tallybecker · 5 years
There is meaning in all things. But are you paying attention?
Yasmin Mogahed (via wordsnquotes)
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tallybecker · 5 years
Rolling down the creaky window of her old van, she looked out and saw a familiar face trying to assess the situation they were both in now. “We’re alright,” she replied, referring to her and her family in the back seats. “My car on the other hand? Can’t really say for certain,” she admitted.
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Thalia almost felt her body sigh with relief when she recognized Stella, after she’d rolled down the window. She was also glad to hear that she and everyone in the car with her hadn’t been hurt. “Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about cars so I don’t think I’m going to be of much help, but you guys are welcome to come wait at mine until someone comes to tow it? Or I can walk you back to my house and give you a lift home, since I didn’t bring my car. I don’t live far from here.” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
“Is any father that cool? Sounds like you take after her a lot, which means she must’ve been pretty amazing. Never took you for the type to care about whether or not things were off limits. If by any chance, he chooses that day to be home and we do get caught, I can always say I forced you to show me around the attic. After we get back, we can pretend like we’re perfect angels and ask for his autograph. It’s strange cause I can think of a day I’d want to go back to in nearly every other decade, but I can’t remember a single thing that happened in the eighties. They’re an easy thing to become obsessed with. I think I was always pretty obsessed with the great unknown and what represents that better than outer space? I still believe in wishes. At least, I believe in them whenever I really want something to happen and that’s probably the only time it matters. I’m more of a dog person, but every now and then, I find someone whose company I actively seek out. Very rare, but it happens. I think that might be the tamest thing I’ve ever heard someone do while on E. Did she think she was a vampire, though?” He asked, completely joking. “She was on kitchen duty because my parents aren’t that cruel, but she had to stay in the staff house the whole summer and that was the summer the AC broke in there. Yeah, I knew my dad was the devil, but it’s always fun to find out just how terrible he can get. I don’t know what I would say to him. It doesn’t feel right to have another sibling.” He admitted, not wanting to disrespect Jess by ‘replacing’ her. “The beach is enough of an excuse, but you can always say you’re there to visit me. Oh, yeah. That’s not even a job they apply for, they just get assigned to it on their first day there if the position is open. I pity the poor guy, but I also laugh at his pain. This weekend sounds good. It’s not like I have any big plans for the rest of the summer anyways. We can leave and come back whenever we start to miss home.” 
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“Doubtful, but he might exist somewhere in the universe. Thank you. If you knew her, you’d know that is the highest of highest compliments. And she really was amazing. I don’t, usually, but anything my father deems off limits, I tend to avoid. That’s sweet, but it won’t be necessary. I’m okay with taking the fall for it if we get caught. I’m not afraid of him anymore. Sounds like a plan. I’ll get a replica of his shield so he can sign it for me. If you could choose any day in any decade, which day would you get back to? The only day I can think of in the eighties is in 1985, when Back to the Future hit the theaters. They are. Precisely. There’s so much that could be out there that we don’t know about and I find that fascinating. I think it’s sweet that you still believe in wishes, even if that’s the only time that you believe in them. You’re probably right, too, that those times are the only times it matters. I don’t trust anyone who isn’t at least a little of a dog person so that’s good to know. Do I count as someone whose company you would actively seek out? Just curious. It could have been tame, but I’m still not sure how she ended up covered in glitter and I’m sure the truth is wild. Well, she did try to bite me but I think that’s because she thought I smelled good and apparently that meant I’d taste good, too,” she teased. “Well, at least they were kinda nice about it, although being stuck in a room with no AC all summer is definitely my idea of torture. Maybe your dad and mine can get together and rule hell some day. I wish I could tell you what to say but I’ve never been in that situation before. I feel like maybe starting with ‘hi’ might count as extending an olive branch. It’s also okay if you don’t want to do that, but getting to know a sibling you never knew you had won’t erase the one you grew up with,” she assured him, the words spoken softly. “True, and I do love the beach but I’ll say I’m there to visit you if anyone starts to think I just came to see the dude dressed as the whale. Somehow, that makes the job even worse and I didn’t think that was possible. I’m probably going to laugh, too, no word of a lie. This weekend it is, then, and I don’t really have any big plans for the summer, either. Other than stay home and write for most of it. Disappearing with no real destination in mind and no set return date sounds like more fun.” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
the thing you are most afraid to write. write that.
Nayyirah Waheed (via thequotejournals)
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tallybecker · 5 years
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tallybecker · 5 years
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aesthetics: modern witch
“i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”
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tallybecker · 5 years
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tallybecker · 5 years
Quentin had been MIA since prom, mostly keeping to himself in his secret hide outs. School was officially over which meant no more need for his foster dad to be careful with the bruises. It was something Quentin had become used to over the years, and usually he played it off pretty cool. It wasn’t like he could do much about it, his foster dad was a lawyer and had friends in high places. So, it was either take the blunt of it in place of his younger foster brother, or let him endure the pain and humiliation. Walking into the local Starbucks for a pick me up, sporting a freshly swollen black eye. He didn’t even notice his classmate standing in line in front of him waiting for their order. Trying to play it cool, he offered them a smile as they looked over at him. “Hey, what’s up? How’s your summer going so far?” he asked. Dropping his head down and hoping that his questions would keep the conversation off of his bruised face.
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Thalia hadn’t left her house for the first few days after school had let out, only leaving once to go to the park and that had been it, until now. Sleep had started to feel like an impossible concept for her, because every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was that kid’s body and then his body turned into her mom’s and that was enough to cause her to wake up feeling like she had a scream stuck in her throat. The nightmares had plagued her the previous night as well and that was how she’d found herself standing in line at one of her least favorite places to be this early in the morning because it was always busy and she was patient but not patient enough to wait this long for coffee. It was only after she’d finally placed her order and stepped off to the side to wait that her gaze spotted a familiar face and a smile formed on her lips, until she noticed the bruises which caused her smile to be replaced with concern. “Hey,” she replied, not wanting to just outright ask him what had happened because she didn’t feel like it was any of her business, but it was also not like Thalia to keep her mouth shut when she was worried. “Um, okay, I guess. Not that I’ve left the house much but it could definitely be worse,” she replied, feeling her fingers twitch with the urge to gently run her fingers over the bruises on his face. “You okay, Q? That doesn’t look good.” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
“You’re right, but I was hype on it,” Belly sighed, pushing her mane of unruly curls away from her face. “Me too. I was cringing the whole wine bit because I actually enjoy the taste of wine. Well, anything but red. I don’t think weed in wine is a good idea either, but this dude seemed like he knew his shit. But who cares if an A-List rapper openly dislikes your product on television, right?”
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“Okay, fair, and I didn’t mean to rain on your parade. You can poke fun at one of my shows, if ya want. I’m like an old lady and still watch Golden Girls and Reba,” she replied laughingly, grin tugging at her lips. “I think you’re only the second person our age I’ve ever heard say they enjoy the taste of wine and I love it because I also enjoy it. Also, same. I’m more of a white wine girl myself. Hey, more power to him if he did know his shit and I can at least give him props for that. Alright, when you put it like that, that totally sucks for him and probably won’t do him any favors later in life. Now I just feel kinda bad for him.”  
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tallybecker · 5 years
Stella hadn’t felt like cooking tonight, the kitchen in the Valdez’s apartment rather bare. There was certainly not enough food in their cabinets to make anything decent, so the young outcast decided she’s just grab some fast food for her and the her siblings. Going out to eat was considered a treat to her siblings, so they were defiantly excited to be hearing that they’d be eating Tacobell for dinner.  Stella had lost track of time and before she knew it, it was past dark and none of them had ate yet. After shoving all four rugrats into her beloved Clifford, she made her way to the Mexican restaurant that was a few miles from her place. On her way back, she heard a giant thud while trying to get through one of the many not so great roads on her side of town. She quickly cursed to herself, she knew this couldn’t be good. Trying to pull towards the side of the road, the big red van stopped at a loud hult. Getting out of the car, she realized that she must had fit something hard, causing one of her tires to become flat as a pancake, the hit bending the rim of said tire too.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Stella sighed out, running a hand through her hair.  
All she had wanted to do that night was just get some food and come back home, but nope. Her poor Clifford had to take a shit.
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The step-monster had two major rules, both of which involved going out at night, and while Thalia had never classified herself as much of a rule breaker, she didn’t really think of her step-mother as a parent and therefore, didn’t respect her enough to actually listen. Since she couldn’t very well quietly sneak away in her car, she decided to head out on foot for some food. Of course, she didn’t leave the house without assuring Ely she’d be back, nor did she leave without grabbing her mace, pocket knife, and a few protection charms for good measure. While she wasn’t typically the paranoid type, she was still shaken up over what had happened at the after party and knowing that someone was killing her classmates made her think that being out at night was even less safe than it had always been. It took her about a good twenty minutes to do all of this, but once she had everything she felt she needed, Thalia slipped quietly out the door and started on her walk. She didn’t get very far before she spotted the broken down behemoth of a vehicle, her thoughts instantly going into overdrive as she considered the best way to approach the situation.
“Um, excuse me,” she said as loudly as she could, her voice shaky despite her best efforts to not appear freaked out at the idea of approaching a car in the dead of the night. “You alright in there?” she asked as she tapped on the side of the vehicle, attempting to get the attention of anyone who might be in there. 
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tallybecker · 5 years
“ Yeah me too I would love a park like, I just want a quiet outdoor area where I can read” She said with a smile “ No they wont plus to be a public nuisance you have to call the cops and whos going to call the cops on a kid? No one.” She said with a smile
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“Same, because sometimes it’s just too nice to stay inside all day and we should be able to read outside, too, without interruption,” she mused in agreement, her smile matching the blonde’s. “True, and I can’t think of anyone who would call the cops on a kid. It would piss the parents off and no one wants to deal with an angry mama or papa bear.” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
“You live in the Haunted Mansion?” He asked, pretending to be completely serious despite the smile on his face saying otherwise. “So your mom was actually a witch? That’s really cool. Now you have an excuse to find more things. That’s why we’re avoiding Captain America for the mission. We just have to find the perfect day in the eighties to go back to. It’s a little cheesy, but that’s part of the appeal. I remember when we first moved here, there was a meteor shower going on and my dad took us up to the roof to make wishes. I don’t think any of my wishes came true, but it’s still a nice memory. I like being around people every once in a while, but not all the time and definitely not all at once. And if I’m gonna be piss drunk, it’s gonna be with one person in a wine cellar.” He teased. “Oh shit, really?” He asked, pretending to look at his arm for sparkly skin before laughing along with her. “Last year, he made Jess work at the hotel to help pay for damages, so it could’ve been that much worse. Yup. It was really awkward hearing all about how he paid her to keep quiet while my mother was also pregnant, but I knew better than to step in. Apparently. It definitely sucks.” He agreed, not attempting to justify it like he usually did. “You won’t see it on this side of town, but you can always spot it somewhere on the west side. It pales in comparison to the guy who has to wear the whale costume, though. He curses like a sailor, so catching him in it while he’s off shift is an experience. At this point, there’s only so much trouble I can get into that I haven’t already, so I don’t mind stealing it again. Definitely needed. We can just buys some snacks, fill up the tank and drive until we’re too tired to keep going.” 
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“In my dreams, but my father isn’t cool enough to be Eddie Murphy,” she teased in reply, chuckling. “In my stories, she’s a lot of things, but yeah, and she was really cool. I’ve wanted to look through that stuff for a while, but it’s always been sort of “off limits”. My dad’s rarely home though, so I’m not worried about getting caught. Such a shame, ‘cause I’ve always wanted to meet him so maybe we can do that after. I’m going to have to research what the perfect day to go back to is. It is but true and I don’t mind it being cheesy because my mom was obsessed with the stars, so I take after her. That actually sounds really sweet, even if none of the wishes ever came true. I quit believing in wishes a long time ago anyway but there’s still nice to think about. I’m definitely a people person, but it depends on the people and I also prefer getting drunk with one person in a wine cellar.” She grinned. “Really. You look like my friend after she took some X at a party and came home covered in glitter,” she teased, laughing at his dramatics. “Okay, that does sound way worse, especially if she had to do all the not fun stuff like cleaning toilets and rooms, which I imagine leads to finding some weird shit sometimes. That’s... awful. Both sides of it are awful, actually. Have you tried talking to Griff since then? And yeah, definitely,” she agreed, her smile softer but not pitying because she hated pity as much as the next person and wasn’t a hypocrite. “Well, then, I just need an excuse to go to the west side of town as soon as possible. Someone gets paid to do that? That’s got to suck in heat like this, but wow. I want to meet him. While that may be true, I don’t want to be the one responsible for getting you into more trouble. Sounds like the perfect plan. How about this weekend?” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
“I can respect that too. If you don’t see yourself wanting to raise a human in this world, don’t let anyone talk you into it or try to change your mind. That’s your decision.” Grey was the opposite, always envisioning himself getting the place in his life where he had 2.5 children and a white picket fence, a golden retriever, and a really gorgeous, intelligent wife. The Cooper twins had been given a second chance when his mothers adopted them and over time the idea of a family of his own seemed to be in the cards. Obviously not now, but maybe in the future if it could happen. But Grey wasn’t ever going to shade anyone who didn’t see that kind of future for them, especially women. “Maybe you can write quietly and publish a cute little book of your poems. I sure as shit would buy it. I’d even ask to have you sign it,” Greyson mentioned, throwing Tally a genuine grin. “Anything to support a friend.” Kicking a couple leaves in the grass as Thalia gathered her things, Greyson scanned the park to see if Mr. Drug Dealer had left the premises so he wouldn’t be spotted. That guy was always too friendly, stopping Grey and saying hi to whoever he was with. Luckily there wasn’t any sight of him. “Did you know Scoops got a couple new flavors? Oh, and they brought back cake batter, thank fuck.”
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“I’m not saying that I’ll never want to bring a human into this world and raise it, but I don’t feel like I should really have to decide that now, ya know? I have dreams and goals and a baby does not fit into them, not right away,” she mused, appreciating that he didn’t seem to think it was a bad thing that she didn’t necessarily want a family in the foreseeable future. She just felt that there was so much life left for her to live before she had to start thinking about meeting the love of her life, getting married, and having children. And she honestly couldn’t envision herself ever having any of that. Whether that was true or she felt such a way out of fear, she couldn’t say for sure, but it didn’t matter enough to her currently for her to put much thought into it. She was only a teenager, after all. “Maybe. I know I want to be a writer, but not necessarily a poet. I could always use an alias, though, and sign a special copy just for you since you’d be the one who talked me into it,” she replied, her smile brightening. “I appreciate it. I’ll remember to thank you in the authors’ pages.” She grinned, throwing her bag over her shoulder as she started to walk. “I didn’t, but probably because I am forever loyal to cappuccino chip. I’m guessing that’s your favorite? You’re going to think I fail at life but I’ve never tried it. Might have to though, if it’s that good.” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
noun: witch; plural noun: witches
 1. a witch is just a girl who knows her own mind 
listen on spotify
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tallybecker · 5 years
“So, I was watching this crazy show on Viceland. It’s called “The Most Expensivest” and it’s hosted by 2 Chains. Which makes it even better. Pretty much they go through a bunch of crazy expensive shit and each episode is themed. I just watched someone explain how they made THC wine. They take the alcohol out of the wine and they infuse it with THC instead and guess who hated it? 2 Chains. He was straight trying not to roast this dude with a handlebar mustache while trying his hipster wine. While so stoned out of his head they had to cut like four times. Safe to say I found my favorite show.”
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“Sounds like... something I have quite literally no desire to watch,” Thalia replied, sure that it would come as no surprise to Belly that she had no interest in watching such a show. She was so vastly different from her friends, but not in any of the ways that actually mattered to the clique. “Also, I’m with 2 Chains on this one. I haven’t even tried it, sure, but no way does THC infused wine even come close to, well... normal wine. I can’t even give the guy props for creativity because I get the feeling someone else has tried that before and just didn’t try to make money off it because they knew how terrible of an idea it was.” 
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tallybecker · 5 years
Casper smirked as he leaned back with his shirt hanging open, a modelesque smirk on his lips. “I’m not used to being the one in front of the camera, so make this quick and then give it back. That thing is breakable.” He reminded them as tugged his shirt aside to show off some of his abs. If he was going into the summer single, he really had to step his tinder game up. He was not going to go the entire summer without getting laid and he knew he couldn’t rely only on his ex girlfriend. Not with the Outcast hanging around. The threesome had been a fucking blast, of course, but it did show him a connection building that he would have never expected on a regular basis. 
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Thalia hadn’t known what to think when Casper had handed her his camera, and she didn’t quite know how to do anything other than raise a brow at him and grin with amusement as she tried not to roll her eyes at the smug way he was handling himself. “Say cheese,” she sang sarcastically, soft laughter spilling from her lips as she snapped the photo before handing the camera back. “I’m no photographer but I’m sure it looks fine and you can impress whoever it is you’re attempting to impress,” she mused. 
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tallybecker · 5 years
Grey kept looking at the trash panda child with no parent in sight. Knees dirty and a hand print smeared on the front of his little tank top, that kid was going to town on that piece of trash while looking up at the sky peppered in fluffy clouds. “My life goal is to be that free,” Grey muttered, breaking his gaze and looking over at the brunette next to him. “Oh yeah? Good for you. If you don’t want kids, more power to you. I couldn’t imagine having to grow a little human in your body and then birth it. So I actually don’t blame you.” Shrugging, Greyson tossed the rest of the grass in his hands and set his sights on retrying his left shoe laces. “See, there it is. It’s a premonition to the future. Are you more of a quiet, write on paper type? Or are you a slam poetry kinda gal?” At the mention that she was interested in his food quest, Grey’s lips pulled into a grin. His shoe tied, Grey took no time in standing up and pushing his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “I’m ready when you are.”
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Tally’s amusement remained obvious as she listened to Grey, her gaze also unwavering from the kid playing without a care in the world. Though she had been poking fun, she could only wish to be that carefree, finding it difficult to recall the simpler time of her life, before all the dark that had seeped into it. “I could never, but same,” she agreed in a whisper, finally tearing her gaze from the kid as it fell on Greyson. “Weirdly enough, it isn’t even the birthing part that I find terrifying, it’s everything that comes after. Sure, that part is cringe-worthy, but having to put up with a thing that came out of your body for eighteen years? No thanks. Children don’t fit into my life plans.” Of course, she was exaggerating. The idea of a family seemed nice, but she knew of all the ways it could fall apart and had no desire to repeat her childhood over again and fail her kid the way her parents had failed her. “Perhaps, or a pipe dream. Only time will tell. Definitely not a slam poetry kinda gal, although I’ve always wanted to try, but-- I’m way too quiet for that, so I’ll stick to writing on paper.” Not that she allowed anyone to ever take a look at her poetry, given that quite a bit of it closely resembled what some might consider “spells”. Her short stories were fair game, as were her near-novels, but not her poetry. Her smile brightened as he agreed to ice cream and she immediately gathered her things and jumped up from the grass. “So ready. I can practically hear the ice cream beckoning me.” 
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