#zygmunt kubski
lamus-dworski · 7 years
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Kids playing on a building site in Tychy, Poland, 1957. Photography by Zygmunt Kubski, from the digitalized collections of Muzeum Miejskie w Tychach.
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anastpaul · 4 years
Our Lady of Montalto: Shrine of Our Lady of Montalto in Messina, Italy In 1282, the Virgin Mary appeared in a dream to a friar named Nicholas.   During the apparition she promised to send a white dove to the Caperrina hill where she wanted a church built in her name.   The cornerstone for the Shrine of Our Lady of Montalto was laid in 1295 by Queen Constance of Sicily.   It was a monastery for Cistercian nuns from 1389 until 1866.   The Santuario della Madonna di Montalto was severely damaged during the 1908 earthquake and rebuilt in 1930.  This view of the bell tower gives you a hint at the beauty of this Gothic and Romanesque structure.
St Amphion of Nicomedia Bl Antonia Maria Verna Bl Antonio de Pietra St Arsenius of Konev St Christian O’Morgair of Clogher St Chrodobald of Marchiennes St Cominus Bl Conrad of Maleville St Cunera St Cuniald St Cyrinus of Antwerp St Eskil St Galen of Armenia St Gaspar Bertoni CSS (1777-1853) – Priest and Founder  Biography: https://anastpaul.com/2018/06/12/saint-of-the-day-12-june-st-gaspar-bertoni-c-s-s-1777-1853/ St Gerebald of Châlons-sur-Seine St Geslar Bl Guy Vignotelli of Cortona St Juan de Sahagun OESA (1419-1479) BUT his Memorial has been moved to yesterday 11 June. Biography: https://anastpaul.com/2017/06/12/saint-of-the-day-12-june-st-john-of-sahagun-o-e-s-a/ St Pope Leo III St Lochinia of Ireland Blessed Lorenzo Maria of Saint Francis Xavier Salvi CP Bl Mercedes Maria of Jesus St Odulf of Utrecht St Olympius of AEnos St Onuphrius of Egypt Bl Pelagia Leonti of Milazzo St Peter of Mount Athos St Placid of Val d’Ocre Bl Stanislaw Kubista Bl Stefan Grelewski Bl Stefan Kielman St Ternan of Culross St Valerius of Armenia
Martyrs of Bologna:  Three Christians who were martyred at different times and places, but whose relics have been collected and enshrined together – Celsus, Dionysius, and Marcellinus. Their relics were enshrined in churches in Bologna and Rome in Italy.
Martyrs of Rome:  Four members of the Imperial Roman nobility. They were all soldiers, one or more may have been officers, and all were martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian – Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius. They were martyred in 304 outside Rome, Italy and buried along the Aurelian Way.
Three Holy Exiles:  Three Christian men who became Benedictine monks at the Saint James Abbey in Regensburg, Germany, then hermits at Griestatten, and whose lives and piety are celebrated together. – Marinus, Vimius and Zimius.
108 Martyrs of World War II: Also known as • Polish Martyrs • 108 Polish Martyrs of the Nazis • 108 Blessed Polish Martyrs Among the millions murdered by Nazis in World War II, many were Poles killed for being Poles and many were Catholics killed for being Catholic. As emblematic of this group, 108 Polish Catholics who were murdered for their faith, and whose faithfulness was attested by by witnesses, were beatified as a group of by Pope John Paul II. They each have a separate memorial day on the calendar but they are celebrated as a group today. • Adalbert Nierychlewski • Adam Bargielski • Aleksy Sobaszek • Alfons Maria Mazurek • Alicja Maria Jadwiga Kotowska • Alojzy Liguda • Anastazy Jakub Pankiewicz • Anicet Koplinski • Antoni Beszta-Borowski • Antoni Julian Nowowiejski • Antoni Leszczewicz • Antoni Rewera • Antoni Swiadek • Antoni Zawistowski • Bogumila Noiszewska • Boleslas Strzelecki • Boniface Zukowski • Bronislao Kostkowski • Bronislaw Komorowski • Bruno Zembol • Czeslaw Jozwiak • Dominik Jedrzejewski • Edward Detkens • Edward Grzymala • Edward Kazmierski • Edward Klinik • Emil Szramek • Fidelis Jerome Chojnacki • Florian Stepniak • Franciszek Dachtera • Franciszek Drzewiecki • Franciszek Kesy • Franciszek Rogaczewski • Franciszek Roslaniec • Franciszek Stryjas • Grzegorz Boleslaw Frackowiak • Henryk Hlebowicz • Henryk Kaczorowski • Henryk Krzysztofik • Hilary Pawel Januszewski • Jan Eugeniusz Bajewski • Jan Franciszek Czartoryski • Jan Nepomucen Chrzan • Jan Oprzadek • Jarogniew Wojciechowski • Jerzy Kaszyra • Jozef Achilles Puchala • Józef Cebula • Jozef Czempiel • Józef Jankowski • Jozef Kowalski • Józef Kurzawa • Jozef Kut • Józef Pawlowski • Jozef Stanek • Jozef Straszewski • Józef Wojciech Guz • Jozef Zaplata • Julia Rodzinska • Karol Herman Stepien • Katarzyna Faron • Kazimiera Wolowska • Kazimierz Gostynski • Kazimierz Grelewski • Kazimierz Tomasz Sykulski • Leon Nowakowski • Leon Wetmanski • Ludwik Mzyk • Ludwik Roch Gietyngier • Maksymilian Binkiewicz • Marcin Oprzadek • Maria Antonina Kratochwil • Maria Klemensa Staszewska • Marian Gorecki • Marian Konopinski • Marian Skrzypczak • Marianna Biernacka • Michal Ozieblowski • Michal Piaszczynski • Michal Wozniak • Mieczyslaw Bohatkiewicz • Mieczyslawa Kowalska • Narcyz Putz • Narcyz Turchan • Natalia Tulasiewicz • Piotr Edward Dankowski • Roman Archutowski • Roman Sitko • Stanislaw Antoni Trojanowski • Stanislaw Kostka Starowieyski • Stanislaw Kubista • Stanislaw Kubski • Stanislaw Mysakowski • Stanislaw Pyrtek • Stanislaw Starowieyski • Stefan Grelewski • Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski • Symforian Ducki • Tadeusz Dulny • Wincenty Matuszewski • Wladyslaw Bladzinski • Wladyslaw Demski • Wladyslaw Goral • Wladyslaw Maczkowski • Wladyslaw Miegon • Wlodzimierz Laskowski • Wojciech Gondek • Zygmunt Pisarski • Zygmunt Sajna Died between 5 October 1939 and April 1945 in Germany and Nazi-occupied Poland and were Beatified on 13 June 1999 by St Pope John Paul II in Warsaw, Poland.
Feast of Our Lady of Montalto and Memorials of the Saints – 12 June Our Lady of Montalto: Shrine of Our Lady of Montalto in Messina, Italy In 1282, the Virgin Mary appeared in a dream to a friar named Nicholas.   
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lamus-dworski · 7 years
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A cafe in Tychy, Poland, 1960s. Photography by Zygmunt Kubski, from the digitalized collections of Muzeum Miejskie w Tychach.
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