tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
How did we go from “don’t politicize nine dead” to “every trace of the Confederacy must be removed”?
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
Woman/man “transitions” to being a man/woman because they “identify” as man/woman: GREAT JOB YOU’RE A HERO ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE IS A MONSTER
Supposedly white woman “identifies” as black and works for an organization based on helping black people: FUCK YOU BITCH YOU ARE SCUM 
Doesn’t really add up to me. 
I’m also apparently intolerant for thinking this way 
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
Why the fuck are we all so concerned with everyone else’s struggles and pitfalls? It’s like we can’t deal with the fact that we’re all worthless morons together carving out this joke of an existence, so we have to go out of our way to tear someone else down for having their own flaws or problems to put ourselves on a pedestal above all the rest. I am no saint and I actively engage in this just like everyone else, but its really been on my mind lately. We sit in rooms with so called friends mocking other people for their flaws and demons, and then those friends get into a different room with a different group of friends and have the same conversation about the friends they have just seen. All because our own accomplishments are earth shattering, and our own shortcomings nonexistent. 
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
Is there any way to get knowledgeable about guitar gear without spending loads of money and trying things out for yourself? I don't know shit about anything, and I want to, but it seems like that's the only way
i know this is going to sound condescending, but it’s not.  my first suggestion would be go to shows of bands you like.  for me a band’s tones is a make or break thing.  it isn’t all about expensive gear; some bands like unwound insisted on only using the cheapest garbage they could find and still sounded amazing. sonic youth played 300 dollar peavey heads for almost their entire career.   
so when you see a band that sounds good, make a mental note of their gear. most people in bands who have good tone, myself included, are mega-nerds.  nerds love to nerd about gear.  if you get the opportunity, talk to them about it.  this is a little bit delicate because there is always that supremely annoying kid that runs up to you and wants to either point at your pedalboard or ask stupid questions about your amps while you are tearing down and trying to get off stage.  while i occasionally sort of humor this zude, i would just as soon push them in front of a speeding bus.  so, pick your time wisely, there is a ample dead time at a show that is perfect for asking questions about gear.
my second suggestion would be recording studios.  just about every studio has a list of all their gear on their websites, and most good studios have whole rooms of bananas gear. if band zersons with good tone are about 85% nerds, that number jumps to 100% for recording engineers.  they love talking about gear.  next time you go to record, just say “hey, i have dumb bullshit equipment.  can you help me play around and find a tone that better suits my music?”  
basically, put in the time and research.  nerds will be your greatest allies.  just don’t buy new orange gear.  
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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This is both sad and predictable.
Bernie Sanders, a Senator for Vermont and currently the only declared challenger to Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, is the only member of Congress to describe himself as a socialist. For much of...
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
not voting isn’t refusing to play the game. You’re in this country, you’re subject to the game whether you like it or not. The only way not to play is to leave, and the vast majority of us don’t have that option.
Not voting is playing the game but saying ‘pass’ every time your turn comes up and then wondering why you lost.
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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Which is your favorite?
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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Killer demo of a DA120 OD into an @orangeamplifiers OR15 by Otu. Goes straight for the dopesmoker type tone and nothing else.
#da120od #dunwichamps #or15 #orangeamps #dopesmoker
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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Well, it looks like Sleep is going to be a bit louder tonight with a little help from @orangeamplifiers and yes these are all plugged in.. #weedian #amplifierworship #praiseiommi #rigsofdoom
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
Tumblr: *takes videos and pics released by the media*
Tumblr: This is what the media won't show you.
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
New life goal
Do freelance programming from the back of a van while also playing shows every day 
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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White supremacy with a few black faces
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tangled-upinplaid · 9 years
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