takhalaa · 9 months
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last year i abstained , this year i devour .
#HELLBLEIDED —  independent  multi - muse .  low activity , 21+  and  mutual’s  only. heavy headcanon influences, plotting required.  written  by  chey.
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takhalaa · 1 year
malik is like. a kaiba level genius right. I think he is one of those infuriating people who are automatically amazing at every academic subject. he doesn’t think it’s that weird what do you mean learning Japanese is hard. he picked it up in a couple months. if you put him in a normal school he would run the snacks and duel monsters cards black market with an iron fist constantly correct the teacher and graduate top of the class. rather than his emotions problems disorders being in spite of this they are closely interlinked
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takhalaa · 1 year
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there’s our fucking guy
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takhalaa · 1 year
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒      ➸      [    accepting    ]
“  are  you  okay?  “
beneath  the  heat  of  the  afternoon  sunlight  malik  found  himself  watching  as  a  family  moved  among  the  crowded  market  picking  from  stalls  essential  vegetables  and  fruits  and  sweetened  treats  and  novelty  trinkets.  beneath  the  sun  they  moved  with  a  clumsy  familiarity,  a  routine  their  bodies  seemed  to  have  memorised  even  as  their  eyes  wandered  or  their  words  tangled  in  the  excitement  of  being  out  in  the  world.
          their  awareness  of  each  other  was  almost  careless.  they  were  so  accustomed  to  and  certain  of  the  others  presence  that  they  neither  had  to  see  each  other  nor  reach  for  each  other  to  know  that  they  were  there.  malik  watched  them  with  an  uncomfortable  melancholy.  a  mourning  that  sickened  him  for  a  life  that  was  beyond  his  own.  to  spend  days  on  the  surface,  beneath  the  sun,  to  be  so  certain that  his  family  would  be  there  within  his  reach  if  he  every  needed  them.
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          malik  startled  suddenly,  lavender  gaze  blinking  rapidly  as  he  met  the  eye  of  the  daughter.  standing  abruptly,  something  akin  to  embarrassment  flooded through  him.  malik  was  quick  to  smile,  to  soften  his  features  and  appear  harmless.  instinct  forcing  him  to  react  with  platitudes.  ❝  yes,  of  course!  ❞  malik  said  quickly,  ❝  i  was  just  daydreaming,  i'm  sorry,  did  you  need  something?  ❞ // @kaigome
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takhalaa · 1 year
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒      ➸      [    accepting    ]
“  are  you  okay?  “
malik  understood  more  than  most  that  the  world  was  a  fragile  and  breakable  thing.  he  understood  that  it  took  only  one  moment,  one  choice,  one  action,  to  send  the  world  crumbling  into  an  empty  abyss.  her  voice  was  soft,  a  gentle  light  in  the  dark  and  yet  malik  reacted  to  it  as  if  it  burned,  snatching  his  arm  away  from  her  as  lavender  gaze  narrowed  with  disdain.
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          ❝  don't  touch  me,  ❞  malik  snapped  harshly.  whatever  she  was,  she  belonged  neither  to  the  here  and  now  or  the  present  and  future.  she  was  a  between  thing,  neither  living  nor  dead  but  something  else  beyond  the  realm  of  their  knowing  and  for  that,  malik  knew  he  hated  her.  hated  that  she  was  separate  from  the  fragile  and  breakable  thing  that  he  had  been  forced  to  exist  within.
          ❝  find  someone  else  to  pity  and  save,  ❞  malik  sneered,  straightening  to  his  fullest  height,  ❝  you're  not  needed  here,  ❞ // @darkburning
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takhalaa · 1 year
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BOLD always applies. —  ITALICIZE sometimes applies. —  CROSSED OUT never. REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
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submissive.  /  dominant.  /  prefers to top.  /  prefers to bottom.  /  likes to switch.  /  identifies as heterosexual.  /  identifies as homosexual.  /  identifies as bisexual.  /  identifies as pansexual.  /  identifies as demisexual.  /  identifies as asexual.  /  enjoys sex with men.  /  enjoys sex with women.  /  enjoys sex with multiple people at one time.  /  initiates.  /  waits for partner to initiate.  /  spits.  /  swallows.  /  prefers sex in the morning.  /  prefers sex at night.  /  prefers sex any time.  /  no sex drive.  /  low sex drive.  /  average sex drive.  /  high sex drive.  /  hypersexual.
silent/makes little to no sounds.  /  very quiet.  /  very loud.  /  grows in volume over time.  /  bites hand/partner.  /  pillow to muffle themselves.  /  calls out partner’s name.  /  curses.  /  fakes/exaggerates.  /  prefers a quiet partner.  /  prefers a loud partner.  /  prefers a responsive partner.  /  turned on by dirty talk.  /  turned off by dirty talk.
having their hands pinned.  /  pinning their partner’s hands.  /  having their hair pulled.  /  pulling their partner’s hair.  /  being watched (by their partner).  /  being watched (by a third party).  /  watching their partner.  /  receiving oral.  /  giving oral.  /  calling their partner  “daddy”.  /  being called “daddy”.  /  giving praise.  /  receiving praise.  /  biting/marking.  /  being bitten/marked.  /  spanking.  /  being spanked.  /  teasing.  /  being teased.  /  having toys used on them.  /  using toys on their partner.  /  giving anal.  /  receiving anal.  /  choking.  /  being choked.  /  dirty talk.  /  being tied up.  /  tying their partner up.  /  being worshipped.  /  worshipping their partner.  /  humiliating.  /   being humiliated.  /  degrading.  /  being degraded.  /  knife play.  /  blood play.  /  being pegged.  /  pegging.
tagged by : @godrent ♡♡♡♡ tagging : :) you
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takhalaa · 1 year
t shirt that says “i used to be worse”
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takhalaa · 1 year
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—  howlite .
you  thirst  for  knowledge  with  a  one  track  mind.  goal  orientated  and  focused,  it's  always  been  easy  for  you  to  drive  ahead.  you  won't  let  anything  stop  you  from  obtaining  your  goals.  and  you  want  those  around  you  to  succeed  as  well.  you  push  your  loved  ones  and  while  it  might  be  overbearing  at  times,  you  try  to  be  someone  who  lifts  up  the  people  around  them  to  their  own  level.  i  fear  one  day  you  might  burn  out.  you  might  finally  reach  where  you're  going  and  realize  you  never  appreciated  the  process.  what  happens  once  you  have  all  you've  wanted?  where  does  the  path  end?
tagged  by  :    @ofthepuzzle    ♡♡♡♡ tagging  :    @apricotheart, @rasungan, @aoiinome, @diceluck, @duoscuri, @iilahalzili, @kaigome, @llbertas, @neverwavers
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takhalaa · 1 year
in a post-battle city / post-canon context, is malik genuinely attempting to reform himself, or is this just a front for the sake of isis and rishid?
malik  is  genuinely  attempting  to  reform  but  he's  still  in  the  process  of  determining  what  this  looks  like  and  what  this  means  for  him.  while  his  main  motivation  to  reform  is  because  he  wants  to  be  someone  deserving  of  isis  and  rishid's  forgiveness  and  companionship,  malik's  innocence  is  gone  and  has  been  gone  for  a  long  time.  he  is  no  longer  the  kind  or  gentle  boy  that  he  once  was  and  he  has  formulated  a  personality  with  values  and  beliefs  that  are  engrained  into  who  he  is  now,  these  are  fundamental  and  he  has  no  interest  in  changing  these  aspects  of  himself.
what  this  might  look  like  is  that  malik  is  most  likely  to  be  civil  with  those  around  him,  he  may  be  snarky,  sarcastic,  rude  or  otherwise  unfriendly  but  he  has  no  intention  of  being  malicious  or  antagonistic  unless  he  is  provoked  or  threatened  first.
malik  is  trying  to  be  a  better  person.  for  the  most  part  this  only  means  that  he  is  now  more  or  less  on  the  side  of  the  "good  guys",  not  that  he  himself  is  a  good  person  or  that  he  does  "good  things".  he  is  still  every  bit  as  malicious,  cunning, conniving,  manipulative,  cruel,  and  sadistic  as  he  has  been  in  the  past.
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takhalaa · 1 year
i rewatched the etern.als. and then i got thinkin. and now you guys are on the receiving end of more protective prompts, but these little beauties are aimed more for the act of actually saving a life! bon appetit!
“ what the hell were you thinking?! you could’ve been killed! “
“ hey! get away from them! “
“ if you wanna hurt them, you’re going to have to get through me, first. “
“ you underestimate how much you mean to me. i wasn’t about to let them hurt you. and i certainly wasn’t about to let them even consider killing you. “
“ i told you before. i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you. “
“ you need to get out of here! go! i’ll buy you some more time! “
“ what are you doing?! i told you, get out of here! now! “
“ get it through your head, i’m not gonna just leave you here! “
“ now’s not the time to play the martyr, got it? you’ve got a good long life ahead of you, and i intend to keep it that way. “
“ you need to go now, okay? don’t worry. i’ve got this. they’ll want to be trying a lot harder if they want to keep me from protecting you. “
“ don’t worry about me; are YOU okay? “
“ damnit, [NAME]! i TOLD you not to play the hero! “
“ i can look after myself, you know. but… i do appreciate you stepping in back there. you saved my life. “
“ why are you so invested in keeping me alive? “
“ that was for saving my life. “
“ it’s alright, they’re gone now… are you alright? hey, look at me; are you hurt at all? “
“ are you insane?! run! “
“ were you preoccupied, or did you just really want a dramatic heroic entrance before you saved my ass? “
“ are you okay? “
“ yeah, yeah, i’m okay… are you okay? “
“ hey! why don’t you try picking on someone your own size! “
“ hurry! take my hand! “
“ get in the car! now! “
“ i’m sorry i was late… are you alright? they didn’t hurt you too badly, did they? “
add a “+ REVERSE” to switch the roles around!
[ SHIELD ]:     sender uses their own body to shield the receiver from an attack.
[ EMBRACE ]:     sender quickly wraps the receiver in a protective hug and turns so the sender’s back might take on the brunt of an on-coming attack.
[ SHOVE ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender runs to them and shoves them out of the line of fire.
[ YANK ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender hastily grabs them and pulls them against them, out of harm’s way.
[ TACKLE ]:     sender physically tackles the receiver out of the line of fire.
[ THROW ]:     sender throws themselves between the receiver and an on-coming attack, taking on an injury that might have been fatal to the receiver otherwise.
[ DISTRACT ]:     sender causes a distraction to draw the receiver’s attacker/s away from them.
[ FIGHT ]:     just as the receiver is about to be attacked, the sender arrives suddenly and begins to physically fight off their assailant.
[ CATCH ]:     sender manages to intervene and catch the falling receiver before they fall to their death.
[ SACRIFICE ]:     sender sacrifices themselves, either fatally or otherwise, in order to save the receiver’s life.
[ HIDE ]:     sender quickly pulls the receiver into a hiding place, hiding them from their pursuers.
[ KILL ]:     sender, seeing the receiver in immediate and intentionally fatal danger, intervenes by killing their assailant before they can kill the receiver.
[ INCAPACITATE ]:     sender, seeing the receiver in immediate danger, intervenes by knocking out their assailant before they can harm the receiver.
[ AFAR ]:     sender, having been watching the receiver’s interactions with a threat from afar, saves them from an impending attack while remaining distant from them.
[ SECRET ]:     sender, having been secretly following the receiver, saves their life from an immediate threat while remaining hidden from the receiver.
[ REVEALED ]:     sender, having been secretly following the receiver, reveals themselves in the process of saving the receiver’s life from an unexpected threat.
[ REUNION ]:     after spending a considerable length of time apart, the sender reunites with the receiver after saving their life from an immediate and potentially lethal threat.
[ KISS ]:     after having been saved from immediate danger by the receiver, the sender, in a state of intense emotion and relief, kisses them to express these feelings.
[ HUG ]:     sender, having just saved the receiver’s life, pulls them into a tight hug out of relief and a need to steady and support both themselves and the receiver.
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takhalaa · 1 year
psa: while i'm still getting my characterisation for malik down, this won't be a linear account. this means i hop between seasons and arcs depending on vibes (or plotting).
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takhalaa · 1 year
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BOLD  always  applies.  /    ITALICIZE  sometimes  applies.  /    CROSSED  OUT  never  .   REPOST,  DO  NOT  REBLOG.
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submissive.    |    dominant.    |    prefers  to  top.    |    prefers  to  bottom.    |    likes  to  switch.    |    identifies  as  heterosexual.    |    identifies  as  homosexual.    |    identifies  as  bisexual.    |    identifies  as  pansexual.    |    identifies  as  demisexual.    |    identifies  as  asexual.    |    enjoys  sex  with  men.    |    enjoys  sex  with  women.    |    enjoys  sex  with  multiple  people  at  one  time.    |    initiates.    |    waits  for  partner  to  initiate.    |    spits.    |    swallows.    |    prefers  sex  in  the  morning.    |    prefers  sex  at  night.    |    prefers  sex  any  time.    |    no  sex  drive.    |    low  sex  drive.    |    average  sex  drive.    |    high  sex  drive.    |    hypersexual.
silent  /  makes  little  to  no  sounds.    |    very  quiet.    |    very  loud.    |    grows  in  volume  over  time.    |    bites  hand  /  partner.    |    pillow  to  muffle  themselves.    |    calls  out  partner’s  name.    |    curses.    |    fakes  /  exaggerates.    |    prefers  a  quiet  partner.    |    prefers  a  loud  partner.    |    prefers  a  responsive  partner.    |    turned  on  by  dirty  talk.    |    turned  off  by  dirty  talk.
TURN  -  ONS    /    KINKS  .
having  their  hands  pinned.    |    pinning  their  partner’s  hands.    |    having  their  hair  pulled.    |    pulling  their  partner’s  hair.    |    being  watched  (by  their  partner).    |    being  watched  (by  a  third  party).    |    watching  their  partner.    |    receiving  oral.    |    giving  oral.    |    calling  their  partner    “daddy”.    |    being  called  “daddy”.    |    giving  praise.    |    receiving  praise.    |    biting  /  marking.    |    being  bitten  /  marked.    |    spanking.    |    being  spanked.    |    teasing.    |    being  teased.    |    having  toys  used  on  them.    |    using  toys  on  their  partner.    |    giving  anal.    |    receiving  anal.    |    choking.    |    being  choked.    |    dirty  talk.    |    being  tied  up.    |    tying  their  partner  up.    |    being  worshipped.    |    worshipping  their  partner.    |    humiliating.    |      being  humiliated.    |    degrading.    |    being  degraded.    |    knife  play.    |    blood  play.    |    being  pegged.    |    pegging.
tagged by : @godrent ♡♡♡♡ tagging : if you see this, assume i tagged you ♡
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takhalaa · 1 year
don't reblog .
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takhalaa · 1 year
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— Frank Bidart, from “Half-light: Collected Poems 1965-2016; ‘The Third Hour of the Night’", published c. 2017
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takhalaa · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋:  ❝  giving  in  to  temptations,  man  learned  to  distinguish  what  is  good  and  evil.  ❞   //  the  devil  arcana  represents  the  urge  to  do  selfish,  impulsive,  violent  things,  and  being  a  slave  to  ones'  own  impulse  and  feelings.  occasionally,  it  is  also  portrayed  as  a  symbol  of  temptation.  the  positive  aspect,  however,  represents  a  healthy  bond  or  commitment.  you  are  often  "devilish"  you  tend  to  be  greedy,  proud,  lustful,  or  otherwise  of  poor  character.  you  are  most  likely  to  go  for  an  antisocial  tendency,  often  not  caring  much  for  the  needs  or  well-being  of  others.
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑:  ❝  the  higher  you  fly  the  greater  the  fall.  ❞   //  the  tower  arcana  is  commonly  associated  to  overly  arrogant,  prejudiced  and  authoritarian  organization,  which  walk  to  their  own  ironic  demise.  furthermore,  it  is  also  more  generically  used  as  an  omen  of  doom  and  disaster.  you  can  be  arrogant,  and  typically  find  yourself  in  bad  situations.
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐑:  ❝  only  courage  in  the  face  of  doubt  can  lead  one  to  the  answer.  ❞   // emperor  symbolizes  the  desire  to  control  one's  surroundings,  and  its  appearance  could  suggest  that  one  is  trying  too  hard  to  achieve  this,  possibly  causing  trouble  for  others;  some  elements  in  life  are  just  not  controllable.  often  times,  you  are  troubled  by  something  very  personal,  and  doesn't  know  how  to  deal  with  it.
tagged by : nada tagging : @godrent, @tanabaa, @diceluck, @devildukem, @ofhardknoxxx, @ofthepuzzle, @soulconductor, @shacchou
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takhalaa · 1 year
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life  wasn't  fair,  and  no  one  got  what  they  deserved.  malik  had  spent  the  better  half  of  his  life  trapped  underground,  surrounded  by  mosaics  of  societies  that  had  been  long  dead  centuries  over.  born  into  a  life  enslaved  by  tradition,  adored  for  all  the  wrong  reasons  and  forced  to  play  keeper  in  the  dark.  fairness  was  a  fairytale  and  only  fools  believed  otherwise.  the  only  way  to  survive  in  this  world  was  to  take  what  you  could  and  give  nothing  back.
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          ❝  careful  dear,  ❞  malik  warned,  a  wolfish  grin  tugging  at  the  corners  of  his  lips  as  she  met  his  gaze.  her  glare  defiant  with  her  fury  as  she  took  a  singular  step  forward  and  laced  her  threat  with  vitirol,  ❝  remember,  i've  been  inside  your  head.  i  know  your  every  fear  and  every  nightmare  that  dogs  your  waking  steps.  we  wouldn't  want  you  to  fall  into  despair  again,  would  we?  ❞
          her  hatred  of  him  was  justified,  as  was  her  desire  fo  revenge.  he  understood  the  drive,  the  malice  and  resentment  that  could  be  born  from  hurt  and  fear.  seeing  those  feelings  reflected  back  at  him  within  mai's  gaze  sent  a  course  thrill  down  his  spine.  guilt  and  remorse  would  find  him  later,  but  for  now,  malik  leaned  forward,  ❝  don't  let  the  public  stop  you,  let's  see  what  you've  got.  ❞
" life's not fucking fair to anyone, you know?"
the bitterness, the grugdge in her voice, they are thick like the trickling of blood she remembers spiraling down his throat when his head was chopped off during their game. she sees it still, in her nightmares, the way that fucker would smile like he was getting off on the very idea of her fear.
she will never get that image out of her mind. or the feeling of high voltage breaking through her muscles, or the bugs gnawing at her flesh.
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" i, for one, had hoped you'd gone back to your egypt cave and shot yourself in the head, @takhalaa " and only 'cause she couldn't have done it herself - vengeance is a scalding meal, too hot to swallow in one go, " but here we are again. so, life's not fair to anyone, and i hope you know, " voice trembles into a breathy whisper, an involuntary reaction to looking directly into his eyes, taking one single step closer and smelling the scent around him. he's still wearing the same cologne, or the stench is too impregnated into her memory, " that the only reason why i haven't clawed your eyes out with my nails is because we're in a public venue. "
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takhalaa · 1 year
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normal thursday evening for him
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