"Got sand in your ears David? I said, that this thing you call a life is no where near who I am.” Michael’s eyes squint a little as he fights the want to collide his fists with the vampires jaw. “Starting to think that your in love with me David. Only reason why you’d be stalking me and wanting me to join your little fag group.”
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“Good luck then, Emerson. You’re sure as hell gonna need it.” He sneered, never tearing his gaze from his. He knew that by now Michael had to be struggling with his desire to feed, and it was only a matter of time until he gave in and fed. “Pissing me off? That’s cute. I’m just getting a kick out of watching you resist something that’s a part of you now.” 
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The Smiths - How Soon Is Now?
I am human and I need to be loved Just like everybody else does
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“Lets just say you got damn lucky is all. And as for the ass beating...” He pauses for a second. “I don’t think so. Not sure what version you heard but I think his ass got the biggest beating. I at least I left the fight without holes in my body and just a few scrapes and cuts.”
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“I heard David gave you a hell of an ass beating.” Dwayne cocked his head with a narrow stare. “Evidently not as good as you thought.” With a mocking laugh, Dwayne gestured to himself, clearly as alive as ever. Well, as much as a twice dead vampire can be.
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"No. I’m not related to Slimer in any way so I’m sorry to disappoint.” He looks over at her with a cheeky grin on his face. Softly laughs at his own corny joke. “I don’t see you as being any kind of monster really. But just in case that was a confession I will try my best to stay on your good side. I don’t really wanna make enemies with the wrong kind of people...like I did with those one guys.”
Reaching the food stand, Michael is quick to get service. No lines. With his food in hand he eats while they continue their walk. The question about fangs is racing in his mind. A specific question. Through the months he has learned to pick up on things much faster and to never rule out the impossible. He just wanted to know if there were others, besides himself, his brother and the Frog Brothers that knew. “I get the feeling you know who those guys are and what they are.” He randomly says.
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Cassidy followed beside him, wondering how much of a good idea this really was. She had few people she really spent any time with outside of work or just brief interactions with acquaintance. She wasn’t sure if she knew how to socialize and actually be friendly. Her nerves took a back seat when he mentioned monsters. Of course that had to come up, even as a joke. “Maybe I’m already a monster.” She shrugged, “maybe you’re one. Either way, the other is safer in crowded places.” She wasn’t exactly lying. She was a monster in some people’s eyes. “I don’t get all ‘grrr’ if that’s what yoa mean. No more than I already am, anyways” She chuckled. “What about you? Get all green skinned and slimy? Maybe some fangs?”
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Toto | Hold The Line
Hold the line, Love isn’t always on time.
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Michael chuckles. “I blacked out for a couple of minutes but was wide awake to see you light up like a Christmas tree. I would say his aim was pretty good.”
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”Is that so? At least tell me his aim has improved?”
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“Not sure how you survived but since you did, you owe my little brother a new stereo system.”
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“The Frogs having jokes. Now that is something I can’t believe.” He laughs out loud. From what he has seen those guys don’t have a funny bone in their bodies. “I bet you do get like and just don’t realize it. Before we know it you’ll be looking for a dress to wear to prom and you know mom is going to eat that up.”
*tackles him*
Michael rolls his eyes as his little sister tackles. “Callie, aren’t you a little old for these childish games. Grow up.” He groans.
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Michael nods with an amused grin. “Well Cassidy, you don’t have to eat but I haven’t had anything but a bowl of cereal today.” He starts to walk towards a little food place in the distance. Not much on carnival type food but he will take anything right now. He looks over to see if she is following next to him. Laughs softly. “So why just on the boardwalk? Is there some curse that forbids you from leaving it...gonna turn into a monster or something like that?”
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“I get food for free all the time, I work at a diner.” She tried to hold back a grin. This guy was fun to mess around with. She would go with him, as long as they stayed on the boardwalk. “But I guess being nice gets you somewhere.” She said crossing her arms and smiling. “You take the lead, buddy. We stay on the boardwalk, no funny business, Mike.” She said all this while trying to keep a straight face.
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"This is your bright idea?"
“Eve, I am tired of waiting. Now unless you have a better idea I would suggest you zip it.”
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SARCASM: a sentence pack
"That went well."
"I hope you're happy now."
"Do you ever use your brain, or do you just think those five pounds are a built in workout for your neck muscles?"
"Remind me why I should care."
"Oh, gosh, you've insulted me! What ever shall I do? I'll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!"
"This is your bright idea?"
"Wow, you are just so incredibly funny."
"You keep on telling yourself that, sweetheart."
"Whose idea of a fun time is this?"
"Careful, keep having that much fun and it might actually start being good for your health."
"Yes, because your well-being is definitely my number one concern."
"I'll lose sleep over that. Definitely."
"Oh, no. Whatever shall we do? It's dark and we live in the 21st century!"
"Yeah, sure thing."
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He grins again only because he is amused by David’s dramatics. Speaking as if he is a main villain in a movie. “Just trust me when I say that I intend to find the loophole in this twisted contract of yours. That’s the only urge I have right now. This is nowhere near who I am or how my life is going to play out and I get the feeling that is pissing you off.”
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David canted his head to the side as a deep chuckle escaped his throat. “Oh, by all means. Give it your best shot. I’d love to see you try to weasel way outta this. There’s no off button or cancellation to your subscription, Michael. You can’t fight the urge to feed. It’s a part of you now. It’s who you are… Your urges are only going to grow stronger and stronger until you give in.” 
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Michael shakes his head in disagreement with the vampire. He laughs softly. “No, I don’t have to get used to anything because I’m making it a choice.” He steps closer to David. Speaks in almost a whisper, “I don’t want any part of this life and you better believe I am gonna find a way out of it. You’re not a threat to me anymore.”
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“You better get used to it, ‘cause it’s not a style. It’s your life now.” He smirked, raising a brow. “Did you honestly think you had a choice? It’s over, Michael. You’re one of us now. The sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.” 
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“Just because I am hip to your little games and tricks doesn't mean I am ‘with it’. Not my style.” The smirk he had at first has now faded. He is becoming annoyed in just the matter of seconds. No one has ever gotten under his skin as bad as this guy and his friends.Tries his damnedest to not show it. “Seems like you would have gotten that message since you’re so damn smart.”
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“The more you know, Emerson.” He sneered, raising a brow. “It’s about time you figured it out. I was beginning to think you were never going to get with it.”
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Moving in Stereo - The Cars
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Reblog if you love putting your characters through hell and back. Having them bloody, broken, and needing someone to drag them home.
Fight scenes, blood, broken bones, and battle scars.
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