tanyourhyde · 2 months
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tanyourhyde · 2 years
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Okay, look, I don’t know anything about baseball. I don’t like watching it or playing it. I couldn’t care less about it. I need you to know this because somehow thepartyresponsible managed to make me read a 36k+ fic about baseball…and LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. That’s talent, seriously.
So, as part of my personal attempts at Fic Appreciation Time, please check out Got a Heart in Me, I Swear. Please send the author some love if you can! <3
Please do not repost without my permission! Re-blogging is very much welcomed, though! <3
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tanyourhyde · 3 years
Can we please have doctor Sirius with nurse Remus?
Why yes. Yes you can! 💛
“Have you seen the new doctor?”
“The way he fills out those scrubs! I can’t.”
“That hair!”
“Those eyes!”
Those THIGHS!”
“What?” Remus says, rolling his eyes and pausing his reading about the new patients that have ended up under his and his fellow nurses care for the day.
“Are you even listening to us?” Mary asks.
“Yeah, new doctor. Hair, eyes, thighs, whatever. I’m so not interested,” he says and waves her off.
“Well,” Lily says smartly. “You should be. This Doctor Black, he went to school with James, and I guess he is like some kind of miracle worker. There is nothing he can’t do.”
“Pfft,” Remus scoffs, tired of doctors and their egos and their world saving attitudes despite the fact that nurses like Remus do more to improve their patients lives while working the ward than doctors ever do.
“And he’s single,” Lily adds like that means anything.
Remus rolls his eyes again. “I don’t see how that matters, nurses Lily Evans-Potter and Mary Macdonald-Dearborn. You two are taken. Whether he’s single or not is irrelevant.”
Lily whacks Remus atop his head with her own set of patient files. “I meant for you, dumb-dumb.”
Remus fixes her with her with his best stone faced glare. “You know I don’t date doctors.”
“Sure you do!” Mary says brightly and holds up her hand with all five fingers extended. She begins to tick them down as she lists, “There was Doctor Fenwick, Doctor Shacklebolt, Doctor Prewitt, Doctor Other Prewitt—“
“Stop!” Remus cuts her off and places a shushing finger across her lips. “I don’t date doctors anymore.”
Lily let’s out a laugh. “Wanna bet?”
“Sure,” Remus says confidently. “I’ll bet.”
Lily grins at him devilishly and holds out her hand. “Bedpan duty says you’ll be thirsting for a date with him by the end of first rounds today.”
“Oh, Lily,” Remus says with a mocking laugh. “You’re going to be changing so many bedpans.”
“If you say so,” Lily says, shrugs, winks, and walks away with Mary, both of them snickering.
“Excuse me,” a low voice that rumbles through Remus says from behind him.
Remus turns around and instantly sees a cart full of bedpans in his future. He swallows. “Yes?”
“Are you Remus Lupin,” the man says.
Remus swallows again and adjusts the collar of his scrubs, it seems to have gotten hot on the ward. “I am.”
“Sirius Black,” the man says and extends his hand. Remus takes it and shakes, instantly loving the way this man’s large fingers curl around Remus’s smaller hand. Remus tries not to think about all the things he’d like this man to do with these hands and his thick fingers. “I’ve heard good things about you. Could you assist me in rounds this morning?”
“Sure,” Remus says, keeping his eyes focused on Sirius’s in front of him and refusing to look down at the way Sirius’s scrubs hug his thighs. It’s bad enough the way the fabric stretches across his broad shoulders just within Remus’s view.
“Good,” Sirius says kindly, holding Remus’s gaze and his hand longer than necessary for a simple polite request. “I look forward to working with you.”
“Me too,” Remus says and coyly traps his bottom lip between his teeth, all thoughts of his impending bedpan duty and the swearing off of dating doctors long forgotten.
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tanyourhyde · 3 years
hiya librarian!!! i just finished Roma is Amor spelled backwards and i was wondering if you had any similar fics !! x
OOoooooh you have excellent taste friend. That fic is on MULTIPLE lists, which are linked below along with some related lists. But, if you want even more like it, you check out the rest of @aryastark-valarmorghulis's entire AO3 collection.
Roma is Amor spelled backwards by @aryastark-valarmorghulis
When a handsome Englishman steals Remus’ table at his favourite restaurant, the last thing he expects is for him to brighten up his lonely, monotonous existence.
Featured on:
The Librarian’s 12 Favorite Fics
Mental Health
Italian Wolfstar
Related Lists:
Cafes + Artists
Other languages
Poetic Wolfstar Fics
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tanyourhyde · 3 years
Sirius Loves Tall Remus and Panics
When Remus comes back from the summer taller, tanner, and totally irresistible, Sirius’ world is turned upside down and starts panicking about falling in love with his best friend. Requested by @simplylupin, @pushpin89, @rogryffindorqueen, @memariey, @icitlali, @wolfstarlovely, and an anon!
Send me more requests here, I’d love to write something for you!
Sirius had survived four years of living with Remus, watching him brush his teeth in the morning and guiding him up the stairs after he fell asleep studying in the library and holding his hand as his body slowly returned to its human form.
And then everything changed the moment fifth year began.
It started with seeing Remus on the train platform at King’s Cross, his skin tanned from laying out in the summer sun, all gangly legs and torso now that he was five inches taller. But things only got worse as the train sped through the English countryside, as Sirius realized he was spending more times staring at Remus and hoping their skin would accidentally brush than he was talking or laughing or breathing.
Halfway to Hogwarts, Remus dug into his bag and pulled out his robe, slipping it over his shoulders and proudly adjusting his Prefect badge on his collar. It wasn’t very big, nor particularly gaudy, but it filled every cavity of Remus’ body with a confidence Sirius had never seen before. Remus’ shoulders were straighter, his nose tipped in the air, his smile undeniable as he nodded to himself.
“How do I look?” He asked Sirius and James, twisting and turning. “Do I look like a Prefect?”
“You look the same,” James teased.
But Sirius couldn’t disagree more. This was a different Remus. New, but not unfamiliar. It was the Remus that Sirius knew was hiding beneath a sheepish exterior for far too long, finally clawing to the surface. “I think you look perfect.”
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
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Chapter Four of Light the Spark is posted!
And fuck Clint’s life, because James strolls out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam like some kinda sex magician, sleep pants slung low on his hips and thin t-shirt sticking to his damp skin as he towels his hair dry.
He has to know what he’s doing, right?  Sauntering past Clint so close that their bare arms brush, smelling all warm and soft, like clean soap and fancy shampoo.
“All yours,” he says casually, and Clint practically flees to the bathroom.
It’s not much better in there, surrounded by the steamy scents.  Clint locks the door and breathes in deep through his nose.  He swipes a patch of the mirror clear.  [pull] [you] [together] [fuckhead] he signs to himself in the mirror, his movements jerky.
It’s all just so intimate.  Shooting in the lane next to someone, watching t.v. with them — it doesn’t hold a candle to knowing that they favor rosemary mint shampoo, let alone preparing to crawl into bed next to them for the night.
What if Clint has a nightmare?  Fuck, what if James does?  James was right, how had Clint not thought ahead to anything beyond the gala?
Clint braces his hands flat on the counter and closes his eyes, groaning as disastrous scenarios start to flash through his head.
“Everything okay in there?” James calls out, and Clint jumps, clunking his head on the mirror.
“Yeah.”  He rubs the sore spot on his forehead, hoping it won’t leave a mark.  “Just fine.”
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
fluff prompt 11, winterhawk!
“Come here often?” Clint asks, leaning on the kitchen counter. Bucky looks up from his breakfast, surprised, and Clint winks at him.
“Barton, I’m literally here every morning,” Bucky points out. Clint sighs and waves a hand at him, then wanders out of the kitchen.
“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” Clint hops up onto the counter next to the oven and wiggles his eyebrows at Bucky.
“Lasagna,” Bucky says absently.
“Yum,” Clint says, “Can you put extra meat in mine?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“I’m not making you a whole other lasagna, Barton,” Bucky says, shaking his head. Clint’s face falls and he hops off the counter and heads out of the kitchen, hands stuffed into his pockets.
“You’re pretty good at that,” Clint says as he watches Bucky knit. “Think you could make me a hat some time?”
“You want a hat, learn how to knit,” Bucky says. Clint blinks at him and throws his hands up into the air.
“How hard does a guy gotta try around here?”
Bucky blinks. “Wait, Are you flirting with me?”
“You finally noticed,” Clint scoffs. “I’ve only been doing it for weeks.” Bucky carefully stops knitting, laying his project to the side.
“Let me get this straight,” he says, leaning forward. “Your style of flirting includes terrible pick-up lines and asking me to do things for you?”
Clint shrugs. “Usually I just flash my biceps and my baby blues and people do the flirting for me. Didn’t seem to work with you, though.”
Bucky sighs. “You’re an idiot, Barton.” He cuts off Clint’s squawk of protest by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him into a kiss. 
Clint sways backward when Bucky releases him, a dumbstruck look on his face. “Wanna go on a date sometime?” He asks.
“Sure,” Bucky agrees. “But I’m still not making you a hat.”
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
Hey, love your mini stories and all about Clint Barton! How about doing where Lucky get jealous because Clint found a lost dog and took him in. A week later the owner of the lost dog shows up in front of Clints door and ask for his dog back. The owner is Bucky :)
“Come on, Lucky,” Clint scolded. “That’s not nice!” 
The dog looked at him with his one eye and was clearly of a different opinion. And then he turned and shoved the smaller dog - a French Bulldog - again with his snout. The Frenchie yelped and hurried to hide behind an armchair. 
“Lucky!” Clint snapped, now angry at his dog. Lucky barked.
The other dog was a stray Clint rescued a few days ago. He was stuck in a fence and bled at the neck and his paws. Clint had brought him to the veterinary and the dog got patched up. He had left a note and he had also called a few other veterinarians, had left notes in animal shelters and pet shops and took the poor pupper home to nurse him back to health. 
Lucky looked at him, betrayal in his one eye and he turned, went to his bed and lay down, his head on his feet. But he still glared at Clint and the other dog. 
“Why are you like this,” Clint huffed. “You don’t have to be jealous, buddy. I still love you and you know that.” 
The dog closed his eye and pretended to sleep. Clint knew that he just faked it because he knew him. He sighed audibly and turned back to the Frenchie, who still sat behind the armchair. 
“Come on, little guy,” he tried to lure him out of his hiding spot. “Hey, little guy, I need to change your bandages.”
The dog looked at him, then over to Lucky who had opened his eye again, then back at him and woofed. Once. Clint sighed again, rose and went to the box with the dog treats. He showed it to the Frenchie and shook it a few times. The dog woofed and licked his lips but then he looked at Lucky and moved back. 
“Oh for the love of…” he just started when he heard a knock at his door. He rose and went to the door. 
“Uh… hi,” a dark haired man said when he opened it. He was a bit shorter than Clint, had long hair and was really cute. “I saw this…” he held a piece of paper in his hand. It was one of the notes he had left in a few pet shops. But he couldn’t finish his sentence. With high-pitched barking the Frenchie ran out of his hiding spot, through Clint’s legs and jumped up at the guy’s legs. 
“Pickles!” the man grinned and hunkered down so the small dog could lick his face. He petted him and the Frenchie yelped in excitement, jumped and licked and was really happy to see the man. 
“Pickles?” Clint blurted and the man scratched the back of his neck with a lopsided grin.
“It’s… a long story,” he said. The dog still continued to jump at him and Clint couldn’t hold back the smile. 
“Well,” he said, “I guess I don’t need to ask if he’s really your dog.” 
The guy picked up the Frenchie and continued to pet him but he rose to look at Clint now. 
“I was out of town for a few days,” he explained. “A friend should take care but he… well, he escaped. What happened to him?” 
“I found him stuck in a fence,” Clint explained. “He bled, so I brought him to a vet.” 
“Oh, Pickles,” the man sighed and caressed the dog even more and the dog licked his face again. “How can I…” he started but Clint just waved his hand. 
“That’s okay,” he said. “As long as I know he’s okay.” 
The man scrutinized him for a long moment, then nodded. 
“Okay, thank you,” he smiled. “But I can invite you for a cup of coffee?” 
Clint started to smile. 
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he said. “And then you can tell me why your dog’s name is Pickles.” 
The man laughed and  managed to look even cuter somehow.
“I’m Bucky, by the way,” the cute guy said and held his hand out for Clint to shake it. He smiled.
“Clint,” Clint said and took his hand. And he smiled, too.
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
Sixteen Months
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25188559 Title: Sixteen Months Collaborator(s): squadrickchestopher Square (letter, number, and prompt): U2, barista Pairing/Main Ship: James “Bucky” Barnes/Clint Barton Rating (Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit): E Warnings/Triggers: graphic descriptions of violence Summary:
There is a reason James doesn’t allow his dates to spend the night.
Word Count: 3658
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
Sometimes, when Bucky is feeling disconnected- like his mind isn't quite his own- he gives himself a little injury or cut, using the pain to ground himself back into his body.
When Clint finds out he understands, but also helps Bucky find other ways to cope.
Luckily, pleasure is pretty grounding too, so a kiss and whispering Bucky's name usually works.
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
— for @giveemcoffeekid​   💜🦾🏹
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The thing about working at the best coffeeshop in Bed-Stuy is that sometimes this will happen:
Bucky’s been working the register on autopilot—or as he likes to call it, full-on fucking zombie mode. He’d barely slept the night before for reasons redacted and then his boyfriend’s super important, super loud alarm jolted him out of sleep half an hour minutes before his own was supposed to go off. Because that’s the thing about dating someone who’s hard of hearing. His alarm sounds like a bomb going off in the dead silence of the night. Well, morning. And then Bucky couldn’t fall back to sleep. He’d opened the shop with bleary eyes, pointedly ignored Natasha’s ribbing about the marks on his throat, had to re-tie his apron four times because his fingers kept fumbling with the fabric, and nearly gave himself third degree burns trying to make himself a decent cup of coffee. So, naturally, Natasha manhandled him until he was parked behind the register, and his higher brain function has been turned off in the four hours since.
But then what happened was:
“Hi, welcome to Brewed Awakening. What can I get for you?”
“How about a kiss?”
Bucky’s neurons start firing again just as he looks up from the register. Standing in front of him is Clint, bruised and bloody and smirking like nothing’s wrong. Bucky sighs deeply, then rounds the counter with a complete lack of professionalism to throw his arms around Clint’s neck. Bucky barely hears the little grunt of pain but of course Clint came back with a broken rib or two.
“Sorry. Are you okay?”
But Clint’s still just… smiling. “Always.”
Even though the shop is all but empty, there’s still a small line as well as mobile orders coming through, so Bucky shoos Clint over to a booth with the promise of a steaming hot cup of coffee. And by the time the small rush has finally been cleared, he steals a glance across the shop to see Clint pouting at his phone. Bucky takes a moment to just watch him as he types furiously, then catalogs the cuts and bruises on his face and arms. It hurts his heart to see Clint all banged up like this, but he knew what he was getting into when he started dating an Avenger. The job’s a risk, but Clint’s a fucking superhero and Bucky is so proud of him. Besides, Clint is clumsy anyway when he’s not firing arrows at aliens a or whatever else, so Bucky is fairly sure that he’d be dealing with bi-monthly hospital visits regardless of Clint’s profession.
“One black coffee and a chocolate croissant for the gentleman,” Bucky announces as he slides into the booth next to press up against Clint. “Will that be all?”
Clint looks up from his phone, the grin back on his face and God, Bucky will never get tired of seeing it. More than that, he’ll never fully be able to wrap his head around Clint looking so happy to see him. It’s as intoxicating as it is unbelievable.
Clint hums thoughtfully, graciously accepting the steaming mug and taking a reverent gulp.
“It would appear,” Clint says smugly, “That you forgot the kiss.”
He’s staring at Bucky very seriously, but the corners of his lips are quirking like he’s trying his hardest not to laugh. Bucky stares back, watching as Clint’s mug creeps higher and higher to cover his mouth, until eventually he breaks and cackles unattractively. It’s really cute that he still attempts to beat Bucky’s poker face, the very same poker face that has robbed Tony Stark himself of unspeakable amounts of money.
“Uh-huh. That’s what I thought.”
But he kisses Clint anyway, chaste and sweet but long enough that someone gags loudly from across the coffee shop. Bucky turns around, ready to get into a verbal confrontation with a homophobe, but all he sees is Natasha, behind the counter and drying a mug, smirking like she knows exactly what Bucky is thinking. Maybe she does, he’s still not entirely sure that Natasha isn’t a mind reader. He sticks his tongue out at her and turns back to Clint.
“You’re adorable,” Clint says. “You were gonna defend us.”
Bucky knows from experience that there’s only one way to shut Clint up; so he kisses him some more, croissant forgotten, his coffee going cold.
It’s fine, Bucky can just make him some more, and Clint gets it free. He’s an Avenger, after all.
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
never have I ever (been in love)
Never have I ever is one of Sirius favourite games. Not because it’s particularly fun, but because it’s the game they always inevitably end up playing. He associates it with friends and warmth and Remus now, so it’s one of his favourites.
Although he would be lying if he said he didn’t like the scandals that came out. Take this time, for example, when Peter said: “Never have I ever… been kissed” and everybody took a shot except James.
“What?” James exclaimed when everyone turned to look at him, “I’m saving these soft supple lips for Lily!¨
Lily didn’t even scoff at that, or flip him the bird, but- was she blushing??
Sirius buries his head in his hands. He’s happy for James, he really is, but he doesn’t need to see this.
"Whose turn is it now, anyway?” Alice asks.
“Dorcas”, Marlene says, sparing a glance at the girl in question, a blush painting her cheeks while she watched Dorcas throw her head back in laughter. Marlene doesn’t blush easily, she must be more drunk more than Sirius had thought.
Dorcas glances up after hearing Marlene’s voice. Her eyes do not stray, but are suddenly filled with determination. Dorcas downs a shot before even saying anything, and her eyes still haven’t left Marlene’s when she says: “Never have I ever…” a pause. Dorcas breathes in “…been straight.”
The world erupts in chaos, Sirius thinks. He’s actually not sure, but too much of his world has suddenly turned on its head so it seems the most logical outcome. For some reason, he looks at Remus. Then he looks at his drink. Then he looks at Remus again.
He does not drink.
Neither does Remus.
Maybe others too, but really, how can anyone expect him to focus on anything else? Remus does not drink. At first, that fact fills him purely with warm and fuzzy emotions.
Then his heart starts beating again and all the feelings he’s managed to keep under wraps for years rear their ugly head. (And yes, maybe he hadn’t even kept them away that well before if the sight of Remus not drinking gave him all those soft feelings, but that was neither here nor there)
Thing is, Sirius wasn’t always the best with emotions, but he thought that he had handled these pretty well! Once he had figured out that he had, in fact, a crush on Remus, he had put all those bothersome feelings away! Sure, he still liked to get as close to Remus as possible on every available opportunity, and maybe he sometimes jokingly flirted a bit, but he did that with James too! (Although it felt more real with Remus. Not any more reciprocated though.)
Okay so maybe he had never really managed to lose those feelings, sue him. In his defense, it certainly felt like the feelings had been away for a while and as if they had grown a lot while they were on vacation too, with how suddenly he was flooded with emotions.
Can you blame him though? No, you can’t, because Remus looks absolutely gorgeous in these low lights, his hands in his lap, holding the drink and still not bringing it to his mouth, his eyes a wonderful mix of green and brown. 
Only after a few fast hartbeats (the fuzzy feelings were still there, his heart wasn’t slowing down anytime soon) did Sirius realize that Remus was looking at him, too. It made sense, because Sirius wasn’t out yet to the others. 
James probably knew, but Sirius only thought that because of the time where he had been talking with this boy over the summer, and where James just kept making the most atrocious excuses to leave them alone (not to mention the winking. Oh god, the winking) 
At this point, Sirius and Remus have been looking at each other for a while now. It’s hard to decide whether that’s a good or a bad thing. On one hand, Remus might think he’s creepy, and the others might start to notice something and Remus will hate him and the world will implode. On the other hand, he gets to look at Remus’ eyes.
The game continues, because of course it does, Sirius learned a long time ago that just because it feels like time has stopped, doesn’t mean that that is the case, and it’s Marlene’s turn, apparently.
Marlene clears her throat, swallows, says: “Never have I ever been in love with a friend.”
Dorcas gasps, and does not drink. Remus holds Sirius’ gaze, and does not drink. Sirius is too busy getting lost in the ring of forest green brown around Remus’ pupil to even consider drinking.
There are implications, here. There are life-changing revelations. But Sirius simply looks at the place where the brown in Remus’ eyes meets the green, and decides he would like to see it up close.
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
“The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
Remus was reading.
He was just sitting on his bed, reading his book that he really wanted to finish before tomorrow. He only needed 50 more pages.
His brain was working slow and he wasn’t concentrated on the book.
His mind was drifting off to everything but the book.
Remus didn’t look up. He heard Sirius talk but he had to finish this damn book.
Remus let out a frustrated growl.
“Remus come onnnnn.”
Remus didn’t look up from his book.
“What do you want Sirius?”
“Give me attention, I’m boooored.”
Remus let out a sigh, returning to his book.
“But Moony I want attention.”
Remus looked up from his book. Looking annoyed at Sirius.
“Well the world doesn’t revolve around you.”
Remus looked back at his book without giving Sirius anymore attention.
For the next ten minutes Remus could calmly read his book. Sirius seemed to be doing something.
Untill Remus heard a soft voice nothing like the boy his usual voice.
“Did you mean that?”
Remus looked up. His brows furrowed together.
“Mean what?”
Remus looked at Sirius. Sirius was a bit pale and he stared at the floor. Remus closed his book. Laying it next to his bed at the desk. When Sirius didn’t seemed to finish, Remus shoved a little untill he was at one side of his bed.
“Come here.”
He said softly. Sirius looked up. Eyes big and looking at Remus in disbelieve.
“I don’t want to bother you Rem.”
Remus laughed softly.
“Just come here.”
Sirius slowly walked over. Standing at the bed at the other side were Remus was sitting. Was he blushing?
Remus placed out his hand so Sirius could take it.
Sirius took it.
Softly pulled Remus Sirius closer, untill Sirius was sitting next to him on Remus’ bed. They both looked at their fingers.
Their hands softly linked.
“Of course I didn’t mean that. I just had to finish my book. That’s all.”
Remus said, as he softly placed his head on top of Sirius’, which had fallen on Remus’ shoulder after Sirius has gotten comfortable.
Sirius nodded.
“Okay. But tell me when I’m annoying you okay. I don’t want that to happen.”
Remus chuckled.
“First of all, you could never annoy me Sirius. Second of all when did you turn so soft?”
Remus looked at Sirius. Sirius looked up.
“For you.”
Sirius mumbled. Remus felt a blush creeping up from his neck. He looked Sirius in his beautiful eyes.
Remus asked as he came closer.
“Cause I like you.”
Sirius whispered.
Remus closed the gap between them. His hand came up to Sirius’ neck. Their lips moved in perfect sync.
Sirius broke the kiss. Smiling too hard. Remus chuckled at the sight of Sirius like this.
The boy was always so perfect and always had to be so charming and pretty for the world. Remus knew Sirius didn’t want to be like that. In this moment he could see it. He saw Sirius looking at him. A genuine smile on his face. His cheeks flushed red. His eyes happy.
Remus smiled at him. His hand softly going over his cheek as Sirius leaned in the touch.
“I like you too.”
Remus whispered. They smiled at each other before laughing softly.
That night they fell asleep together. Cuddling close. Maybe the world did revolve around Sirius, after all.
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
“It’s actually happening,” whispered Remus, as he fiddled with his pearl cufflinks- the ones his mother’d bought.
Carefully set curls, ones that Lily and Mary had spent hours and effort on, swept just over his eyes, gracefully curling at the end. Remus thought it was starkly different from the messy stack of hay his hair usually looked like.
“I know,” whispered Lily in an equally wavering voice. “It really is.”
Remus still couldn’t accept that it was actually happening. He was getting married to Sirius. Sirius loved him enough to say yes.
“He- we’re actually- it’s happening,” he stuttered out in pure bafflement and joy.
“It is, and I’m so happy for you,” said Lily quietly, her voice breaking.
“I just- I can’t believe it’s real, y’know?
The memory of his tearful “yes,” was still ingrained in his head, the memory residing for years. He could’ve filled the world with patronuses, and couldn’t help happy tears pricking at his eyes as he looked out the window.
“It’s real, Remus. You deserve this.”
She sat nearer, touching his arm, which was hugged loosely by an expensive suit- probably more expensive than his groceries for a year.
“He really loves you, doesn’t he?”
At Lily’s soft words, his heart was beating rapidly against his chest, adrenaline pulsing through his veins.
But a dizzy, exhilarating feeling pulled him up, filling him with rioting joy.
“I love him too.”
“It’s actually happening,” whispered James to himself. He spared a glance at Sirius, who was nervously tapping his leg on the wooden floor below.
The wooden planks of the dressing room reflected bright, hazy light. Sirius swallowed tightly, trying to keep in whatever was threatening to burst out.
“I can’t believe it. He loves me.”
“He more than loves you, I’ve seen it, mate.”
“But what if he doesn’t? What if I don’t deserve this?”
“Pads,” said James, voice breaking. “You’ve helped him every moon, you’ve stuck with him while he mourned his mother, you’ve fought everyone who bullied him. You’ve been through hell with him, and stayed by his side. Trust me, you deserve this.”
“I know, but he’s… him! And I’m just me.”
“Yeah, and that’s really all he’s wanted for years.”
 “I’ve wanted it since fifth year, Prongs. I knew, that day he came over to your house. Fuck, I just- it’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
The day he laid bleeding in the Potters’ guest room, bruised, dark magic pulsing through his veins, and curses scarring and scratching through his skin. The second Remus had cradled his face in his palms was the moment Sirius knew he was in love deeply.
Sirius turned his eyes up, teary eyed, facing James who also looked on the brink of tears.
“You have it bad,” James tried to chuckle, but it came out watery.
“I have it bad,” repeated Sirius, wiping tears from his eyes. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“It’s actually happening,” whispered Harry, as he sat up hastily from his bench. At the grand age of four years, he was already picking up on the kisses and fond eye contact between Moony and Padfoot.
“I know it is,” whispered Marlene equally as excited. “About time, don’t you think?”
As Padfoot walked down the aisle, Harry couldn’t help squealing excitedly. Sirius gave him a small wave. 
His grin was wider than Harry had ever seen before, and he pushed up his glasses to ‘whoop’ loudly.
Marlene picked him up, groaning heavily about how heavy he was. 
“I love them so much! Can I go up and hug Moony?”
“I love them so much too,” said Marlene, her voice thick. She added, with a smirk “You can go hug them after they’re done hugging each other.”
Harry hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back, as tears formed in her eyes. Both of them let their screams of joy and loud claps blend in with the crowd.
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
Werewolf in London!
Um, so, I made a rec list with a special focus on Remus’s lycanthropy! 
Remus has always been one of my favourite characters, and I think it’s largely because there’s always this sense of struggle about him, like he is almost splitting from the seam. He is a halfblood, half-human, an old man trapped in a boy’s body. Neither the wizarding society nor the werewolf community welcomes him with opening arms, and I surmise he also has difficulties getting along with “normal” boys when he was young. I want to explore the duality of man and beast, and I want to know the making of Remus Lupin. Since I’m not exactly satisfied with JKR’s explanation that it’s a metaphor to HIV, I’m curious as to what our talented fanfic writers could come up with. These are the fics that I find most thought-provoking, which means that they either directly examine his werewolf identity or contextualise that in a broader social/philosophical context.
Concerning the 25th, by Psychomanteum (SilentP)
Summary: The full moon rises at seven in the evening on December 24th, 1996. This is, coincidentally, the first full moon that Sirius knows Remus Lupin is a werewolf. Not coincidentally, December 25th is the first day Sirius will spend three hours waiting outside a Ministry building.
(It hasn’t been long since I read it and I still think about it from time to time. How do you react as a family member of werewolves under systematic discrimination? Read this story to find out the answer.)
Remain in light by @veeagainsttheday​
Summary: What if Sirius Black didn’t die? It’s been done many times. Here’s my take on it.
(My all-time-favourite finally finds its happy ending recently. Long long long canon divergence. Remus’s active engagement in continuously advancing werewolf rights is truly inspiring, especially if you think about today’s world, where racism, misogyny, and all kinds of phobia against marginalised groups run deep and rampant. One thing I love most about Vee’s story is the way they effortlessly expand the magical world; the other is how clever the references to the real world are.) 
Consider the Lotus by busaikko
Summary: Part the First: A Prank Gone Wrong (wherein there are insults and curses). Part the Second: Where Werewolves Go (wherein it is not pleasant for Our Heroes). Part the Third: Charming Gentlemen (wherein Our Heroes don’t get their just dessert because of an owl on it, but sweet nonetheless).
(I don’t think I need to introduce busaikko to you guys, right? Their talent and cleverness are incomparable. All three parts of this story is beautiful, but the second part is so tender that I had to hold my breath for fear of disturbing the words. Sirius accompanying Remus to the Werewolf Registration Office and casually professing his one-sided love… I have no words) 
Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede livero pulsanda tellus, by @aryastark-valarmorghulis
Summary: 'He wondered, darkly, how much all those Greengrasses, Flints, Shafiqs and Rowles would scream in outrage if they could see him, a half-blood werewolf, daring to wander near their pompous tombs. “Moony! This one!” Only Sirius, Merlin help him, could sound excited to desecrate the grave of one of his ancestors.’
(Hot Graveyard Sex, do I need to say more. In my opinion this story is so underrated. Very intelligent conversation between a Sphinx and our favourite werewolf, and it never fails to amaze me how quickly Remus’s fellow magical creatures can smell him out. Human beings, by contrast, are utterly useless.)
Harvest by @enjambament
Summary: “God, your mouth,” Sirius whispered. “All the better to eat you with, my dear,” Remus said. His smirk was vicious enough to strip paint.“Holy shit,” Peter squeaked. “Is he joking?”(aka a story in which Remus goes off the wall because of the harvest moon)
(Werewolf biology! Here we go! lol. But really, what stood out to me in this masterpiece is their little heart-to-heart after the mind-blowing sex. Sirius said, and I quote, “I don’t want to be with you because of how you are or despite how you are, you just are and I want all of it. I can’t… I can’t think of how else to say it. I can’t think of how else.”)
Voilà c’est la fin de cette petite liste! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and do send similar fic rec my way if you have any!
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
The Johnlock ficlet I started last week turned a bit sexier then I had planned. Just wrote the last 1964 words of it and I thought I’d share page one with you here. 
What do you think? Should I post this piece this weekend? What do you prefer, Friday or Saturday or Sunday? 
“Need some attention, Love?” John grinned when Sherlock wrapped his arms around John’s chest, pressing against John’s back. John leaned into Sherlock’s body, placing his hands above Sherlock’s hands, letting out a content hum. 
“You’ve been at work all day, John.” Sherlock said against his head and John’s grin grew wider. 
“I only worked from 8 to noon today, Sherlock. That’s hardly all day.” 
“It was too long.” Sherlock commented, placing a kiss on John’s cheek and John turned around, smiling up at Sherlock as he wrapped him into a hug. 
“I’ve missed you too.” John whispered, swallowing when Sherlock’s eyes started to sparkle, the beginning of a smile on his lips. “Work was rather boring today, even if it was only 4 hours.” 
“You should have stayed home. With me.” Sherlock stated and John laughed, shaking his head when Sherlock frowned. 
“You do know we are not living here for free right? London is still expensive, even with two paychecks.” John said, cupping Sherlock’s cheek and raising up to steal a kiss. 
“I could ask my brother for more money,” Sherlock mumbled when John pulled back, seeing the wrinkle near his nose that made John’s knees go weak. John didn’t answer, instead, he grabbed Sherlock’s head and pulled him down for a deeper kiss, his heart leaping when he heard Sherlock moan. 
“I have missed you, John.” 
The sincerity in Sherlock’s words turned John’s heart into mush and he needed a second or two to answer, swallowing away the lump in his throat. Why had they been so stupid? Why had they waited so long? He could have had this, all of it, for years and years if he’d just been a tad braver. 
“Oh, John.” Sherlock interrupted his thoughts, his expression soft and vulnerable and John closed his eyes when Sherlock wipe away a beginning tear. “We have each other now, that’s the most important.” 
“Yeah, I just wish-” John stopped, taking a deep breath and letting it out. He looked into Sherlock’s eyes, brushing away a stray curl. Sherlock was right, of course. There was no need to dwell in the past and recount every mistake he’d made.
@chained-to-the-mirror @lavenderandvanilla @loveinthemindpalace @27dragons @tisfan @beltainefaerie @merindab @honeylove1234
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tanyourhyde · 4 years
if that's something you vibe with for a prompt, how about some good ol domestic wolfstar meeting their new baby for the very first time and having Feelings
oh yes i vibe very well with this especially for someone who hates kids 
possibe tw; (non descriptive) childbirth, and a little talk of pregnancy
“What if I’m not ready?”
Sirius was pacing around the waiting room, with enough adrenaline running through his veins to power a quidditch team. His fingers had run through his hair one too many times, and his lip was almost raw from biting.
“Bit too late to say that, don’t you think?”
Marlene was in the other ward next to them. They could’ve exploded with joy when, nine months ago, Marlene had offered to be their surrogate, though after the third trimester started, she wished she could take back the offer.
“I know! I- we shouldn’t have done this, Moony, it was a bad idea,��� said Sirius, panic rising in his voice.
“Calm down, Pads,” hummed Remus, standing up to hold Sirius. “Why d’you think you are’t ready?”
“I just-” Sirius paused. Remus could feel his heavy breaths against his lips. “What if I’m not good enough?”
“What d’you mean?” Remus’s voice was thick. “You’ve cared for me so amazingly every full moon, and have you seen the way you stand up for me when people comment on my shit? Not to mention the way you stand up for Peter, help James with quidditch, how you helped him with Lily, and been there for him as his brother. You’re more than good enough for the both of us.”
“I know- but that’s just once a month,” said Sirius, struggling to get the words out. “This is a lifetime thing.”
“It won’t be as heavy as you think it will. Or, we will get as much action as we did before- if that’s what you’re worrying about.”
Sirius gave a light, almost nervous chuckle. “Trust me Moons, this kid’ll have to get used to our hopelessness at silencing charms.”
“Oh no,” deadpanned Remus. “Heavens forgive that he grows up listening to us at it all the bloody time.”
“He should be proud of us!”
“He’ll run away,” said Remus, immediately wishing he could bite back the words as Sirius’s face fell, and his eyes glassed over. “I’m sorry, that- I didn’t think.”
“It’s okay,” he muttered, more to himself. “But that’s just the thing. What if I turn out like them?”
Remus’s heart might’ve broken right along with Sirius’s voice on the word ‘them’. He cupped Sirius’s downcast face in his palms, and stared into his eyes, which would never get old. They held an endless universe, strife-ridden by fear.
“Listen to me, Pads. You’ll never be like them. You’re so much more than those worthless, idiotic bastards who abused you. You’re kind, you’re funny, you’re caring, you aren’t bigoted, you’re passionate about all the right things. And you’re you.”
A tear fell down his cheek, one that Remus wiped away with his thumb. Sirius held onto Remus’s hand, and kissed him heavily, deepening it as the pain left him.
“Have I mentioned I love you?” He muttered, breaths tickling Remus’s nose.
“I love you t-”
A piercing scream echoed in the halls of the hospital. Remus’s eyes lit up in panic, as they rushed over to Marlene’s ward. 
She was struggling, sweat dripping down her forehead, piercing long nails into Dorcas’s palm. Lily looked exceptionally worried, biting her lip on the other side of Marlene and holding her other hand.
James was looking over worriedly from far away, against the wall, almost like she would explode or destroy the building in some way or the other.
“It’s times like these that I’m grateful for lack of uterus.”
“Shut it,” snapped Remus fondly.
Somehow, Sirius’s hair turned bright green in the blink of an eye. A very irritated, but slightly amused Lily looked back at him.
“It looks... tiny,” said Sirius, voice full of awe, looking at the just delivered baby in the healer’s arms.
“It’s a baby, Sirius, what did you expect?” Remus sounded amused, but there was no denying the same amount of excitement bubbling in his voice too.
“I’ll have to get her cleaned up a little. Congratulations, dear,” said the healer, looking towards an exhausted Marlene who looked like she was about to heave.
“You gay bastards fucking owe me!” She almost shouted, panting heavily without the energy to make her voice loud.
“This- this is really it,” muttered Remus.
“It is.”
“It is.”
“Fuck, Moony, we’re going to be fathers!”
“Oh fuck,” muttered Remus, trailing a hand through his sweaty curls.
“Just sunk in?”
“Yeah. Pads, we’re going to have a kid! A baby!”
“We’ve technically already had the sprog.”
“It just- barely yesterday we were still at Hogwarts, getting drunk and shit. We were teenagers, still kids. Now, we’re adults. We’ve settled. Merlin, we’re starting a family, with children who’re going to attend Hogwarts too. Probably get up to mischief like we did. It’s just- look how far we’ve come.” 
Remus’s voice was full of emotion. Sirius swallowed, and it took everything her had in him to keep tears from falling. James was already sniffing, and Lily was wiping a small tear from her eye.
Sirius wrapped his arms tightly against Remus, burying his head in the crook of his neck, and staying there. Remus pulled Sirius tighter.
“Here she is,” said the healer, holding out the child.
The baby was so much smaller than both of them could imagine. Sirius held her carefully, and let out a sob, wiping away tears as they fell on the newborn.
Small, curly black hair adorned her delicate head, and small, pale red lips were shiny and minuscule, as Sirius trailed his finger over them. He tapped a finger on the small, round nose. Words couldn’t describe the joy that rushed into Sirius as it dawned on him.
This baby was a part of their family.
He almost forgot Remus, who was stroking through her thin hair.
“Here, Moons, hold her,” he whispered in a wavering voice.
“I- she’s so delicate. I’m scared to hold her. Especially- with what I am.”
“Nonsense. You’re the most gentle, loving person I’ve met. And the best father,” he added with a small smile.
“I love you, Pads,” whispered Remus with a small kiss, before taking her in his hands.
His heart lifted and fluttered at the feeling that this small baby in his hands was family. Never, in all of his years at Hogwarts or before, had he dreamed of having a family. It was more than a dream come true, like a fantasy he didn’t dare linger on was right here.
Sobs softly wracked his body, and he gave the baby a small kiss on the forehead as Sirius hugged the two of them too.
“We’re a family now, aren’t we?”
Sirius kissed him on the cheek, and wiped away a tear from his cheek.
“We’re a family now.”
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