tagatha-month · 2 years
Tagatha Month Calendar 2022
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The official 2022 Tagatha Month Calendar is here!
These prompts are meant to be used for fanfics, one shots, drawings, edits, head cannons, or any other way you are inspired by them. Be creative! This is all just for fun. As always, there is no pressure to create anything, this is just a fun event for the fandom!
If you create something from one of the prompts, we ask that you use the tag “Tagathamonth2022.” Please tag this account in your Tagatha Month posts so we can reblog all of your fantastic works!
A list of prompts can be found under the cut
1. Wood
2. Giant
3. Ink
4. Grape
5. Bottle
6. Catch up day
7. Cycle
8. Capture
9. Damp
10. Beast
11. Property
12. Hand
13. Catch up day
14. Injure
15. Tear
16. Minute
17. Transfer
18. Dusty
19. Crib
20. Catch up day
21. Wander
22. Dizzy
23. Stretch
24. Movie
25. Empty
26. Dark
27. Catch up day
28. Accurate 
29. Chairs
30. Daily
31. Chapter
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tagatha-month · 3 years
And that’s a wrap on Tagatha Month! Thank you to all of our participants! There are plans for a calendar that will be released in 2022. We hope this was fun for everyone involved. If there are any questions about this calendar, our asks are open.
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 31 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
It’s the last day! I hope you all enjoyed my posts and thank you so much for reading them!
- So, I don’t really know how electricity works in Camelot, but for the sake of cute headcannons based on the prompt, we’re going to say they do
- Anyway, one night the power goes out in Camelot and they are left completely in the dark
- Both Agatha and Tedros are still working on royalty stuff in their respective offices
- It’s dark outside, so when the power goes out, it’s pitch black
- Tedros jumps up and freaks out a bit, but calms down enough to makes his way to Agatha’s office(his wife is always his first priority)
- When the lights go out in Agatha’s office, she handles it much better
- She’s more used to it because it happened more frequently in Gavaldon
- She is a little surprised but quickly finds a candle before Tedros bursts into the room
- He sees the candle in her hand and feels a little stupid that he didn’t think of that(he ran the whole distance between their offices completely in the dark)
- Agatha still has some work to do, but Tedros eventually manages to convince her that it’s time to go to bed and the go huddle under the blankets and whisper until they fall asleep
And an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 25 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
- Tedros has no idea how to do laundry
- He has always had servants and other people to do it for him, so he never learned
- Agatha of course knows how to wash her clothes, she had to do for the majority of her life when it was just her and her mom
- She likes to keep all her clothes clean, but she isn’t really concerned on how they look(she washes everything but doesn’t necessarily fold all her clothes)
- When they both moved back to Camelot, most of the servants had left because there was no one to serve
- Agatha was fine of course, but Tedros was very confused on why his clothes were getting dirty instead of coming back into his closet clean
- Agatha has to explain to him and he listens incredulously
- The next day, she brought him with her to do laundry and taught him how to do it
- Now, Tedros likes doing his own laundry, even thought they have servants now
- He likes spending time with his wife and doing something for himself rather than have everything done for him
And an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 24 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
- so we all know that Agatha hated mirrors when she lived in Gavaldon and then she realized she was beautiful and stopped
- She still doesn’t like them very much when she gets to Camelot, because they remind her too much of how she used to think
- She still needs to work on some of her self-esteem issues, but lucky for her, Tedros is the perfect person to help her with this
- He thinks she is absolutely beautiful and can’t understand why she doesn’t see herself that way
- One day, they are walking past a mirror in one of the hallways and he saw her glance at it and sort of cringe away
- He asked her why she did that and she just sort of said it brought back bad memories
- Tedros just gave her a hug and they kept walking, but he resolved to help her see how beautiful she is
- So now, almost everyday, he makes sure to tell her that she is beautiful and he loves her at least once a day
- Agatha always blushes and mumbles a thank you, but she is really grateful
- She knows what he is trying to do, and she doesn’t really mind
- After a couple years, she doesn’t hate glass mirrors anymore, but Tedros still continues to tell her he loves her everyday
And an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 23 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
So, I’m realizing I have a lot of headcannons about Tagatha just relaxing and getting away from royal life, and you what, I’m okay with that. They deserve a lot of breaks from the chaos that is ruling Camelot. And I also just love domestic soft Tagatha. So, today, my headcannon is that Agatha and Tedros like to go to a vacation house in the mountains because it’s very peaceful and quiet and they can just be with each other with no one else.
So have some art and an aesthetic of that!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Meet Cute
Day 22 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
Next Part of my fic! Tagatha actually has a conversation!
And an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 20 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
I have a lot of headcannons about how Agatha and Tedros take a break from castle life, but I think my favorite is that they just go walk along the ocean. Agatha has never seen it before, and Tedros would just love to show her. Sometimes they swim, but they mostly just spend time walking peacefully and talking to each other. They are literally teenagers ruling a kingdom, so I think they deserve some breaks to just have fun with each other!
So, today I have some art of their walks near the ocean and an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 19 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
- they only whisper when they are with other people or they need to be quiet
- In general, they like to just talk at a normal volume
- But, they do like to whisper sometimes when they want to keep a secret
- At public dinners or events, they like whispering to each other about random things
- Tedros likes to point out things he recognizes or things he thinks are cool that he doesn’t really want to tell everyone
- He likes showing Agatha fun things when they are bored
- Sometimes they start intense whispering conversations when they disagree on something and they lose track of what is going on
- Especially at meetings with advisors or about political laws and stuff, they each have different opinions on things
- They have been interrupted many times by advisors who have to awkwardly watch them whisper yell at each other
- They just laugh it off and keep going with the meeting
- At more public dinners, their whisper conversations are more just to keep them from being bored
- They just like talking to each other, but they don’t want to interrupt the event
- When the event is loud, they scoot their chairs closer together so they can hear each other better
- Agatha usually ends up leaning on Tedros while they talk, but she usually doesn’t realize it until someone comes to talk to them
And an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 18 of Tagatha month! Today I have some art of Tagatha’s proposal and an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
Day 16 of Tagatha month! @tagatha-month
- so, obviously Agatha has a cat, Reaper
- since Reaper is apparently King of the gnomes, she can’t really have him as a pet anymore
- Reaper still comes and visits though, and Agatha always gets super excited, but Tedros is not as happy
- He’s grateful for what Reaper has done for them and he loves that his wife is happy, but he still doesn’t particularly like Reaper
- However, Tedros does notice that when Reaper is not there, Agatha is sad and she misses him
- So, a couple months after TCY, Agatha gets a surprise present from her husband
- She wakes up one morning to find Tedros standing next to her with a box in his hands(don’t worry, he made sure to put some holes in it)
- He hands it to her and she opens it to find a small black kitten sleeping soundly
- She looks back up at him and Tedros suddenly gets very nervous she doesn’t like it
- He starts rambling about how he thought she missed Reaper and having a cat and he wanted to do something nice for her, but she cuts him off by kissing him
- She tells him she loves it and she loves him for getting the cat for her
And an aesthetic!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
day 6: gold
feat. tagatha
before you read: fluffy angst? angsty fluff? basically just sad vibes; based off an hc i have
a/n: repost from @koibio because i'm splitting blogs; go to @tagatha-month for the prompts and calendar!
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The glint of a gold ring caught Agatha's attention.
Well, in a place of white, gold was pretty hard to miss.
She sat down next to the ring and studied it, wondering where it could've possibly come from.
Picking up the ring, she looked at it closer. She then noticed a small sun that was engraved onto it.
She recognized this ring.
It was... wait, whose ring was it again?
A pang of sadness hit her chest.
The rest of her body still seemed to react to this ring though, for her left hand moved instinctively to her right as if it were searching for something.
A silver twin perhaps.
A door in her heart burst open, flooding memory after memory into her mind.
A ring box.
A blond boy with a bright smile as he opened it for her.
"Agatha~" he sang, holding the ring out to her.
A silver ring with a crescent moon engraving.
The boy cheerfully raised his hand, showing off his own ring.
"Look, now we have couple rings~"
Her ring's golden counterpart. She could barely make the sun out on it then.
Smiling so wide, her cheeks were hurting.
Putting the ring onto her index finger of her right hand, the boy looked up at her with his blue eyes.
His gaze so loving, her heart was melting.
Looking away and lifting her hand up to admire the ring.
But then the boy took her hand back and pressed the most softest of kisses onto it.
Pulling her...
When a tear had fallen from her eye and ran across her cheek, splattering onto the ground below her, Agatha was shaken back into her reality.
Who was that boy?
She remembered those blue eyes.
She knew those blue eyes.
His loving touch.
But his name... his name teased at the folds of her brain, dancing on the tip of her tongue.
She dug deeper and deeper into her mind.
She knew his name, right?
How could she forget someone who looked at her like that?
Fueled by desperation, she clawed through what memories she had left.
His name, his name, his name, HIS NAME.
She fell to her knees.
A cry catching at her throat, she raised her arm that had the ring tightly grasped in her hand as if she were going to throw it far far away.
But a familiar voice rang out.
"Agatha~" he called, "you wouldn't throw my ring like that, now would you?"
She froze. "Who are you?!" she screamed.
She could almost see his playful pout.
"Aw, Agatha... I can't believe you forgot me already," he teased.
"Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me?!" she repeated, spinning around looking for the source of the voice.
A few minutes of silence passed, as if the voice were thinking its next words carefully.
"It's me, princess..." the voice said hoarsely, "Tedros."
A faint glimmer appeared before her, a small sad smile on his face.
She reached a hand out towards him.
"Tedros?" she whispered, voice breaking.
"Tedros," he confirmed, nodding, before starting to fade.
Agatha lunged to catch it before he completely disappeared, but she was too late.
He was gone.
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post-notes: wasn't this just a lovely piece of writing? (dang it spotify, why did you give me all of my saddest songs) would you believe me if i said that this first started out as keyboard smashing- hope it was worth the read!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
day 5: library
feat. tagatha, sophie (mentioned)
before you read: sfw; fluff; famous writer!agatha; implied heartbreak
a/n: repost from @koibio because i'm splitting blogs; i haven't been to a library in so long... this is probably so cliche lolll; go to @tagatha-month for the prompts and calendar!
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Agatha wandered through the aisles as she was looking for a book to read. Well, not just any book. Her book.
Meet Agatha Edmund, the mysterious author of A Star's Last Embrace.
"E. Finally. Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. Why are there so many Ea last names, oh my gosh. Eb. Oh finally, no more 'Ea's. Eb. Ec..." she muttered to herself, using her finger to read the small print on the spines of the book.
"Aha, Ed! Wait a minute... I should've just looked for the spine... Sophie designed the cover for me. There's no way I could've missed it. Gosh, I'm such an idiot." But just as she was about to pull her book out from its place, another hand was reaching for it as well.
"Oh," the hand drew back, "My apologies, please, you can take it first."
Agatha turned to look at the stranger.
Not just a stranger though. A handsome stranger. And that's the worst kind: they break hearts in the most painful way.
She forced a smile, "Oh, are you sure? This is only one library, I'm sure I can find another copy at a different place"
The stranger smiled apologetically, "Actually, there's no other copies. In fact, I just came from the public library on the other side of town. All of the copies there were already checked out. Don't think you'll find one for a while."
Pride swelled in her body. Did all those people love her book that much?
"Oh my, then I insist you take it. To tell you the truth, I've read this book so many times now that I might as well have the entire thing memorized," she chuckled sheepishly.
The stranger's eyes widened, "You too?! Star's Last Embrace is too good if it can charm women like you.
"Excuse me?"
"Ah, I'm sorry. Poor attempt at flirting." He tried to laugh it off, raising a hand to scratch at the base of his neck.
Agatha crossed her arms and smirked, "Do you just flirt with all the women you meet?"
The stranger flushed, "Well- err... not exactly?"
A smile tugged at her lips. It took all of her willpower not to continue to tease the poor man. His eyes darted between her and the floor as his cheeks and ears were still tinged pink.
Maybe this one wasn't so bad.
Instead she turned back to the shelf and pulled out the book, handing it over to him.
"I still insist you take it, Mr. uh...?"
"Pendragon. Tedros Pendragon."
"Right, Mr. Pendragon. Here, take it."
Tedros hesitated in accepting the book, but he did so with a wide smile.
"Then can I at least take you out for a coffee as a thank you, Ms. uh...?"
"Agatha. You can just call me Agatha."
"'Agatha'? As in..." his eyes dropping to the cover of the book.
"Oh, no," Agatha laughed, waving her hand in dismissal, "We share the same first name though, isn't that crazy?"
(Cause we can't have people knowing who she is. There's a reason why she's so mysterious.)
"Ohhh," he said joining in on her laugh, "That is very crazy... Well, I'd still love to take you out for coffee, Ms. Agatha."
It can't hurt to... right? It could be a one time thing... It could...
"If we can talk about the book, then sure, I'd love to."
(Smooth, Agatha. Real smooth. Score a date with another hot stranger, but this time using your book as the excuse to go)
He smiled, relieved, "It's settled then. But first, let me go check out this book."
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post-notes: apparently "edmund" has a similar meaning to "edgar"; inspired by a title i saw on fantasynamegenerators! (can be found here -- original was "Death's Warm Embrace"); i italicize way too much but no one can take the italicize function away from me! no one! *my precious*; anyways... this made more sense in my head i swear (and yes i'm aware that bookstores are a thing... but shh); hope it was worth the read!
p.s. go to this page, you might see a familiar name ;)
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tagatha-month · 3 years
day 4: tower
feat. tagatha
before you read: tw: implied/mentioned death; modern-ish au; fluff if you squint
a/n: repost from @koibio because i'm splitting blogs; go to @tagatha-month for the prompts and calendar!
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Tedros awoke in a tower. A really tall tower. But he wasn't Rapunzel. He didn't have incredibly long hair, nor did he have any magical properties. His golden hair sat on the top of his head, never falling past his neck, as it has always been.
The tower had enough room for him to be able to eat, sleep, wash, and relieve (by relieve, I mean the bathroom), but there were no doors leading outside. He had no chance of escaping. Lucky for him though, he had no desire of escaping. "I deserve this," he whispered to himself over and over. The guilt clawed at his stomach and his vomit threatened to rise. His mind flashed back to that day. The day when he had killed his lady love. (2 months ago)
Tedros: It's pretty out, do you want to go somewhere?
Agatha: Sure, where should we go?
Tedros: Don't even worry about that, I already have everything planned out. Just be ready by 4 :)
Agatha: Okay <3
Tedros: <3
Tedros smiled at his phone. He looked at himself in the mirror once more before giving his reflection some finger guns and walked out of the door. Following his plan that he came up with yesterday, he got into his car and headed to pick up the things he needed for their date. His first stop, back to his house. Because he forgot the pillows and blankets that he had set by the door. (I know, Tedros. I do that too sometimes.) His second stop was to the pizzeria so that he could order Agatha's favorite pizza: Buffalo Chicken. His timing was perfect: it was going to be ready around 3:45, which would give him enough time to pick it up and still get to Agatha's apartment on time. After leaving the pizzeria, he walked to the flower shop next door (very convenient, I know). The door chime greeted him as he walked into a hallway of flowers. As he admired the flowers, he made his way to the back where the owner of the shop was. "I'd like a dozen red roses please," he said, smiling. The owner nodded and handed him a pre-arranged bouquet of a dozen roses, "That'll be $50." Tedros handed the owner the money and grabbed the roses, thanking him as he turned to leave. Once he got into his car, he plopped the flowers onto the passenger seat and drove to the store to get some snacks. The parking lot was packed like usual, so Tedros spent some time looking for an open spot. "It's fine," he thought, "I still have time." After what seemed like an eternity, Tedros found a car that was backing out of its spot, lucky! He pulled into with perfect parallel-parking skills and got out, making a mental list of Agatha's and his favorite snacks. His cart was already full of the snacks and drinks that he wanted to get, but he got distracted by the plushies that were coincidentally situated near the check out lines. He was choosing between a fox and a cat, but soon settled on the cat (because Agatha loves cats). Tossing it in the cart, he walked to the check out line. While waiting in line, he checked the time on his phone. "3:40" it read and he sighed with relief. He still had time. Once all the items were scanned and placed into bags, he paid and quickly left the store, not wanting to be late for his date. He drove to the pizzeria just in time and picked up the pizza. He went through all the items in his car, checking it off in his mental list as he went. Satisfied that he had everything he needed, he drove to Agatha's apartment, which fortunately wasn't very far away. He desperately wanted to see her. But as he was driving to her apartment, there were many fire trucks and ambulances on the road. Hearing the siren of a fire truck behind him, he tried to get out of the way as fast as possible, like many of the other cars on the road did. As the fire truck sped past, Tedros thought, "Man, poor timing..." and he continued on his way to Agatha. Strangely though, it seemed as if he was following the fire truck. But Tedros thought nothing of it because surely either the truck or he would turn somewhere. Unfortunately, neither one of them turned. Tedros began to worry. Fear began to grow and take hold of him. "Please say it's not Agatha's apartment unit," he whispered to himself as he followed the truck and turned the corner where it indeed was her unit. He parked his car at the corner and rushed out, trying to find Agatha among the group of rescued people. She wasn't there. He whirled back to the apartment where he saw fires blazing and burning everything it could eat. He overheard the people standing by, "A freak accident... an unattended gas range..." He ran to the nearest firefighter and grabbed his arm. "My girlfriend!" he cried, "I think she's still in there! Please, you have to find her!" The firefighter gave Tedros a calming touch on the shoulder, "We're doing everything we can, sir. Please have a little more patience with us." Tedros bit his lip with worry but still nodded, trusting that they will save her. He moved to the back as to not get in their way and sat down, pulling his hair with his hands. Several minutes has passed when
everyone heard wails from in the building. A figure holding 2 young children appeared limping towards the exit. Tedros strained to see who it was until he recognized their form. "Agatha," he breathed with relief. He rushed to the door of the building to get to her, until the firefighter caught him and held him back. "It's too dangerous to go in there! Look, it's unstable. If you go in there, you could disrupt it and cause it to go falling on you, your girlfriend, and those 2 children. You don't want that right? So let us handle this." Tedros stared after the group of firefighters making their way to retrieve the 3 people. Everything seemed to be going well. Agatha was still carrying the children as she hobbled to the door. She was almost out, until the ceiling gave in. Good news: Agatha's quick reflexes allowed the children to get out safely. Bad news: It was too late for Agatha. The ceiling crashed on top of her, but not until she caught Tedros's eyes and gave him one last sad smile. She was dressed for their date. She wore a long floral dress, a sunhat, and some of the jewelry that Tedros had bought for her. It was obvious how much time she had spent planning her outfit. In another world, Tedros would've dropped the roses at the first glance of her, pull her into a hug and kiss her all over, gushing at how beautiful she looked. But in this one, he reached his hand out and ran towards the building, screaming her name. If only time had slowed. If only the gods had taken mercy on him and allowed him that one extra step that could've saved her. If only he could've rushed in there when he had the chance, pick her up, and carry her to safety. If only he had come faster. Screw the pizza, the roses, the snacks. He could've done that after he picked her up. They were supposed to go to the lake together. Watch the sunset and eat pizza together. Hold each other as they talked about random things. It was supposed to be perfect. But the ceiling still crashed on top of her. Her body was still crushed by the debris. He still didn't make it in time. The saved children ran to their parents' embrace. Tedros, on the other hand, fell to his knees and cried. And he stayed there for a while. He stayed there while the firefighters had finished putting out the fire. He stayed there while the scouting team went to look for any survivors. Or bodies. He stayed there until his voice grew hoarse. Until he had no more tears left to cry. Until his heart hollowed and the light drained from his eyes. The firefighters had retrieved her body, but Tedros couldn't bear to look. He could already imagine the burns littered across it and the lifelessness in her eyes. Her sad smile frozen on her face. Trudging back to his car, he saw the roses that he had bought for her, the pizza he had bought for them, and the cat plushie he was going to give her as a gift. He picked them all up and gave them away to the remaining people. Then he climbed into his car and started it, deciding what he should do now. But there was too much going on in his mind. The only thing the voices in his head seemed to agree on was "Just drive." And so he did. He drove, pressing his foot on the gas pedal, inching closer and closer to the 200s. He ended up running a lot of red lights, but he didn't care. He just needed to get away. "It's your fault," a voice told him as he was driving. "You should've gotten there faster." "You could've saved her." "Your fault." He didn't notice where he was, or the animal that had wandered onto the road. It wasn't until it was right in front of him where he had swerved and crashed into a ditch, the impact knocking him out cold.
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post-notes: i'm sorry Tedros, it hurt me too T^T (the tower is sorta supposed to be like the afterlife) hope it was worth the read though!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
day 3: mother's day
feat. tagatha, callis (mentioned)
before you read: sfw; might be a little sad because... you know... BUT i'm going to try to make it happy; vague setting but cars are a thing so...
a/n: repost from @koibio because i'm splitting blogs; go to @tagatha-month for the prompts and calendar!
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Tedros knelt before his mother's grave, as Agatha stood a little farther behind him. The wind howled in her ears as he whispered something to her tombstone so Agatha couldn't hear what he had said. But then he stood up, dusted his pants off, and looked back at her and smiled softly.
The corners of his eyes crinkled and his lips stretched and curled upward slightly, a silent "thank you for being here" that only she would understand. Agatha smiled back, "of course I'd be here, silly." She walked up to stand next to him and touched his back, rubbing a small, comforting circle onto it before kneeling down herself and laying a bouquet of flowers in front of Guinevere's grave. She then stood and stepped back as Tedros reached his arms out and around her waist and leaned his body against hers. His body shook a little and some shuddering sighs escaped his mouth. But other than that, it was silent. The wind had stopped blowing and there were no other sources of sound. It was their moment of peace.
Agatha took hold of one of his hands and squeezed it, motioning for Tedros to head back. She bowed her head slightly in leaving to Guinevere's grave before following him to their car.
Tedros was already in the passenger seat when Agatha had reached the car. His eyes were slightly red and puffy from crying but Agatha didn't mind. She got in on the driver's side and brushed her hand against his cheek, smiling at him.
"You did well, my love. I'm so proud of you." she whispered to him.
He gave her a small smile and held her hand to his cheek, nuzzling into it.
Agatha caressed his cheek before pulling her hand away gently so she could put the keys into the ignition and head to where Callis was. Tedros turned his head to the window and soon fell asleep.
A couple of hours later, they had arrived to the spot where Agatha had scattered Callis's ashes a few years ago.
Agatha shook Tedros awake before getting out of the car. Climbing to the top of the hill where her old house used to be, she thought of her childhood and how life used to be. Just the two of them: Callis and Agatha. She sat down on the grass and exhaled.
"Hey, mom. I hope you're doing well... wherever you are. Happy Mother's Day. Sorry we can't have lizard soup today... I'm doing well..."
She paused, not sure what to say next.
"I miss you, mom... so much."
Her voice cracked from the emotions that she was feeling.
Hugging her knees to her chest, she continued to talk about everything that happened so far, her fears and worries, her new goals and dreams, everything.
What she didn't know though was that Tedros was close-by and telling Callis something as well.
"Hello, Callis," he said, looking up at the sky, "I'm sorry I can't ask you this in person, but I just couldn't wait longer. I'd like to ask your permission to marry your daughter..."
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post-notes: i do not have the magical fingers... hope it was still worth the read!
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tagatha-month · 3 years
day 2: musical
feat. tagatha
before you read: sfw; fluff; modern au; bulleted format; some language (censored)
a/n: repost from @koibio because splitting blogs; used Hamilton because that's literally the only musical i've seen); go to @tagatha-month for the prompts and calendar!
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"OH MY GOSH, TEDROS LOOK!" Agatha squealed as she pointed at something on the screen with the remote, "THEY HAVE HAMILTON!"
Tedros laughed a little, because Agatha was super adorable with how excited she was to watch Hamilton.
Agatha was very very VERY happy that her favorite musical was available on Disney+
she turns to Tedros and asks with her puppy eyes like "Can we pleaseeee watch it"
and Tedros just nods and smiles, "Of course," because how can he say no to her and her puppy eyes?
and Agatha is doing like a little mini dance as she gets Hamilton on and Tedros just goes into the kitchen and grabs some snacks and drinks
this is also where Tedros learns that Agatha knows the entire musical by heart (like seriously, from "Alexander Hamilton" to "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells your story," she's singing all of it)
heck, she'll even get up by the TV and do the moves with the cast (she totally forgets that Tedros is there)
(Tedros definitely has his phone on recording this to save for later)
it isn't until much later when Agatha sees the camera and uh oh...
Tedros smiles wickedly and his eyes are just like "What are you gonna do about it?" and Agatha is like "Oh, you did not just go there" and they're just circling the couch, Agatha trying to get to the phone to delete the video and Tedros avoiding her to not get the video deleted
it goes on for a while until Agatha just huffs and sits on the couch, arms crossed, frowning
and Tedros just gives and sits down next to her and hands her the phone
(he most definitely did not send duplicate the video and hide it in his hidden album... nope. Tedros is a good boy.)
Agatha just smiles and deletes it, not knowing that he still has it... and then just snuggles in next to him
to which Tedros wraps his arm around her and kisses her hair
a couple songs later, Tedros and Agatha are sobbing because how can you not cry in Hamilton... (y'all know where I'm talking about, right?)
about an hour and a half later, they finish the musical
they look at each other at the same time and nod
Agatha presses replay
"How does a b*****d, orphan, son of a w***e..."
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post-notes: this one was so lame lol but i hope it was still worth the read
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tagatha-month · 3 years
day 6: gold
feat. tagatha
before you read: UHHHHHH so, i had no ideas so here is this messy little thing; angsty fluff? fluffy angst? i don't know but so far i'm getting very sad vibes; based off an hc i have
a/n: ooh, y'all are gonna love this one asfDSDLKSDJF; go to @tagatha-month for the prompts!
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The glint of a gold ring caught Agatha's attention.
Well, in a place of white, gold was pretty hard to miss.
She sat down next to the ring and studied it, wondering where it could've possibly come from.
Picking up the ring, she looked at it closer. She then noticed a small sun that was engraved onto it.
She recognized this ring.
It was... wait, whose ring was it again?
A pang of sadness hit her chest.
The rest of her body still seemed to react to this ring though, for her left hand moved instinctively to her right as if it were searching for something.
A silver twin perhaps.
A door in her heart burst open, flooding memory after memory into her mind.
A ring box.
A blond boy with a bright smile as he opened it for her.
"Agatha~" he sang, holding the ring out to her.
A silver ring with a crescent moon engraving.
The boy cheerfully raised his hand, showing off his own ring.
"Look, now we have couple rings~"
Her ring's golden counterpart. She could barely make the sun out on it then.
Smiling so wide, her cheeks were hurting.
Putting the ring onto her index finger of her right hand, the boy looked up at her with his blue eyes.
His gaze so loving, her heart was melting.
Looking away and lifting her hand up to admire the ring.
But then the boy took her hand back and pressed the most softest of kisses onto it.
Pulling her...
When a tear had fallen from her eye and ran across her cheek, splattering onto the ground below her, Agatha was shaken back into her reality.
Who was that boy?
She remembered those blue eyes.
She knew those blue eyes.
His loving touch.
But his name... his name teased at the folds of her brain, dancing on the tip of her tongue.
She dug deeper and deeper into her mind.
She knew his name, right?
How could she forget someone who looked at her like that?
Fueled by desperation, she clawed through what memories she had left.
His name, his name, his name, HIS NAME.
She fell to her knees.
A cry catching at her throat, she raised her arm that had the ring tightly grasped in her hand as if she were going to throw it far far away.
But a familiar voice rang out.
"Agatha~" he called, "you wouldn't throw my ring like that, now would you?"
She froze. "Who are you?!" she screamed.
She could almost see his playful pout.
"Aw, Agatha... I can't believe you forgot me already," he teased.
"Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me?!" she repeated, spinning around looking for the source of the voice.
A few minutes of silence passed, as if the voice were thinking its next words carefully.
"It's me, princess..." the voice said hoarsely, "Tedros."
A faint glimmer appeared before her, a small sad smile on his face.
She reached a hand out towards him.
"Tedros?" she whispered, voice breaking.
"Tedros," he confirmed, nodding, before starting to fade.
Agatha lunged to catch it before he completely disappeared, but she was too late.
He was gone.
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post-notes: aHAHAHAHA UH hope y'all liked that... lovely piece of writing (dang it spotify, why did you give me all my sad songs). what first started as me just keyboard smashing turned out to be this thing and lowkey, i'm kinda proud. anyways, if y'all enjoyed reading this, please consider liking, reblogging, and maybe even following for more? yeahhh, hope it was worth the read :3
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