     That… wasn’t exactly the response he expected. The enemy, the one who made it all turn out this way, was showing some compassion and care. The doctor’s oath he guessed: do no harm and help those in need–even if they were a terrorist that killed countless people, it seemed.     Pressure was applied to the wound, getting another wince in response from the wave of pain to rise. Stitches, that would do a lot of good–not really. Reaper hissed once again, eyes beginning to narrow into thin slits beneath the mask, “Why do you even care anyways?” There was an attempt to stand to his full height, quickly brought down by another rush of agonizing pain.     He let his head hang down for a moment, snorting in derision, “Is it that little oath you took as a doctor, to heal those in need?” Bitterness, distaste, “I will be fine without you messing more up.”
“I care because if you bleed to death we won’t get to bring you home and rehabilitate you.” Angela said blankly, not wanting to admit the real reason. She still cared about him, more than she ever should have. And she had hope that he’d come back of his own free will. That they’d be close again.
“Now are you going to let me help, or do you plan on continuing to bleed here?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow, putting her walls up.
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Gonna go play Sims (brain is having one of those days where it won’t settle on what we want to do!)
Discord drop under the cut for Mutuals! Hmu!
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Gonna be doing drafts on all of my blogs, but I’ll be live over at @nerfingthenameofthegame if anyone wants to chat.
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Starting Episode one of Gravity Falls now HERE if anyone would like to join me!
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the-merciful-angel replied to your post “Would anyone be interested in watching Gravity Falls with me?? I’m...”
I'd love to do it but it's getting late here? <.< (sorry)
Ah no worries, I’m still waiting on them to upload to google drive so it’ll likely be a while before they’re even ready (And that’s if they work after all this! -sobbing-)
Another time maybe!
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Would anyone be interested in watching Gravity Falls with me??
I’m thinking about doing a stream on Rabbit, if I can get the fucker to work with my stuff...
anyone interested at all??
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“…” It was honestly hard to find an argument, find anything that she could say to make her change her sister’s mind. It didn’t help that she felt guilty, she was supposed to be able to take care of herself and others but instead now… she was just unable to help anyone “You mentioned a bath?”
She just had to focus on this for now, as horrible as it made her feel she’d have to ignore all the people that needed help in the clinic. She forced a smile, though it was quite obvious she was in no way happy with the situation. She was just trying to make it easier for her sibling, the only thing she could really do right now to be helpful.
Lucie nodded, brightening slightly when she realised that Angela wasn’t going to fight her.
“Yes. A bath with bubbles and oils and whatever other girly stuff will make you feel better.” She brushed her hand over Angela’s cheek. “And then food. And then we can go and check on your patients.” Lucie assured Angela. She would look after her sister this time, this was something she could do if she tried hard enough.
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Continued from Here @the-masters-call
Jesse had been looking at things to get Angie for Christmas when he felt her tickling his neck. “Nngaah-“ He laughed, turning to look at his love. “Fuck baby- close your eyes!” He put his hand over the magazine, covering it from her view. “No peeking at your Christmas gifts!”
“Ooh, shopping.” Angela chuckled, resting her own hand over her eyes. “I’m not looking, I promise. But aren’t you leaving it a little late? I got yours in February.” She was teasing, of course. 
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“Honey, you’re fine.” He cooed, kissing her neck. “We’re goin’ slow.”
Angela continued to try and slow her breathing, resting back more against Jesse.
“I don’t know why I let you talk me into these things.”
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“Hey help me get it off, babe not put it on.” He thought it was apparent he was trying to get more naked not less. “Listen tell me I told you so all you want when I’m naked, Alright?”
“You had it so twisted that I couldn’t get it off without putting it back on.” Angela pointed out, chuckling and kissing his cheek.
“And I believe I shall.” She added on, grinning as she lifted the shirt up carefully, balancing up on her tiptoes in an attempt to reach over his head. “Why are you so tall?” She grumbled, debating leaving him for a moment to locate a stool to stand on.
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Jesse held her tightly and held Angie up as he walked her to their companion. “Tryin’ not to, baby doll.”
Angela shifted most of her weight onto Jesse so that she could aim her staff at Reinhardt. She was shaking a little, but she could feel her suit starting to patch her back up.
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Gonna be mostly over on SOMBRA, HANA & GWEN today. Feel free to come bug me on them!
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“Some day.” He laughed, coming next to her before spraying the cream on her shoulder and sucking it off. “Until then I’ll be American as hell.”
Angela shivered slightly, turning to whap him on the shoulder with her spatula. “You are disgusting.” She scolded with a roll of her eyes and a smile.
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“Love you too, baby doll.” Jesse cooed, kissing Angie’s head tenderly before setting her on the sink in the bathroom. “We need t’have a lazy day.”
“Mmmhmm.” Angela agreed. “I only have to go in for an hour or so today, but then we can have a day together on the couch, if you’d like?”
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          Sora blinked, her face flushing red for a few moments. She’d never have considered herself anyone interesting in the past, but now? She wasn’t quite sure anymore. But Angela seemed to think so, and it warmed her heart. Or maybe that was just he alcohol.
          “I can’t imagine having so many people depending on you,” she murmured. She knew what it was like to experience loss, but the hurt would be so much stronger knowing that those lives had depended on her in the first place. It took an incredibly strong person to step up to such a task.
          “But… even if you can’t save everyone, it’s always the right thing to try.” She paused. “Isn’t it?”
“Yes of course.” Angela agreed instantly, draining the rest of her glass and moving to pour herself another one. “It is always the right thing to try and save everyone.” She sat opposite Sora again, slowly examining her.
“What do you want to be?” She asked after a moment of taking in everything about Sora.
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Keep reading
Angela hummed, bending to kiss Lena as her hands finally skimmed up over Lena’s stomach and to her breasts.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me?” Angela asked against Lena’s lips.
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Angela’s cheeks coloured slightly, but she reached out and brushed Hana’s hair back lightly. “Come along, liebling. Come and lay down in my office, you need a little more sleep.” She encouraged, cupping Hana’s face and kissing her nose.
@takebettercareofyourself || lyrics starters   ♫ song ♫
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─── ≫ 🎮 ≪ ─── ❝ I didn’t get much sleep last night but that’s all right, it was worth it just to see you move that hair from your eyes and smile like you do.  ❞
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