taliwritesapps · 4 months
Name/Alias: Nadine
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 30
Timezone: CEST
Triggers: /
Faceclaim: Oscar Isaac
Name: Marcus Perez
Pronouns and gender: He/him/Cis-male.
Birthday: March 9th, 1979
Occupation: co-owner of the Tulip Bed ‘n Breakfast.
Neighbourhood: Oak Grove
How long have they been in Starlight Oaks?: Marcus moved to Starlight Oaks when he was 13. Left when he was 20. Recently permanently returned.
Three positive traits: Organised, enthusiastic, emphatic.
Three negative traits: Stubborn, overthinker, forgetful
Born on a rainy day in  Alphen aan de Rijn, South Holland, the Netherlands, Marcus graced the lives of Ricardo Perez, a veterinarian from America and Carolien van der Zanden, a nurse. When Ricardo traveled all the way to the small country, where he could learn the new techniques and secrets of being a veterinarian, the two met by chance, and Ricardo decided to settle himself in the country he met the love of his life, rather than moving back to Canada. He was offered a job to work alongside one of the professors at the University in Leiden, where he finished his degree. 
As wonderful and beloved as they were, Marcus for sure wasn’t an easy child.  He found difficulties fitting in with the children in his class and instead found solace with imaginary friends and the characters he met in books. It took him long to even speak proper sentences, for which he saw a speech therapist.  At first his teachers assumed that maybe he was gifted, but when the tests came out proving it was not the case, they suggested counselling or seeing a psychologist. Turned out that Marcus was simply a sheltered child, and that it took him a long time to open up to people. It was certainly a topic for his parents to be arguing about. How his mother was too sheltering and overprotective. For Carolien it was a sore spot. When she had been a teenager, she had an accident, and doctors had told her that becoming a mother was likely something that wasn’t in the cards. So when she found out that she was carrying, and made it full term, she didn’t want to take any chances of losing him due to not being a good mother. 
And so Marcus joined with after school activities, being ‘forced’ to join children of his age, make friends. It worked, but Marcus was happy just being at home, playing board games with his parents, and by occasion even the neighbour kids who would join him on the trampoline in the backyard. The neighbour’s kids were basically the only best friends that Marcus would ever have. Even through his early teens. Which was when tragedy struck. 
Nobody had noticed how a kitchen appliance had caused a spark, and set fire in the kitchen. By the time he noticed, smoke had filled the house and his father came barging into his room, telling him they had to leave the house. Carrying the dog in his arms, Marcus was by his father as they made their way down the stairs towards the entrance of the house. That’s when his mother’s screaming was heard from the floor above them. 
“Go outside Marcus, and wait there for us!” 
His father had told him before he ran back upstairs. And waiting he did. He stood outside, his back cold from the winter’s wind and the front of his body warm from the fire that was destroying his home. And his parents? He never saw them again. There was nothing left from the loving home he grew up in, just the memories that were being tainted by the memories that would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
October rain fell down from the skies when his grandparents brought him with them to the Schiphol airport so that he could continue his life with them in Starlight Oaks. He was the awkward boy with the strange accent who barely spoke. In between having to adapt to a new language to use daily and being tormented by his home set on fire, it wasn’t easy for him to adjust to his new surroundings. Meeting the right people definitely helped him through it. It was also where he met Haley. She was as much his rock as he tried to be hers. They were the broken couple, and it felt like he only truly knew happiness and comfort when he was with her. They didn’t need to talk or do anything. Just being around each other quelled the demons that plagued his mind. 
Eventually however, all good things come to an end. After graduating high school, Haley left for university and their relationship stopped there. He would see her again, he told her with a promise and a lily upon her departure. What was meant to be would happen. Though his future was more than uncertain. Marcus had no idea what he wanted to do with his life and his grandparents tried not to influence his decisions all too much. He took a few shifts at the bed & breakfast his grandparents owned, learning how to cook and the art of hospitality. He got creative with the cooking, taking workshops here and there to learn more tips and tricks.
He then decided to study to get a business degree, taking odd jobs wherever he could. Not that he needed a job, as his grandparents were more than happy to provide for him, with the promise that he would one day take over the bar so that his grandparents could retire. And he was more than happy to live up to that promise. After finishing his university studies, he kept working for a while and after made a trip around the world, including a stop in his motherland. He met a lot of interesting people on the way. Until eventually he decided it was time to be responsible again. 
Returning to Starlight Oaks was just on time, as his grandmother suffered a heart attack, and his grandfather wanted to be there as a caretaker. Marcus became co-owner of the Bed ‘n Breakfast, giving it a remodel and renaming it the Tulip in honour of his homeland, getting himself a modest trailer to live in on the lot; not wanting to bother his grandparents all too much to live in the same house as them. He’s basically still juggling his life around. The new responsibilities of being a business owner, the health of his grandmother and basically having to start his life up again. He’s not sure if eventually he will return to the country he was born in, but for now he is going to make Starlight Oaks work. Who knows, maybe life will have more things in store for him. 
Wanted connections: 
Ex-girlfriend from their High School time, Haley (UTP)
Employees of the Tulip
High school friends.
College friends. 
Maternal relatives.
New location app:
Name of Establishment:the Tulip Bed ‘n Breakfast
Type of Business: recreation I think???
Neighborhood: Oak Grove (Marcus lives there)
Employees: Employees that are needed would be an assistant-manager, cleaners, a cook/chef, receptionist.
Price Range: $$-$$$
Description: Surrounded by fields of tulips, the bed and breakfast honours its namesake. The Tulip is the perfect place if you’re looking for peace and relaxation. Stay however long you’d like. 
Owned by the Perez family.
0 notes
taliwritesapps · 7 years
ageofwrath app
[ Name/Alias ]: Tali [ Age ]: 23 [ Pronouns ]: She/Her [ Timezone ]: CEST [ Activity Level ]: 1-10; For August, I will be busy with my two jobs but everything should calm down when September arrives and my study starts! At this moment, there aren’t certain days I’m free, as it’s random days where I work, but I always do my best to do my replies as soon as I can! [ Triggers ]: Rape [ Concerns ]: FC change to Wentworth Miller. ( Discussed with Admin Maya )
[ Desired Character ]: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov [ Why/how this character appeals to/inspires you ]: I am so intrigued with the half machine half man idea, and his biography got me excited the moment I read it. He’s a man that’s either terribly afraid, or impressively confident. Mostly, I feel that since I’m an emotional person, writing a character who is half machine will be a challenge, and I’m definitely up for that. [ Character Interpretation ]: Fear and pain motivates him like nothing else, and his mind is something interesting to unravel through development. I already have a headcanon that he is either warm and fuzzy – with those he trusts and/or likes –, stone cold and barbaric with those he hates and/or despises or be distant and blunt with those he doesn’t trust/know. All to protect himself and the fact that he could do terrible things should he end up in the wrong hands. Given what he is and what he knows he can do, he doesn’t trust easy, so I’m very excited to see if he can get his own walls to tumble. [ Para Sample ]:
Restless dreams stirred the man in his sleep. Lips moving to speak silent words while hands clutch onto the smooth fabric of the fabric keeping him warm during the cold Russian nights. Every morning is the same routine, and at exactly 5:21 AM, blue hues appeared from behind shut lids. Fingers twitched when his arm tensed – something he would describe as a circuit fault in his cybernetic arm – resulting in jamming sounds and ticking noises that echoed in his head, like a scratching sound that would well be able to drive him insane. It was one of the concerning things he had noticed about himself throughout the year, as well as the fact that his heart sometimes stopped beating. A thing that happened after a work out, interrogation or when he had an adrenaline worthy moment in the field. The thing he was yet unable to do was explain how he managed to keep functioning in the moment between where his heart would stop beating and start again. Perhaps another fault, like the one in his cybernetics. That alone was a frightening thought.
He would have moved with a grumble, a groan and a curse in at least five different languages had he not anticipated this moment the night before. A small breath escaped his lips when he pulled himself up into a sitting position. For someone who had experienced pain, the sensation he felt now was a nuisance, to say the least. One he fixed by pressing his opposite hand on certain spots of his shoulder, where in the course of years he had a ‘kill switch’ installed, one that would have his arm reset. A reset that could last in between ten to twenty minutes.
By the time Ivan experienced the circuits in his arm to work again – the buzzing of gears and tightening and relaxing of the wires controlling his fingers – he was already at the end of his shower. Every morning, every time Ivan ran his fingers over his lower back he couldn’t help but wonder about that dreadful period in his life. Flashes of the memories he wished he had lost instead those of his past life replaced his sight, and with effort he would be able to suppress the searing pain that belonged to them. A sigh emitted from his lips as he turned off the cold water running from the shower head, stepping into the open of his bathroom.
“Gideon, activate the surround sound – last night’s news.” Ivan commanded the virtual intelligence he had created. “Confirmed, activating channel RT.” It was a beta program, more than anything. Only able to handle simple tasks, like sound, locking doors, to weather predictions, receiving notifications from his phone and control the lights. It was as far as Ivandared to go, even setting aside the function for scanning for the far future, or perhaps even forever. In the war he was playing part in, the last thing he wanted was a virtual and potential artificial intelligence to wreak havoc and with the occasional faults in his system, the VI often lost functionality. Let alone to speak of his body functions. For Ivan, it was hard enough to deal with the dark and destructive thoughts that lingered in his head. Thoughts he had no idea if they were justified, or bred by paranoia of his current state. He didn’t need more physical problems than he already had. Like faulty functioning limbs in the morning and punctual migraines at 14:38 PM and 22:11 PM, of which the latter was the worst. With luck, he would already be in his chambers where he could make the room as dark as possible and drift into a slumber until the morning started at 5:21 AM sharp.
“Sir, Miss Proulx brought in a subject last night for you to focus on. He would seemingly be able to inform her of a weapon cache location that could benefit the Lesyas. Shall I notify her you will be there later?”
Gideon’s automated voice spoke with the chip inserted in the back of his neck – a small gadget he had help with getting in there, where only a centimetre scar is left to remember by. If he was already half machine, he didn’t see the harm in adding another two grams. “Tell her I’m on my way.” Ivan sighed, sliding his mobile phone into his back pocket and a pair of black gloves in the other while exiting the room.
“Initiate shut down.”
[ Password ]: Jack the Ripper [ Anything Else? ]: I made a moodboard here: https://talizorahwrites.tumblr.com/private/163866317243/tumblr_ou9nokIiIw1w6g8ge
and a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/user/missesmundane/playlist/1SZjGqhMyeckIJVV0B5qZ1
0 notes
taliwritesapps · 7 years
An excellent liar and even managed to pass a lying test whilst lying. 
Because being a professor doesn’t earn enough for him to fund his research, Dylan offers services on the side under the name of Mike. (Aka he’s a gigolo) 
Can speak multiple languages other than his native tongue, including Portuguese, German, Polish, Russian, Italian and Latin. Not all are fluent, but well enough to have normal conversations.
Despite his serious attitude, social awkwardness and intellectual view of the world, Dylan actually has humour.
Graduated in medicine and worked as a surgeon for numerous years. Neighbours in his apartment block are known to sometimes come to him when they need medical help (in less serious situations, at least. 
Has an IQ of 151
Having some skills in engineering, Dylan invented ‘weapons’ in case his theories about the supernatural are actually true. Nobody knows of them and he has no way in knowing they actually work, seeing how he never met a supernatural being. 
He can control his pulse, micro expressions and heart beat and come over completely relaxed in stressful situations.
His baby sister is a genius like him with a matched IQ of 151
Is a descendent from witches, but the magic seized to exist in the 1800s during the mass hanging of witches in the States. 
Learned how to act during high school and landed a few television commercials and ads. He never pursued being an actor however.
Really, really loves cars. He’s obsessed with Nascar and Formula One.
Sometimes Dylan finds the world around him to be chaotic and ever since his wife passed he tried using drugs to relax. He only turns to heroine and sleeping pills
Though having an interest in it, Dylan has no experience in fight sports. He is planning on getting a training in the future. 
0 notes
taliwritesapps · 7 years
empire 3rd charrie idea #1
Name: Dianne
Rules check: threeeeeeee 
Other: love u guys
Character Name: Dylan Lance
Preferred FC: Aaron Tveit
Secondary FC Choice: Brett Dalton
Age: 32 (August 18th, 1984)
Species: Human
tw: murder, death, mental illness
Born on a hot summer’s day to Leandra and John Lance, Dylan drew his first premature breath. In the sixth month of Leandra’s pregnancy, the second time parents feared for their son’s life as he struggled to survive. Dylan prove himself to be strong, growing to be a healthy toddler. A few carefree years resulted in another sibling for Dylan and his older sister Ivy, a little sister graced with the name of Cecilia. The three had always been thick as thieves. Ivy and Dylan looked out for their little sister, despite of how young of age they both were. However Leandra and John expressed concerns about Dylan as he grew up, who showed odd behaviour in comparison to that of children his age at school. 
Many doctoral visits had been made, many tests and examinations to see if their suspicions were correct. Dylan was diagnosed with Aspergers when he was eight and was labeled as a person with Aspergers. This was something that Dylan himself made initiative about to his parents to get a second opinion once he made it to his teens, as he didn’t agree with the diagnosis. He was proven right by multiple doctors,  stating that he had a high IQ but no disorder. Something that later proved to be the case with his sister Cecilia as well. 
Dylan’d school career thrived. He graduated valedictorian of his year and studied at the NYU where he aspired to become a surgeon. Right after having finished his residency at Lennox Hill he met Cassandra Parker, an astrophysicist. The two had a mutual understanding on both their fields and Dylan even ‘unofficially’ helped out Parker at one of her projects at NASA involving the Andromeda galaxy, even earning him a temporary spot on the research team. Months into their research something began to blossom between the two. Their intellectual connection drove them closer together and involved into a romantic one. After his partnership with NASA ended, the two married with a stunning wedding ceremony in Bali. 
Their happiness lasted only for a short few years. On a rainy night in 2016, Dylan came home from his job at Lennox Hill to find his wife lifeless in their bed. As a doctor, Dylan already knew it was too late and simply held her in his arms as he waited for the paramedics to arrive. In hindsight, Dylan wished he had handled everything better. A few days after his wife’s funeral, Dylan suffered a mental breakdown and was hospitalised at the urging of his sisters after his vampire theory. He spent a short three months at Creedmore where he worked on rehabilitating himself. He picked up a couple of studies and ways to cope with the pain. Almost like an actor, Dylan was able to control emotions and expressions, mostly for self gain as he started to hate the pity his relatives and friends took on him. He left Creedmore, but never bothered working as a surgeon again. Instead, he applied at all the universities in New York for a position of teaching in Medicine, something Cassandra had told him suited him more than working in an O.R. His old university hired him for a trial position, effective immediately. 
Dylan appears like a sophisticated and healthy man, but in his lonely hours he is obsessed with his wife’s death. Having had plenty of time to examine her himself upon finding her, his diagnosis had been confirmed by the coroner working her case. Her body had been drained of blood, and had effectively killed her. From that moment, Dylan had known there was more going on than everyone was aware of and in his grief had yelled it to the unbelieving. Knowing better now he doesn’t voice his suspicions out loud, but by the means of his independent work as a researcher dug more into the death of his wife and the origin of it. Nobody cried wolf, but Dylan is tempted to cry vampire instead. If his far fetched suspicions lead to be true, he is ready to find his late wife’s murderer, supernatural or not, and make them answer to their crimes. 
Traits:  4 positive traits: brilliant, cultured, observant and sensitive 4 negative traits: blunt, double-faced, erratic and obsessive
Headcanons: minimum of 4 headcanons to give us insight into your character– their habits, quirks, vices, relationship dynamics, etc.
Is a far descendent from a family of witches but is unaware of this as the magic in his line of ancestry stopped in the 18th century. All he knows is that he had ancestors that were burned on the stake in Salem. Now that he's suspicious of the supernatural, he takes more interest in this family fact.
Speaks multiple languages other than his native tongue, including Portuguese, German, Polish, Russian, Italian and Latin. Not all are fluent, but well enough to have normal conversations.
Dylan learned how to shut down his own emotions at a young age, something he used to get over the aching pain of his wife’s passing and started using ever since. He can easily pretend being happy and enthusiastic when really at that moment he just wants the world to burn.
He’s got two phds, the one in medicine and the other in biochemistry. He’s done self-studies and research on more subjects such as psychology, astronomy and mythology, but never pursued a study.
In his obsession of finding out the truth about who or what murdered his wife the word ‘vampire’ has appeared in his research more than once. He never believed in the supernatural, but the more he starts to believe, the more he’s preparing himself with schematics to make weapons. 
Despite his serious attitude, social awkwardness and intellectual view of the world, Dylan actually has humour. 
Though proud of his work at the NYU, Dylan doesn’t have enough funding for his independent research. He’s ashamed to even mention it to someone, but he’s turned to other ways to get more money in a night’s work, but only for desperate times. 
 When he was twenty-three, Dylan was struck by lightning. He survived after having nearly died from cardiac arrest two times and a three month long coma. His chest still hurt when it storms, which is more a mental symptom than an actual physical symptom.
Additional Info:
Occupation: Associate Professor of Medicine (Surgery, General Surgery) & Independent Researcher
Residence: Greenwich Village
Affiliation: Unaffiliated (Suspicious of the supernatural) 
0 notes
taliwritesapps · 7 years
   x out of character
Name/Alias: More
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
Please refer to our rules on members’ age, and please be honest about your own.
Timezone: GMT-3
When do you think you will be most active?: Most active during the week and in the afternoon or nights, depending on when i study, weekends are harder because i usually go out;
Instead of simply giving us a number, please try to explain your activity habits. Are you most active at night, during the day, or the weekends? Maybe all three?
When is your birthday?: November 7th
If you’re uncomfortable giving us this information, don’t fret! We’d just like to be able to keep a list and wish everyone happy birthday on their big day!
              x who
Character Name: Louisa-Ann Lovett 
Age: 31
Birth Date: December 30th
Faceclaim: Jamie Chung
Second Choice Faceclaim: Ana de Armas
This is not required, but recommended. If there is already an application for your first desired FC on our application count page.
Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Cis-Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Occupation: Dog Trimmer
Housing Preference: Apartment
Please either give us a quote that you feel best describes some aspect of your character, or a lyric that fits your character.
How long has your character lived in London?: Three months
              x the story behind the face
tw: kidnapping, tw: abuse, tw: PTSD
Life was good. Life was simple. Louisa lived in crowded New York when she started the prime of her life. She was the adopted daughter of Peter and Ingrid who, when unable to conceive children of their own, adopted two girls without even giving it a second choice. Their upbringing was comfortable, never leaving Louisa and her sister to want for anything as they had everything they needed. When growing up, Louisa had been a regular teen: doing her best whenever she could and excelling in the things she liked. It just so happened that Louisa was blessed with numbers and with other words, that also meant hacking. She never did anything really illegal with it. Mostly just pulling pranks on her friends and hacking into her own computer from afar whenever she needed a file or assignment.
It was something she kept quiet about, but someone managed to find out anyway. At the bitter age of 23, Louisa was grabbed and dragged away from her dorm room. A nationwide search for the woman was organised, millions of dollars ended up in finding her. It took three years for the FBI to finally find her in the custody of a feared mafia boss who had forced her to use her skills for selfish desires. It was a strange thing, coming home. And Louisa wasn’t able to readjust to her old life, finding something to get paranoid over every waking moment. When one night she woke up with a knife in her hand and a terrified father and mother did they know she was off way worse than they had thought, which had only been confirmed by the therapist she had been seeing already. PTSD was the biggest culprit behind her fears, and it was something that tested her through every moment she consciously breathed air. 
That she hadn’t gotten adjusted to her old life had probably been a good thing, as she was asked to give up her old life and testify to the man that had ruined her entire world. She agreed, of course, having ended up resenting the man and everyone working for him enough for her to end up on the stand and witness to his crimes, giving up names that matched faces for their arrest. For her own safety and that of her family, their identities were changed and they were sent across the world: to London. 
Her treatment had helped Louisa, her new name she still has to get used to sometimes, especially her surname, which sounded awfully British in her ears. When she stepped out of the program that used canines to help her mend and feel safer, she decided to get a new job, something far away from technology and yet closer to the animals that helped aid her crowded head. It didn’t make much of a living, being a dog trimmer. But with what money she was given for her help, she was able to make a life for herself, and is grateful of still being close to her family who, in their own way, make her feel safer. 
Para Sample:
Please write two or more paragraphs in the Point of View of the character you are currently applying for. One possible prompt for this could be the day that they’ve finally settled in at the complex after unpacking. What do they do? Do they hang out at their flat, or do they wander the city in search of adventure? The possibilities are endless. Feel free to write about anything else to do with your character, you are not limited to just this prompt!
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taliwritesapps · 7 years
       x out of character
Name/Alias: Sam
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Please refer to our rules on members’ age, and please be honest about your own.
Timezone: GMT+2
When do you think you will be most active? Mostly in the evenings and in the weekend! This might change with a job promotion, however. 
Instead of simply giving us a number, please try to explain your activity habits. Are you most active at night, during the day, or the weekends? Maybe all three?
January 20th
If you’re uncomfortable giving us this information, don’t fret! We’d just like to be able to keep a list and wish everyone happy birthday on their big day!
              x who
Character Name: Jace Arizona Ward
Age: 34
Birth Date: July 28th
Faceclaim: Brett Dalton
Secondary Faceclaim: Chris Evans
This is not required, but recommended. If there is already an application for your first desired FC on our application count page.
Gender/Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Trauma surgeon
Housing Preference: Apartment
Quote/Lyrics: I can't predict my path, but they can't fully see my past. I'm running from the flash but heading straight inside the blast
Please either give us a quote that you feel best describes some aspect of your character, or a lyric that fits your character.
How long has your character lived in London?: Six years
              x the story behind the face
Born on a hot day in July, Jace first drew breath. Born prematurely had brought his parents much to worry, as even the doctors weren’t certain about his survival. He fought, however, and grew up to be a healthy toddler, child and eventually adult. Life was quite simple for the Ward family, who grew up in a busy street giving the three children enough playmates. For Jace this meant his skater friends, those that dragged him into his skater period until he was seventeen years old and he straightened up for his future. After the cardiac arrest suffered by his father, Jace had to step up to be the man of the family, something his mother often made hard on him. 
The two constantly argued. The son who had to grow up too fast and the mother who wanted to take care of nothing in the world. It was hard for Jace to leave behind his family to study medicine, but held faith in the fact that his neighbours would look after his little sisters, whom he checked up with every day, or at least tried to -- and visited every weekend. Life seemed less hard the day Jace no longer was a student, but a licensed doctor. He was offered a job at the Royal London Hospital after his residency, an offer he took with both hands, but not after having lived a little. 
With whatever saving he had, he took his sisters on a vacation in Southern Europe, soaking up the sun and simply letting go of life. Despite having been the one to make sure they were all right for the largest part of their lives -- even if one sister was older than him by almost two years -- Jace had never felt more closer to them than he was now. He lived close to them when they went back to London and on occasion joins them to visit their mother who had spent the last few years in a psychiatric hospital after an attempt to her own life. Schizophrenia had been one of the results from her treatment, something that Jace is terrified of getting himself, not wanting to end up like his mother. 
Para Sample:
"Will you not speak to me?” 
Jace’s voice echoed through the white sterile room, his hands awkwardly clamped together as he watched his mother sit in her chair and stare in front of her. Avoiding his gaze and ignoring his words, it was as if she pretended he wasn’t there at all. Air filled Jace’s lungs, sharply inhaled through his nose. His family was a wreck. Never before had he realised how his father had been the glue to his family, the kind of fixture that had been hard to replace. 
Brown eyes turned away, his body shifting until eventually standing up from the seat. “I’ll see you soon, okay?” He asked, which was once more returned by a silence. A silence that Jace didn’t wait long for to break, knowing the day wouldn’t come. With a sigh, Jace masked the sound of a closing door. A sympathetic smile was offered his way by a nurse that he passed in the hallways. 
Familiar faces met him in the waiting room. Hopeful and innocent, but morphed into disappointment and sadness the moment Jace shook his head. It was hard, not being able to give his sisters the hope of having their mother back to them. Jace never understood how they were still close to her, but perhaps they hadn’t seen how much she had changed ever since their father had passed, with the alcohol she had consumed and the days she had stayed in her bed.
“We’ll come back next week, okay?” Jace suggested, his arms wrapped around two pairs of shoulders he walked out with. Life was only just beginning, and although he was hopeful, Jace was terrified of the unknowns waiting for them. 
0 notes
taliwritesapps · 7 years
Name: Dianne
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 23
Timezone: GMT
Character Name: Michael Ryder
Preferred FC: DJ Cotrona
Secondary FC Choice: Henry Cavill
Age: 34
Species: Black Panther-Shifter 
Biography:   There’s little Michael says about his past, for there is little worth mentioning. He grew up in a small community but it was loving and close. Considering the entire family would know what they were from birth, it was common knowledge for Michael that they were stronger in numbers, and that was the sole reason for him to grow up among his ‘kin’. Though there was never the connection between him and any of the others. 
From a young age, Michael yearned to leave to the place that his grandparents once called home - New York. Instead he grew up surrounded by the South-American wilderness, where they were safe from the hunters, a phenomenon Michael had never witnessed himself. But the fact he was being held away from where he truly belonged made the youngling rebellious, disliking his surroundings and the fact his life was far from ‘exciting’. 
“It’s just a phase.” His father used to say, instead forcing Michael -- as well as his brother -- to train, so that they would be strong in their human form in order to protect themselves before their abilities would call upon them. It was when he was eighteen that Michael began to feel changes, unlike his brother who had already shifted in a cheetah at the age of fifteen. It was a rare occurrence, according to his father, once his shape had come in that of a panther, claiming that he had never met one before. An animal that most saw as a protective ‘spirit animal’, Michael saw joy in visiting nearby tribes and villages that would do no harm to him, protecting them from poachers and villains. 
Unbeknown to Michael, his brother Gabriel had been jealous of his shifting appearance, and as the two were nearing their thirties, traveling their way to North-America to expand their horizons, the two had gotten into a fight. Claws slashed and teeth ripped, but Michael had been too goodhearted to do any true harm to his brother and found himself losing the battle. There he lay, wounded and clinging to life while his brother left him for dead, returning to their family. 
His saving grace had come in the shape of dark hair and light eyes, an iron taste painting red cracked lips and his veins were set ablaze. He knew what she was, but he couldn’t find himself to show any sign of hostility. Instead, he showed gratitude and loyalty, offering his body and soul to whatever purpose they could give him. He traded his family for another one, the one that finally led him home: New York. 
+ Perceptive, Confident, Fearless, Active - Deceptive, Secretive, Grim, Reserved.
the betrayal of his brother changed Michael through and through. His bones still ache for revenge, but knowing that that may be an unrealistic goal, he instead channels it whenever he needs to feel anger or rage, which will make him more lethal in a fight. 
never having felt close to his family of shifters, he still has no care for any other of his species and finds it most ironic if they would call him a traitor to his kin -- if they were to find out what he is as he keeps his identity to himself. 
He has a long scar running down his shoulder to his arm, which is covered up with tattoos. 
If someone were to see him change from his animal form to his human form, he is most likely to remember them more intensely. He prefers to kill them rather than let them leave. 
Additional Info:
Occupation: Bouncer at the Red Cross, misc : personal security for Bordeaux family
Residence: Midtown
Affiliation: Bordeaux family.
0 notes
taliwritesapps · 7 years
empire app calypso
Name: Dianne
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 23
Timezone: CEST
Activity Level: For now I’m trying to do as much writing as I can. I’m looking for a more permanent job and for a future study, so with either or my activity will change, but I’ll be sure to mention.
Other: -
Character Name: Calypso Rhodes
Preferred FC: Chloe Bennet
Secondary FC Choice: Jessica Henwick
Age: 26
Species: Hunter
Biography:   Born and raised in a decent family, Calypso knew nothing but the broken capital that surrounded the safety of her home. It was with the protection of her older brothers and father that she lived without worry until the age of nine. That was when things took a turn for the worst. Calypso was the only daughter of four children, doted and love upon by every single one of them. With the significant age difference between her and her brothers, her parents had been worried about how she would feel lonely, but such was never the thing. They went with her whenever the young girl wished to go outside, keeping her safe amongst dark and rotten people. To Calypso, the world looked pure and blissful, unaware of the dangers that lay beyond humanity.
When older, she was often found at the dojo of her brother Justin, watching how he and his students moved in violent yet beautiful ways, and in secret, asked her brother to teach her a little himself. The happy family did not last, for on the first full moon after her ninth birthday, her family was slaughtered. None would believe her as she would tell about the monsters invading their home, how she was hidden in a secret area under the floorboards where streams of velvet would stain her skin. With the local newspapers smudging a little’s girls words – claiming the event scarred her in a way she imagined them to be monsters – none would take her serious and she fled from her home.
That was when she was found by one of the most beautiful women she knew – other than her mother – She was to call her Chrisjen and when told she believed she saw monsters Calypso felt safe. Just as safe as she had felt when around her brothers and parents. She was taken to a whole new place, one she had only seen in books and on the television. Yet as Chrisjen had told her, her life would be tough but she was willing to go through anything the woman would put her through.
The moment the girl turned thirteen did her life truly begin. Having gone through the bonding ritual, she and her newfound siblings were ready to undergo the hunt. By this point she had already understood the fate that had become her parents. That they had been hunters and that their location had been discovered by a pack of werewolves. It was from that moment of truth that Calypso learned to resent werewolves, taking pleasure on taking every one of them down throughout her life.
The years weren’t able to ease her pain, and the woman is often found on a hunt by herself or aiding others that wouldn’t mind the help. For numerous times had she found herself in tricky situations but always managed to get herself out before real damage was done – to her at least. It had been during one hunt when she felt an inexplainable pain course through her body. Fear set in her bones, coursing through her veins as she made her way to Sanctuary, hoping that her pain had been something belonging to herself. It was not.
The loss of her youngest brother changed Calypso, who was now resenting the entire supernatural world. With suspicion does she look upon every person to pass her. Her hand trembling from anger as she demands justice to be served. Until that day, she will do whatever she can to bring her own justice, training harder than ever before and releasing her frustrations in the ring. It seems that her hatred fuels her abilities more, causing for winning streaks in the ring.
Traits: + crafty, independent, dauntless, caring - stubborn, opinionated, temperamental, resentful
Ever since the death of Oliver, Calypso hasn’t spoken as much as she did before, which is something that is likely to concern the others of her member.
In her spare time she focused herself on learning Shuangdao, the Chinese art of swordsmanship, and also a reason for her to carry a Wudang Sword whenever she’s on a hunt. She would never go anywhere without it as it belonged to her brother Justin.
Sometimes, Calypso spoils her family by cooking them dinner. She often jokes that, if she didn’t have to take care of them as she does she would most likely have had her own restaurant.
She has four large scars running down her waist, caused by the claw of a werewolf on one of her hunts.
She has a diary in which she keeps track how many of what creature she has killed. Her werewolf count is significantly higher over the others.
Additional Info:
Occupation: Detective
Residence: Hell’s Kitchen
Affiliation: Rhodes family
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taliwritesapps · 7 years
mio app
Name/Alias: Dianne Preferred pronouns: She/Her Age [+17]: 23 Timezone: GMT How did you find us: Kouuuurtney
Character Name: Naomi Rose - Name change to Nadia Rose
Character Faceclaim: Jessica Stroup, Sophia Bush. I like these equally so whomever you guys find more fitting!
Character Birthday: August 24th, 1984
Nadia Rose is best defined as capable, independent and dauntless. Which isn’t unusual for someone of her stature.
Born from a long line of earth defined witches, Nadia had no doubt that she would one day stride among them. She is one of those that aren’t proud of the ‘stains’ in her lineage, those not affiliated with their element. It is about those that she never speaks a word, seeing and speaking of herself as pure of blood. She declines to believe anything else. Her family was a normal one – small, living in a major village. She lived comfortably there all her life and upon departure to RIAP, experienced that she had troubles leaving. It was with a brave face and a strong heart that the young Rose turned her back to her home and left for a new future.
Once there, her existing powers improved immensely and at a young age had her element revealed, with no surprise of what it turned out to be. Her love for anything involving nature, young Nadia had put her focus on the medicinal aspect of magic, choosing it as her major. Once chosen her path was she truly able to live. She became closer with Professor Freeman and took on many projects as her student. It was with the woman’s influence that many doors opened and upon graduation was offered a professor’s position in lots of open vacations.
Thrilled and excited to start her new adventure, she stepped onto RIAP’s ground, not as a student but as a teacher of many subjects that were close to her heart. Teaching was becoming to her, coming as natural as motherhood would to most women. It was because of that, that she had more time to spend on other things. So she discovered a hidden love for playing the guitar and, together with her old mentor, had turned her focus to poisons and how to concoct a cure for said poison.
It was in that period of time where her love for her mentor had ceased. The two worked together on occasion, but watching Miranda rise to the sophisticated and well-earning position of dean sparked a jealousy in the woman, who felt like she might be even more qualified than the other.  She had believed that, with her powers and wisdom, her path would have been free of obstacles. This had not been part of her plan. Realising she had to step up her game, Nadia had began her own researches. Focusing on the most dangerous of toxins and experimenting for cures.
In order to find the right place in the world, Nadia believes that she needs more than her capabilities, meaning more and stronger connections. It had been the cause of her switch to dark magic – a fact she keeps to herself – as she believes that she has to be willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve her goals. RIAP would be in a much better state with her as dean.
If she doesn’t watch herself, Nadia might become a force to be reckoned with.
To me, it really stood out that she was plotting against her old mentor and it gave me the idea that she would eventually become obsessed with her planning, trying to make the woman appear in a bad light and things like that because she starts to yearn for a more defined position than she is now?
Anything else:
Moodboard link: https://talizorahwrites.tumblr.com/post/160826827728/nadia-rose-moodboard-1
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