takumaswife · 3 months
“He’s a villain! You only like him because he’s hot.”
Okay and?
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takumaswife · 3 months
My Pretty Girl - Todoroki's Sister x Shoji Sameoka
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Word count: 2400
A/N: Another think that has been in my drafts for months that I forgot about but look at my pretty sameoka boy🥹
"Oi, Sameoka!" Shoji heard the voice of his partner calling him. He smiled before turning to see to see his girlfriend of sixteen months running towards him. Chuckling, Shoji looked at you and raised one of his brows. "If you're calling me like that, you must be looking for a fight." He teased, making your lips pout. He pulled you into a hug and gave you a small kiss on the lips. "Come on, my pretty girl." You two were currently at one of your favorite dessert shop in the Oya district.
"How was your classes?" Shoji asked as he opened the door for you, letting you take the lead inside. You looked down at your school uniform and sighed, shaking your head. "The test have been super stressful.. If I don't pass, I won't get into college. Then Todoroki will be the favorite delinquent." You spoke with a chuckle, joking about your older brother. Shoji laughed and grabbed your hand, leading you to the table you two always sat at since your first date.
Spending about an hour trying new desserts and drinks, the two of you were now just sitting and enjoying each other's company. "How's your schooling?" You asked your boyfriend who had his head laid on the table against his arms. Your fingers played with his hair. It was down and curly, so soft and smelled like the cologne you had bought him for valentines day. Shoji, however, had a secret that he had kept from you since the beginning of the relationship. He had to lie everyday to keep from losing the girl he very much loved. "It was fine. We got out early and I got to change before coming." He spoke, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of his hair being played with. You began go whine at how it wasn't fair that his school always got out early, "that's totally unfair." Shoji just chuckled and nodded his head.
Fujin and Raijin were walking through the Oya district, of course looking for Todoroki. They were wanted their rematch and they weren't going to stop until they found him. As they walked passed the dessert shop, Raijin, stopped in his tracked as he saw a glance of Shoji and a girl sitting in one of the booths, smiling to each other. "Oi, check this out." Raijin spoke, calling Fujin over. The two peaked inside, looking at the couple and laughing. "So, he's seeing an Seiho girl, huh?" Fujin laughed before the two walked into the shop, shouting loudly as they entered.
Shoji sat up immediately, recognizing the voices of the other leaders of Ebara. Fujin and Raijin walked straight up to the couple, laughing, "well look what we have here." You stood up, Shoji immediately following and standing beside you. "Is our little Sameoka on a date?" Raijin asked. You looked between the three men before stopping on Shoji, "do you know them?" Shoji shook his head, earning another laugh from the two men.
Looking down at the uniforms the men wore, you gasped. "Ebara.. You're in the wrong neighborhood! You better leave!" You spoke, your voice a little shaky. You knew all about the school after your brother came home from the fight between the three. Todoroki had won, but the school left a bad impression to you. Always causing trouble is what it seemed.
"Aw, we have to leave but Sameoka here gets to stay? Hm, how is that fair, Raijin?" Fujin asked, looking down at you with a pout. Raijin? Why did the name sound so familiar. "I know. Ebara students are Ebara students. So what makes Sameoka here different?" Raijin asked, causing Shoji to shake his head. "I have no idea what they are talking about! You two need to leave!" Raijin and Fujin laughed and shook their heads. "Shoji, what are they talking about?" You turned to her boyfriend, taking a step back from him and the other two men.
The truth was, Shoji hid the fact that he went to Ebara because he knew you would never go out with the school that fought your brother and his second hands, Tsuji and Shibaman. "Listen, I can explain." Immediately you shook her head and pushed the male away, "don't touch me, we are done!" You shouted, immediately running out of the shop. Shoji looked at the two men, feeling anger and hurt. He didn't say a word, he just pushed pass them and left the shop.
You ran home as fast as you and into the house, up to your room, locking the door behind you. Sliding down the door and onto the floor, gripping onto your hair. You were angry, confused, but more importantly heartbroken. The man you loved and trusted with all your heart was a fake, a liar. "Was he with me to get to my brother? Was everything a lie!?" You asked in a whisper as a tear slipped down your cheek.
Shoji was on his way back to his own neighborhood when he heard his friends behind him. "Oi, Sameoka! Stop walking and talk to us." Fujin kept shouting, however, Shoji ignored him. As the two leader's got closer, they grabbed Sameoka by the shoulder and stopped him. However, he didn't turn to look at the two men. "Let go, or I'll break your fucking hands." The two men let go and looked at each other. Shoji continued walking until he got home.
For the next few days, Shoji was constantly texting and calling your phone but you ignored him. Eventually it led to you blocking his number.
Sitting on your bed, you looked at the photos you had got printed of you and Sameoka. The two of you were constantly taking pictures from your dates to the few times you went to his house when he offered to make you dinner. Your favorite was one that Shoji's mother took of the two of you, passed out on the couch during one of your regular movie marathons. You had your head on his shoulder, and his head resting against yours. Your fingers intertwined together. Closing your eyes, you ripped it down the middle, separating your bodies in the picture.
Todoroki was walking up the stairs towards his room when he heard sniffling and the sound of ripping paper. The crack in his sister's door showed him the sight. Stepping closer, Todoroki knocked on the door before entering. "Y/n.." He went to speak before he saw your eyes. They were red and puffy, tears still falling down your cheek. Todoroki could feel some anger growing as he stepped even closer. Without saying a word, you quickly got up and ran to hug your brother, sobbing into his chest. He hugged you tightly, staying quiet as he wasn't someone who could comfort with words.
Once you had finally called down, Todoroki looked down at you. "What's going on?" He asked softly, stepping back and rubbing the tears from your cheeks. "S-shoji! He.. He's from Ebara!" You spoke as you started sobbing again. Todoroki raised a brow and looked at you confused. "Shoji? Like.. Sameoka Shoji?" He asked once again, earning a nod from you. Todoroki bit his lip and growled. "He was using me to get to you. I just know it because I think his friend is someone who tried fighting you. Ryujin, Raji.." Yoy started saying names, trying to remember the man's name. "Raijin?" Todoroki asked. "Yes! That's it! He and another guy was there and they walked up to us and Shoji pretended to not know them, but then he said he did!" You explained.
Todoroki was angry now. He kissed your head and sat you down on the bed before leaving the room without a word. "Oh, Roki, dinner is almost ready-" His mother spoke, getting cut off by the door shutting. She hummed and shrugged knowing her son was probably going out to fight, but she couldn't stop him. "Y/n! Dinner is almost ready!" She shouted up the stairs to you.
Todoroki knew exactly where the Ebara leaders hung out, since he had kicked their asses there not too long ago for beating Tsuji and Shibaman up. This time he had no intention on going easy on the men, ALL three men. His sister wasn't someone to mess with.
Sameoka sat on the bench. Reading a magazine. Fujin and Raijin were working out. "Are you ever going to speak to us?" Fujin whined at his best friend as he sat the weights down. Sameoka ignored his question, staying silent. "Come on, Same, why are you so mad about some girl?" Raijin asked as he continued to hit the punching bag. "Some girl?" Shoji shouted as he stood up, throwing the magazine onto the junk coffee table. "That girl was someone I truly fucking loved. And you two idiots ruined it!" Shoji shouted. Bother men were taken back as Sameoka wasn't one to get loud or even angry with them. "You two don't know when to grow the fuck up." Shoji continued as he walked towards the entrance of the junkyard. His friends called after him, but he continued walking out. He headed straight home, his body fuming.
Todoroki had arrived minutes after Sameoka left. As he walked into the junkyard, he saw the two bulky men training. Clearing his throat, the two men turned and smirked. "Oi, Todoroki." Raijin smirked, walking away from the punchbag towards the man. "Ready for another fight, huh?" Fujin spoke as he walked over from the weights. Todoroki looked at the two men and then around for Sameoka. "Where is Sameoka?" He asked. Fujin laughed and looked at him, "scared we might kick your ass this time and will need him to save you?" Todoroki growled and looked at the man, speaking harshly. "Where is Sameoka." This time it was statement, not a question.
Eventually, Todoroki got annoyed with Fujin and Raijin's games and they started fighting. It was easy for Todoroki to take the two men down. Despite the two men being stronger, their skills were nothing compared to Todoroki. The two men laid against the ground as Todoroki pulled his glasses from his coat, putting them back on. "Last time I ask, where is Sameoka?" Todoroki growled.
Sameoka was sitting on the couch, staring at the black screen of the TV. He was still so upset, but he was better at holding his emotions in. His mind was filled with memories of him and his girl. How she would probably be beside him right now, watching another rerun of their favorite TV shows they had watched a million times together. How they would probably be waiting on the homemade brownies Y/n would make for Shoji when he was upset.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. Sighing, he got up, ready to yell at his two friends who he knew was at his door. "What do you two wa- Todoroki?" Shoji asked, confused. He looked up at the man who had a few cuts and a busted lip. "Want to explain why my little sister is crying?" Todoroki asked, pushing his finger into the man's chest. Shoji shook his head confused, "your sister- I don't even know your sister."
Todoroki grabbed the male by his shirt, bringing him close so they were face to face. "The girl you've been using for the last year and a half? Don't try to play games with me." Todoroki growled. Shoji sighed and looked at the other. "I never used her." He admitted, staring into Todoroki's eyes. "Then what did you want to do to her?" Todoroki asked, his grip on the man's clothes tightening. "To love her.." Shoji whispered.
Todoroki was taken back by the man's words. The look in Shoji's eyes showed Todoroki that he actually meant what he said. Sighing, he let go of the man's shirt and stepped back. "You broke her.. and if you don't want me to break your face, you better fix it." Todoroki threatened the shorter male. Shoji knew he was actually tougher than Todoroki, but he wasn't one to fight without good reason. He just nodded his head to agree. Todoroki stepped aside and pointed towards the direction of his home. Sameoka laughed a bit and began making his way to his ex's house.
You sat in your bed, knees to your chest as you looked at the ripped up pictures on your bed. Over a year with someone you loved, only for everything to be a lie. You looked up as you heard a knock on your door and then the door opening. Expecting to see Todoroki, you frowned when you saw Shoji. "What are you doing here.." You asked as you stepped away from the man. Sameoka stepped up to you slowly and shook his head. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to fix this." He spoke. You shook your head, "no, I want nothing to do with you!" You shouted. "You fought my brother and used me to get to him again." Sameoka held his hands up and shook his head. "Y/n, I promise I never used you. I never wanted to get with you for your brother. I just wanted to be with you." He spoke as he stepped closer to you and grabbed your hands. You tried to pull away but he was stronger. "I promise you, with everything I have, I'm not here to use you. I just want to be with you, Y/n." Shoji spoke, a small tear sliding down his cheek.
It was rare to see Shoji cry. The only other time you saw him cry is when he lost his grandmother. He wasn't one to show his emotions, very similar to your brother. "But Todoroki will-" You started when you were interrupted by your brother's voice. "Todoroki will be fine as long as his sister is happy." You and Shoji turned to see your brother standing in the door, groaning a bit. "Just get back together so I don't have to kill anyone." He commanded before walking away to his room. "So is that a yes?" Shoji asked you. You hummed for a moment before nodding, "yes, but you have to prove to me that I can trust you again." Shoji smirked and cupped your cheeks, "I'll spend my life proving it to you, my pretty girl," he mumbled before connecting your lips in a deep kiss.
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takumaswife · 3 months
Liar, Liar - Amagai's sister x Tsukasa Takajo
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Word count: 5447
A/n: it's been in my head so with some motivation, I wrote this and I hate ittttt as alwayssss
"Three schools.. three damn schools, Kohei!" You shouted at your brother as the two of you rode in the backseat of the car, driven by Mr. Suzaki. Kohei rolled his eyes and groaned at your nagging. "All because you want to be the best." You continued, crossing your arms as you looked out the window. "How many times do I have to tell you? I- we.." He quickly fixed his words when he saw the glare you gave him. "WE were born to be on the top of the chain." He continued. You rolled your eyes at your arrogant brother. "Next school, we will be the leaders." He spoke again. You rolled your eyes as you looked at Mr. Suzaki, "stop the car." The man nodded and pulled over carefully as you unbuckled your seat belt. "Where are you going?" Kohei asked, furrowing his brows. You ignored him, getting out of the car. You looked at the driver, "take him to the school, I'll walk." Before Mr. Suzaki could speak, you were walking off. Kohei groaned and just growled, "drive."
As Mr. Suzaki drove, he told Kohei he had transfered his son Ryo to the same school as Kohei and his sister were now attending. Slightly confused, he looked out the window as the car pulled up to Senomon Tech, seeing Ryo standing at the entrance. It had been since elementary school that the two had seen each other. Getting out, Kohei looked at the male and started walking, Ryo on his heels. "Y/N will be here soon. We better take control before she gets here." Kohei spoke as he walked through the entrance. The whispered and gasp from people once they noticed Ryo. Kohei rolled his eyes and kept walking, his first task was to find the leader.
You walked for about fifteen minutes before making it to the school. Immediately, stares along with whistles and catcalls were pointed your way. "Obviously these men have never been around a girl." You mumbled as you walked your way up to the entrance doors. As you went to open the door, you felt a hand smack your ass. So that's how they want to play. Looking up with a dry chuckle, you swiftly turn on your heel, kicking the man in the face. He fell backwards and down the steps, his friends no longer laughing as they ran to his side to help. Crouching down with a laugh, you looked at the man who was now glaring at you. "Try that again, and I'll make sure your face is unidentifiable when they find your body." You then stood up and walked inside to find Kohei.
Looking down at the maroon outfit you wore, you laughed as a thought came to your head. "I wonder if blood would show on this uniform." Not really liking the jackets, you just wore the red pants and a black, longsleeve shirt. You walked up the stairs, hearing a commotion. Following the shouting, you walked in just in time to see Ryo holding the leader of Senomon by the neck. There were about six other people on the ground with blood dripping down their face. "I'm Amagai. And I'll be running this school." Kohei spoke as he looked at the beated, former school leader. Kohei looked over to see you and stood up, walking closer. "You missed out on the fun, sis." He chuckled as he left. Ryo let go of Saboten's face, standing up and looking at you with no emotion. "Suzaki?" You mumbled as the man stayed quiet and left the room to follow Kohei.
It had been about a week since you and Kohei took over Senomon. A week of constant fights and threats happening to you and your brother. It was finally when Saboten accepted that you two would run Senomon that the rest of the school stopped the threats.
Sitting in the upstairs loft of the gymnasium, all of Kohei's closest minions continued to inform him about the other schools in the area. Throwing rolls of yen onto the table, he looked at Saboten. "Get me more tools. I'll pay whatever. But we will run S.W.O.R.D." Saboten smirked at the money and took it, looking over at Tsudanuma, "Let's go." The two left along with the rest of the men to gather other schools to join their alliance.
Sitting there, you were annoyed. You had no joy in taking over, you just wanted to be at peace. But with your brother getting into fights, you were dragged along and had to help. Kohei could see the annoyed expression on your face and blew the smoke from his cigarette into the air. "Stop being a brat and just enjoy being a leader." Kohei spoke. You rolled your eyes and looked at your brother. "There is no joy when the only leader here is you, asshole. Where am I leading during any of this?" You raised your voice. Kohei sat up and looked at you with a dead stare. "Is that anyway to talk to someone older than you?" You laughed and stood up quickly. "You're two minutes older than me, dumb ass. The only reason you came out first is because I wanted more peace before I had to deal with your ass in the real world." You spoke as you started to leave.
You were simply annoyed by your brother. You loved him, but his ego was bigger than the universe. He needed to be humbled, but you knew it would be hard now that he had Ryo. Deciding to just leave school for the day, you walked out of the gymnasium and quickly left school grounds. You found yourself walking so far as to even pass the city limits. Soon you found yourself in Toraushi city. It had been a long walk, but you were thinking so much that you never noticed how far you had actually walked until you saw the sign.
Deciding to eat, you walked a little more to find a meal. You decided on a small shop that was selling yakitori. You walked in and was immediately greeted by a older woman, telling you to sit wherever you wanted. You smiled and bowed as you looked for a spot in a secluded place. You decided on a spot towards the back. As you approached the spot, you saw a head pop up and a loud voice. It was three boys about your age eating, one with curls, one with slicked back hair, and a blonde. The only face you could see was the slicked back haired guys. He was pretty loud, talking about how he wanted to fight the greatest. It made you chuckled.
Turning around, you sat at one of the chairs they had at the bar. The older woman who had greeted you walked up and took your order. You took out your phone, looking at the text Kohei has sent you about leaving and not informing him where you would be going. Rolling your eyes, you sat the phone down and faced forward, staring at the decorations on the wall.
Fujio was the first to notice you and pointed you out to Jamuo and Tsukasa. Fujio and Jamuo both looked at Tsukasa and smirked as they lowered their voices. "She's you're type. She looks bad ass." Fujio told the blonde hair boy. Tsukasa turned around and looked at you, humming quietly. You were different than most of the girls he had seen around. Most would be dressed in modest clothing and wouldn't dare wear pants. You were different. Fujio had the bright idea to shout as if he was in pain, causing the entire shop including you to turn and look at their table. All three boys were staring at you before apologizing out loud to everyone. 'Should have picked another place.' You thought in your head.
"So?" Fujio smirked and looked at his friend Tsukasa rolled his eyes towards his friends but the two could see his cheeks turning red. "Fine.. Excuse miss in red!" Fujio shouted. "Fujio." Tsukasa warned. You knew they had to be talking to you. No one else was wearing red. Turning around, you looked at the small group of boys. "My friend here thinks your pretty and you should go on a date with him." Fujio spoke with a cheeky grin. He could feel Tsukasa's death glare piercing into the side of his head.
Getting off your seat, you walked over to the table and crossed your arms. "If that is so, why isn't he asking me himself?" You asked, seeing the blonde male keep his eyes away from yours. "He's shy. His name is Tsukasa." Tsukasa kicked Fujio under the table, causing Fujio to whine. You chuckled and hummed before walking back to the bar. Just as you walked up, the older woman had sat your plate down. You thanked her before asking for a pen and paper. Writing your name and number down, you handed her the pen back before bringing the sliver of paper over and setting it down next to Tsukasa.
Fujio and Jamuo were next to Tsukasa, teasing him to no end as you walked back to your seat to eat. "I'm sick of you two." Tsukasa spoke, only earning laughs.
You were nearly finished with your food when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was the slicked hair boy. "We are leaving but our friend said he would walk you home. It was nice meeting you." He whispered, glancing behind himself before he took off, pulling the curly haired boy with him. Within seconds, Tsukasa emerged from the bathroom and looked around for his friends. Setting some yen down, you got up from your chair and slowly made your way to Tsukasa. "Uh, your friends left.. he said you would walk me home?" You asked, the nervousness in your voice prominent. Tsukasa cursed under his breath. He glanced at the clock on the shop walk and saw it was getting late anyways, and he couldn't let a girl walk home alone in a city filled with delinquents.
"Y-yeah." Tsukasa spoke, trying to keep his own nerves down. Not many times did he get the chance to actually speak with girls. Despite being popular amongst the girls at surrounding schools, he wasn't one to acknowledge any of them. He was more into taking care of his friends than being in a relationship. He also had insecurities about his life which is why he didn't talk much about himself when walking you home. You unknowingly felt the same way he did. You weren't happy much being a fighter. You only saw fighting as an activity to take place ONLY when needed. You were different from your twin brother.
The walk home was pretty quiet, but he was surprised to find out you lived in the Oya district. You had told him you were walking and didn't realize you entered Toraushi until it was too late. However, once you realized you were getting closer to your school, you stopped and told him you would walk home the rest of the way alone. Tsukasa tried to talk you into letting him continue to walk you, but you told him your family would be angry if a man was with you. Hesitantly he agreed before he said goodbye and watched you walk your way.
That night when Tsukasa got home, he immediately texted you to see if you had made it home safe.
'Hey its tsukasa. I hope you made it home ok'
Your felt phone buzzed in your pocket as you walked to your room, your brother on your heel, yapping about how you shouldn't leave alone. Rolling your eyes, you slammed your room door in his face and took your phone from your pocket. You smiled a bit that he had actually messaged you to check on you.
'I did. I'm hoping you did as well. Thank you for walking me as far as you could. Btw my name is y/n'
Tsukasa quickly checked the message, shaking his head as he realized how excited he got when you replied. "Don't get stupid." He spoke to himself.
'I did too. If you ever need someone to walk you again I wouldn't mind'
Reading the message, your heart kinda fluttered. Tsukasa wasn't a bad looking guy at all. But if Kohei found out or if Tsukasa found out about your school life, he would never talk to you again.
'Will do, I hope you have a nice night!'
You replied before setting your phone to charge. You then went to shower.
Over the next month, you and Tsukasa actually hung out a lot. You found yourself leaving school to meet him to walk around the lake or go have lunch. Kohei was wondering where you were going so often but he had more important things to worry about. He was currently in a meeting with Ebara and Kama High on taking over Oya. However, Kohei wanted more help.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't crushing hard on this boy. Your hangouts would be peaceful, a smile never leaving your faces.
It was currently 12pm when you had agreed to go have lunch with Tsukasa. He was on his way, walking with Fujio and Jamuo who were once again, teasing him. "I think he's falling in love." Jamuo shouted. Tsukasa only rolled his eyes as he continued walking. "You two hang out almost everyday. I think it's time to tell her about your fighting." Fujio spoke before Jamuo finished, "can't start a relationship with someone based on lies." Tsukasa sighed as he knew it was true. He had to tell you about his school and how he was nothing but a delinquent fighter.
As they walked, sounds of metal bats dragging the asphalt behind them made the group turn around. Men dressed in green. The other side, men dressed in red. "We fucked up.. Jamuo, get out and get all our groups together." Jamuo wanted to stay, worried about his friends. But as soon as Tsukasa shouted at him to run, he was out of there.
It had been an hour since Tsukasa was suppose to meet you for lunch. You tried calling and texting but nothing. Just when you were sure he would be a great guy, he turns out to be an asshole. You got up and immediately left the shop, heading back to your school.
Arriving to the school, you see all of Senomon students shouting and laughing. Some having bruises and cuts all over their faces. "They never saw it coming." One of the boys spoke to his group as you passed by. "Oi, y/n. Where have you been? You missed the greatest fight." Tsudanuma asked as you walked into the school. "I was getting lunch." You answered before shaking your head. "Anyways, who did y'all fight?" You asked. Tsudanuma looked at you and hummed, "Oya high. We even kidnapped one of their members. Next plan is the rest of the school comes for him then Kohei says we take over. With Kama and Ebara on our side, we will win again."
You were confused. Is this what Kohei had been working on while you were off, sneaking to meet what you thought was the love of your life.
Walking through the doors of the gymnasium, you walked up the stairs to the loft to meet with your brother. As you made it to the top of the stairs, you walked over to the couches, shouting at your brother. "Oi, Kohei! What is this about you kidnapping? What sucker was slow enough to let you.." your voice got lower when you noticed the familiar blonde hair. The boy you were suppose to meet for lunch about two hours ago was sitting, tied up against the railing of the loft. You slowly walked closer, your face going white.
Tsukasa heard your voice, but he didn't believe it was you. Maybe he was dreaming. But the moment he looked up, seeing you looking back at him, he felt his heart break. You were part of this school. His first thought was you used him. He knew not to try a relationship. Why did he go against himself. Tsukasa didn't even have the strength to speak as his jaw was killing him from the beating he got from Kohei's foot. "This is our bait, Y/n." Kohei spoke as he looked at the boy. You sat down beside Kohei, staring at Tsukasa.
You guys sat there for a few hours before it started getting late. Kohei stood up, looking at Ryo. "Stay here and watch him. Make sure no one sneaks in to save him." Ryo only stayed quiet, looking at Tsukasa with a glare. "Come on, Y/n." Kohei shouted as he started walking to the stairs, you only nodded and followed. Tsukasa looked up at you as you walked away. Quietly, you mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to him before disappearing down the staircase.
That night you spent thinking about Tsukasa. You felt so fucking horrible that your brother beat him. Sneaking out of your room through the window, you made your way back to Senomon. You were quiet walking in, almost scaring Ryo from how quiet you were. "Ryo, go home.. get some rest before they show up tomorrow." You spoke as you walked closer to the couched where he sat. You glanced at Tsukasa before looking back at Ryo. "I need to stay incase they come." He spoke in a monotone voice. "They won't come. Just go rest, it won't be that hard to watch him." You spoke as you sat on the couch. It was currently 11pm and Ryo was tired. After much more begging, he finally agreed and left.
The silence was horrible. Tsukasa didn't want to speak to you, but you needed to talk with him. Once you were sure Ryo was gone, you got up and walked to Tsukasa, kneeling down in front of him. "Tsukasa.. h-how.." You asked, stuttering, trying to find your words. Tsukasa looked up at you and laughed, calling you pathetic. Your heart broke at his words. But you knew he was angry. You grabbed his face gently but he immediately pulled away, "leave me alone." You rolled your eyes and grabbed his face again, this time holding so he couldn't look away. "Listen, I'm sorry.. I promise you I had no idea they were fighting you." You tried to explain. He laughed and shook his head, "you expect me to believe that?"
Sighing you sat down fully and looked at the man in front of you. "Tsukasa.. If I had known, why would I have agreed to go to lunch with you? They would have kidnapped someone else, but not you." He just stayed quiet and looked up at you. His face was awful. The bruises, the cuts, you could have sworn his nose was broken. Quickly getting up, you walked to the gym washroom and grabbed a napkin, soaking it in water. Coming back to Tsukasa, you sat back down and gently started wiping his face. He was to weak to move his face away.
"Why didn't you tell me you were from Senomon.." He asked softly. You stopped wiping his face for a moment before continuing. "How was I suppose to explain who I am without scaring you away? I'm not some modest little school girl, Tsukasa.. I'm a delinquent who is forced to live in her older brother's shadow." You admitted before sitting back, biting down on your lip. "What about you? You never told me you went to Oya.." Tsukasa sighed and looked down at his lap. "Because I liked you and didn't want you to know I was a delinquent who had no future." He chuckled before looking up, shaking his head. "I thought you were different.. but you're just some stuck up rich kid." He finished. You frowned and shook your head. "I'm not stuck up.. I'm humbled compared to my brother." You sighed as you started to wipe his face again. "I just fight because I have to."
Tsukasa stopped talking to you for a few minutes before finally asking, "why is Suzaki here?" You looked around before speaking. "Suzaki.. Kohei uses Suzaki.. when we were younger, Kohei beat up the boys who bullied Suzaki. After that, they promised to fight for each other and become the greatest." You bit your lip as you thought back over the old memories. "Me and Kohei use to be close, but when elementary hit, everything changed. Suzaki's father's business went bankrupt and our father bought him out. Suzaki's father started working for us as a chauffeur, but our father started changing. He was good friends with Suzaki's father, then after he bought the company, it's like his father was a tool to our father." Bringing your knees to your chest, you looked at Tsukasa who was trying to understand. "Our father moved us to a different school. He forced the words, 'born to be the greatest' in our heads. Kohei was influenced the most by our father while I wasn't. Kohei believed money can buy anything. You don't need friends because they will stab you in the back. Kohei believes in fighting to get to the top. Now he has Suzaki, he can use him to make his goals possible.."
Tsukasa was trying his best to understand, but he was still angry with you. He didn't know if you were lying or telling the truth but at this point, he wasn't taking any chances. "I want nothing to do with you." Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded and got up, walking to the couch. You sat down and waited. All night you sat there, stealing glances at Tsukasa.
The next morning, Kohei and the others showed up to prepare for Oya to arrive. He was confused seeing you asleep on the couch and growled. "Why is she here?! Where is Suzaki!" He shouted, turning towards Saboten. Saboten shrugged, gulping. The screaming woke you up, making you stand up quickly. "I sent him home. I couldn't sleep so I came to watch the boy." Kohei sighed and looked at Tsukasa. Reiji and Gandhi walked in and sat on the opposite couch of you, staring you down like a piece of meat. Tsukasa saw the look they gave you, part of him growing angry. Kohei went to speak when he got a call. Answering he immediately shouted at the person on the other side of the call. "Bastards. We don't need you." He spoke, ending the call and throwing the phone on the table. "Ebara is out.." Growls and groans erupted between the group of men.
Suzaki showed up a few minutes later, turning to Kohei. He went to speak when Tsudanuma ran in, "They're here." The boys shouted as they immediately ran out. "I'm gonna go watch." You spoke, getting up and following the men out.
Standing on the roof of Senomon building, you watched the fight erupt between the schools. It was intense. You immediately recognized Fujio, impressed by his skills. It was when Kohei walked out to confront Fujio, that it got even more intense. The large junk fence came crashing down with six men coming out from behind. The six men easily took on the group of Senomon and Kama members while Fujio and two others escaped to the gymnasium.
Running back to the gym, you could hear the fight on the gym floor. Running over to the loft when you stopped, you gasped at the sight. Tsukasa was dangling from the ceiling by a rope. "K-Kohei.." you mumbled as you stepped closer, your eyes not leaving Tsukasa. Looking down, Kohei was taking a blade, going to cut the rope so Tsukasa would drop. You ran as fast as you could, pushing your brother away as hard as you could with your shoulder before grabbing the cut rope.
"Y/n what are you doing?!" Kohei shouted, getting up from the ground. You were holding on as long as you could when you felt the rope slipping. Tsukasa looked at you with a slight smile. "Fujio!" You shouted from the loft as the rope slipped from your hands. Fujio ran over, catching Tsukasa right before he hit the floor. Kohei looked at you in disbelief. The two of you began shouting at each other, almost becoming louder than the fighting below.
Fujio untied Tsukasa, looking at him. "Why is y/n here?!" Tsukasa groaned as he stood up, "That's his sister." Fujio felt his anger rising even more. He walked towards the stairs when Tsukasa grabbed his arm and shook his head. "I'll finish this." Tsukasa walked up the stairs to find Kohei and Y/n fighting. It only took Kohei pushing his sister to the ground harshly for Tsukasa to feel enough strength to run over and punch Kohei in the face. The two began fighting, punches being thrown left and right. However, Kohei was using a weapon which was unfair. As you got up, the fight between your brother and Tsukasa got so intense that they fell over the railing.
Running to the rail, you looked down to see Kohei and Tsukasa on the ground. Kohei was crawling after a wrench before he crawled on top of Tsukasa's weak body and tried choking him. Running down the stairs, you caught the sight of Fujio kicking your brother off of the blonde haired boy. "Suzaki!" Kohei shouted. Ryo limped over to attack Fujio when Tsukasa got the strength to send an uppercut. Running over, you took Tsukasa's arm and held him up. "I have him-" You started, being interrupted by Fujio's growl. Tsukasa patted his shoulder gently as a signal to say it was okay to let you near him.
As the Oya alliances filled the gymnasium, the rest of the Senomon and Kama students ran out of the gym in fear. "Here let me help." A taller male with glasses walked over to you, taking Tsukasa's other arm and wrapping it around his shoulder.
Just as you thought it was over, Fujio and Ryo started fighting again. But this time it was just them two. Everyone stood aside to watch the two fight. Once Fujio hit the ground, Kohei started shouting with happiness that he had won. Fujio laughed as he slowly got up. It was very impressive that he had so much more in him despite how weak the both were. When Suzaki fell and didn't get up, the gymnasium was quiet.
Kohei shook his head, repeating to himself. "There's no way.. I did not lose.." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his switchblade. He ran up to Fujio. Knowing his next move, you let go of Tsukasa, running up in-between your brother and his target. "Y/N!!" You heard Tsukasa shout. You felt the blade enter your abdomen, your breath catching in your throat. Kohei stopped once he realized the blade was in you and not Fujio. He stuttered trying to find the words as he looked down at the blade that penetrated your stomach. "Y-y/n.." Kohei whispered.
Your eyes started closing as you passed out. Tsukasa pushed off of Todoroki as he ran over to catch you. Kohei stepped back, shaking his head as he couldn't believe what he had just done. He stared at his hand, his body shaking in fear. Kohei rushed over to you, only for Tsukasa to push him away harshly. Kohei was staring at you in fear as you weren't responsive. In their weak state, Fujio looked at Rao and asked for help to carry you to the entrance of the school where they would call an ambulance.
Rao picked you up and rushed you out of the gymnasium to the entrance of the school. As he got to the front, Mr. Suzaki, who was there to pick you and Kohei up, saw you passed out in Rao's arms. He got out and opened the door for Rao, "get her inside!" He shouted. Rao nodded as he laid your body in the back seat. Mr. Suzaki got back in the car, rushing you to the nearest emergency room.
Once he arrived to the ER entrance, he got out and informed the nurses who rushed out to collect your body. You were sent to emergency surgery as the blade was deep enough and close to vital organs.
Fourteen hours your surgery took because the blade had cause more damage than the surgeon had originally thought. Fourteen hours the waiting room was filled with members of Oya who were there for Tsukasa, the members of Suzuran, and Kohei and Ryo. Kohei had his face in his hands as tears fell down his cheek. He didn't realize how much of an awful person he had become. His ego got so high that it almost killed the person he cared about most.
Once you were put in a room, only a few people were allowed to visit at a time. Kohei was the first one. Since you were still asleep, Kohei stayed in the room, holding your hand until you woke. Once your eyes slightly opened, Kohei was at your side apologizing. You held up your free hand and patted his head. "Y/n.. I'm so sorry.. I'm so fucking sorry.." Kohei spoke, a tear falling down his cheek. You knew he meant it as it was the first time you had ever seen Kohei cry.
"I'm sorry.. I don't know what has gotten into me. I don't know what I've become. Please, I never wanted to hurt you." Kohei cried as he squeezed your hand. Your free hand continued to pat his head as you smiled weakly. "I love you Kohei, but I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of fighting. I just want to be normal.." Kohei sat there for a moment, thinking over everything before he nodded. "If you will forgive me, I promise no more fighting..- well, no more fight for no good reason." You chuckled and nodded your head. He learned up, kissing your forehead as he smiled at you. "Sorry for being an asshole brother." You laughed and looked at the door where Ryo stood. "I think you should be apologizing to someone else. Kohei turned to see Ryo before nodding and getting up. "We'll be back after we talk, plus I think someone else wants to see you." Kohei spoke as he smirked, leaving the room.
With a confused look, you went to speak when Tsukasa walked in. He looked distraught and still so weak. Walking over to your bed, Tsukasa sat down on the chair beside the bed, "hi." "Hey.." you replied as you looked at him. He was staring at his hands, trying to think of what to say. "Why.. why did you do it?" He asked coldly. You frowned at the tone of his voice and looked forward at the door. "Because no one needed to be hurt like that.. plus, he was your best friend. At least the hurt person should be the one you hate." You replied with a forced laugh. Tsukasa looked up with a frown at your words. "Who said I hated you?" He asked.
Tsukasa looked at you and leaned closer. "I'm pissed that you didn't tell me.. I'm pissed you also put yourself in these dangerous situations." You only frowned and looked down. He watched your reaction before sighing. "But..I could never hate anyone who would risk their life to save someone I care about. I also could never hate someone that I was falling in love with." Your eyes immediately jumped to his at his last words. "In love with?" He nodded and chuckled. "That day we were suppose to have lunch before all this, I was going to tell you the truth. I wanted to ask you out without starting a relationship full of lies." He explained as he grabbed your hand. "Plus, I really fell for you. When we would hang out, it was a happiness I had never felt before. Fujio said that's what love feels like. And I want to keep that feeling.. with you." His words were bringing tears to your eyes. Just as you were about to pulling him by the collar to kiss him, Fujio ran into the room with flowers and balloons. Tsukasa groaned and looked at his friend with an annoyed expression. "Don't worry, we can finish this when I get out." You smirked, only causing Tsukasa to blush.
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takumaswife · 3 months
High and Low Masterlist
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Oya High
> How Oya boys would react to their S/O asking them to open up a Taco shop together
Tsukasa Takajo
> Liar, Liar - Amagai's sister x Tsukasa Takajo
Shoji Sameoka
> My Pretty Girl - Todoroki's Sister x Shoji Sameoka
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takumaswife · 3 months
REACTION: How Oya boys would react to their S/O asking them to open up a Taco shop together
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A/n: of course this was requested by Rain😭
Request are OPEN
Fujio: 100% would be down to try. He's a broke high schooler and yakisoba tends to be expensive when he's the one buying. So opening a shop would be exciting. However, since he is broke, he would be sucking up to Shinya and Masaya to help him pay by offering them free food and 2% of sales.
Tsukasa: Absolutely not. He's already stressed with school, why would he want to open a shop? And during when would he be there since he is always having to fight someone?
Jamuo: Would go into a large spill about how it would be a bad idea, but if you really wanted to, he would support you. He would ask for Tsukasa or Fujio to be at the shop for security because he could never fight someone and win.. of course the two men would agree, especially for tree food.
Todoroki: Would support you and be there for security because some surrounding school would show up unannounced, and because he has a bigger brain, he would deal with the financial stuff. Ordering product, prices for food, how much you would need to sell to keep a business open.
Tsuji: Another person who would be 100% down to opening a shop if it meant he got free food to eat. He would even ask if Shibaman could come in and be part owner, too.
Shibaman: He would not be interested because that means he would have to work instead of fight. Which also means Tsuji or Todoroki could get in trouble, and he wouldn't be there to help. He's very loyal to his friends.
Nakaoka: Would agree ONLY if you let him name the place Chunchun - 中中.
Nakagoshi: Half and half. He would be nervous because he doesn't know anything about cooking.. or restaurants.. or tacos-
Yasushi: He would agree. But would fully be sleeping in the office. You would have to go get him about 5 times a day to come help. Wouldn't help clean.
Kiyoshi: Again, 100% agrees because it's free food. He would come up with the whole restaurant theme, make sure all the employees are dressed and have the same hairstyle he does. Literally would want to deal with everything FOH related.
Murayama: Would agree because he saw how rich the Yakitori man got that he had a whole building just for that. Anything to keep some money in his pockets.
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takumaswife · 3 months
My Prayer - Hokuto Yoshino FINAL
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Word count: 1576
A/N: I made another gif and it's so cute🥹 but anyways, this will probably suck, I'm so sorry😭 I also didn't get to proofread much because dealing with kids all days so I apologize💀
>Part 1<
Hesitantly, you clicked the name 'Asuka' and went through the messages. Your heart broke, your husband was cheating. The messages were filled with hearts and 'I love you' every few messages. The last message he had recieved from her was an address.
"143 S Jingu Street is the new address, bring yourself;)"
Hokuto was one step above you, already searching the address on maps. When he went to the street view, it was another apartment complex about forty minutes away. "Come on," He spoke angrily, grabbing your hand and getting up. You followed along as he grabbed your keys off the hook near the door and pulled you outside. You could tell he was angry. Almost fuming.
Hokuto was the driver this time. You sat in the passengers seat, researching this woman. "She's friends with all his family.. even his sisters.." you spoke as you scrolled through her social media profile. "Maybe a cousin?" Hokuto asked. "Who the hell is that flirty with their cousin, Hokuto!" You shouted. You were angry and he knew that so he didn't take it to heart. He just reached over and grabbed your hand to squeeze it. "We will figure it out."
Forty minutes of driving had your emotions up and down like a rollercoaster. Everytime you were calming down, you would start crying again. Hokuto would just hold your hand tightly, glancing at you every moment he could.
When you two pulled up to the apartment complex, you sat there for a moment, thinking over the next actions. "If you want, I can go by myself?" Hokuto offered but you should your head. "No, I'm going but I'm scared of what i might see." Hokuto squeezed your hand again and smiled, "I won't leave your side."
Getting out of the car, you looked at the phone and then looked for the apartment number 143. You and Hokuto walked around for about ten minutes before you saw the door. Your breathing stopped as you approached the door. A small knock and you stepped back, almost hiding behind Hokuto. Seconds later a younger woman had appeared in the door, "yes?"
You were too nervous to speak so immediately Hokuto caught on and spoke for you. "Asuka?" He asked. The lady nodded and opened the door a little more. The amount that opened was just enough. There he was. There was your husband. Sitting on the couch shirtless, with a newborn baby against his chest. His eyes shining at the baby. From the pink beanie, you heart broke. This woman wasn't just his girlfriend.. she was the mother of their child. The child you wanted.
Shaking your head, you quickly spoke, "this isn't the lady from the store." You gave the excuse before running away from the door and back towards your car. Hokuto saw what you had seen and he felt his body turning hot from anger. But once you ran, he quickly apologized to the woman and ran after you. "Y/N wait!" He shouted as he ran faster to catch up with you. Grabbing your arm, he turned you to him and you immediately broke down into his chest. You couldn't speak, your breathing was becoming heavy, you felt like you were going to faint. Hokuto held you close, supporting your body so you wouldn't fall. Tears spilled from your eyes as you kept crying into his chest. He didn't say anything, he just helped you into the car. Hokuto knew it would be best to get you home and take care of you there. He buckled you up and quickly got into the driver's seat, driving back to your place.
Sometime during the ride you had fallen asleep from crying so much. Hokuto didn't want to wake you so he carried you from the car, up to your apartment. The living room was left untouched as he carried you to your bed and laid you down. You immediately woke up once you were laid down, gasping for air at the horrible dream you had of your husband cheating repeatedly in front of you. Hokuto quickly sat by your side and held you into his chest.
"H-he never tried with me.." you spoke quietly. "He always wore a condom.. always said that we were too young for kids.." you took a deep breath, trying to think. "H-his mother knew.. his whole family knew!" You started shouting, your vision blurring from the tears.
Hokuto didn't know what to say, he never imagined this happening to you. He never imagined Itsuki being that kind of guy. You looked up at the bedroom and immediately wanted to throw up from the memories of you two. "Why did I marry him.. why didn't I just fucking wait!" You shouted again, this time confusing Hokuto. "Wait? Wait for what?"
You sat up, looking down at the diamond ring on your finger. "You." You spoke as you took the ring off and threw it onto the floor as hard as you could. You got up, starting to pace as you tried to look for your words. "You! You're the one I wanted to be with! You're the one I should have waited for." Your voice kept growing louder as you searched for your words. "And why! Why didn't you tell me you had feelings for me? Why didn't you tell me at my wedding that I was making a big mistake?" You asked.
Hokuto stood up and tilted his head. "Why would I tell you on your wedding day? You never seemed to have an interest in me before. I couldn't ruin your day and lose my friend. Which eventually happened anyways." He raised his voice a bit but kept mostly calm.
You a stood there and rubbed your face with a groan. "You were so clueless. I only went out with Itsuki to make you jealous. It was when I saw you weren't reacting that way that I gave up and started to fall in love with him." You replied, looking at your best friend. "That night at my wedding, when I told you I loved you before I got in the car, that was more than a best friend 'I love you.' That was an 'I love you' that came from deeper in my heart." You tried to explain.
Hokuto and you stood in silence for a few minutes before he looked at you. "Ryu told me to tell you before it was too late.. but when you gave me the save the date, I knew I couldn't say it anymore.. I knew I was too late.."
"But y/n, listen to me." Hokuto spoke softly, walking up and cupping your cheeks as he stared into your eyes. "I waited.. even if I had to wait until my very last breath for you.." Looking into his eyes, you could see the same emotion from the night of your wedding. This man had feelings for you and had no plan to give them up. Slowly he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was different than any other kiss you had ever had. This one was full of so much emotion. So much love. It was delicate as if you were a little flower. As he pulled back, you looked at his big cheesy grin. "I'm prayer has been answered." He mumbled before he reconnected your lips.
*End of flashback*
"So you and ojichan got married?!" Kenzo, your oldest grandson asked. "We did. I filed for divorce from Itsuki the next day, and it was finalized in a month. The week after, I married your grandfather." All six of your grandkids sat around you as you spoke about your husband. It was the first time they got to hear the real story of how you and Hokuto got together. "Do you still love him?" Akira asked, making you chuckle. "I will always love him, as he will always love me just as much." You looked over at the mantle above your fireplace. It was decorated in pictures of you and Hokuto; one when you first became best friends, one from your wedding day, one from your family photo with your four kids, and one taken a week before he died. "Why did he have to go before we could meet him?" Kenji, the youngest of the grandchildren, asked. Your heart broke as you knew Hokuto would have loved the grandchildren. "Well he was eighty-nine years old. And when we get older, nature decides its time for us to move on to something else." You tried your best to explain for the younger ones to understand. "Okay, it's time for bed." You spoke as you slowly got out of your rocking chair.
Helping the grandchildren into bed, you walked to your room and sat on the edge of your bed, staring at the photo on your nightstand. It was a candid photo taken one day by Ryu when you were at the park. You could tell just from the picture, the way you two looked at each other, that it was the truest form of love and that you two were meant to be. It had been five years since Hokuto passed. Five years you spent sitting by your bed every night and staring at the photo. Five years you spent talking to him despite him not being there. Five years you spent waiting for the day you could see you love again.
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takumaswife · 3 months
My Prayer - Hokuto Yoshino Pt. 3
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Word count: 1779+
A/N: Damn I kinda like cliffhangers. So part 4 will happen lmaoo
>Part 1<
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Hokuto sat down the phone, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. One of his friends were lying, and he absolutely didn't want to believe it was you. He knew it wasn't you, you would never lie to him. But neither would Itsuki. He sat there for a moment before getting up and running out of his room. He slid on his shoes and was quickly out the door, on his way to your place.
He knew it was too late to catch a bus so he ran. It took a good twenty minutes before he arrived to your apartment complex. Hokuto took the elevator up, catching his breath. "Take it easy, Kuto.. you aren't sixteen anymore." He spoke to himself as his heartrate started to slow down. As soon as the elevator doors opened, he quickly stepped out and walked to your door. He hesitated knocking. What if Itsuki was there? What if he would get yelled at by both of his friends? Shaking his head, Hokuto knocked on your door.
You were still waiting for a call from Hokuto, biting your nails as you waited. Your nerves were getting the best of you, making you become sick to your stomach. Hearing the knock on your apartment door, you got up from bed and walked to the front door. You had made sure to lock the safety lock, that way Itsuki couldn't come waltzing in with some pathetic apology. Looking through the peep hole, expecting to see Itsuki looking apologetic, you saw Hokuto. He had changed since the last time you saw him about six months ago. His hair was now a dark brown instead of blonde, and it seemed like he had been going to the gym more as his shoulders were more broad.
Opening the door slowly, you looked at Hokuto, confused. "Hi.." You spoke softly. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. God, you missed him. "Hey.. uh, can I come in?" He asked, making you nod and step aside. Hokuto walked in and looked around with a hum. "So this is where y'all moved. Seems cozy." He spoke, trying to make the air less awkward. You just nodded, not knowing what to say. "So, anyways. I talked to Ryu. He was hanging out with Taka and Shohei on the video games, so no. No one had plans tonight." He spoke as he took out his phone and went to his call log. "I called him and asked him to hang out, and he told me he has been with you all night." He then handed you the phone, and you grew angry.
Your husband was lying to you and his friends.
Lying to you.. his wife. The one he promised to always be faithful to even when you two were dating.
Handing the phone back to Hokuto, you looked at the boy, a tear falling down your cheek. Just as you went to speak, you heard your phone ring tone going off. Taking the device from your pocket, you saw your wedding picture along with 'Hubby♡' on the screen. Holding your finger to your lips to tell Hokuto to keep quiet, you answered the phone as calmly as you could.
"Yes, Mr. No-Show and No Call to tell my wife I won't be home?" You had a little bit of annoyance in your voice but also tried to sound playful. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. After I was hanging with the boys, my mom called me, and I had to rush over. Some things were going on with our family, and I needed to be there. I'm so sorry, baby." Itsuki spoke with a small whine. "I promise I will make it up to you." You rolled your eyes and put the phone on speaker. "So, are you coming home tonight?" You asked. Itsuki immediately spoke, "No, I have to deal with a few more things in the morning, then I'll be home tomorrow afternoon." Hokuto looked at your phone in disgust. "Okay.. love you." You spoke, crossing your arms. "Love you too." Itsuki spoke, immediately ending the call on you.
"What do I do?" You asked, frowning at your bestfriend. "My opinion, I'd leave him.." He saw the hurt in your eyes from those words. You did love Itsuki, that's one of the reasons you said yes to his marriage proposal. He then quickly spoke again, "but maybe just give it a few days. Maybe he really is with his parents." He tried to smile, pulling you into his arms for a hug. "Don't overthink." Hokuto spoke. However, you were overwhelmed with the thoughts. Why is his location off if he was at his parents? Why did he tell Hokuto he was with you? Why did the others say he didn't ask to hang out with them?
"Here, go get in bed and I'll see myself out. If you need anything or want to talk tomorrow, call me and I'll come here or meet you somewhere, okay?" Hokuto told you, making you smile a bit and nod. "Goodnight, y/n." He smiled as he walked to the door, waving as he left the apartment. "By, Kuto.." you whispered with the biggest smile on your face. You locked the doors and walked back up to your room, getting into bed. Turning off the lights, you closed your eyes, hoping everything would make sense tomorrow.
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It had been a few weeks now, almost a whole month that Itsuki was spending the night over half a week at his parents. So far for this month, he had only been home nine days total. You had asked if you could help somehow, but he refused because it was harder than you thought. He wouldn't even tell you what was going on.
Today you felt like taking a trip to the grocery store to get some snacks. You thought maybe inviting Hokuto over and just having a movie night because you knew you would be alone. Itsuki had texted you at about 8am that morning saying he wouldn't be home tonight.
While walking through the aisles, grabbing random snacks, and throwing them in the buggy, you weren't paying attention and ran into someone. "I'm so sorr- oh, Mrs. Fujiwara!" You spoke, your mother-in-law looking at you as if she's seen a ghost. "Oh, honey. How are you.. I see you're shopping." She spoke nervously. You nodded and tilted your head, confused by her vibe. "Itsuki told me some things were going on that he's been staying with you. Is everything alright?" You asked, watching her look anywhere but at you. "Yes, honey. He's been at our house helping out with some family stuff. I hope it isn't bothering you." She spoke, this time her eyes meeting yours. "Oh, no ma'am, I just-" "Oh well, I have to be going, darling. See you later." Mrs. Fujiwara spoke before quickly passing you and leaving the aisle.
The interaction was so strange. You already had doubts about your husband, and now it seemed your mother in law was hiding something from you. The entire drive home was quiet as your thoughts were overwhelming your brain. You were pulled from your thoughts when you pulled up to your apartment complex to see Hokuto sitting on the stairs, waiting for you. Parking in your normal spot, you got out and smiled over to Hokuto who was walking your way. "Need some help?" He asked, opening the trunk of your car before you could answer. "Thank you, such a gentleman." You replied as you walked over to help. Grabbing some bags, your thoughts went back to the incident at the grocery store. "I ran into his mom at the store.. I feel like she's hiding something.. Itsuki isn't there.. I just know he isn't." You spoke as you closed the trunk and locked it before leading your friend up to the elevator.
Finally walking into your apartment, you brought the grocery bags to the kitchen and sat them down on the counter. You stopped for a moment and looked at Hokuto. "Put the groceries in the fridge? I have to make a phone call.." You spoke as you grabbed your phone and called Itsuki. Stepping out of the kitchen, you waited for the man to pick up. "Oh, y/n. Is everything okay?" You heard your husbands voice after the second ring. "Yeah, I was just missing you. I was wondering what you were doing. I've missed you a lot." You heard a small hum and a chuckle on the other end of the line. "I'm sorry, baby. I know so much is going on right now, but I promise soon I'll take you somewhere special." You didn't believe him for a second. He had to be lying. "Baby, I can't talk much, but I'll call you later." He spoke, quickly adding an "I love you" before hanging up.
Hokuto came out of the kitchen as you put your phone away and frowned. "I'm sorry this is happening. Come on, you go change and I'll set up the living room." Kuto offered. You smiled and nodded, going to your bedroom and changing. Hokuto had sat up the living room with blankets layering the floor, lots of pillows and all the snacks you bought at the store. You quickly changed into your pajamas and went to leave the room when you grabbed your laptop off your desk and walked downstairs.
Your eyes soften as you saw your best friend sitting down, dressed in his pajamas, just waiting for you. "Looks cozy." You spoke as you sat down beside Hokuto and sat the laptop down. "What's the for?" He asked as he looked at the device. "Oh, Itsuki has a subscription that allows him to watch any movie ever made." You replied as you turned on the device. The screen popped up and you logged into his account, going to the app he used to watch his shows. As you went to click the app, you saw a notification pop up in the corner of the screen showing Itsuki recieved a message.
"Yes, she was at the store...I tried my best to leave quickly!"
It was a message from his mom. Why would she be texting him instead of just talking to him. "Tell me it's a bad idea to snoop." You spoke as you hovered the mouse over the imessage app. Hokuto ignored your question, pressing against the mouse pad and opening the app. The message log was filled with messages from the boys, his family, and a name you didn't recognize. "Who the hell is Asuka?" You and Hokuto asked at the same time.
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takumaswife · 3 months
My Prayer ~ Hokuto Yoshino Pt. 2
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Word Count: 900 words
A/N: FIRSTLY, GIF IS NOT MINE. SECONDLY, this is probably going to have a part 3 because I love drama. This probably isn't the best, but it's more of a filler? But Ye
>PART 1<
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*1 Year Later*
You sat there at the dining room table, tapping your foot harshly against the floor. You had made dinner plans with your husband to talk about the next step in your marriage. You started getting heavy baby fever a few months ago, and really wanted to tell Itsuki you were ready. But after two hours from the time you two were supposed to eat, he still hadn't shown and you were growing more angry and tired.
Getting up from the table, you grabbed the two plates of food and walked to the kitchen, setting them on the counter and sighing. You had made a lovely dinner and he hasn't called or showed. Pulling your phone out, you read the last text message he had sent.
"Be home at 8. The guys wanted to hang out for a bit."
Looking at the time in the top corner of the screen, it was now 10:30pm. You decided to just go upstairs and get ready for bed. Dragging yourself up the stairs, you felt your heartbreak. You were so excited to talk with him, but now you were just upset. And to make matters worse, you couldn't even talk to your best friend.
After your wedding night, you finally realized the feelings Hokuto had for you were the same feelings you had for him. However, now that you were married, you had to respect your husband. Which meant letting go of your best friend so the feelings would stop. But that also meant you felt more alone than ever.
Walking into the room, you changed into your pajamas and climbed into bed. Laying down, you grabbed your phone again and unlocked the device. You went to check Itsuki's location, and for some reason, it had been turned off. Since the beginning of your marriage, neither of you have ever turned location sharing off. You went to leave the app when you saw Hokuto's location was still being shared with you. Part of you smiled that he still kept it on, but the other part of you was confused. He was home, and his home was too small for all the boys to gather.
Leaving the app, you went to Hokuto's name in your contact list, hesitantly clicking on the call button. Putting the phone to your ear, you waited for an answer. It was about four rings before you went to hang up, thinking he wasn't going to answer. But then you heard a soft "hello?"
Quickly, you tried to speak but stuttered a bit. "H-Hokuto?" Mentally you kept telling yourself that he hated you for disappearing. But the cheerfulness in his voice makes you relax. "Oi, Y/N! How are you? It's been a while." You chuckled and smiled widely, the first time in hours. "Oh, I'm fine. Sorry I've been away.. just things going on.." You lied, but obviously you couldn't tell him the truth. He just hummed in response. It went quiet for a few seconds before you cleared your throat. "I'm sorry to bother you this late at night, but Itsuki said all of you were getting together tonight. However.. his location is off, and you're home. I was wondering if he was there with you or with the others? But then why you wouldn't be there? Unless you're sic-" You were rambling, trying to find an excuse as to why your husband wasn't home and his location was off, when Hokuto stopped you. "Uh.. we weren't supposed to get together tonight? At least I wasn't told." He spoke, sounding kinda sad that his own friend wouldn't invite him. "Let me call Ryu and ask." He replied. "Okay, just let me know, please." You spoke in a soft voice before ending the call and waiting.
Hokuto immediately called Ryu once the phone called ended, the call being answered within seconds. "Hey, man, what's up?" Ryu asked. Hokuto could hear clicking and furrowed his brows. "Are you gaming?" Ryu chuckled, "you can hear that? Yeah me and Taka are playing against Shohei in two v one." Ryu replied. Hokuto stopped and furrowed his eyebrows together. "So you guys are all home? Have yall heard from Itsuki? I.. couldn't get ahold of him." Ryu shouted as he was shot down, waiting to reload into the match. "Itsuki? Last I heard was he was with Y/N eating dinner." Ryu spoke as he started hitting the keys on the keyboard once again.
Hokuto was becoming confused because he had heard from you that Itsuki wasn't home. But Ryu said he was home with you. "Thanks, I'm gonna try to call again." Hokuto spoke before hanging up and going to Itsuki's number. He dialed the number and waited for an answer. No answer. He tried again. Nothing. Third times a charm? Yes. Finally, before the third call was about to go to voice-mail, Itsuki picked up. "Hey man, what's going on?" Hokuto furrowed his eyebrows when he heard the man sounding out of breath. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Itsuki laughed and replied, "at almost midnight? Sorry man, I'm with Y/N. We've been..uh, watching movies for the last few hours." Itsuki spoke, sounding unsure. Hokuto hummed and spoke again, "Oh, sorry. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Itsuki said goodbye before quickly hanging up. "What the fuck is going on.." He spoke to himself.
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takumaswife · 7 months
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> Empty
> The Rampage from Exile Tribe
Movies/TV Shows
> High and Low
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takumaswife · 7 months
The Rampage from Exile Tribe Masterlist
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Hokuto Yoshino
> My Prayer (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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takumaswife · 10 months
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Amagai: Hold on hold on hold on. Her sister was a witch right? And what was her sister? A princess, the wicked witch of the east bro. You're gonna look at me and you're gonna tell me that I'm wrong? Am I wrong? She wore a crown and she came down in a bubble, Tsukasa. Grow up bro, grow up.
Tsukasa: Can I go home now... I'm afraid of what Fujio is getting up to
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takumaswife · 10 months
The loml fr💕
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後藤拓磨 | Goto Takuma
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takumaswife · 10 months
Kohei Amagai from High&Low: The Worst Cross made me realize I have a choking kink cuz I want him to choke me lmao
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takumaswife · 10 months
188K notes · View notes
takumaswife · 11 months
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This is the
Money Cat 🐈‍⬛
Reblog for good financial luck! 🍀
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takumaswife · 1 year
Mentally I've been fucked all day despite the good news. Like it still is hard to take in this news because I always think the worst scenario. I should have taken a break from all social but like I feel like I won't be kept up if something happens. I really fucking hate this lmaooo I couldn't cry and had to keep my composure all day but now I can finally sob in peace
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takumaswife · 1 year
Since someone (@rainisawriter) complains/j,,,, I'm gonna let yall decide how My Prayer ends.
//note: last options says, "why not both?" 😭
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