talesofatlas · 4 months
The Ignis Vanguard
Written V/V/1487 - The Voice of the Grand Imperius : Grand Imperius
The War of secession in the east has come to a close, the treacherous Octavia has been slain. Although the circumstances of her death are unknown, it is clear that her battalions are in disarray, her armies are plagued by chaos and the Crown of Ferum will not lie in her hands. The soldiers that plundered our fields and burned our lands are no longer our enemies, as a new force rises in Octavia's stead.
It is clear that the first incarnation is upon us. The earth itself manifests in our former enemy. Imperius has fallen not too the false Empire of Silva, but to the earth itself. Pars, Nimis have fallen as well and not long after, All of Ferum will be submerged in the forests and viscera of the earth.
It is our purpose as the sacred land of civilization and the birth place of man to combat this new enemy. The foundations of the Ignis Vanguard will serve to repeal the great waves of Flora from the east. Although our eastern cities are engulfed by the forest, the lands in the west will continue on by the strength of these men . We will set the earth it self ablaze. A wall of fire will rage forever.
Archived by Appius Bibliothecaria Ferum Imperial Library: Mons principa: bookstack X
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talesofatlas · 4 months
The First Grimoire Prosthetics
Written X/V/1514- Department of Falsus
The war in the east has raged for 27 years and seems to show no signs of slowing down.
As soldiers return from battle, the main injuries sustained at the Vanguard seem to be amputations. Whether it be from the flames or the vegetation itself, The traditional false limb for these soldiers would not ensure their presence at the bastion. With the supply of men willing to arm the Vanguard dwindling, new means of ensuring that the men can remain in the fray are crucial. After fitting the traditional false limb for these soldiers, they would more often than not be unable to continue their duties to the vanguard.
For the past 8 years, the college has worked towards the creation of a prosthetic that would be more in tune with the body of the user. One that will not wear or rust like the ones before.
The Department of Falsus has developed a prosthetic that mirrors the original limb. attached at the base of the amputation, they require extensive surgery in order to be properly attached. Although more advanced, the false limb comes at a great cost to produce and to those who wear it. A connection between the nerves and the prosthetic must be made, a procedure that is extremely painful and often results in death. If they were to survive, the false limbs would have a variety of qualities; one false limb may work as if the missing appendages were missing, and one may not be able to perform even the most basic of functions. Production of the Grimoire required significant resources and should be done sparingly, largely reserved for knights and lords.
Archived by Caius Bibliothecaria Ferum Imperial Library: Winterop: bookstack CXV
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talesofatlas · 4 months
Grimoire study (Restricted)
Written...(∅)780- Yuki Parum
I have researched and studied the Grimoires on our shelves for years. I thought, at first that they were crafted with the upmost care, and that they lasted so long due to there composition. This is not the case. Grimoires are not everlasting due to the construction but rather the context of there pages. Ever original idea and thought immortalizes the Grimoire in the state that it was in when it was inscribed. Pages I've left in the sun to be washed of all color are not bleached. Pages I've left in the wild to decompose are preserved without a hint of rot. It seemed I'm the first one to stumble upon this knowledge, instead of any Grimoire or page, I've inscribed this great secret upon my own flesh. etched upon my skin is the unveiled secret of history. I wonder if this will work as it has for our Grimoires, will the ink that has punctured my skin preserve my life?
"Libris Aeternum"
Archived by Faustus Richter: College Of Parum: Private Study
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talesofatlas · 4 months
Opening of the Department of Falsus
Speech given... 201- by Voice of Parum :College of Parum
Since the inception of our institution, we have worked towards the betterment of man in all aspects of life. Our work has made dramatic improvements to the infrastructure, industry, and society of Ferum, but it is now time to work towards the advancement of men themselves. Our bodies and minds shall no longer be restricted to what we were born with and what we have been given by the world; instead, we shall walk our own path. It is with great pleasure that I can be here to see the opening of the Department of Falsus, we entrust our youth to make the developments that we will not live to experience.
Archived by Atticus Bibliothecaria Ferum Imperial Library: Vas: bookstack CXXIII
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talesofatlas · 4 months
What are Grimoires?
Written... (∅)784 - Yuki Parum
I have noticed that unlike the wooden shelves holding up our short history, the Grimoires we place upon them have yet to be worn. The pages are just as crisp as the day they were written. Is there something within these familiar objects that ensure constant state?
Archived by Amity Bibliothecarius Ferum Imperial Library: Temere: bookstack XXII
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talesofatlas · 4 months
♫The Rusée traveling party♫
Written... 12- Felix Rusée
Music! Dancing! The finest wine! Our traveling show will be in your town in no time! Prepare to be moved and enchanted through our songs~ Felix Rusée's amazing show coming to your town soon!
Archived by Atticus Bibliothecaria Ferum Imperial Library: Vas: bookstack LXV
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talesofatlas · 4 months
The end of youth (Lost Grimoire)
Written... 1480 - finis vitae
The traditions of our nation are not done without reason. The Empire of Ferum can not fall due to the hubris of our children, and in times of great tension something must snap. Those who have not seen the horrors of our past, and the horrors of war are going to lead this nation unless we stop them. Octavia Agria and all those of the Primis Rebellion must give up their lives for our nation, much like our brothers did during our time of turmoil. Let us ensure our nations future, we must committee an act of treason to ensure our survival.
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talesofatlas · 4 months
bookstacks XXIV-XLV - Contents
Written IV/XV/1483- Etam Bibliothecarius
Bookstack XXIV-XLV contains all information on incarnation study development, and history. Records are copied and present in all Great libraries. Originals were kept at Imperius until its destruction in MCDLXXX.
Sections XXIV-XLV are restricted to the public, those with approved research and historical records projects will be allowed to view the Grimoires. All unauthorized work on the creation of a new Incarnation has been declared traitorous since MCDLXXX.
After the destruction of the Imperius, Grimoire recovery has been underway, largely done through contracts with mercenaries. All originals Grimoire on incarnations in the stacks should be immediately flagged and delivered to the Great City for reproduction and storage.
Archived by Aelia Bibliothecaria: Ferum Imperial Library: The Great City: bookstack XXIV
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talesofatlas · 4 months
The Creation of Pure Ideals
Written... (∅)-1001 - Unknown Author
Fundamental aspects of our world are influenced not by infinite powers, but instead by core ideals present in all things. The world around us is only affected by the earth, it is the the whims of Gaia to decide what happens in its own domain.
In a similar fashion societies of Men are under the prevue of civilization. There actions in the future, as well as the past have been changed by influences that are nontangible.
Perhaps it is possible to condense their influences into a single thing, or perhaps person. If someone were able to do so, they could exert there will in ways unlike that of anyone in our history.
There can be even more aspects of this world that can be influenced. On Orders of the Emperor we continue to research the natural ebb and flow of the world.
Archived by Aelia Bibliothecaria Ferum Imperial Library: The Great City: bookstack XXIV
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talesofatlas · 4 months
Grimoires of Atlas
A collection of historical accounts from the Grimoires found in the island nations of Ferum. If you would like to inquire deeper about anything feel free to reach out to the Librarians, through here
Grimoires... historical: Records of events and adventures Fortis : Records of those who've influenced the world Divinitas: Records written by the divine Durch: Records of the Grand Library Lost: Records that are not known
Bookstacks... XVI-XXII 16-22: Magic studies XXIV-XLV 24-45: incarnation LXV 65: artists CXXIV 124: Library business
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