tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
Pitch Video - WTFinance
Here is my final video of WTFinance mobile application. Hope you enjoy!
Sounds credit
Successful Corporate Background Music - AShamaluevMusic 
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
Reflective Journal 
Reflective Journal 
Overall, the final outcome of WTFinance mobile application is successful but very challenging. It was an enjoyable and educational one. I am very pound and happy with how the final design outcome turns out. However, in the beginning, I was a little bit struggling with my ideas. 
During the process, I have learnt various new design and research tools and UX/UI methods over this semester such as develop personal interest across the creative design discipline, card sorting, do expert Interview, Crazy 8’s, and improve the ideas through user testing. I have gained several skills concerning UX/ UI, such as experimental approaches via user testing, find a solution to solve the problem and design for users. I have achieved my last semester of being a university student and are super pleased with how the final design of this prototype turned out. 
However, I focused and spent a long time on the visual design part as that is one of my main goal for this prototype, but one thing that I could have to spend longer time on is the animation. I did some animations for my prototype, but I believe that they could be more development. Apart from this, it was such a remarkable journey and engaging individual learning experience. Additionally, it has given me insight into the work behind the screen, and it will be an excellent experience to carry out with me in future investigation. 
Finally, I believe that WTFinance project could develop into a schooling program where can educate young children about financial literacy at the young ages. It also could turn into banking customer services as this app could guide or help the customers understanding better on basic financial education. I think that this design work could develop and turn into something useful for young adult, as well as help young people on finance matter. Consequently, I deem that it will be a beneficial and helpful learning tool for youth. I hope this app will make young adults slowly forget the picture of financial literacy is boring, but remembering as entertaining content to learn instead.
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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Video script, planning and process
Here are my script and the quick sketch of each scene. I used Adobe after effect to edit my video. Keep it simple and clear but exciting. 
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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Here is the final design look of my contextual document. It contains the process of WTfinance app, research, users insights, user testing, prototyping and final design of WTFiance mobile app.
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
Final design prototyping video 
Here is my final design prototyping video. You can see the clickable prototype though this link ---> https://xd.adobe.com/view/9c3e0a6e-3042-4f24-6429-061c53e530e6-ea0f/?fullscreen
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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Final Prototyping
Logo page
Introduction pages
Sign in and sign up pages
Onboarding pages
Home page and search page
Education page
learning and Quiz pages
Library pages: Watch later, history and progress
profile page
Others pages: terms and condition page, language and notification pages
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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Style Tile
Here are what I used 
The visual hierarchy is significantly essential in this process as it is one of the main purposes of WTFinance application. The visual hierarchy makes this application more exciting by applying the use of humor and attractive visual design to grab the young teenager’s attention. Also, it motivates the users to access the application more frequently, such as the standout colour scheme, clear layout and attractive typography. So the users could entertain themselves as well as learning financial education.
The font that I selected was Montserrat Regular, Medium, SemiBold, Bold and ExtraBold. This font is Sans-Serif font. I considered from the tone of the site content. The font is the rounded sharps, clean and the ultimate goal is readability.
Use of icons
In term of the infographic design, the illustration icons have been selected to make it attractive and meaningful visuals. Some of them were from free copyright from Flaticon.com. I have read the terms and conditions of the website to make sure that it can be used and have credited them all.
The logo of the brown cow created by illustrating with a simple square shape. However, this logo conveys users of the confusion feeling as the name “WTFinance”. The application name designed to entertain the users and make it memorable as well as conveying the meaning of wonder, confusion and curious about finance topic. 
For the colour, the butterscotch yellow, purple and blue are the three colours that I used in this app as most of the users said that the yellow combined with blue gave them energy and attention. As well as, I found that the yellow stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, and optimism. The blue brings us the calmness, intelligence and reduces stress.
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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User Audience
Here is an example of user audience of  WTFinance mobile application.
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
Opening prototyping video
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
WTFinance Introduction prototyping video
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
On boarding prototyping video
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
Profile & term and condition prototyping video
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
Home and searching prototyping video
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
WTfinance Education prototyping video
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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User testing feedback - Final version
They all are happy with the final outcome
Like how it funny but serious topic
The final visual design is interesting
There is some error little grammar mistake but the rest is fine
Lots of images and icons
Standout colours
What I did for my final design and information
I redesign the logo as the brown cow
Change my highlight text “Hey, what do you want to learn today” to  “Hey, what WTF do you want to learn today” so it is more funny and use friend friendly
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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Hi-fi Prototyping Home pages & education pages
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tammylowsoponkul · 5 years
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Hi-fi Prototyping Library pages & Sign in pages
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