taleinterrupted · 6 years
‘ ahh, fuck. i can’t believe you’ve done this ’ Hercules @ Cain.
Cain chuckles as his wrist’s rotations cause the amber liquid to splash the sides of the glass. “You must not really know me at all,” he says before taking a sip. “Didn’t you know that there was a time when I wasn’t so… beastly? Some people happen to believe that part is still alive and well, but if you so much as think about this around another person, I will personally ask the Fairy Godmother to turn me into a beast so I can personally rip you to shreds.” He flashes the boy a fangless smile, but knows the threat got across. “Now go on, open it. Just know you can’t say I never did anything for you. She’s not Adeline, but if you miss modeling give her a call. I miss the half decent competition. It’s not like you need your face slapped on anything else, Wonderboy”
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
"‘ this bitch empty YEET!!!! ’ Alice @ Philip.
Truthfully, Philip spent most of the conversation zoned out. One arm supporting his chin left the other free to tap idly on the desk as he waited for the (hopefully soon) end. However as the story look an unexpected turn, he growls “be careful!” and in a swift motion he grabs the only framed photo on his desk. While he tells those close to him that it’s there to sympathize with clients and sell his sob story, a part of him isn’t completely convinced anymore that it’s just for show. Perhaps something from his old life really did stick with him even if he’d rather die than admit it. “This photo,” with a quick shake he tucks it away as if it needed to be physically shielded from a 5 foot girl. “Is worth more than you could even fathom and if I had to choose between it and you, it’s no contest, sweet cheeks. Mark my words, I will watch as you living off the streets begging for someone else’s scraps and I will make your life a living hell. Do I make myself clear?” 
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
‘ do you ever like wake up and do something and you’re just like what the hec– fuck is goin on ’ -Alice.
“Not as much as I used to,” Falk answered after a moment. His fingers skimmed along the page he was reading before he quietly folded the book closed. He set it aside. His smile broadened at the butterfly kiss of memory. “I used to float when I slept. I’d fall asleep one place and wake up somewhere new. Whether it was a foot away or a mile away, always somewhere new.” A younger Falk, barely grown into his luck or his body, had been terrified at first. He wondered if it had been that way for Alice when she had woken up somewhere new. He wondered a great deal about Alice. How she was, how he could help. What could he banish to keep her afloat? 
“But, I guess I still do. Perhaps we all do. So used to trees or skies or oceans and now we have concrete and walls. It’s hard to know what’s going on here when we can see so little.” The soft lilt of his voice lapped at the sands of time and where it had led them. “If you’re ever lost, come find me. Or tell the winds and in time, I’ll find you.”
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
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gold and white. like pride and heart. stuck in the past yet moving forward. feeling inadequate inside luxury. despite past status, never much to dress up. or big events. 
black and silver. like hope and morality. keeping it simple. loving the scene and the anonymity. despite knowing how much of an illusion it is. wearing the mask like any other day.
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
📞 Herc/Meg
◤ ✕ ・。* send me 📞 and a ship and i’ll tell you…
your muse’s contact photo in mine’s phone
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your muse’s name in mine’s phone
WONDERBOY, all caps because they’re just that important
your muse’s ringtone in mine’s phone
“A Thousand Years” - Christina Perri
how often our muses text
daily, especially after work.
what our muses normally text about
their former life, work mostly, Pegasus and Phil, their friends, Holden, why they can’t see one another and times where they meet plan their next encounter
our muses’ last few texts
[ MESSAGE → WONDEROY ]: I’m not going[ MESSAGE → WONDEROY ]: Briar asked me to, but I can’t[ MESSAGE → WONDEROY ]: Fritz and Holden will be there.[ MESSAGE → WONDEROY ]: I can’t be seen with you[ MESSAGE → WONDEROY ]: Don’t take that the wrong way ♥
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
i'm not saying all the texts for Hercules from Megara, but def all the texts for them.
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: It’s 4 PM and you are still not awake?[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: You’ve been fighting all night, haven’t you
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I love you, so much. I can barely breathe while thinking about you being hurt. I just wish to return to you, without those evil hags displaying my beating heart like some sort of jewel. I’d save you again, over and over again, until no one will harm you. Marriage means sacrifices – and I promised you to be there for you in sickness and in health, remember? 
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Rex @ four jacks.
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: told youuuu! [ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I can ex an entire btle outo[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: OUZO
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: fuck me on Caroline’s throne[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I’m wearing lingerie, just for you, Wonderboy[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Today we’ll rejoin the heavens.
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Alright, 6 AM, time to go to bed.[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Have been running around for them for the last ten hours. [ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Sleep well, Wonderboy.
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Why won’t you listen to me?![ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I’ve told you, time and time again, how DANGEROUS fighting against them will be[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: You’re a fucking moron, you know that?[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Listen. To. Me.
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: No way we’re eating Thai tonight.[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I thought we’d agreed on Italian?
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: We can die, Hercules[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Red’s dead. It’s just a matter of time until they squeeze my heart like a soft pita bread.[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: You will have to let me go.
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Never thought I’d write this, but: [ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I cooked some dinner for us, already fed Pegasus and managed to even pair a wine to our date. It’s all set. ♥
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: If you punch someone[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Do you go right for the throat or the ribs?
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I’m off ALL day today![ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: Wanna go somewhere only we know?!
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I told you I’m not interested in a hatefuck, Fritz[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: You can catch these hands later, tho
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: I was never good enough for you, am I right?[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: You deserve better than me.[ MESSAGE → WONDERBOY]: You are still a god in my book.
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
"You’ve been a bit excessive about this whole thing, haven’t you?” Alice @ Philip.
∘⡊ ☾ ˚SEVEN DEADLY SINS: GLUTTONY @taleinterrupted
Philip chuckles almost by reflex. “You haven’t even seen excessive,” he tells her. All his life he got whatever he wanted even if it required some manipulation and enjoyed it more when it did. Afterall, why settle when you could have it all? He was always a firm believer in the fact that those that say ‘less is more’ has never had more. What a pity. “Now, you can shut up because I’m your boss and you do as I say or you can live on the streets. Choose wisely, my dear.”
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
☢►✉ -Alice
send ☢ for a fucking drunken text
[sent to Alice]: ho oldy shit alice idk where ia m[sent to Alice]: can u cum ge tme[sent to Alice]: lol *c meo[sent to Alice]: *co em[sent to Alice]: f cuk
send ► for a fucking wrong person text
[sent to Alice]: I actually just don’t understand why he would do that! Especially since I treat him so well during class and he has the audacity to draw on my desk? With permanent marker??[sent to Alice]: We’re in a fucking fantasy realm filled with people who were once immortal and everybody STILL acts like they’re 3 years old!!
send ✉ for a un fucking sent text
[unsent to Alice]: Sometimes…idk…sometimes I wonder if what we have is real. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, or maybe anxiety is getting the better of me. But sometimes you do things or say things that make me wonder if you actually like me. And…I mean I hope you do because you’re a really great friend, Alice.[unsent to Alice]: I’d hate to lose you.
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
“Don’t be so vain.” Hercules @ Cain.
∘⡊ ☾ ˚ SEVEN DEADLY SINS: PRIDE @taleinterrupted
“Whatever,” Cain manages between laughs. Ah, this eloquence is precisely what planted the seeds of doubt in his mother’s mind about him inheriting the kingdom. “You may have been once known as ‘Wonder Boy’, but we both know you’d kill to trade places for a day. Besides you look half as good, but are just twice as vain. Isn’t it a shame Adelin didn’t want to keep you as a model?” He leans in closer with the hint of a frown on his face. “It’s okay. This industry isn’t for everyone and I think you know that better than anyone, don’t you?”
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
☯ for meg
Put a symbol in my ask for a character that…
☯ - acts as a foil to my muse
“Hercules – they always see the best in others, I see the worst. When they’re heroic, I’m the villain crossing their plan. That’s why I’d rather just steer clear of them, but am I really capable of that? No way.”
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
all the texts for alice and ella :)
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
[SENT TO DON’T] morning princess ;) 
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
[UNSENT TO DON’T] i love you[UNSENT TO DON’T] i know that now [UNSENT TO DON’T] i’m sorry i never said it back and that this was what it took for me to know what being in love actually was [UNSENT TO DON’T] i really do love you ella 
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
[SENT TO DON’T] are you at castle of dreams rn?? [SENT TO DON’T] i need a favour [SENT TO DON’T] i’ll repay you
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[SENT TO DON’T] did i eerv tel u’? [SENT TO DON’T] ur sooooooooooooo prwetty[SENT TO DON’T] ur eyed[SENT TO DON’T] ur slime 
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
[SENT TO DON’T] sooo since you’re so angry [SENT TO DON’T] angry sex is great [SENT TO DON’T] so why don’t we try that out ??[SENT TO DON’T] [attached image] 
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[SENT TO DON’T] did you arrive safely? 
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[SENT TO DON’T] stop it [SENT TO DON’T] did you really think we were getting back together? [SENT TO DON’T] adorable
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[SENT TO DON’T] i had a cat name dinah [SENT TO DON’T] back then [SENT TO DON’T] don’t know what happened to her [SENT TO DON’T] so now i have another one [SENT TO DON’T] guess her name
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[SENT TO DON’T] ella[SENT TO DON’T] it’ll be okay[SENT TO DON’T] just hide [SENT TO DON’T] i’m close by
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[SENT TO DON’T] i promise not to make any more promises this time [SENT TO DON’T] i missed you [SENT TO DON’T] truly 
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[SENT TO DON’T] what do you get out of this? [SENT TO DON’T] besides the obvious[SENT TO DON’T] you could be fucking anyone else that wasn’t your ex
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
[SENT TO DON’T] they got caught!!![SENT TO DON’T] i can’t believe it [SENT TO DON’T] omg you know what means??? 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[SENT TO DON’T] i’m not doing that anymore [SENT TO DON’T] leave me alone [SENT TO DON’T] don’t reach me again
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
[SENT TO DON’T] i didn’t mean for that to happen[SENT TO DON’T] i won’t bother you [SENT TO DON’T] for good now [SENT TO DON’T] i’m sorry ella 
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
✉, ☎, @, %, ♀ (Falk at Alice~ I don't remember if I sent one or not!! xoxo)
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
[UNSENT TO FALK A ] you seem to believe in everyone. that everyone has good in them. but truth is, that’s rarely the case. i know i’m not.  [UNSENT TO FALK A ] i know it’s selfish of me to hope you never know the full truth, but i don’t want to lose you falk. you’re my only friend. 
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
[SENT TO FALK A ] alcohol[SENT TO FALK A ] and vodka[SENT TO FALK A ] or just the vodka [SENT TO FALK A ] i’m fine i promise 
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[SENT TO FALK A ] please [SENT TO FALK A ] anything [SENT TO FALK A ] just.. [SENT TO FALK A ] help me make it go away 
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[SENT TO FALK A ] i don’t think i’ve ever asked you[SENT TO FALK A ] but[SENT TO FALK A ] what’s the oldest memory you have? 
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
[SENT TO FALK A ] i truly fucked up [SENT TO FALK A ] didn’t i? [SENT TO FALK A ] i mean [SENT TO FALK A ] you won’t even look at me [SENT TO FALK A ]  i’m sorry i never wanted to let you down [SENT TO FALK A ] you of all people 
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
✆, ⁇, ✿, ✘, & for alice
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
[SENT TO NECKLACE] milo![SENT TO NECKLACE] are you free today? 😊[SENT TO NECKLACE] i found this amazing place i think you will like 
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[SENT TO NECKLACE] mlioooo[SENT TO NECKLACE] u missng sooooooo much fuun[SENT TO NECKLACE] coem !!
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
[SENT TO NECKLACE] i’ve heard some things [SENT TO NECKLACE] who would’ve thought that of dear ol’ milo 👀[SENT TO NECKLACE] sooo… why don’t you teach me, daddy snatch? 😉
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[SENT TO NECKLACE] what part don’t you understand?[SENT TO NECKLACE] you were just a job [SENT TO NECKLACE] nothing personal [SENT TO NECKLACE] now lose my fucking number 
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[SENT TO NECKLACE] today was amazing [SENT TO NECKLACE] you make my days better milo[SENT TO NECKLACE] have i told you that?? 
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
✆⁇#ツ For Jack from Alice !
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] i thought not getting hangovers was your superpower [SENT TO MR JACK 💀] dw i got you covered just lay down[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] be there in 15
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] yse hoem safe[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] tanhks[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] for 2niht[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] it waas fun 🎉
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] the mundie’s longest party ever recorded was of 55 hours[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] think it can be topped? 
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
[SENT TO MR JACK 💀] you what??? [SENT TO MR JACK 💀] omg [SENT TO MR JACK 💀] that band is sooo good 😍
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taleinterrupted · 6 years
⁇ // ☎ // # // $ (marigold and alice)
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[SENT TO GOLDIE💲💲💲] 💰🔒[SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] took me fvie minutse 2 fids the emokis [SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] get it??? 😂😂😂
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
[SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] k [SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] bring the wig [SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] see you soon 
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] you should teach me how to do that whole [SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] snatch watches and necklaces thing someday[SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] could really come in handy right now 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] room 292[SENT TO GOLDIE 💲 💲 💲] 11pm 
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