taliah-tezel · 5 days
"Um..." Taliah raised a brow in slight amusement, watching as the blonde practically flopped into the seat and banged her head. "Stepping back from law is making you nice? That doesn't sound right at all." Teasing, she leaned forward, gently lifting some blonde locks up so she could see at least half of her face. "Well, if you want a list it's going to fall short, I can only think of one thing and that's that you're too sober." Smiling, she pushed the half-full bottle of whiskey over to her. Letting the silence linger for a few seconds as she twisted around to face Blake better. "Being nice isn't the worst thing to be, but if you're losing tough girl points, some of the guys could take being humbled."
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who: @taliah-tezel | where: sons of silence clubhouse
Blake slowly pulled the chair out before basically collapsing into it next to Taliah. She was exhausted, she'd spent most of the day on the phone with the supply guy for the cafe and had still gotten nowhere. She face planted into the table, the smallest "Ow.", leaving her as her hair fell across her face. "I think I'm broken. I actually think taking a step back from the law firm has broken me in some way... I'm becoming nice?" The last word was said in a higher octave than the rest with as much incredulousness as one could muster. She hadn't even threatened the guy with legal action, which she was more than in the right to do, "What is wrong with me?"
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taliah-tezel · 5 days
"I do not smother." Taliah would protest, despite knowing that's exactly what she did. "I know he's an adult, but he's still so young, and lost? It does make me a little bit smothery, I suppose. But I think he knows what to expect from me now. The other day, he approached me for a hug, usually it's the other way around. Really made my heart happy." Which was probably obvious by the way her face beamed.
As Nate asked her the question, she only found herself frowning in her own confusion. "Partly? Mostly I just think it's because it's foreign to me. Aside from being at the range, it's not something I think about. So it's hard to try and remember that I need to now, when for so long my fists have been enough," she chuckles quietly, giving him a soft shrug.
"Can't or won't?" Narrowing suspicious eyes paired with a softer smile, she can only sigh quietly. "That doesn't sound very... happy?" Taliah questions, not sure that's the word she wanted to use. "You know you can talk to me, right? About anything."
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A smile lifted as she mentioned that she didn't have favourites, knowing that she was full of shit there and still, he wasn't surprised by Kip being mentioned. "You still smothering him like he's a baby?" he joked lightly, feeling that touch happier that Taliah was acknowledging that she was being stubborn, more so because it was just a headache when she didn't. "Oh yeah.." he nodded a little as he let out a soft laugh, having no problem when it came to being right, especially with their topic of conversation. "Because you might kill someone?" he asked to her saying that firing a bullet into somebody didn't sit well, trying to understand on his own level, "Still can do that with your fists." he wasn't countering how she felt, he just knew if it came down to it the last thing Taliah needed to do was hesitate if she had a gun in her hand. "Okay... good." his smile widened, satisfied enough with her response. However, that notion didn't necessarily apply to her flipping the spotlight onto him, not because he didn't want to talk but because he felt on the scale of things, how he was doing wasn't important. "Yeah I'm alright, getting there so can't complain." in every way how he was now, was considerably better than how he was at the beginning of the year and so Nate was taking that as a good thing. "Tryna stay in my own lane so I don't fuck anyone else up, you know how it is."
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taliah-tezel · 5 days
"Sounds like there's some good stories to that statement. Or bad ones, depending on how you want to look at it." Raising a curious brow, she couldn't deny her interest in what he meant by not being the best behaved, but she wouldn't pry if he wasn't up for sharing. "Every parent likes the saviour stories." Laughing softly, she knew her mom would be the same if she was still a part of the living world.
Taliah only offered him a smile, paired with a nod of acknowledgement, happy enough to give praise where it was deserved and hopefully make him feel even better about his achievement. "Great! It's nothing fancy, just casual dress, not that I'm saying you couldn't show up in black tie if you really want to." Grinning, she turned into the restaurant doorway, scanning around before pointing to a quiet side table.
"Yeah, he swings by when he's got some free time." Something she always looked forward to, except for the times she was out of a call and missed his visit. "Well, at risk of sounding like a total cheese stick, he means everything to me. When I moved here, with the exception of my cousin and Uncle," family, "Cole was the first person to take the time to talk to me and not just at me. He's been seared onto my heart ever since." Taliah couldn't help but smile warmly, brown eyes always sparkling with a softness that showed whenever she talked about him.
"Don't say that," a soft protest and a little scowl of disapproval, she shakes her head. "You shouldn't put yourself down, anyone would be lucky to have you." Maybe he'd think she was just being kind but the truth was she believed it, Taliah thought that he would have a lot to offer someone if he ever wanted to. "... What do you want to drink? I'll go order." Not that she was rushing, but her mouth was already watering at the thought of nachos.
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"She was but I guess she was glad it was trouble I didn't get myself into for once." Raf clarified. "She worries about me here. I wasn't exactly the best behaved kid." He added after a beat. He could only imagine the kinds of phone calls and house calls she received when Raf was growing up and living in Tonopah Valley. He had brought far too many cops and angry Tonopah Valley residents to their family home.
"I will, she likes to hear the saviour stories." He spoke with a smile. When Raf first qualified as a paramedic, she would beg to hear the stories of him getting to people on time, bringing them back to life from the brink of death. She had told him that it strengthened her faith in God and proved that anyone, despite their past, could be forgiven. Although she had never said it outright, he knew that last part was about him.
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Raf wasn't the kind of man to seek out praise, nor did he expect it. "Thanks though, that means a lot." He sat with the positive words and let them sink in, appreciating them for what they were - a declaration of admiration for a job well done. Raf had always like Taliah. He had liked that she had gone out of her way to talk to him, and her attempts to integrate him into their work group. Despite his initial efforts to keep work and life separate, her persistence - mostly - and her charm had worn him down. "Of course. I'll be there." He responded with a smile. Still, it felt nice to belong.
"Yeah he came down whilst you were on a job and yeah just got talking." Raf had left out the part where the pair of them had initially bristled in each other's company - like territorial cats. "Didn't realise he meant that much to you." Raf knew better than anyone how much someone a person loved could save them. "Nah not me, here or back home." He had made a point to break off a relationship before he left. "It's fine for you ask. Not sure I'd be any good to anyone anyway."
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taliah-tezel · 5 days
Location: Emiri's house Tag: @emiri-tezel
It wasn't uncommon for Taliah to show up randomly and/or uninvited. Today, however, she'd given a ten-minute warning that she was coming to invade Emiri's space. Using her foot to knock at the door, her arms juggled food, drink, and a couple of shopping bags. "Hi!" she said, peeping her head over the hoard to smile. "Please say you're still free for the evening." Laughing, she steps inside, heading straight for the nearest surface to place everything down. "It's nearly spooky season and I'm excited. I've bought food and drink, new pj's, and everything for midnight margaritas because.... practical magic, maybe?"
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taliah-tezel · 13 days
"How far does that extend? Like, if I was to call you at 3am and say I was hungry, bring me chips, would you answer long enough to tell me to take a hike?" She teased. "Yeah, I think you're right. Some people do prefer isolation and their own company but when someone visits, it's got to be nice, right? I kind of try and let myself believe that it helps, and if they didn't want the company they'd just say so?" Shrugging, she could only make her own assumptions but she felt like she was on the money.
Setting the basket down only to be ushered into a warm hug by Mrs. Daley, she can only imagine that this was how it felt to have the influence of grandparents. "That's whiskers! You can pick her up, she's the only one who likes to be cradled." Mrs. Daley says to Chloe as she steps out the way of her husband, already busying himself with boiling some water for coffee. "You'll have to watch her, Chloe will try to cradle her all the way home." Taliah snorts out a laugh as she rested gently against the countertop. "Do you need anything doing while we're here? The last time, you mentioned you were struggling with the cleaning, I'd be happy to run around with the vacuum?" She asks, just for the older lady to chuckle and wave it off, telling her she already worked too hard. "Do you work at the firehouse too, Chloe?" Asks Mr. Daley.
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Chloe snorted. "I think you can ask anyone and they'll tell you all the same. If you call - I will answer." It was as simple as that. Chloe had always been that way and then ever since Jasper went missing? That became something she held onto even more. Because you never knew why people could call, you never knew if it would be the last time you;d hear their voice. It wasn't something that she wanted to miss. Yes, maybe it was a trauma response of some sort, but she wasn't keen on trying to kick that habit. "There's a few like that here in Tonopah. And you're right, maybe they're okay... But I feel they still want something even if it's once a week." Because even if he had said before, he didn't want to see her, the way his eyes were shining told her something different. The fact that Taliah was also doing her bit, made Chloe like her even more. It was always the little things.
Once the door was opened, Chloe smiled warmly, extended her hand. "Hi, nice to meet you." She let Taliah go in first and followed her soon after, putting the boxes in the designated place. "What a nice home you have here!" Yet, probably too soon, Chloe's eyes darted to the cat and her attention was done for. "OH hey you." She bent down, stroking the cat. "You're so cute!"
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"Please, it's been a pleasure honestly. You've got a good heart, Chlo." She smiled. No, it didn't take a saint to give their free time up to help the community, but many wouldn't, not Chloe though, Taliah had known for a long time now that she had a kind and helpful heart. "Gosh, don't tell me that, you'll regret it when I do start calling." Teasing, she fell into a soft hum, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, he can. I do entertain it though, I know his choice of topics is pretty stale but I just think... He doesn't have any family, his wife has passed away, and they never had any children. So he's just alone, you know? He's not interested in joining any clubs where he can meet people, I guess he just likes his own company, but it must be lonely." A sad frown etched onto her features, thinking about how she would hate to be in her own company 24/7. "Free food should never be denied," she rang the bell again, unsure if the couple heard it the first time. "That will depend on how much of a good impression you make," teasing, just as the door opens to be greeted warmly and ushered in by Mrs. Daley. "Hope you don't mind, I have help with me today, this is Chloe..." Introducing her, she waits until they're in the kitchen before placing the box down. "Just checking in, I've brought you some essentials, and..." Digging in the box, she pulls out a big tray of chocolate. "Your favourites, if I recall correctly."
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When Taliah invited her to join and told her of the idea, Chloe absolutely loved it. Loved the idea, loved the fact that Taliah was thinking about it, and maybe there was even part of her that was beating herself for not thinking of that before. "I think this had be a magical day, really. Thank you for taking me on." Chloe had made notes on some names who she invited to come to the diner if they were struggling. Just to let the other employees know who they were in the times that she wasn't there. "Ah, don't worry. You can call me anytime for this kind of stuff. Besides, Mr. Dowen, as sweet as he is, can really take up a lot of energy. So I get you." She grinned, getting out of the car, and helping T with anything she couldn't get to herself. "Is it bad to say I've never said no to a meal?" She laughed. "Damn, you know me already. You sure I can't steal one? Just for a day? Half a day?" Chloe puoted at her friend.
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"I bet she was worried, yeah," frowning slightly, she took a moment to study him. Or more accurately, think about if there was more to that comment than he let on. Ultimately, it wasn't her business to pry, and so, she put the smile back on her face and shrugged. "Maybe you can pacify her not just by saying you're fine, but by telling her about today? You acted fast and I don't feel dramatic in saying you saved that man's life. Not too shabby, ay? Maybe the pride will outweigh the worry for a while."
Grabbing her purse, she wandered towards the door, waiting for him to collect his things. "There's a party next week, too. For Ryan," one of the firefighters. "He's turning 40, it's all hush hush, so don't say anything. His wife has hired out Licence to Grill, next Saturday, we're all invited, and I've already bought a gift and a card, you only need to sign it." Taliah nods, telling him it was from all of them combined. "If you can make it, you should come." Leaving the option open, she didn't want to make him feel like he had to.
"You did?" Raising her brow, she can't help but break into a grin as they set off down the street. "Yeah," Taliah nods. "He really is." Raf's comment warmed her heart, for as simple as it was, it was always nice to hear someone else say what she already knew. "To be honest, I have no idea where I'd be without him. Nowhere good, probably." She chuckled, though it was a completely true statement. "What about you," gesturing to him. "Do you have a partner? Or someone in your sights? ... Is that ok for me to ask? We're off the clock now, you can tell me to fuck off and mind my own."
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Raf turned at the sound of Taliah's voice and gave her a small smile and a nod. "Thanks." Raf took his work seriously, he respected his team and no one more than Taliah. He hated having to take time off, not because of the money (and that was an issue), but he knew a man down in a team like theirs was felt.
Nodding at her mention of the accident, his hand instinctively reached to the still healing cut on his head buried beneath curls. "My mom went all the way to The Sagrada Familia to pray that it would knock some sense into me." She then went into full detail to Raf over the phone, without pausing for breath, about what 'sense' meant. For her at least, it saw him married with children and back in Spain.
"It means a lot, honestly." Smiling at the invitation, he paused for a moment, tempted to decline out of habit, "Yeah that'd be cool." He gathered his things up ready to leave, "I met Cole the other day, he seems like a decent guy."
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"Look, I know you're right, I know I'm being stubborn, and I don't know why I'm bothering, actually. Cole is going to say the same thing and I'm going to end up saying yes or I'll be hyper-aware that I'm adding to his stress. I would want to choose who has to tag along next to me though. Not that I have favourites or anything." She managed to break into a genuine grin, knowing fine well she did. Taliah loved them all the same, but naturally, there were members she got along better with. "Kip... I would accept Kip." Which shouldn't be any surprise at this point, it had to be very clear that she'd taken on the mother-hen role when it came to him. "... Yeah, I know. God, you must be enjoying this, huh? Being right twice in the space of a few minutes." Taliah gave a soft eye roll, like a child in a sulk. "I just don't... I think about using it, and I can't picture it. Does that make sense? When I carry it, it's almost like a reminder that it's there because one day I might have to actually use it. Throwing fists I have no problem with, but firing a bullet into someone? It just doesn't sit well." She tried to explain, not sure if she was making any sense at all. "I'll let my one brain cell know we need to shape our ideas up, don't worry. I'll start making sure it's with me." Smiling, she turns her head towards the delivery and scowls instantly, getting up just to move it out of her sight. "Enough about me though, tell me how you are. Are you as good as you look?"
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"Creepy's different to threatening." he responds, it was more there to correct her rather than him actually thinking being persistent would actually work. Taliah's mind was clearly set with what she wanted - or didn't, so Nate just thought it was down to Cole to sort out and was happy enough to let it be. Nate soon shrugged lightly, "This isn't about me." he glanced in her direction, giving her that look just to say come on, especially when it came to worrying about him when she was the one with a stalker. He chuckled, giving a silent nod of acknowledgement when it came to her holding his words against him, if her weird theory was correct that was. "You leave it in your bedroom?" he tossed back, taking in what she was telling him about knowing how to shoot, yet focusing on the fact that she didn't even fucking carry. "Need to stop being lazy, T, not just because of this," he made a small gesture towards the wooden box, "But because of who you're with." meaning Cole. "Use that brain of yours, know you've got one somewhere." it was a light tease, he didn't want to fully scold her but that essentially was what he was doing.
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"I know what you're saying, but I'm always careful. I don't walk anywhere in the dark by myself, and during the day I'm either at work or around people. You guys have enough to do without babysitting me because some random whackjob wants to send creepy notes." Frowning, and mostly because she expected Cole would only say the same thing. "Wouldn't it be better if I asked someone? If you ask, and it turns out to be someone on police radar who then disappears, eyes will look to you? And I don't want that." Obviously, she didn't. "I'm going to hold that against you if it turns out I'm right." Taliah cracked a half smile, only to end up wrinkling her nose at his question. "Mm... sure. Well, not so much carry as... spends a lot of time in the bedroom draw or glove compartment because I forget about it... But yes, I know how to shoot. Serkan taught me." Granted, she was probably rusty now, but what did that matter if she didn't even carry. Awaiting the disapproval, she does her best to give him an adorable smile - the one she typically does when she knows she's in the wrong.
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"Mhm, seems it." Nate turned his back to the wooden box and leaned against the surface, crossing his arms he stared at a fix point on the other side of the kitchen. "Think making sure you don't end up six foot under is more important than being stubborn." he comments, he knew it wasn't his place to tell her what to do - Taliah was her own person, after all, he just personally thought her not wanting to come across as afraid was stupid. Though that was purely because he didn't want to see her hurt. "Up to you, if you want me to I can try." his offer was always there, though naturally he wasn't sure how legit it'd be if she left it a while. Still, Nate wanted to give her that option anyway. His brows creased together as she mentioned the type of vibe, causing him to let out a humorous scoff, "You watch too much shit on Netflix." That wasn't saying it couldn't be true, just merely that it seemed a far stretch for his own mind to comprehend right now. "Guessing you're carrying?" he was talking about a handgun, figuring himself that she knew that and he didn't need to spell it out. "Know how to use it?" he didn't doubt she did, he just wanted to know she knew.
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"Snap. Honestly, sometimes I think about where I'd be without you and all I can say is I don't like any version of me that comes to mind." Smiling softly, whether Emiri really understood the gravity of her influence on her was unknown. However, she did like to think that she gave herself credit for just how much she had always helped keep her head above water. All she could hope for was to always offer the same in return. "She's literally flawless, which somehow makes me feel worse about her." Snorting, she knew how ridiculous that sounded. "I think she makes him happy, I just don't think she actually cares about him, you know? Only what he can offer or buy her, and really she's done nothing to prove me wrong. Her attitude is horrible and I swear I'm not being paranoid when I say she looks me up and down like she's judging me for not wearing diamonds or some shit." Rolling her eyes in half amusement. "I'm willing to give her a chance for his sake but the way I see it is, this is her chance to show me she's better than I think she is. Not that I believe she cares enough to even try. So yeah, it will be interesting for sure."
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Emiri smiled softly, "You know I'm so happy to have you in my life, Tali." which was one thing that she thought was more important than any relationship she did have, her bond with her cousin was the top of her list on things she did care about, and the fact that Taliah was doing so much better than last year was genuinely a reason she did smile. "Yeah I think I do too." smile more, that was. Which was something she felt was a fixed expression these days and it felt nice. "Ohhh okay, Louise." she made a small hm noise, knowing that she had only ever had her cousin's view on her father's relationship which was one that Emiri would always back. "If the invitations there I'll definitely come.. meet her for myself. Do you think she makes your dad happy, or has she just literally got her claws in him? They've lasted longer than I thought they would."
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"Hey, Owen." The suspicion was practically instantaneous the second she heard his tone. The benefit of the doubt was completely short-lived with the follow-up of coffee and compliments. "That's one way to describe them." Inclined to agree, she accepts the coffee with a polite thank you, while still eying him curiously. "I inspire you?" She repeats, humming softly as she pretends to be oh-so curious. "That's so nice of you to say. How do I inspire you? I mean, what is it that's so great about me? Do you want some paper and a pen? You could write a list..." Taunting him by picking both items up and holding them out, she narrows a pair of amused eyes. "Or you could just tell me what it is you want?"
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where: the firehouse who: @taliah-tezel & owen macnally
“Hey, boss lady,” Owen approached Taliah with a pep in his step, extending one of the freshly brewed coffees in her direction. Now, the MacNally male wasn't typically this chipper, nor this generous on the day to day -- which only really meant one thing to those who knew him: he wanted something. "For a job well done this mornin'. Electrical fires are a fuckin' bitch, ain't they?" He let out a low whistle, bringing his own cup to his lips. "Held down the fort, got it all under control. You inspire me, y'know that?" Okay, maybe he was going a bit overboard, but at least Taliah humored him. Sometimes.
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
[[ END ]]
“Hopefully kitten toys without squeakers in ‘em,” he thought to clarify, because even though he didn’t exactly sleep to begin with, the incessant squeaks in the middle of the night weren’t exactly helping. But it wasn’t an actual complaint, though. He loved Styx more than he had words for and could absolutely deal with squeak toys– he just hoped his aunt hadn’t bought more of them. Either way, he peered down at her with a soft smile and nodded because yes, even if this wasn’t exactly his scene, he was so glad that they’d decided to come. It’d been a nice break from the real world, but now, he was ready to make a great escape with her. He’d come, he’d seen what he wanted to see, and now he just wanted to spend the rest of the night wrapped up with the one person who could make the outside world just fade away for him. Snorting a laugh at her surprise at his southern drawled Turkish, Cole shrugged a shoulder, “Mighta picked up a thing or two along the way.” He’d been trying, just wanting to know how to say a few things in her mother tongue, but in terms of becoming fluent? He didn’t stand a chance. “Don’t ask me if I can say anythin’ else though, ‘cause I’ll butcher it,” Cole chuckled, head shaking gently. He lifted a brow then, noting her use of swishy again. “Have I?” He pondered aloud, hands giving her hips a gentle squeeze, “Still don’t even really know what that means, but I’ll take it.” It'd been a word she’d used from the beginning of their relationship and something unique to them. No one else needed to understand it, it was just one of those things he felt like was theirs, even if he wasn’t sure what it meant. But Cole had figured out that whatever it meant, it was good, and that was enough for him. Hearing that she was on board for a night in the airstream, he reached for her hand then leaned in for a quick kiss, “Lead the way.”
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
Location: Webster Village Tag: @chloeandersonx
"Okay just one more stop and that's us done!" Eyeing her handwritten list of names, she smiled to herself. By now, welfare checks and care packages had already been done and distributed, but in her own time, there was a small list of vulnerable adults she wanted to check back in with. "You really didn't have to do this with me but it's been nice to have company. If you weren't here I'd still be stuck in Mr. Dowens talking about uneven sidewalks." Taliah hopped out the car and headed to the trunk, collecting the last little care package she'd made especially for Mr. And Mrs. Daley. "You're going to love this couple, they are absolutely gorgeous and so kind. Mrs. Daley will try to feed you everything to hand and honestly, it's just better to say yes." She laughs, knocking on the door. "Oh and they have 2 gorgeous cats. One of them doesn't have any front legs but he gets around and loves a snuggle. I saved the best for last, just don't try and put him in your purse when we leave."
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
Location: Firehouse Tag: @rafmorata
"You did good today," walking over to Rafaele at the end of the shift, she offers a smile. "It's good to see that scaffolding didn't compromise your skillset." Taliah shrugged on her jacket. "Jokes aside, I'm really glad you're ok. You had me worried for a while." It had to be said, she wanted him to know she valued him as much as the other team members, caring about each of them like she would her own blood. "I'll swing for a couple drinks and plate of nachos if you don't have other plans?" She was going either way and so, thought it would be nice to extend an invitation.
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"I know you can't," she grinned. "Just who you are, kind and caring. I wouldn't want you any other way. And lucky for you, I'm here to remind you when you forget to mirror that same kindness back to yourself." There's nothing she wouldn't do for Emiri, moving here and getting to know her properly and in person was something she'd always cherish. "Of course I do, and I'm glad. I want you to be happy always, you know? You smile more often these days, it's nice to see." Just an observation she'd made. "Onto a less pleasant topic," her face was already twisting into a frown. "My dad is flying in next week and he wants a sit-down dinner, I thought he just meant him, me and Cole, but apparently Louise will be there too. " His gold-digging girlfriend, that was. "I've promised to try and be nice, therefore I'm inviting you to come too. Maybe your good energy will stop me dropping a plate on her head. Sounds soo fun, right? Hope you can make it." Snorting a laugh, she groans in fear of how that night will end.
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"Hm, no." she shook her head faintly as she frowned in thought, she was sure the guys that had attacked Riley weren't stupid enough to ambush the clubhouse - or more, she thought in hope. As she continued the tattoo Taliah had wanted, she paused momentarily as her cousin tried to turn and once she had settled back down again, Emiri proceeded on. "Can't help that." she smiled lightly, knowing that by default she did care about the people around her before herself, "I think I'm getting better though." she chuckled this time, knowing that she wasn't abandoning herself. "Riley makes me happy, I think that's most important. Don't you?" she asked Taliah genuinely, wondering if there should be something more there now that they were on that topic.
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taliah-tezel · 1 month
"That's exactly what I thought." That club enemies would do more than send gifts. A haunting thought, really, but at least in this case she could mostly rule that out. It was just unfortunate that she didn't know who else to consider a culprit. "Personal, yeah," she agrees. "And calculated, right? First the firehouse and then here, but both nice gifts. Like they wanted me to know they knew my job and my home address, but didn't want me to worry until they decided I should. I guess that's today," she gestured to the box, her features settling into a permanent frown, especially when he suggested having a couple of guys with her. "That's not happening. I'm going to run on the assumption whoever it is, is in plain view, right? And I'm not about to let them think I'm afraid of their weird little games." Taliah knew he just wanted her to be safe, but she didn't want to give whoever it was any kind of power over her. Of course, if Cole suggested the same thing, she imagined she could only argue against it for so long before she had to yield - if only to stop the pair of them worrying. "I didn't think about that," she thought about it, slowly coming to a shake of her head. "No. I mean... I don't think so? I'll think about it. Don't use your favours on me," she chuckles. "I know it feels personal but nobody comes to mind. Maybe it's just some stalker type, if I can't have you, nobody can type of vibes."
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He nodded lightly in agreement as his eyes scanned over the note that had come with Taliah's parcel, rereading the short poem again he shook his head, he did know himself that she wouldn't ever do anything that warranted a retaliation of death threats - Nate had been thinking out loud, something that had extended to him initially wondering if somebody was trying to get to Cole. "They'd do more than send you gifts." creepy box aside, Nate meant that an enemy of the club would act on a threat instantly and not play the long game. It was how messages were sent. He glanced towards Taliah, pulling a light smile as he sighed, "Yeah I know," though they both knew it was a need when it came to telling Cole. "I know I don't need to tell you that this," he gestured towards the box with his index, "Seems personal." it wasn't a random target, not if they knew where she worked and lived, so it was why he was trying to jog any memory she might have had. "You should probably have a couple of guys with you until it's dealt with, don't have Cole play hero until you know who's behind it." it was a suggestion; the last thing they all needed was Cole getting outnumbered if he decided to go on a solo mission. "Want me to see if I can pull in a favour? Get them checked for prints?" he asked, meaning the note and wooden box.
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taliah-tezel · 2 months
"Dirt." She nods. "In a box, that looks like one of those you use at gravesides. That could be my imagination, but given the note, I'm thinking not." Taliah shrugged, rubbing at the back of her neck where she felt the tension building. "Don't think so, no. Not enough to warrant death threats." At least not in her opinion, but quite honestly she didn't know nearly enough to safely rule that out. "Maybe? I mean, maybe the logic would gravitate that way but it's just weird, right? It's been months since the first delivery, would an enemy of the club play a long game like that?" She couldn't explain it, but it just didn't feel like it was related. "No, nobody. Until now I didn't think that it was anything to be concerned about. And Cole has enough to deal with without this," sighing, she shakes her head. "I don't want to tell him." Taliah frowned, knowing that he would only worry and stress about it. "I will, but I don't want to." She clarifies, just so he knows she wasn't asking him to keep it a secret from him.
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"'course you do." her attempt to dash a little humour wasn't missed on Nate, he just chose to ignore it, especially when he did find himself waiting for some kind of real response from Taliah. It wasn't that he was trying to insert himself, it was more him feeling concerned. As Taliah sat on the counter and began to tell Nate what was going on, he moved over so he stood across from her as his back leaned against the worktop. His brows creased in a bout of confusion - considering this wasn't what he had expected in the slightest, not that he could say what he had actually expected. As he glanced over towards the box at her gesture, he pushed himself into its direction at Taliah's go ahead to take a look and so as he unclipped the lid he glanced from the contents to Taliah, "Dirt?" he reached his hand into the box to see if he could feel if anything was hidden within, "You haven't pissed anybody off?" he wasn't accusing, it was a genuine question as he was trying to understand where this had all come from. "Somebody trying to get to Cole through you?" considering the 'C' sign off she had mentioned. Moving his hand out from the box he brushed his hands together over it, his attention falling towards the note. "Nobody comes to mind?"
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