rockinrita03 · 6 years
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My mom came up spur of the moment today and I wanted to bake something with her. I've had a box of zucchini noodles in the freezer for a while now and last week finally decided to make something sweet. I love when you can hide veggies in something to make it healthier. To me that makes it more fun. I have a Super Greens powder that I throw into a bunch of stuff (including eggs- yes, green eggs and ham can be real and macaroni and cheese). I love veggies by themselves but if I can sneak extra into my diet that's a bonus! • • • #zoodles #brownies #zoodlebrownies #zucchini #zucchininoodles #zucchinibrownies #hideyourveggies #eatyourveggies #veggiesweets #hidingveggiesisfun #hidingvegetables #hiddenveggies #hiddenvegetables #hidingveggieslikeaboss #hidingveggiesindessert #hidingveggiesisagame #zucchinichocolatechipbrownies #foodporn #dessertporn #veggieporn #hiddenveggieporn #hiddenporninplainsight (at Jill's Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmFOMyPlNE6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1333nrscjzr9o
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