tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
6. Artifacts that I’m proud of: Narrative Project and Brainstorm Mentor Text
Narrative Project
The sound of dozens of footsteps echo from backstage as various audience members occupied the auditorium seats. The hustling of cast and crew members backstage as they prep for opening night is as exhilarating as it is overwhelming. However, wallowing in her solitude just outside the large double doors that leads to the backstage area, on the metallic rails surrounding the canteen, lies a girl riddled with anxiety over her upcoming performance.
Inhale, exhale. Tension ripples through her body as the thought of emerging on stage plagues her mind. One might think that since she has performed in numerous shows, her anxiety levels will be quite minimal. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Sitting outside, alone and in the dark, her demons came alive in the night. Her biggest fears continue to constantly occupy her thoughts. Unease over how the show will turn out nearly consumes her every thought. Her crushing fears of choking on stage and letting down the entire cast and crew were the only things occupying her mind.
But, before they can fully consume her, a crew member emerges from backstage to let her know it’s almost time. Slowly, she makes her way towards the stage. The sweat on her palms glistens, turning her quaking hands clammy as she steps closer to the opaque curtains that separate the backstage area from the stage. The bright lights of center stage shine through the curtains and illuminate her face with a faint golden glow. The miscellaneous sounds of the crowd sink through the veil as they respond to the scenes in front of them. It’s almost time. She listens to the scenes onstage progress as her cue line nears. Inhale, Exhale. As she inhales, she instantly clears her head of any lingering thoughts of apprehension or doubt. As she exhales, all feelings of unease exit her mind. She continues  to drift closer and closer to the stage; the everbright stage lights seeping through the black cloth; a barrier between her fears and her dream. As she flings open the curtains, the feelings of apprehension are nothing but a faint recollection.  She make my very first entrance and the bright lights of center stage welcome her.
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Mentor Text: Brainstorm CAPP Analysis
Intro: As teens, we are often not oblivious to the negative consequences of our actions. Instead, even though the negative consequences are fully known, we place more emphasis on the potential positive aspects of an experience. That emphasis on the positive, we now know, is a result of shifts in the brain’s structure and function during the adolescent period. During adolescence there is an increase in the activity of the neural circuits using dopamine, a neurotransmitter central in creating our drive for reward. This enhanced dopamine release causes adolescents to gravitate toward thrilling experiences and exhilarating sensations.  The emphasis on the positive is also a result of our prefrontal cortex being incomplete and our amygdala's being incredibly hypersensitive. Our prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that deals with decision making and our amygdala’s are what deal with emotional reactivity and strong feelings.
C: Researchers Michael Brace (Christopher Walken) and Lillian Reynolds (Louise Fletcher) develop a system that allows the recording and playback of a person's thoughts onto videotape. It was created on 30th september 1983. This is possibly one of the most important shows that Rosslyn has ever put on. The original production was constructed as a way to inform the audience about their misconceptions of the teenage mind and rosslyn took that production and kind of adjusted it to fit each individual cast member. We used the individuality of every cast member to build a show that we knew would appeal to our intended audience.
A: The audience is everyone who came to watch the show but it was mainly directed to adults. Specifically parents.
P: The speaker of this piece was obviously the cast members. The persona of the speaker is compassion/sympathy. We want everyone in the audience to see teens for who they really are. To accomplish this, we as cast members, actually invested time into trying to understand where our intended audience was coming from and their perspective on the matter and this helped shape how the play turned out and the message we wanted to send.
P: The purpose of the play is to demonstrate and inform people on how the adolescent mind actually works. Adults, mainly our parents, will often think our brains are broken and if we do something reckless and impulsive its because we are just being stupid and don’t know any better. This play is supposed to show them why we make the decisions that we make.
Tone: The tone of this is a rather informative tone. The speaker is trying to inform and convince us of the importance of understanding the adolescent mind. We use both the rhetorical appeals of pathos and logos. Throughout the show we provide the audience with biopsychological information as to why the adolescent brain is the way it is but we also appeal to our audience’s emotion by trying to gain their sympathy and understanding. The show uses the idea of being in a new city for the first time and seeing all these bright lights and a thousand million roads all lit up and flashing as an analogy. It represents the neurotransmitters in our brains forming new connections during adolescence.
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tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
5. Artifacts that show excellence: Synthesis Essay
The concept of public shaming, in both puritan culture and todays, was one of the most effective forms of punishment for acts that society has deemed ‘unacceptable’. In the scarlet letter, Hester committed adultery, thus she was forever branded with a bright red letter A to symbolize her indiscretions against her husband. In modern societies, trends like hashtags on twitter embody a modern day scarlet letter. The concept of shaming, in both cases, is used as a tool. The whole idea of punishing people through public humiliation is meant to strike fear into the rest of the population so they don’t fall out of line. It is a harsh tool but ultimately a very effective one as shown in the scarlet letter and multiple modern day example. When looking at the overall view on shaming, it had a positive effect on society because it produced the desired outcome.
According to chapter 2 page 47 of the scarlet letter, shaming was a huge part of puritan society. Considering they had intertwined both political and religious law into their government, what was considered a biblical sin was also against the law. In lines 13-25, the narrator uses examples of what could be considered “sin” to introduce us to the significance of chritianity in the puritan justice system. As shown in the 1928 historical map that shows Shawnots or Boston from 1630-1930, the most significant crimes or ‘sins’ were heavily based on this aspect of the puritan justice system. This map not only included the important geographical sites of the region but, it also included all of the sites where public shaming took place. Shaming was mostly the chosen mode of punishment when it came to any act that defied what christianity deemed appropriate. This map dignified the act of public humiliation and, to civilians living during those times, indicated that all acts that go against what the lord has said will not go unpunished. The effect of this was people stayed in line due to the fear of what might happen to them if they don’t.
In chapter 2 page 50, Hester emerged from the prison with the letter A sewn into her dress. The A was meant to embody the shame she brought on herself and the town however, according to the narrator, the baby she held in her arms was an even bigger representation of her indiscretions. This embroided letter was intended to brand her for life. In that way, it is similar to modern forms of shaming. A major example of this would be the hashtag #ifslaverywasachoice. About a year ago, during a Tv interview, Kanye West was asked about his views on slaver. Upon hearing that Africans had been enslaved for over 100 years, he replied with “well that sounds like a choice to me”. Almost immediately after this interview the #ifslaverywasachoice was created. It was created as a for of mockery, to shame him for is sheer ignorance on the matter. The hashtag was spread worldwide and he became subject to public shaming on a global perspective. Though not as cruel as puritan forms of shaming, this hashtag still had its desired effect. Not only was Kanye West ridden with guilt and shame over his comment but everyone else became extra cautious of what they put online for fear of the everlasting digital footprint.
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In conclusion, both puritan and modern society heavily relied on public shaming and utilized it as an act of punishment for everything that was done out of the social norms. Because humans have heavily utilized this tool, it became a very effective form of punishment as it produced its desired outcome. When looking at the bigger picture, shaming proved to have a positive effect on the overall society.
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tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
4. Artifacts that surprised me: The Color Purple one pager and GoodReads Review, Free writes, Top 5 Tweets.
Free Writes: 
I have made quite.a few unwise decisions in my time on this earth. Unfortunately, spraining my ankle falls into that category. Now, one might think that a sprained ankle does not classify as a bad decision however, this injury happened to occur one week before my production of nooses off.  My fellow cast and crew members were forced to push me around in Mr Slaughters wheel chair and when they were occupied, I had to figure myself out. I had to casually hop from one place to another according to the scene I was in. Whats worse is the character I was playing, Taylor, was forced to wear these awful 4-5 inch heels and stumble around in them. 
The time I got scared the most:
The already low lights of the movie theatre continued to dim as the movie continued. The audience watched in complete silence as they awaited what was sure to be a frightening scene. A cloud of doom loomed heavily over the fearful audience quivering in anticipation. A deafening silence overtook the entire theatre. Then came the bulging eyes, grotesque teeth, and terrifying appearance of Pennywise the dancing clown. 
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Unrealistic Bombardment ofAds
A lot of people would compare the Victoria’s secret love your body campaign to Dove’s love your body campaign. Even though they were both about self love, Victoria’s secret campaign showcases these skinny runway models with perfect hair and flawless skin while Dove chose to showcase women as what they truly were. Dove incorporated women of many shapes and sizes into their campaign. Unfortunately, society tends to accept the Victoria’s secret love your body campaign because, even though its about loving your body, it still showcases societies ideal standard of beauty. 
My narrative story - the performer
It would be tedious of me to say I struggle with identity as I feel like most teenagers do. However, there is no doubt in my mind that a significantly large part of who I am is a performer. Normally I am not one to enjoy presenting in front of the class or even raising my hand to share an opinion on something but, I absolutely love performing. I love being on stage. I have loved performing ever since I was young. My very first performance was in elementary school where we did a production of the nativity story and I got to play Angel Gabriel. That was when I realized how much I love performing. A lot of the time people don't understand how I can be such a confident performer but such an introverted person. Its rather simple actually. Its much easier to get on stage and play a character than it is to speak publicly as yourself. 
Top 5 Tweets:
I think there are a lot of factors to take into consideration when discussing the topic of public shaming. it has its ups and downs but ultimately you have to ask yourself if the reward is worth publicly humiliating certain individuals.
I kind of agree with your statement of you cannot be certain if you have doubts but, belief itself isn't a certain. If you think about it there is no certainty to any forms of belief out there.
I think pride is what leads people to their biggest sins. Pride is often times what drives us to behave the way we do. We wanna preserve our pride and sense of self importance. Because of this, we tend to make questionable decisions in a desperate ploy to reserve our pride.
The sheer guilt of the sin I committed is slowly eating me up  inside. I need to atone for my crimes. #langgang
Hester won't confess! No matter what I say. But.... why won't she speak??? #langgang
The Color Purple One Pager: 
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tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
Artifacts that show growth: Top 10 Blog posts and Top 5 blog post responses
Connecting the Dots: 
    This summer I read the book The souls of the black folk by W.E.B Dubois. It was a book that mainly one of the many problems of the 20th century; "the color-line". He writes from the perspective of an African American man struggling to earn his rights. He continuously expresses his views on living life at the mercy of your race. 
     He mostly focuses on the regressions caused by the emancipation proclamation especially in the south. He also writes about the establishment of Freedman's Bureau and its role in the reconstruction of the nation after the civil war. He centers his book around to themes; the idea of "double consciousness" and "the Veil". Double Consciousness refers to the idea that every African American must live with the struggle of balancing two inconsistent identities that can't be combined. They must balance their ideal "American identities" with the black experience that they inherited from the remnants of their ancestors who were born into slavery. This compliments the second theme of living under "the veil". He describes the theory of "the veil" in terms of living on the other side of the color line. He stresses he importance of the black experiences and how that experience can only be gained from living on the other side of the color line. 
    It was hard for me to find a connection with this book because I have never truly experienced what it's like to live on the other side of the color line. I do however, know the significance of the black experience and how it affected those who came before me. This book did not really challenge my beliefs but it did enhance them. One challenge narrated in this book was the struggle of balancing both identities and I was able to connect with that theory. Having to incorporate both the ideal American identity with the black experience in their daily lives is a struggle I can relate to even though they had to do it while under the prejudice of living behind the color line. From this book, I was able to learn what it truly means to earn the black experience and how difficult it was to live under "the veil" while still trying to achieve the ideal standards of an "American Identity".
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Making Meaning from the News: 
This article was about a sexual harassment claim filed by Shailja Patel against Tony Mochama. Patel claimed that writer and journalist, Tony Mochama, had sexually assaulted her at an event. She quickly took to various social media platforms to tell her story and never shied from public bashing Mochama every chance she got. Soon after these allegations took to twitter and took a large toll on Mochama's career. He claims he lost scholarships, guest lectures, business opportunities, friends and many more. Due to the backlash he faced, Mochama decided to sue Patel for her "false allegations". He ended up wining the case in which Patel was forced to pay a 9 million shilling fine and officially apologize to Mochama. She refused to do and went into a self imposed exile claiming she would rather go into exile than apologize to Mochama.     Patel was very quick to take to social media to tell her story. She told majority of it on twitter. Along with Ms Wambui Mwangi, she took to twitter to publicly bash Mochama and ruin his otherwise perfect reputation. The only thing she failed to do was file an actual police report, reporting his actions. She never filed a case and never went to the police about it. There is currently an ongoing debate on whether Patel was telling the truth because if she should have gone to the police first. This issue arrived when he decided to sue her and even then she neglected to counter sue him.     The opposing side of this debate sympathizes with Patel and understands the struggle of coming forward about an assault. They argue that the act itself is hard enough on women, it is often even more traumatizing to be degraded in court. She also appealed o our sympathy when she claimed she would rather go into exile than have to apologize to Mochama for what he did to her.     As for my perspective, I want to believe that Patel is being honest. There have been a few other reports regarding Mochama's aggressive behavior towards women and a few of his friends have suggested that these allegations could be true about him. Even his wife left him after hearing all of this. The one thing I think she should have done differently is she should have gone directly to the police when it happened. Even if she delayed a bit on that she should have at least countersued him when he sued her. Overall I think Patel was telling the truth I just think she went about it the wrong way. 
Learning from Writing Mentors: 
   Stephen King starts of this book by explaining to us some of his earliest childhood memories. He makes it a point to focus on what he thought was his most painful childhood experience. He compares that single experience to many others and claims nothing came close in comparison to the pain he felt on that day. This is how he uses the rhetorical appeal of ethos. Rather than start the book off with facts and advice he chose to give us insight on what his childhood was like and how significant it was in his journey as a writer. He uses a very light hearted voice during the first couple chapters because this is when he is describing his childhood to us. 
   One very useful piece of advice he gave concerned the knowledge behind good story ideas. He said there were no short cuts to finding good story ideas. They seem to appear from void. It is not our job to create these "good story idea' but to recognize them when they show up. It's as if he is saying that we are constantly plagued with good story ideas but in order to become a decent writer, we have to recognize the good ideas when they come. This is a strategy I will definitely be incorporating into my writing. Conjuring up a good idea can be a challenge but when it hits you, it often hits ant the most random times. The challenge for me will be to wait until a good idea hits me. I'm a very fast-paced person and not a very patient one so he concept of awaiting a good idea is very foreign and quite simply unrealistic to me. It will be a very big challenge for me.
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What's Education For? Education can be a very complex and sometimes prejudiced system of learning. As shown in the article "Best in Class" by Margaret Talbot, in education is what leads to a prosperous future but, at what cost? The idea that education is the only thing that leads to a prosperous future is an idea that has been stressed globally across multiple schools but success comes at a cost. As per my opinion, the problem with the education system is it has lost track of the true meaning of education. School has stopped becoming about learning. Students now focus their attention on passing instead of actively absorbing the materials taught. This is mainly a result of the common belief that success can only be achieved through a higher education. As shown in the documentary, school comes with a lot of academic stress and sometimes parental pressure. Idris' father was very hard on him when it came to his scholarly achievements and Seun had to leave Dalton after failing a class due to academic stress and a little prejudice. I think we need to work towards reforming the education system so that kids can once again feel the joy of learning. A lot of academic stress comes from the pressure of homework. I can understand why some teachers assign homework and why it can be essential to our education but an over supply of this becomes taxing and tedious. It would be beneficial to students if we did not receive as much work as we do now because, this results in students driving to complete their work rather than learn from it. It would also be beneficial to do more interactive activities within the classroom so that we can eliminate our workload after school and have more time in class to resolve any inquiries we may have.
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News Evaluation 2: Shooting at South Carolina Bar leaves 2 dead and 8 wounded
The shooting happened early Saturday morning near Lancaster, South Carolina. The shooting occurred at around 2:45 am and it was said that the gunman was still at large. 10 people were shot. Two people were killed and 8 were injured in this tragic act of terrorism. The motive of the shooter was unclear but it was thought to have been a result of local conflict. The Sheriff declined to discuss the incident but, he said that one of the victims that was killed was involved in the local conflict that had been occurring for a couple of months. I think this is a horrible act of terrorism and no "local dispute" can excuse the act of intentionally harming nearly a dozen people. Of course, this goes back to the issue of gun laws in the U.S. I do believe stricter gun laws are what we need to keep situations like this from happening again. This is only one of multiple mass shootings that have occurred recently and the only solution I see is restricting the usage of guns. Unfortunately, I find that the reason stricter gun laws have not been incorporated into the legislature is because the republican party is largely funded by the National Riffle Association (NRA). Because of this, the government is hesitant to abolish the second amendment even if It means multiple losses of innocent lives. 
News Evaluation 3: Italy to lend Leonardo Da Vinci works to France in a Masterpiece Swap
Da Vinci's famous drawing Vitruvian man will soon be transported to Paris to participate in a block buster Leonardo da Vinci art exhibition at the Louvre. The Vitruvian man is a drawing that exhibits the study of the proportions of the human body. However, it is only one in a series of art works that museums in Italy are transporting over to the Louvre. This art show will mark the 500th anniversary of the Renaissance master's death. As part of the exchange, the Louvre has agreed to transfer over several masterpieces made by another Renaissance master; Raphael. These masterpieces include "Self Portrait with a friend" and "Portrait of Baldassarre Castiglione". Both parties treat this as a sort of exchange of cultures. At first, a diplomatic dispute broke out between the two countries over the issue of sending over multiple of Davinci's pieces during a major anniversary year. The Italian undersecretary for culture claimed "Leonardo was Italian and he only died in France." It wasn't until later that both countries cultural ministers began working towards reconciliation and claimed "Now more than ever , it is essential for culture to be at the heart of European policies both because it is a tool for creating a shared sense of citizenship, and because it is a great opportunity for economic growth." I agree with this statement. An exchange of paintings like this not only stimulates cultural and economic growth on both parties but it also helps honors the Renaissance artist for their marvelous work. An exchange such as this one should liberate the world of art and revere the creators of such beautiful masterpieces. Da Vinci may have only died in France but that connects him to the cultural world of France. Not only did Leonardo die in France but the Louvre in holds some of his finest and most recognizable work including the Mona Lisa and a portrait of a woman known as La Belle Ferrionnière. France was a major part of da Vinci's history as it was his final journey and resting place. Both France and Italy have chosen to honor that and in return, France agreed to send over some of Raphael's most exquisite pieces. I only wish I could be there to witness the 500th anniversary exhibit of Da Vinci.
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Telling Stories: All the single Ladies In this article, the author describes her less than enjoyable experience at her best friends wedding. At the beginning, Doll describes to us the apprehension she felt when she heard a masculine voice say "All the single ladies to the dance floor". It was made clear in the next paragraph that she wasn't the only one with feelings of apprehension as her friend pulled her close and they devised a plan to go hide out in the washroom. Sadly it did not work. In the next couple of paragraphs she talks about her relationship with the bride and groom. The bride and her were apparently very close friends until she decided to marry a man that Doll simply could not approve of. She characterized her friends decision to get married by absolutely refusing to pick up the brides bouquet of flowers when it landed footsteps away from her during the bouquet toss. She saw it as an act of condoning and accepting the union of her best friend and this man and she simply could not do it. The structure of each paragraph in this article is very autonomous. Each paragraph describes different parts of the story while still providing us with the context we need to understand the article. This helps the article flow a bit more. As per her choice of word and her sentence structure it is clear she is using the rhetorical appeal of pathos to entice her readers. I feel like this, along with the independence of each paragraph, are what makes this article so captivating. The style of writing she uses reflects on how she wants us, as readers, to feel about her article.
Thank You For Arguing Reflection Throughout this chapter, and majority of this book, the author used a lot of pop cultural references as evidence to back up his claims. Particularly in chapters 12-13, Heinrich really goes in depth when describing useful argumentative tools. In these chapters he focused on learning and utilizing the skills of inductive and deductive logic. He successfully manages to explain to his readers the importance of beginning your argument with a very broad opening and then narrowing it down to specific facts (deductive logic) and beginning your argument with a very precise fact and then opening it up to a wider spectrum. However, the tool I found to be the most interesting while reading this book would be the art of finding a common place. Commonplaces are words and phrases that reflect the audience’s core values. This tool is crucial to arguments because it condenses a lot of complicated ideals into just a few seconds of material, enough to successfully gain the approval of your audience. Another interesting section of the book was in chapter 12 when the author listed several different approaches to an argument. Traditionally, the best way to defend an argument is through evidence. Unfortunately, I find some evidence is also really easy to counter-argue. If this is the cause you could always attempt to redefine the term and if that doesn't work, argue the importance of your opponents statements. So far, I have found that Thank You for Arguing is actually quite an enjoyable book. I a learning new tools and techniques to use not just in speech but also in my writing and overall, I am learning a lot more about argumentative tools and how to skillfully use them.
Is there a role for public shaming? Discuss. I absolutely do not agree with the concept of public shaming as a punishment. I agree, using a concept like public shaming as a method of punishment is actually a very effective punishment however, it does more harm both morally and socially than it does good. Take Monica Lewinsky for example. Shaming not only exposed what she did but it also made her vulnerable to various attacks online that diminished her sense of worth as a human being. As shown in the Scarlet Letter, both Dimmesdale and Hester experienced some form of shame. While Dimmesdale’s shame was mostly internal, Hester experienced full on public shaming in front of the whole town for her transgressions. Her punishment did not end there. After her release from prison, Hester was forced to bear the scarlet letter A on her dress so that everyone would know that she was an adulterer. In some sense, the punishment was successful but it was also a demoralizing and humiliating process that some people are not strong enough to handle. Yes, actions do have consequences and most of the time shaming is used as a ploy to keep people in check. However there must be a different way to achieve this goal without demoralizing anyone
Connecting the dots: Hidden Figures
Having read this book before, I also loved their devotion to overcome racial and gender barriers. They were indeed very inspirational and worked tirelessly to ensure that women were never overlooked and were just as capable of achieving greatness as men were.
News Evaluation 2: Justin Trudeau: New video of Canada's PM in blackface
The act of blackface is horribly racist and very very offensive but I agree with you. Trudeau has changed and he has seen the errors of his ways. He has seen exactly how much of a bad decision he made doing this and acknowledged that rather than deny or try to defend his actions. Instead he took responsibility and apologized. Yes, blackface is a horribly racist act and should not go unpunished. He has already faced a lot of backlash from the media and his people and this has done quite a bit of damage to his campaign. I don't think we should dwell on something that happened so many years ago especially since he has acknowledged and apologized for his mistake.
News Evaluation 2: Ugandan President Museveni seeks mandatory death penalty for murders after nephew's slaying 
I admire how you sympathized with Museveni. The loss of a family member is incredibly painful and my own heart goes out to him. I agree with what you said about Museveni thinking with his heart not his head. When it comes to the death penalty I feel like we, as humans, shouldn't be the ones to decide who lives and who dies. If someone is convicted because of murder, we shouldn't decide whether or not to take their life. It's not humane.
Making meaning from the News: Liu Yifei: Mulan boycott urged after star backs Hong Kong police
The controversial debate on whether or not it is considered culturally respectful for Disney to portray Mulan the way the original movie did it is a huge one. A lot of fans would like to see the original Mulan movie but unfortunately it highlights a lot of China's ancient cultural aspect so its hard to do that while still being respectful.
Learning from Writing Mentors: Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott  I agree with the writers idea if abandoning perfectionism. I also struggle with this when it comes to my writing because I feel like everything I write has to live up to an unrealistic standard of perfection. I think its the same for most people. Perfection can be defined in multiple ways by multiple people so living up to this standard of perfection is basically impossible because everyones definition of perfection is different. We should just abandon it :)
Pathos - It is almost as if he tried to guilt us into believing his story/ sympathizing with his story
Ethos - In order to convince his audience he uses his personal experiences which makes him seem more knowledgable about the topic. 
S - Roy Bunker O - The speaker visited a village and decided to complete his schooling there. He speaks of his experiences and his accomplishments A - All viewers of the Ted Talk P - He spoke not only to educate us on the matter of quality education, but also to describe the importance/unimportance of it.  S - Education/various teaching methods/accomplishments are equally effective and higher education is meaningless if you don’t learn. Women have vast power in knowledge TONE -  His tone was very authoritative and informative. He wanted us to see the proper value of education and all of his points were focused around the notion of importance in education. 
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tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
Artifacts that shows risk taking: Debate Artifact
Debate Introduction Speech 
Just because sexual improprieties were consensual does not mean they were right. In most cases it is arguable that sexual immoralities are only considered wrong due to some kind of religious background but if you look at it, majority of the words that primary religions consider the same acts of sexual immoralities wrong. It all falls to a code of morals that the world has learnt to follow. Serves an example for the rest of the public
The shame of public humiliation should be enough incentive to prevent the individual from further discretions. We construct the act of public shaming as a form of negative punishment, using the shame as a tool to prevent others from these indiscretions. 
The severity of public shaming is necessary for the point we are trying to prove. If people want situations of sexual improprieties to cease to exist or to at least decrease, actions taken against the issue on a minor scale will not be as effective as actions taken against the issue on a major scale
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tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
Artifacts of disappointment: Summer Reading In Class Essay
The documentary the naked truth is an eye opening documentary that challenges the common belief that religion is the only salvation that mankind has. It incorporates the themes of certainty and doubt in the sense that it was made to challenge the popular belief that an all powerful deity actually exists.
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One major way in which they challenged religion is through the process of evolution. They created the theory that humans subconsciously developed the idea of a god/afterlife as a way to avoid the fear of not existing. Humans created the theory of life after death as a coping method because the reverence of eternal rest was unimaginable. As a result of this we constructed various belief systems according to our respective regions as we continued to progress into higher levels of conscious thought. Humans created these everlasting deities that complimented humanity's perception of perfection and generated multiple ways in which we show our praise. Humans gave praise to these deities for naturally occurring phenomena that we had yet to prove through science.
In addition to this, humans began using these systems of belief as a means of justification towards our actions. We created the subconscious theory that our religion was the correct one and any other system of belief that corresponded to ours was incorrect. We stationed our fellow humans as leaders of our religion and the only ones able to communicate directly with these deities. Through these beliefs, we were able to find ways of controlling the human population through fear of eternal damnation. Unfortunately, our fear of a meaningless existence outweighed the fear of eternal damnation so we decide to abide by “the religious law”.
An example of this would be the egyptian pharaoh. In Ancient Egypt, discovered a way of combining both political and religious law to form a monarchy. This combined monarchy was used to govern there people therefor, the pharaoh was not only considered the king of the region but in turn, he was also considered the human incarnation of the God Ra. He ruled over both the spiritual and physical aspects of the ancient world. He ruled through physical and religious law and in turn, all of his subjects had to abide by his laws which included no other forms of worship. This was punishable by death.
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tamzaraaaa-blog · 4 years
Table Of Contents
1. Artifacts of disappointment: Summer In Class Essay
2. Artifacts that shows risk taking: Debate Artifact 
3. Artifacts that show growth: Top 10 Blog posts, Top 5 blog post responses and Education Ted Talk SOAPSTONE analysis 
4. Artifacts that surprised me: The Color Purple one pager and GoodReads Review, Free writes. 
5. Artifacts that show excellence: Synthesis Essay
6. Artifacts that I’m proud of: Narrative Project and Brainstorm Mentor Text
7. Letter 
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