rubberbastardout-blog · 10 years
Everyone: What does the D stand for?
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rubberbitch · 10 years
Zxroko & Rubberbitch || Battle scars healing
Lucy leaned against the wall of the crow's, bending forward and carefully drooling, seeing how far the spittle could dangle without breaking. She was bored out of her mind. They wouldn't be landing at another island for hours and she had decided to spend that time hanging out with her first mate.
Apparently, said first mate, had done something with one of her weight, maybe dropping one onto the floor suddenly or losing it by accident (the captain hadn't actually been paying attention at the time, too focused on droop.) but whatever it was, the motion of it caused her string of saliva to break and fall to the ground.
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"Damn it, I lost it." the girl muttered, frustrated. "Oi, oi, Zoe! You made me lose my spit!" she proclaimed. What was she suppose to do to entertain herself now? Train with Zoroko? As if, it wasn't her style and in her head - the only thing that would make her grow stronger would be food, mostly the greens. 
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rubberbitch · 10 years
Zxroko & Rubberbitch
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The rubber women rubbed made an attempt at wiping a booger into her hair, hopping it would blend in.
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