tamarhope · 4 years
Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I'm so excited for you!
hehe thank you!! We are so excited!! :D
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tamarhope · 4 years
Tamar please look after yourself! Natural birth control is not at all reliant. Tracking your cycle and avoiding sex during ovulation is not a reliable contraceptive method. It's much better to use something like the coil if you don't want to use hormonal birth control. I apologize if this is intrusive but I've seen this trend of natural birth control and it's very misleading
so i decided to log onto tumblr whilst matt is working out haha since i haven’t logged on in over 2 years! scrolling through my inbox i came across this question from before we got married, so over 3.5 years ago now!! just want to say, natural fertility worked SO WELL for us!! We effectively used it as birth control for 3 years of marriage, and we got pregnant the month we stopped using it and started trying for a baby. I’m now 7 months pregnant!! So i can honestly say that if used properly, the natural fertility DOES work and I’m always going to be using it to prevent pregnancy when i want to/when I’m done having kids!! It worked so well for the 3 years that we used it after we got married and it taught me so much about my body, which ultimately made it way easier for us to conceive when we decided we wanted to :)
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tamarhope · 6 years
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Cute little plant corner in my bathroom 🌵🌿💚
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tamarhope · 6 years
“You will fall in love with your friends. Deep, passionate love. You will create a second family with them, a kind of tribe that makes you feel less vulnerable. Sometimes our families can’t love us all the time. Sometimes we’re born into families who don’t know how to love us properly. They do as much as they can but the rest is up to our friends. They can love you all the time, without judgement. At least the good ones can.”
— Ryan O'Connell (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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tamarhope · 6 years
the time for healing your heart is always in the present. 
choose love, choose to stay open to receiving true, genuine love. 
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tamarhope · 6 years
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tamarhope · 6 years
“It’s very easy to lose hope, but we cannot do that. I always say that there’s a lot more good in the world than there is bad, and I continue to believe that. And that is what we must focus on.”
— Ellen DeGeneres (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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tamarhope · 6 years
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I’ve missed tumblr 😭😭😭 I wanna be on here more!
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tamarhope · 6 years
“If you planted hope today in a heart that felt alone, if you caused a laugh that chased some tears away, if someone’s burden was made lighter because of your kindness, then your day was well spent.”
— Healing Hugs (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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tamarhope · 6 years
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tamarhope · 6 years
Hey Tamar, I was wondering if Matt is vegan too and if not, does it affect your relationship? Btw I love your page so much and I think that you're just so lovely and inspiring and kind xxx
Ahh you’re an angel 🦋 Matt is vegan, yes. It’s definitely easier with the both of us being vegan! However he’s only been vegan for one year and I’ve been vegan for 4 years, and it didn’t really affect our relationship before he was vegan, because we weren’t living together, but I think it would’ve affected it if he wasn’t vegan now that we’re married! X
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tamarhope · 6 years
Hello Tamar! I love your blog and have been following for a while and I remember reading you started using the lady comp a while back. I am desperate for some form of birth control because I don't want all the hormones and have only been using condoms. I haven't gotten the lady comp because it's so expensive but I'm thinking of getting one because I'm tired of being worried. Are you ever afraid of using it? I did read reviews of people who said they used it perfectly but still became pregnant?!
Hey lovely! It has worked perfectly for me!! I’ve been using it for over a year now and still not pregnant haha :)
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tamarhope · 6 years
How old are you? Sorry, this might seem as though it has bad intentions or boring... I just wonder. 'Cause... I read about the waiting until marriage and... idk... I am sorry. 🌻
Don’t be sorry! I’m 23 :) I got married when I was 22 xx
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tamarhope · 6 years
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(Vegan) pizza is my spirit animal
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tamarhope · 6 years
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tamarhope · 6 years
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My angels 🦋🦋🦋
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tamarhope · 6 years
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I like you, and I like this little home we’ve got 🦋
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