tanishador-blog · 6 years
Reflection On A Year of Reading Chinese Literature
Books: Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah; Waiting by Ha Jin; Peony in Love by Lisa See; Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
General Reflections
One thing that is common in most Chinese literature is the morals. Everything is about honor and respect with the father/ male as the powerful figure. Chinese literature also places huge importance on marriage and status. In the literature arranged marriages are the most common way of marriage. Also through the translation of some the literature you are unable to capture the true essence of the story. Another common theme is nature. Authors tended to take their time to describe the scene or a comparison to some sort of nature. I stayed more toward the modern literature so much of what I read had slight western culture in it. A lot of Chinese literature is also sometimes used to reflect the authors view of political like almost everywhere does. And lastly a common thing in not only Chinese literature but in all literature is the a main character face a challenge that they most overcome whether it be good or bad. Also in the books I read none of them took place in major cities that are known by non Chinese people. So I was really able to get a better picture of China as a whole.
What I learned from Chinese Cinderella
I learned that, sometimes you will face hardships. People will not like you just because you are you. I learned that even your own family can do you dirty and that in the end all you really have is yourself and you OG homies that really want you to succeed. Also you can let bums dim your shine.
What I learned from Waiting
I learned that boys really are trash (been knew tbh😴) but like they really are. Notice how I said boys and not men. Anyways boys will literally lave a real one in front of them and be cheating and them regret it when it’s too late. Nah, I’m good. I don’t need that kind of disrespect in my life.
What I learned from Peony in Love
I learned that you really can’t go too crazy for a boy, they’ll leave you looking stupid. Also learned to take my time before making rash decisions like killing myself. ESPECIALLY over a boy. I learned that life and be cruel and ironic and you honestly just have to deal with it.
What I learned from Joy Luck Club
I learned that you need a good group of supportive friends to chill with and discuss life’s problems together and offers each other help and advice. I also learned that you need to cherish you parents and their stories more in order to honor them and be able to continue their legacy.
What I learned about myself
Through this assignment I learned that the right book can make you hate reading. Before this assignment I would describe myself as a reader but the fixed structure and pressure and having to report everything made me not want to read anymore. I also learned how I really can get into a novel if I enjoy it and if I’m feeling it. Other than that I won’t be passionate about reading. Overall take away about myself from this assignment is that when I stop caring it will be really hard to get me to do something. Also I still can hold grudges about wasting money on books that I probably will never read again 🤷🏾‍♀️
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
As she turned to face the ground, she realized that he was staring at her all along
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (240)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
Tears fell down her eyes she Breathe her last breath
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (237)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
I knew from the beginning our new house would not be an ordinary house.
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (220)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
My mother didn’t kill that damn cat after all, I’m relieved. And then I see that cat rubbing more vigorously on the window if you start to use his tail
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (207)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
She’s the only person I could have asked, to tell me about life’s importance, to help me understand my grief
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (197)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
I used to believe to everything my mother said, even when I didn’t know what she meant. Once when I was little she told me she knew it when it would rain because girls were circling near our window, calling “woo-woo” to be let in. She said doors would unlock themselves in the middle of the night unless we checked twice. She said a mirror could only see my face, but she could see me inside out even when I was not in the room. All these things seem true to me. The power of her words was that strong.
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (185)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
And this gift gave me extreme confidence
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (170)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
I wanted to ask him who, what woman, how to hurt him this way, that made him so scared about excepting love in all it’s wonderful forms.
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (157)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America. You could open a restaurant. You could work for the government and get good retirement. You could buy a house with almost no money down. You could become rich. You could become instantly famous.
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (132)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
As proof of her faith, my mother used to carry a small leatherette Bible when she went to the first Chinese basptist church every Sunday. But later, after my mom lost her faith in God that, leatherette Bible wound up wedged under a too-short table leg,a way for her to correct her in balance of life he has been there for over 20 years
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (116)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
I think it's ironic that my mother wants me to fight the divorce
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (117)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
An eternity had passed since she last saw her husband, for this was her fate: to stay lost on the moon, forever seeking her own selfish wishes.
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (81)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
My body was writhing as if I were seized by a terrible pain
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (64)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
But tonight, there's no mystery.
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club (28)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
My father thinks she was killed by her own thoughts
Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club  (19)
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tanishador-blog · 7 years
The flower's beauty slowly faded as the seasons past.
Lisa See Peony in Love pg 202
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