taglesstitties · 7 years
You upset me
February 11' 2017 7:42pm "You upset me when you put your friends first on the few days we have together. You can make time for your friends on the days when I'm not there. Or I mean you could always make time for me then as I'm getting ready to leave you can say "hey sorry, I said I'd go through with the plan but with Aaron instead." But that won't get you anywhere with us. You upset me when you stick up for the piece of trash you call 'dad'. He doesn't deserve such an amazing person as you. You don't deserve to be treated like he treats you. You upset me when you lie wall the time. The next time I find out you've lied about hanging out with Alex again, I GUARANTEE i will give you the ultimatum of " It's either ME or ALEX. No in between." I've wanted to give you that ultimatum so many times but I've got too much love for you. Jerk. You upset me when you force me to eat leftovers. I know that sounds silly butt you know I hate them. That will NEVER change. You need to understand that. You upset me when you tell me to "Keep pushing. Think positive. Just because cutting kept you alive before, doesn't give you the excuse to cut now." That last comment was beyond fucked up. I should've left, gone outside, hit you, yelled, screamed, yelled, cried. That was heartless. But you'll never understand that. You upset me when you ignore me for your friends. You've ignored me for hours at a time. If I'm with you, you don't acknowledge my existence. If I'm not with you, you don't text back. It would be nice if you could hold my hand, give me a quick glance once in a while, or even hug me while you talk to your buddies. But I get nothing. You upset me when you don't let me have private showers. I understand you love to take showers with me but you cannot continue to show 2 times a day. You love morning showers. I love night showers. You can't do both. You're a big guy, you and I don't fit in my shower. Please just let me have my night showers. You upset me when you expect me to know shit about mechanics and make fun of me when I don't. When I try to learn and ask you questions you tell me in the way you would to your buddies. So of course, it doesn't make sense to me. Then I ask, "wtf" you give up and say "ugh. I don't know any other way to explain it. Sorry." If I don't understand and you can't teach me, then give up trying to have a girlfriend who knows what comes out of your mouth 24/7. You upset me when you don't take me seriously when I say I hate being cold. I can't deal with cold like you can. Don't tear off the blankets that are keeping me warm just because you're getting hot. I'm not. I'm never getting hot. Don't steal my warmth just because you have too much. You upset me when you force me to hangout with your assholes called friends. You used to protect me from these jerks, but now you force me into those situations each time we hangout. You upset me when you REFUSE to listen to my music to watch my favorite things. I listen to your music, tv shows, and YouTube videos every god damn weekend. It can't hurt you to listen to one fucking song I like. God forbid you do. Who knows you just might like it. You upset me when you hide your phone. You get defensive when I wanna look at it or hold it when it's open. What else do I think other than you hiding shit and I can't deal with that for the rest of my life. If you're hiding so,etching I need to know what it is or I can't continue. You upset me when you don't pay attention enough to what I'm feeling. Even if it's all over the place, it has a reason to be there. You don't help me out just get upset at your self that you "aren't doing your job as a boyfriend". News flash, you can't control my feelings, that's not your job as my boyfriend. You're job is to love me and be there for me. You know, the guys you hate the mist in life help me more than you ever have. I gave Ted a huge box of hand-rolled cigarettes that I stole just for a few shots of vodka, needless to say, I felt like shit. He pulled me to the side before the party started and talked to me for so long and kissed my newly cut wrists. That encounter alone buffers my cutting for a few months. All you did was forced me to stop, and barked at me to stop. You haven't helped, you just got upset at yourself when I cut."
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