take-me-anywhere · 8 years
Trip to Scotland
Scotland was on our list because one of his high school friends was getting married. I didn't had any expectations but it happened to be a really nice and romantic short trip. I wasn't expecting it, Scotland did't sound so exciting.
I have to admit: as a non native english speaker I had trouble understanding people talking in scottish accent. I barely got used to the british and now this...
We took a flight from London to Edinburgh, after landing we rented a car and started our trip to Cornhill on Tweed. When he drives I'm always amazed how easy is for him to just switch from right side to left side, from a plane to a car... probably because I don't enjoy driving at all.
I just like to sit and enjoy the ride and the view. And the view was great, made me feel calm and relaxed.
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The first day was all about finding the hotel, eating normal food (not airplane food and preferably not asian), and catching up with sleep. After 3 weeks spent in Asia a simple western european veggie soup was the best thing ever.
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Our maximum was a short walk in the neighborhood and the chat we had in the beautiful hotel garden.
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The next day was the day of the wedding. We enjoyed the nice weather and went for a walk in B.
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I will skip the whole scottish wedding reception thing and cover it in another post.
The third and last day we enjoyed more nature and scottish scenery. That would mean old buildings and more greenery.
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Until next time guys...
Hugs and kisses, 
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take-me-anywhere · 9 years
Repeat to yourself: I will travel!
Did I mention I like to travel? I loooove to travel! 
They say is important to know what you want in life. Sometimes you just need to have a goal and, even if you are not sure how you are going to achieve it, having it set is all you need. You will get there somehow, you will find the way, or the way will find you. It will just happen. 
Was exactly like that for me. 
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              Photo: me in New York, summer 2013, Kova Zg Photography
After my 3 weeks on the American east coast in the summer of 2013 I knew I want to travel more. Therefore, one day I bought a small cabin size suitcase and decided I'm gonna travel. I didn't know how, where or with which money. My flights to Rome and Milan happened that same autumn, and I was sure I made the right decision. 
And in December I met him. 
Travel become part of my ordinary life, 30 flights a year become a norm and having a summer vacation in the middle of winter a real option. 
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take-me-anywhere · 9 years
How we met - Dec 2013
Is good to start a story from the beginning, right? Well then let’s start with December 2013 when we first met. It was winter and I was just one month on my new job in the rehabilitation centre. I was motivated and happy. After some quite tough years life was finally good.
We met in Zagreb, Croatia on Friday 13th, not really the best day somebody would say. We spent together a nice weekend with no pressure or big expectations. I showed him the city, we talked a lot, we tried to get to know each other, that was all. He seemed so serious and independent for his 28 years, not like the guys I knew. I went to work the Monday after his visit, thinking how probably I will never see him again. But was thankful anyway just for the experience and nice time.
Apparently he had a nice time as well. I was invited to come to London for New Years. A New Years celebration in London with a stranger I knew for 2 and a half days! Who would say no to that? I packed my bag and was ready for the adventure.
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