#~coach shidas wife is a ghost~
Oh we're talking mom stories. Mine thinks that Russia invading Ukraine isnt real. I'm financially dependent on her btw. She also thinks adhd isnt real and all systems are formed from cia mind control. So.
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Ive been thinking about an alternate manuela-sylvain support chain for days now so, for your consideration, a chain where instead of. whatever that was. a chain where they talk about theatre.
(I use the word "you" a lot in this response, but just know i'm not directly addressing you, especially when I sound particularly salty ^^")
No because let's talk about this. FE3H falls into this terrible habit, most of the time, where it lays a pretty decent foundation for fun, multifaceted characters--and then they drop the ball more often than a first grader trying to get their tiny little hands around a basketball in phys-ed. I really do think a fair bit of this has to do with the fact that, as admitted by the developers, they bit off way more than they could chew with this game. And, frankly, it really does show in every single route.
But back to the subject at hand: two heavily trope-y characters (drunk has-been and womanizer) who could have been shown as a lot more when shoved into a room together.
I watched all of Manuela's and Sylvain's supports just for this, so allow me to lay out an unnecessarily complex foundation for my take on a better support chain for them.
Your first interaction with Manuela, wherein she tells you she's both a songstress and a physician, can go one of two ways: you can either show intrigue to her position at the monastery, which has her ask a rhetorical question about being too pretty for such a job; or you can ask her about her singing, which gets you support points with her. We've known her for exactly 60 seconds and we already know she enjoys talking about her artistic past. Ferdinand's supports with her cement this: There is truly no quicker way to Manuela's heart than discussing either the creative arts or her impact on people via her performances. He's heavy-handed with the flattery, but it's genuine flattery, and she appreciates it to no end.
But she likes nearly every artform!
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Sheet music is pretty predictable. But then we get things that show her appreciation--and aptitude!--for food and drink, and embroidery. From what I can tell it's never confirmed outside of this, but Manuela likes to receive things she can spin into something else. She loves being creative!
We also know she has an absurd amount of fight in her, as is showcased in her A-support with Flayn at the very least (and, in their b support, cautions her to not be lost in the dazzling nature of showbiz). We know she has a complex relationship with fulfilling love, even if she does want it. She's hot-headed, able to acknowledge some faults (and then fall right back into them ;-;), and ignores other faults. All in all, I'd say she's pretty well-rounded.
Then we get Sylvain. He's easily one of my favourite characters, but that certainly wasn't the case on my first playthrough, or my second, because it takes such a certain amount of digging to get a crumb of personality out of him outside of "he loves his friends, hates Crests, pretty much hates women." I'd argue that's a little more damning than needing to mine for Manuela's full-fledged personality, because I'm of the belief that more attention is supposed to be paid to the students. But maybe that's just my bubble. Regardless, do you want to know what his interests are? Tactics, art, and--believe it or not--nice, pretty things.
I'm not even joking.
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Sylvain is a fashionista!
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he cares about his appearance, and on a level deeper than just caring about how we looks to women! Why do I say that? Because when it boils down to it, everything that's associated with the way some women misuse him is something he has a strong contempt for, if not outright hatred. This is definitely more of an opinion, but I think it's a gift he likes to receive because he likes looking nice.
Side note, and I'm really sorry to take a detour from the Manuela-Sylvain ask, but could you imagine the heartfelt shenanigans we could have gotten if we'd gotten a fleshed-out support between Dedue and Sylvain? Where on some silly task given by Byleth, we learn not only of Sylvain's distaste for gardening (manual labour in general? man he's really a rich family's son), what he thinks of Duscur, what Dedue thinks of the Faerghan nobility on a larger scale, how the tragedy affected Sylvain (who watched ALL his friends get SPECTACULARLY traumatized in one fucking sitting), how Sylvain dreams of changing his home county and shifting its ideals to stop antagonizing foreigners, to lessen the importance of Crests, etc? All framed as a series of gardening bullshit that still shows Sylvain's rich-boy ineptitudes and maybe, just maybe, Dedue actually talking about his memories of his family.
Immediately that would have given us an insight to Sylvain being ambitious, the same way we see Dimitri emphasizing the importance of people of different social standings working in tandem. It would give him more than an inch of depth. (Don't even get me started on how Claude and Annette would have been perfect to showcase his tactics-oriented skillset when Annette has a whole support, Ashe's, dedicated to showing her OWN grasp on formulaic tactics. They could have been creativity meets hard facts. But I digress.)
Back to our regularly scheduled Manuela-Sylvain programming.
Their C-support touches on Manuela's alcoholism--and I really do mean "touch," because a pattern with her supports is "Manuela, you've drunk yourself into a stupor again!" and that's the extent of addressing it. Seteth's gets the closest, I think, but it's just an effort to make sure she doesn't do damages to herself or the psyche of the students, rather than addressing, you know, the root cause. Sylvain says he wasn't messing around with girls--up to the player if he means it or not, I guess--and Manuela, for some . . . reason, entertains Sylvain as a romantic partner.
Their B support, which starts off with a comment about their age gap regardless of the timeskip's happening, is yet another way to shit on Sylvain, and it pisses me off because its sole purpose is to shit on Sylvain as opposed to confronting him. In his other supports (what comes to mind is Dimitri's and Ingrid's, but I'm just a Blue Lions simp through and through), Sylvain is directly called out for his philandering. And though his "I promise to change!" response makes me want to bash my head through a wall, at least he's given the chance to fight back. Here, it's just . . . a flawed character calling out another character's flaws . . . behind their back? Which feels ironic to me? And they end it on a comedic note, with Manuela worrying that the goddess only has so much goodness to give and will run out in her pursuit of true love.
I'm going to state what may be a controversial opinion here, but the romantic overtones here actually did their job: highlighting the sheer absurdity of these two having anything romantic going on.
But then they end it . . . and I'm like . . . you had the perfect opportunity to give Sylvain a female friend who has zero romantic interest in him, and you PASSED IT UP? Sylvain has a record-low of A supports! He's so out of touch with his emotions! Give him this!
This is how I would have structured their support chain:
So, as I was writing out this support chain, I realized I . . . strayed a little from "theatre," but know that I fully believe they meet for tea on occasion after the war to catch up and talk about strange new art styles/movements/how they could never get over their favourite [insert art medium here].
C-Support - the events of their C and B supports are crammed into this one.
B-Support (would be locked if not triggered during White Clouds):
Sylvain, angry portrait: Professor Manuela! Can I bother you for a second?
Manuela, drunk portrait: Ugh . . . is someone dying?
Sylvain, shocked portrait: Uh, no?
Manuela: Then hold your damn horses.
[brief time jump]
Manuela, neutral portrait: Sorry about that, Sylvain. You'd think I'd be better at handling angry men outside my door, but . . .
Sylvain: Hey, don't worry about what I think.
Manuela, angry portrait: Well I wasn't until you said that.
Sylvain, shocked portrait: Right . . . anyway.
Sylvain, angry portrait: Lorenz and I were talking about operas, and he's under some delusion that Lion's Footfall is better than Lier Caerna.
Manuela, shocked portrait: Oh my.
Sylvain: And I know what you're thinking. A Gautier? turning his back on Faerghan stories? But let me tell you, Professor Manuela, nothing creatively fantastic was ever made in Faerghus after His Highness' grandfather took the throne. Lion's Footfall included.
Sylvain, neutral portrait: So, I wanted to ask you, as someone who's said to have performed them both: which is better?
Manuela, neutral portrait: Lion's Footfall certainly had the more complicated songs. If you're a real music fanatic, I could see that being your go-to. But performing Lier Caerna . . . It's rare to bring me to tears consistently during rehearsals, but it certainly did the job better than any other opera I'd taken part in.
Sylvain, happy portrait: Ha! I knew I could count on you to be as intelligent as you are beautiful, Professor Manuela.
[Sylvain leaves the scene.]
Manuela, shocked portrait: Wha-- Hey!
Manuela, angry portrait: He's got to stop walking away after spewing nonsense . . .
B+-Support, locked until either Pegasus Moon or Lone Moon in Part 1, AKA "Throne of Knowledge" or "To War" (portraits remain the same unless specified):
INT., Infirmary - Mid-afternoon
Sylvain: Professor Manuela? Is now a good time?
Manuela: Sylvain! How are you holding up?
Sylvain, winking portrait: Me? Don't worry about me, really. I walked away from that battle completely fine.
Manuela, upset portrait: I can hardly agree when I was the one who had to patch you up, but all right.
Manuela, neutral portrait: What did you need, again?
Sylvain: Right, right. Sorry about that. I got distracted by that radiant smile of yours. I was down by the--
Manuela, angry portrait: Sylvain, spare me the antics.
Sylvain, shocked portrait: Huh?
Manuela: Your habits are no secret, you know. I mean, just the other day I saw you coming onto a girl and lying your way through the whole conversation!
Sylvain, upset portrait: Please, Professor Manuela, not a lecture from you too.
Manuela: Maybe you deserve a good talking-to. Honestly, the nerve on you . . . .
Sylvain, angry portrait: We're not going to talk about who deserves to be lectured, are we?
Manuela, shocked portrait: Well, I-- That is-- Oh, never mind. Just . . . what is it you needed, Sylvain?
Sylvain, neutral portrait: I was covering for Annette on stable duty, and I saw Marianne trying to figure out what was wrong with a horse. Dorte, I think his name is? It was a, uh, a struggle to get it out of her, but apparently he's hurting somewhere and she can't quite figure out what's wrong with him. I was hoping you'd be able to help?
Manuela, neutral portrait: Hm. If he were in dire straights, you would seem a lot more panicked. I have to wrap up some financial reports Seteth has been hounding me for, so give him . . . this in the meantime, and I'll be down there as soon as I can.
[parcel of herbs, wrapped in an embroidered handkerchief monogrammed with the initials "MC".]
Sylvain: "MC" . . . Was this custom-made for you, Professor Manuela?
Manuela, happy portrait: You could say that. Though, if you're looking for one of your own, you may have to start kissing up to me again.
Sylvain, shocked portrait: You made this?
Manuela, neutral portrait: I did. There wasn't a whole lot of comradery among wannabe divas of the Mittelfrank Opera Company, and sometimes my costumes would suffer for it.
Sylvain: Huh. Never would have thought those shows I saw had such a dark underbelly.
Manuela, happy portrait: Ah, you've attended my performances?
Sylvain, neutral portrait: Once or twice. The trip from Gautier was too long to do it more than once every one or two years, and with everything going on in the Kingdom . . . I wish I could have gone more.
Manuela, neutral portrait: Well, it wasn't all bad; don't let my bitter memories ruin yours. There was still a lot to enjoy. But, well, the poor makers were already overrun creating such elaborate garments that I took to fixing them myself. Turns out I enjoy sewing much more than I would have thought.
Sylvain: It's really well made, too. The colours you chose, the stitching pattern--even the way you chose to shape the letters is stunning.
Manuela, shocked portrait: My, you really seem to know what you're talking about.
Sylvain: Comes with the territory.
Manuela, neutral portrait: Now, I just don't think that's true.
Sylvain, shocked portrait: Pardon?
Manuela: I'd never seen you so incensed as when you almost broke down my door trying to prove Lorenz your taste in operas was better than his.
Sylvain: That's . . . I'm not proud of it.
Manuela, happy portrait: Ah, but you should be! I know so few people your age who are so passionate about the arts. It's actually . . . very refreshing. Puts my heart at ease, you know?
Sylvain, happy portrait: Hm. I never really thought about it that way. Glad I could be of service.
Sylvain, neutral portrait: I should get this to Dorte. I'll make sure your handkerchief gets back to you without a speck of dirt, Professor Manuela.
[Sylvain leaves the infirmary]
Manuela: To think, there was a gentleman sitting dormant the entire time . . . .
INT., Cathedral - nighttime.
[Manuela is sat at a pew, humming to herself.]
Manuela, happy portrait: ♪ Hmm ♪ Distant heavens, sullied earth ♪ hmm hmm, da-da ♪ Dis'pointed gods, disheartened man ♪
[Sylvain enters the scene]
Sylvain, neutral portrait: I know this is going to sound like a line, but I'm happy to see the war hasn't also stolen that smile of yours, Professor Manuela.
Manuela, neutral portrait: Times like these, I'd even take those sordid advances of yours, cheap as they are.
Sylvain: I'm . . . gonna blow past that.
Sylvain, upset portrait: Actually, I'm glad you're here, Professor.
[Sylvain joins her on the pew]
Manuela: I'm not a professor anymore, you know.
Sylvain, neutral portrait: Yeah, but even you haven't kicked the habit of calling Professor Eisner the same.
Manuela: That's fair enough. So, what did you want to talk to me about?
Sylvain, upset portrait: Oh. Right. I . . .
[Sylvain pulls a bloodied handkerchief from his breeches.]
Sylvain: I know I said I would give this back to you--and I wanted to. But then, you know, the attack on the monastery--
Manuela, shocked portrait: Please tell me you haven't been keeping a blood-soaked handkerchief in your pockets for me.
Sylvain, happy portrait: Heh, no. Sorry to disappoint. What happened's kinda worse, though.
Sylvain, upset portrait: I grabbed it from my old room, hoping to give it to you, but I was attacked on the way here.
Manuela: Are you all right?
Sylvain, neutral portrait: Oh. Yeah. Barely felt it, actually. Looked worse than it was. Mercedes was around the corner, so all told it went better than it should have.
Sylvain, upset portrait: But I wrecked your handiwork. I'm really sorry, Pro . . . Man--Manuela.
Manuela, winking portrait: You'd think you were saying the goddess' name for all your stuttering.
Sylvain, shocked portrait: I . . . Uh.
Manuela, upset portrait: Sorry. That was out of line.
Sylvain, neutral portrait: Nah, don't worry about it. The way you've kept your head up during the war has kept me sane. I mean, you've been fighting your own sort of war for years now, haven't you? And you've become good at hiding the casualties.
Manuela: The trail of terrified men I've left in my wake would disagree.
Sylvain: Maybe. But you still kept it together when we students needed you. You still shone brightly on the stage for all your patrons and audience members.
Manuela, shocked portrait: I didn't think you remembered my performances.
Sylvain: I don't. Not really. I remember going, and I remember having a good time, but I don't think I have the same, ah, star-struck quality around you that most do.
Manuela, neutral portrait: Hm. Who would have thought being bland to someone like you would bring me so much comfort?
Sylvain, angry portrait: Someone like me?
Manuela: Don't get that armour of yours in a twist. I just mean-- Well, you have a good heart, and the taste one usually acquires when they live their lives in the upper echelons of society. You're a fine young man, Sylvain.
Sylvain, upset portrait: Sure.
Manuela: I mean it. You came in here looking like a kicked dog because you dirtied my handkerchief. The man you pretend to be would just offer to buy me another one. You know its value, and you're guilty because I entrusted you with it.
Sylvain: I mean, yeah. Manuela you made this.
Manuela: Exactly.
Sylvain: I think we're talking cross-purposes.
Manuela: We're not. How about this: When this war is over, and I finally set up the academy of my dreams, you come find me and replace my handkerchief.
Sylvain, shocked portrait: I can't replace it any sooner?
Manuela: No. Because . . . I want to know you found happiness after all this tragedy. It would do me some good to see a boy like you be treated fairly by the world, if only a little.
Sylvain: Manuela . . .
Sylvain, happy portrait: Yeah. Okay. And it's gonna be the the crème de la crème of handkerchiefs. Just you wait.
Manuela, happy portrait: I look forward to it, Sylvain.
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cum-villain · 3 years
url change
matador-of-autism -> coach-shidas-wife-is-a-ghost
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people are following me for my queer post meanwhile im here reading fanfiction for tadaai and loving ainosuke. with all those entail.
They have no idea what theyre getting themselves into <333
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oh god. oh fucking god. what in the fucking 7 hells happened to our hair
??? O H N O ???
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look up "the owo song by the click". i hate how legitimately good it is but hey hes been my fave utuber for half a year so what did i expect
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yahoo yahoo
fun fact when i kinned him i used to use "yahoo~" instead of hello
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owo what is this i think i found lowove within
(would you like to see the full song bestie)
i am. so curious. yk what. okay.
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cum-villain · 3 years
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coach-shidas-wife-is-a-ghost -> gay-sylvain-jose-gautier-truther
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