takoyakihime · 5 years
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Don’t worry Bro , Black Tumblr got you and your Sister.✊🏿
Can we find her a donor please ✊🏿🙏🏿
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takoyakihime · 5 years
I'm kinda meh about roof gardens/ grass roofs bc they can accumulate a lot of weight and collapse/ cause leaks
But living walls? Mighty sexy
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They provide natural insulation, which not only keeps the heat in during cold days, but keeps the heat out during hot ones. It's better planned and maintained than vines (depending on the plant ofc).
Flooding in urban areas can be reduced since the roots and the growing medium will hold in moisture. Air can be purified, and heat can be reduced because of evaporation.
I just love living walls
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takoyakihime · 5 years
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I answer for no one.
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takoyakihime · 5 years
Let's talk about mynoise.net
Have you ever been listening to Rainymood and thought, “Yeah, this is good … but it would be nice if I could customize the sound more, or if there was a little more choice.
Let me introduce you to MyNoise.
MyNoise is a customizable sounscape looper with so many options, even within each soundscape.  So say, for instance, you really love rain sounds when you write or study or relax.  Anything.  I know I’m a big fan of rain sounds.  They have a page for that.
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But say you like really high, pattery rain, and LOTS of low thunder.  Here’s where MyNoise really stands out: you can customize that.  See those sliders with all the cute colors?  That is your equalizer. You can adjust the levels based on what you want to hear more and less of.  Here’s how it looks when you want high, pattery rain and low, rumbly thunder:
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But say rain isn’t really your jam.  Say you want something a little more ambient, a little more background noise-y.  Something with people.  Well, they have customizable coffee house chatter that even has the levels listed for things like “kitchen,” “babble,” and “table”:
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Or say you miss the ocean.
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Or say you miss your cat.
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Or say you miss your spaceship.
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Or say you miss the dungeon where you and your team of scalawag adventurers used to explore and face off against, say, dragons.  In the dungeon.
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This site is seriously so helpful, and those are just a fraction of every kind of sounscape the site has to offer.  The best part is that if you want to layer it with music (for instance, I’ll layer a playlist + rain + coffee shop if the scene I’m writing takes place in a coffee shop), you can adjust the master volume, meaning all of your layers stay at their respective volumes, just louder or quieter.
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takoyakihime · 5 years
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A pediatrician shows how to calm a crying baby (Video)
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takoyakihime · 5 years
teach me?? how to draw?? the action of kissing????
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Step 1. yearn
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takoyakihime · 5 years
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takoyakihime · 5 years
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That’s Louis Rossman, a repair technician and YouTuber, who went viral recently for railing against Apple. Apple purposely charges a lot for repairs and you either have to pay up or buy a new device. That’s because Apple withholds necessary tools and information from outside repair shops. And to think, we were just so close to change.
Follow @the-future-now
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takoyakihime · 5 years
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WOOLOLIVAAA (they are the same)
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takoyakihime · 5 years
the best way to play Pokemon games is like you’re an 8 year old. IV? EV? Shiny chaining? Nah. We catch pokemon because they look cool. if my pokemon is bashful or whatever that means nothing to me.
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takoyakihime · 5 years
Why do my interests in canning, couponing, and homesteading overlap so often with blogs with titles like ‘The Obedient Housewife’? 
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takoyakihime · 5 years
The Detective Pikachu movie but it’s on the Gameboy Color
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takoyakihime · 5 years
‘fujoshi’ when used by westerners.
The term, its use, nor its name is ‘cultural appropriation.’ For starters, it’s yaoi fangirls that started calling themselves that. And it was more succinct, more telling, more specific than just saying, ‘yaoi fangirl.’ It was a box these people put themselves in.
And 99% of said yaoi fans were, indeed, cis women. You can be mad about that all you want, but it was a title the girls gave themselves, a reputation that they made for themselves.
Just the same way that every unwashed, smelly male fan that lives with his family/in his mother’s basement “earned” that title, just the same way every “chivalrous” dork with a trilby, porkpie or fedora hat earned the recognizable label of “fedoralord”, just the way every gym rat jock that smells of axe bodyspray and gets lumped in with the misogynists gets disregarded as a Dudebro,
every obnoxious and unhealthily obsessed chick that tries to talk your ear off about gay men sex or gay men relationships or gay men gay men gay men, is a fucking western fujoshi.
1.) It’s not cultural appropriation.
This is the desperate hill that they want to die on. The idea that if they can make it taboo or unacceptable to use the word, that recognition of the pattern will either go away, or become taboo to even recognize. That they’ll be invisible. That what they are will be the 800 pound gorilla in the room you’re not allowed to call out or recognize. They don’t want the bad reputation, the stigma, to be disregarded for the bad behaviors, actions, patterns or habits of the girls before them. And so, they’ve chosen to try and get it made foul and against the “rules” to use it, because it’s a foreign word. And it deviates in use from how Japan uses it.
Loan words are not ‘cultural appropriation.’ And if you insist, we can simply dub them “Western Fujoshi.” Because unless you’re willing to accept that Japanese Fujoshi are the same obnoxious tarts, then you acknowledge that the fucking dispicable behaviors, entitlement, attitudes and creepy voyeuristic treatment of gay men, their relationships and the very concept and idea of being a gay men are characteristic of Western Fujoshi. Whom are more aggressive about it, by far, than their Japanese counterparts.
2.) It’s not sexist.
Again, the western Yaoi Fangirls in their weeb phase named themselves. Everybody else thought that was just fine, since the distinction between, “a girl that just likes man/man sex” and a Fujoshi is several layers of entitlement, obsession and creepy infatuation with someone for their sex and sexuality. They were spoiled princesses with very little access to the actual LGBT community, and existed in their little bubbles as spoiled princesses who did what they wanted. Something referring to the behavior most common in girls does not make something sexist.
Unless you are willing to admit that Fedoralords, Dudebros, Manbabies, and Neckbeards “do not exist,” because those are all “dog whistles” for kinds of men, often based on wild exaggerations and stereotypes that are only apparent in the most extreme of circumstances, don’t even try and discount the validity of Western Fujoshi as a term. You want to eat the Fujoshi word and make people stop acting like it’s real, those people exist? Then you’re going to have to never use the above terms, or any term that refers to a particular group of annoying people by the association to men and masculinity, ever again.
The same characteristics that you argue allow you to be on the look out for patterns of behavior, thought, dress or expression also exist among women. Subject to the same group and patterns of actions enabling people to associate them with negative shit. Don’t like it? Too bad. I upload a pictue of myself in a trilby, anything I say will get disregarded as “from a fedoralord,” because you bitches trained yourselves into thinking any dude in a stupid hat is gonna tip it and say, “M’lady!”
3.) It’s not misogynist
This leap, that calling out a bunch of women for being assholes, is misogyny, is hilarious. The next step after this is calling a teacher a misogynist for putting a girl that misbehaves in class in a time out chair, because “punishing a girl is sexist.”
You weren’t so worried about sexism when you lumped all those ass-crack showing, unwashed men that still live with mommy into the recognizable category and title of “manbaby.” You weren’t worried about the negative connotations unfairly stigmatizing a persons viewpoint when some sadsack dudes started hawing about chivalry, posting photographs of themselves with swords and wearing stupid hats. You went right on and made that a Thing, despite the fact it was at maximum, like, 50 guys across the US.  The rest were just guys fond of silly/stupid hats. But Fedoralord became the, “nice guy” stereotype, and anyone wearing a hat became subject to being treated like shit because other men wore a goofy hat AND said some dumb shit. You didn’t similarly do this to women. You made examples out of the men and created a negative stigma made up of the worst, most toxic presumptions.
And now you think a label and title that accurately lumps a bunch of annoying bitches into the same barrel is somehow anti-woman because it accurately labels them. Every yaoi paddle swinging one of you. Every one of you that has at some point thought, “I know more about being a gay MAN than many of my gay male friends do!”
So. Here’s what we’re gonna do.
We’re going to differentiate the obnoxious culture of glomping, stalking, gay fanfic shipping, projecting, mpreg obsessed, “give Edward and Al Elric’s voice actors yaoi fanfic to autograph” as “Western Fujoshi.”
Since fujoshi is no more ‘culturally appropriating’ than OTAKU, and OTAKU was never contested (but was known about) as wrong in Japan, you have no leg to stand on when we differentiate WESTERN Fujoshi from JAPANESE Fujoshi, whom allegedly do not engage in the same obnoxious behaviors and level of entitlement. We now validate the difference between you crazy bitches and the otherwise normal, original version the term was meant to embody.
What we’re not going to do is act like the toxic culture that spawned them does not exist, never existed, and doesn’t continue to exist, without a name. You shit in your bed and now you sleep in it.
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takoyakihime · 5 years
you know what lets actually bring back lolcats, they were so simple and so benevolent. like check this out
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takoyakihime · 5 years
I wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently… I have new ideas
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takoyakihime · 5 years
I know everyone wants to make jokes about Waluigi being mad about the piranha plant but there is a huge chance that Walugi RAISED that plant.
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Every time Waluigi gets a stage or race track there are piranha plants everywhere. If he isnt paired with Wario he is paired with a plant, and he is the ONLY person who puts the plants in those pots with the little wedge.
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Look at that, its the same pot, it could even be the same plant, just all grown up. The plant even has a waluigi SKIN
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The lips match his nose, the purple matches his hat, and the pot matches his L, its even gold, like Waluigi’s greed.
In conclusion, Waluigi is so proud of his child for killing it in smash
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takoyakihime · 5 years
a guy at my work said telling your wife/gf that they’re the most beautiful woman in the world to you is just “something you say” and i almost went apeshit. imagine not genuinely believing the woman you’re supposed to love is a work of art. fucking weak. dare i even say pathetic.
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