taneekkb285journal · 3 years
Barangaroo Case Study
This case study particularly influenced my thinking as similarly to the ideas for my project, it aimed to share stories of First Nations history and their traditional owner's connections to the site. The project was also completed in an industrial site similar to Northshore and utilised 'storyboxes' in the forms of shipping containers. My project also hopes to transform an industrial location into one of reflection and storytelling while engaging the history of the site and also embracing the new and multicultural elements of the site.
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Barns, S. (2018). Arrivals and departures Navigating an emotional landscape of belonging and displacement at Barangaroo in Sydney, Australia. In C. Courage, & A. McKeown, Creative Placemaking Research, Theory and Practice (pp. 56-68). London: Routledge.
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
Effective Creative Placemaking
According to the reading by Borrup that we looked at in class, he outlines four main principles of creative placemaking stated by Rip Rapson which are as follows:
Grounded in the particulars of place
Employs authentic and ongoing community engagement
It embraces existing community development systems
It assumes the willingness and capacity of arts and cultural organisations an outward orientation. In the process, artists at community building tables can realise a new catalytic role in the community
This project considered these principles in its development. Firstly, the project was focused on creating a space that would highlight the unique histories and culture of Northshore e.g. paper boats represent canoes used by the traditional owners of the land and also reflect the history as a a working wharf, uses the silo already on site and heroes the riverside location. The project will also encourage ongoing community engagement through the participatory element where visitors are encourage to create paper boats and add their own reflections to the art piece. Additionally, the project makes the most of exisiting community development systems through encouraging local business' to recycle their used paper to the project and through increasing traffic to the site and local businesses. This project encourages the public to recognise the importance of arts and creativity while also allows for growth and the inclusion of more artists and organisations to get involved in creating artworks to decorate the inside and outside of the tank.
Borrup, T. (2018). Creative placemaking: Arts and Culture as a Partner in Community Revitalization. In E. Rosewall, & R. Shane, Arts and Cultural Management; critical and primary sources (pp. 189-206). Bloomsbury Academic.
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
EDQ Place Product & Stakeholders
"There is no sitting on the sidelines at Northshore Brisbane. A place of unique substance, Northshore is made for those with the courage to try something new – immersing residents, workers and visitors in riverside creativity and culture."
The River Reflections project will engage the stakeholders identified in EDQ's brand positioning statement as well as their focus on 'immersive riverside experiences' through providing a project that encourages community involvement in a beautiful and reflective installation. in creating a memorable space, residents and visitors both will want to return to the site and therefore, benefit local business'.
Economic Development Queensland, QUT BRIEF 2021 – Marketing appendix (p.12) Northshore.
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
Project Budget
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Links for reference:
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
Project Brief and Measurements of Success
Project Criteria:
Projects must:
• Be original, innovative and align with the Northshore vision and brand;
• Take a “place” based approach that emphasises the distinctiveness of the site, its Indigenous and/or industrial port heritage; and its relationship to the Brisbane River and surrounding areas;
• Fall within a budget between $AUD 40,000 - 70,000;
• Be energetic, progressive, creative and grounded, encouraging interaction with target audiences, improving the diversity of audiences to the site, and increased visitation to Northshore; for target audience detail please refer to the QUT Brief 2021 – Marketing Appendix
• Be environmentally and economically sustainable by taking a ‘light touch’ approach, and has enduring significance (i.e. will last for at least 10 years, and has the potential to be repeated/ refreshed);
• Be deliverable in the next 1-3 years;
• Use appropriate technologies to create a digital footprint for the project (outside of social media);
• Respond directly with at least one of Northshore pillars (outlined in The Brand document): refer to the QUT Brief 2021 – Marketing Appendix
Measurements of Success
A successful project should deliver the following outcomes:
• be original, creative and innovative;
• improve brand awareness of Northshore in line with the Northshore vision;
• increase visitation to the site (between Monday – Thursday and/or Friday to Sunday during the day);
• a presentable physical and digital prototype that may be included in an exhibition at Northshore.
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
The Letter Writing Project
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“For the letter writing project, I invited visitors to write the letters they had always meant to but never taken the time for. Each of three writing booths, constructed of wood and translucent glass, contained a desk and writing materials. Visitors could enter one of three booths and write a letter to a deceased or otherwise absent loved one, offering previously unexpressed gratitude, forgiveness or an apology.”
“Many visitors came to realize, through reading the letters of others that they too carried unexpressed feelings that they would feel relieved to write down and perhaps share. In this way, a chain of feeling was created, reminding visitors of the larger world of emotions in which we all participate.”
Mingwei, L. (1998). The Letter Writing Project. Retrieved from Lee Mingwei: https://www.leemingwei.com/
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
Project Pitch
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River Reflections
The project will aim to use the space inside the silo (or another container eg. a small pond or wooden huts) to display a participatory art instillation consisting of paper boats made from recycled or biodegradable paper that will light up at night. Each boat will contain personal reflections from members of indigenous communities on their connections to their land and visitors will be encouraged to create and add to their own paper boat reflections. This project will tie into Northshore’s aboriginal histories through the use of storytelling and of paper boats to represent dugout canoes used by the traditional owners of the land. The project will also link these past traditions to the current multicultural population through its use of origami and providing an encouraging space for people of all backgrounds to reflect on their heritage and connections to their homeland.
Skills needed:
- Design skills for digital prototyping
- Creative vision – visualising the style and set out of the installation
- Research and liaising skills
- Budgeting and logistical planning
- Communication, confident public speaking and leadership
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taneekkb285journal · 3 years
Paper Boat Art Inspiration
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"Voyage is an extensive journey of illuminated ‘paper boats,' floating across the surface of London's Canary Wharf. The artists say that their artistic vision is to “provoke memories, explore aesthetic interactions, and to elicit feelings of connective human experiences in a required-to-participate audience.” (Yoo, 2012)
Follow the Dreamboat
"Wu's "Follow the Dreamboat" has a room to itself. Colored lights tinge the whole space with an aquamarine glow. On the floor sits an old wooden rowboat, partially filled with inscribed and folded pages.
Visitors and others have made the "dreamboats," each inscribed with a wish or greeting. Handwritten words and phrases snag the eye of the visitors who walk through: "life in balance"; "I pray for equality and justice for all people"; "Daddy."
People familiar with the paper prayer chits adorning temples in Asia will think of them here. Wu also intends a reference to the water festivals celebrated by Chinese communities throughout the world." (Baker, 2012)
Baker, K. (2012, January 26). Installation artists Michael Lin, Wu Mali probe troubled Taiwanese identities in show at Asian. Retrieved from SFGATE: https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/Installation-artists-Michael-Lin-Wu-Mali-probe-2739648.php
Hosmer, K. (2013, July 22). Repetitive Boat Installation Demonstrates a Calm Simplicity. Retrieved from My Modern Met: https://mymodernmet.com/wolfgang-laib-passageway-inside-downside/
Nelli, L. (2008, October 24). Paper Boat. Retrieved from Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/luca_nelli/3106876005/in/photostream/
Yoo, A. (2012, August 4). Artist’s Mother Inspires Beautiful Butterfly Installation. Retrieved from My Modern Met: https://mymodernmet.com/taegan-roberts-she-flies-without-wings/
Yoo, A. (2012, December 19). Colorful Paper Boats Float Across London's Canary Wharf. Retrieved from My Modern Met: https://mymodernmet.com/aether-and-hemera-voyage/
Yoo, A. (2013, February 26). Exactly 1,697 Origami Boats Flow Down to the Sea. Retrieved from My Modern Met: https://mymodernmet.com/lifeboat-sculpture-sea-cottesloe/
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taneekkb285journal · 4 years
street art
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An artwork at QUT's Garden's Point campus recently caught my eye and after researching the street art, Stories of a Word, I was even more interested to learn the artwork had been created through engaging the community through a participatory element. The artist Said Dokins, "captured the words and phrases used by members of different communities in Queensland, through an exercise of participatory art in which Dokins spoke and interviewed a number of local people, looking for key words and specific phrases that refer to local culture, and asking them to share with him a story of Queensland with a single word. He put together those symbolic words in a vibrant composition on a wall over 200 m2."
Dokins also painted another mural for the Brisbane Street Art Festival titled The Lost River in which he "used his unique urban calligraphy style to write the names of the indigenous languages of Queensland area, setting the words on the surface of the wall, as if it was an encrypted river, flowing."
“These murals are an acknowledgement to the Traditional Owners of the lands of this city and of all Queensland. A tribute to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people who have been displaced from their communities, their lands and who were forbidden to speak their language, perform their ceremonies and practice their culture. Through a composition inspired by Indigenous engagement and cultural expression, I made this calligraphic piece that references approximately 125 Queensland Indigenous languages, most of them considered endangered. On the same wall I included the name and the stories of people I met in Brisbane, creating a collective history, where the words that describe nature and cultural diversity intertwine with colonial and globalization references. This history represents the aboriginal ghostly inscription that circulates between the past and the present.” - Said Dokins
Donna. (2018, May 23). Said Dokins Protects Aboriginal Cultures for Brisbane Street Art Festival, 2018. Retrieved from Graffiti Street: https://www.graffitistreet.com/said-dokins-protects-aboriginal-cultures-for-brisbane-street-art-festival-2018/
Dokins, S. (2018). Stories of a Word. Brisbane.
Dokins, S. (2018). The Lost River. Brisbane.
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taneekkb285journal · 4 years
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The River
This project will aim to build on Northshore's location by the river and its significance in local indigenous culture in Brisbane (Meeanjin).
Services firm WSP commissioned local indigenous artist Ailsa Walsh to create designs to be used throughout their Brisbane offices. I hope for my project to reflect the same goals of creating a "lasting legacy through indigenous design and knowledge" and similarly through, "incorporating Indigenous knowledge and culture in the designs of infrastructure and built environment projects helps create strong and culturally respectful relationships with Indigenous communities and connection to the land." I was particularly interested in the river design which featured wildlife and footprints and reflects the river's importance to the community.
The artwork created by Casey Coolwel to promote the Meeanjin Markets also reflects the river as central community gatherings. This is an idea I would like to incorporate in my project for Northshore - highlight the river's history in bringing the community together and once again bring the community to gather there. As described on the offical Facebook page, "This art piece represents the Brisbane River and it’s surrounding communities. The center element depicts the winding river with our Aboriginal Ancestors that use to feed, drink, hunt, gather and live by the river, at Meeanjin. The outer gathering circles represent the surrounding communities and their people. The white gathered dots signify the communication that’s shared throughout Brisbane and it’s communities."
WSP. (2019, May 1). CREATING A LASTING LEGACY THROUGH INDIGENOUS DESIGN AND KNOWLEDGE. Retrieved from WSP: https://www.wsp.com/en-AU/news/2019/creating-a-lasting-legacy-through-indigenous-design-and-knowledge
Coolwell, C. (2018). Meeanjin Gatherings. Brisbane. Meeanjin Markets. Retrieved from: https://www.facebook.com/meeanjinmarkets/photos/we-would-like-to-give-a-huge-thanks-to-casey-coolwell-of-chaboo-designs-for-the-/2315484078735892/
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taneekkb285journal · 4 years
Eat Street at Northshore
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- My project will aim to align with Eat Street's aesthetic and purpose -> I quite like the use of bright colours and neon lights, creates a fun and energetic atmosphere
- Northshore's proximity to the river is also one of the site's biggest assets -> I would like to incorporate this through using imagery and history of the river in some way
Frostick, J. (2017, April 6). Foodie wonderland Eat Street Northshore opens to the public this weekend . Retrieved from https://theweekendedition.com.au/food-drink/eat-street-northshore-hamilton/
Visit Brisbane. (n.d.). THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO EAT STREET. Retrieved from Visit Brisbane: https://www.visitbrisbane.com.au/information/articles/eat-and-drink/guide-to-eat-street?sc_lang=en-au
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taneekkb285journal · 4 years
Northshore site visit images
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Very industrial location
Parklands to be developed with stage and view of river
Tank can be incorporated into proposal
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