after going half a day without a single bite to eat.
Nami strolled up next to Sanji on swift feet and put on her most feminine voice. “Mmm, it smells delicious, Sanji-kun. What’s on the menu?”
His arms were thrashing about as he managed every single morsel that was cooking on his grill top. Focused, he didn’t have time to fall victim to her flirtations, but the chef proudly answered her with a grin on his face, “We have burgers for Franky, plus skewers of all kinds! Scallops, shrimp, chicken, beef, mushrooms, asparagus and cherry tomatoes wrapped in bacon.”
Every single item of food he mentioned just made her hungrier. Salivating, Nami praised his efforts with great excitement. “Wow, it all sounds so amazing.”
“Oh, also, those sausages over there” – he used his tongs to point at the pyramid arrangement of buns that sat on the platform attached to his barbecue – “are already cooked. I’m just waiting for these to be finished, and then we can sit down and eat.”
“Is there anything I can snack on no-o-ow?” She felt like a child trying to trick him into feeding her, but she wasn’t above using her feminine wiles to get a bite to eat so late in the day.
Sanji stared apologetically at his assortment of skewers, however, she knew the look was really meant for her. “I promise it’ll be ready really soon, Nami-san. I’ll make sure you get the first plate of food, all right?”
Nami didn’t answer him. She just pouted at him in protest of his denial of her.
Nevertheless, he was much too concentrated on preparing a hearty meal for the crew to pay her much attention. In fact, he only snapped his head upwards when he realized that something was missing. The proud chef beamed at her when he suddenly required her help. “Could you just watch the grill for a second? I need to go grab the side dishes I prepared from the fridge.”
“Ah, I could get them—“
“Oh no, Nami-san! I wouldn’t dream of making you do any physical labor! Not after what you went through last night!” He was totally prepared to prattle on, but Nami wasn’t interested in hearing it.
“Okay, okay.” She promised despite the eye roll she gave him.
“Thank you!” He screeched his gratitude as he raced his onto the Sunny.
The hungry navigator glared at the meat that wasn’t fully cooked through yet. Smelling the different kinds of skewers as they were grilled to perfection was draining, like it was stealing what remaining energy she had left in her body. All Nami wanted to do was take a bite of something to quell the rumbling in her tummy…
That’s when she happened to glance at the beautiful arrangement of sausages sitting before her. Cooked. Ready to eat. Practically taunting her in their most likely warmed buns, with a nice char to their skin.
Nami licked her lips, trying to decide whether or not she was willing to risk upsetting Sanji by disobeying him directly. Then she remembered that the entire celebration was for her sake, and deemed herself worthy of having what would surely be the first bite of the meal. With greedy, sneaky hands did she snatch a sausage from the back of the pyramid in the hopes that she wouldn’t be caught. It was probably the largest sausage she’d ever eaten, she surmised when she felt the weight of it in her hands. The girth of it only made it all the more appealing.
Nami opened her mouth wide, ready to take the biggest bite. Her lips flared out around the tip of it due to the size while she began to sink her teeth—
“Hey,” a whispered voice crept up behind her, scaring her into stillness. “I’m starving. Is there anything ready to eat yet?”
Oh no, someone had the same idea as her.
Someone’s with a rather rough texture to their voice.
Someone who made a shiver run up her spine when he spoke in that deep tone of his.
Slowly, shamefully, Nami looked at Zoro over her shoulder while there was a gigantic sausage stuck in her mouth. She panicked about what she was going to do, now that she had been caught stealing food from her own crew at a party. It quickly occurred to her that she could rip it in half and split it with him, hoping to buy his silence!
But the way he jumped back a few feet from her told Nami that her plan wasn’t going to work. No, instead of giving her a chance to speak at all, a suspiciously jittery Zoro stammered, “I-I, uh, n-never mind. I-I’ll eat later!” He ran off in his swim trunks and she assumed he was merely going to run over to play whatever ball game the boys were playing.
No, Nami was compelled to watch the proud, collected swordsman panic until he had walked straight into the ocean and dove underwater like some kind of terrified shark.
All she could do was stand there and watch the spectacle as it unfolded before her very eyes. It was so chaotic that she couldn’t begin to compute what on earth had caused him to react in such a way. It was so distracting that she didn’t even notice when Sanji returned. His high-pitched beckoning reached her first, calling out to her, “Nami-saaan! I’m back—Ah, you’re eating a sausage?”
Guilt rushed over her coldly and she snapped her jaw shut. It was a delicious bite, like she had suspected, making it difficult to prioritize any emotion other than appreciation. “Ah, these are really good! I normally don’t eat these, but it’s… it’s…”
A sausage.
He had run away from her when she had an incredibly thick, long sausage in her mouth.
No, he couldn’t have thought… could he!? “AH!” Nami shouted, throwing her bitten into sausage at the prepared pyramid. The top two rows crumbled from the impact which upset the chef who prepared them greatly. He tried to catch the tumbling ones while she looked back at the sea. Zoro hadn’t resurfaced yet, and a part of her didn’t want him to!
Or did she? Was there something going on with him? Between them? The possibility that he was thinking dirty things like that made her feel jittery too, in her own way. All she wanted to do was tease him and chastise him without facing him. She didn’t know if she was ready to yet! It would be uncomfortable for the both of them if she said something to him and she was completely wrong. However, she didn’t think she was… Was she? “Nami, are you okay?” Robin asked for the second time that day. She had ran over to her when she had made the commotion with the pyramid, earning the concern that was being shown to her.
Nami rebuffed her completely. “I’m fine!” She promised, though this time, she wasn’t so sure.
‘What does it mean, if he’s looking at me in that way?’
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