tapizar-blog · 12 years
Al instante egresar, realicé proyectos variados por encargo. Al pasar los años inauguré mi propia empresa, del rubro de la arquitectura industrial. Llevo varios años perfeccionándome en la edificación residencial, donde no cuenta demasiado introducir nuevas tecnologías y son cada vez más útiles. Llevo dedicándome hace años y tengo muchos proyectos aplicados en arquitectura inteligente, domótica e integración de tecnologías en la construcción. Cuento con gran parte de mi profesión aprendiendo del día a día y en perfeccionarme en la proyección y planificación. He realizado mi profesión durante los años especializándome en resistencia de materiales, hago pruebas y testeos para productos que ingresan al mercado.. Algunos sitios tengo donde tengo mi trabajo para mostrar, el link de uno de ellos es , a veces no encontrarás lo que buscas, contiene algunos trabajos que he desarrollado en la U. Me aburrí de colocar trabajos a la web, pero si necesitas algunas fuentas de lo que hacía en la universidad, visita . Poco tiempo ha pasado desde que me instalaron un espacio en el portal de mi empresa, lo puedes revisar pinchando link . Chequea aquí tengo todos mis trabajos, cuando estuve en la universidad. La próxima semana mostraré más bosquejos. Tengo todo en un portafolios digital, pero no lo he listo para mirarlo on line. La semana próxima si te parece lo consultas en . Uno que consolide la armonía y equilibrio, y de modo central más precisamente en unos pocos en los cuales está marcada los dilemas presentes entre lo tecnológico y lo humano. Me llama la atención el que se concentre más que por cualquier detalle en el ser humano, el que viene a ser como el que habita los lugares ideados y vivirá ahí. Lo cúlmine que veo en el diseño arquitectónico es obtener que aquellos con menos recursos tengan todas las innovaciones y avances en la arquitectura. La creatividad es por lejos la herramienta fundamental en todo diseño, desde los básicos a los más onerosos. Aun así, ese punto es fundamental cruzarla con el presupuesto, que jamás sobra. Como disciplina el diseño arquitectónio tiene como fin tener incidencia en el ser humano, quien habitará en los espacios y se sentirá cómodo en ellos. Pese a que aún usándose, la arquitectura orgánica es mi favorita. Te cito aquella que más me desagrada, en ningún momento me ha gustado la corriente del neoclásico, exageradamente pomposa, hasta cierto punto, decadente. Aclaro que no estoy en contra de los usos actuales como se usa en la academia, igual prefiero como periodo el barroco. Destaco que siempre me ha gustado la corriente de búsqueda de las raíces, gigantesca, hasta cierto punto, decadente. Rehúyo de lo exagerado, y trato por eso usarlo en la arquitectura. Tomando en cuenta gran parte de los que conozco de América latina, está el Costanera, en Chile. Me parece de mal gusto. El Zizkov TV Tower, y el mal gusto inmenso que significa instalar representaciones de bebés gigantes . El Ryugyong Hotel, intento de edificación vanguardista de la autocracia de Corea del Norte y que dejó de construirse en los 0. Aplaudo todos aquellos en las que se haga presente la pericia artística en el profesional. Me inclino por la gran mayoría de los de esta ciudad, de los que he analizado ninguno me parece, a lo menos, agradable. Ninguno en especial, estoy sin tomar en cuenta el tema programático, sigo siendo de la costumbre del lápiz y papel. Hay mucho software dando vueltas, todos muy útiles, pero sin este dejo de trabajar. Me encanta laborar mis manos y sin tecnología de por medio Lideró la escuela y la desarrolló sin importar qué, admiro a Ludwig Mies va der Rohe. Gaudí, porque fue un visionario que ocupó a todos los espacios con la naturaleza como concepto He investigado mucho a Philip Johnson y la gracia de vivir en una casa transparente. A Steven Holl, por su invaluable aportación al considerar la percepción del espacio. No siento predilección por ninguno pensándolo bien, se me hace difícil recordar nombre. De aquellos que he usado destaco el , por su comodidad. Una gran cantidad de los materiales sustentables que son comercializados en este momento, en adición a . El conjunto de materiales para construir de manera sustentables que van a la par con la moda de la responsabilidad con el planeta. Y complementando Por mejorar su uso en sectores donde no se encontraba forma de utilizarlo, el vidrio estructural. No debo dejar de mencionar a las , de gran calidad. Algunas aplicaciones del hormigón a la vista, que utilizado con diversos estilos constructivos, logra una terminación insuperable. Además, está el . Diminuta, funcional, con diversas habitaciones amplias y un gran comedor que llame a la convivencia familiar. Amplia y con acogedoras habitaciones para todos los miembros de la familia, todas espaciosas y que ocupen iluminación con luz del sol, como en las casas ecológicas. La casa no es de mi preferencia, en una ciudad prefiero un departamento. Me agradan más por los departamentos, y siendo sincero, me establecería en un último piso. Claramente sería de madera, prefiero ese material descontando cualquier solución más resistente. 0 Viviendas sociales, algo que siempre me ha agradado y donde tengo la posibilidad de hacer muchas ideas para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas Ahora estoy comprometido con un proyecto de instalación corporativo, siempre quise construir uno, por eso estoy tan contento. Quiero realizar algo donde goce mucha libertad creativa para desarrollarel proyecto. Me gustaría armar un edificio de viviendas sociales sustentables, en los cuales se beneficie al medio ambiente y al presupuesto de los habitantes de las casas y departamentos. Un edificio inmobiliario que agregue todos los adelantos tecnológicos que presenta la construcción sustentable. No gasto tiempo en la internet, sólo trabajo en el computador, por eso no leo ningún portal. Miro mucho esta pagina, me deja satisfecho. Gran cantidad de webs, muchas veces estoy horas mirando la internet averiguando cosas nuevas sobre la arquitectura. En este minuto no recuerdo ninguno. Ninguno en particular, no entro a internet, me urge el tiempo. Visito pocos, y no tengo de nada.
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tapizar-blog · 14 years
Increase Sales with Travel Incentives
 Internet Pre trip: I traveled for over 40 years - by thumb in my early days in boots in the Scouts, a Lambretta came next, then my first old car followed by new old bangers to the beaches of the Costa Brava . My thumb, boots, bikes and bangers took me all over Europe and the United Kingdom before concluding that a charter flight to Spain on an old 'Connie' could go on the beaches and bars much faster and allow more time to enjoy the local travel opportunities in a carriage and the occasional bus and train. "Go West and Prosper" seemed like a good idea so that instead of taking an 8 hour flight, I took a transatlantic crossing eight days of Tilbury to Montreal on the Stephan Batory Polish Ocean Lines to ensure that jet lag did not disrupt my travel plans. A few years later, I crossed the pond again on a ship, but this time it was 5 times bigger and I went in style on the QE2 and dined in Queen's Grill enough away from my previous experience. I strongly recommend travel on the ocean but can not see me on one of the modern cruise ships going from port to port constant queues up and down to buy t-shirts. However, I made 10 Windjammers and Star Clipper cruise in the Caribbean have all been memorable (hopefully Windjammer Barefoot Cruises recover from their problems). But I digress. I read that Canada is a spectacular country, from sea to shining sea, and my entrance into the St. Lawrence to Montreal, then west in a van Econoline old the Great Lakes, across the Prairies to the Rockies before finishing whale watching off the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island has been a journey of wonder for a guy from London. Today, the scenery is always spectacular and the best way to go by road is still so renting or buying a car, RV or motorcycle, take the train or bus tour, but do not forget maps, a fly rod, good shoes and take your time. My favorite part of the Canada / US travel for adventure to be northern BC and Alaska, hiking the Chilkoot Trail in the steps of gold seekers in 1898. The Northwest Territories canoe on the Nahanni River and the Yukon to drive from Dawson City to Chicken, Alaska. If you love the outdoors and can put up with some bugs, cast a fly and scale a few hills or drive on dirt roads endless sharing space with moose, caribou, elk, bears and eagles, then these are the places to put on your list. The pleasures and experiences in the conduct of Inuvik on the Dempster Highway and the Prudhoe Bay on the Dalton Highway, or even the Canol Road can be felt by them. I said the Alaska Highway, but now it is easily accessible by car as opposed to above. Today, the cost of driving such distances can say that sharing the journey with others is necessary, but simply vanning or RV and camping is an excellent way to see beyond the horizon. Some adventures in road must now be reserved in advance so that when I traveled the Chilkoot Pass and Denali was just a matter of turning up, registration with the local ranger office and out position. A little more planning is needed for today's traveler and cost considerations for long flights or drives were somehow be countered by more careful planning. In the days of gasoline prices reasonable, I would not even consider the costs of driving or flying and drove to Key West from the northwest coast, the west coast of Baja and the west coast of New York . Once, I even stole my taildragger 1946 of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic and back with about 5 gallons per hour of aviation fuel. Before the oil crisis and the credit I drove from Rio de Janeiro to Lima, down to Tierra del Fuego and back to Rio covering over 15,000 miles of spectacular scenery and without taking into account the cost of gas. South America should be on your itinerary too! Some other memorable players who may now need a mortgage with the gas companies including London and the canyon of Nordkapp, Norway, New Zealand skippers and solitude of the far north of Australia and the stunning coastline of Western Australia by stopping at Monkey Mia and Wave Rock. We tend to forget that the real cost of travel today is often less than 40 years during my travels. In 1977, my plane ticket round trip between Canada and Australia cost over $ 1,700 in 1977 dollars if today it is much cheaper to fly, even with the airlines gouging for fuel, extra luggage, no service and no fun. Method Big Mac price comparison as developed by The Economist gives a good measure for most expenses today than yesterday, but my cost of $ 1,500 to get a pilot license private in the 1970 looks cheap compared to today, but obviously not when you use this principle Big Mac. Other travel costs are also much less expensive today, but that does not mean that travelers should not consider the many ways to save costs that can then be extended or improved to travel travel experiences Post-Internet: In my 40 years of travel I had to use agents to make travel even easier reservations and buy tickets, not even thinking to ask if they had "been there, done that?" It was simply a If the absence of other options for purchasing travel. Now we have unlimited choices and can find travel agents, better prices, improved information on selections and around the world for our trip - without ever leaving home. The Internet now gives travelers ideas and options for where to go, when to go, why go, what to do, Who delivers and how to save money and offset costs. We can search and find experts to travel each option. If we are comfortable with the Internet, we no longer have to go to a travel agent to make reservations and buy tickets, but to book with some of the most travel brochures that continue to produce paper Glossy and offer all packages and tours that sell only through the agency system. The Internet also allows those of us who are smart enough to know when to consult a travel agent up with knowledge, experience and skills (KEE) of destinations and activities to know where to find them . There is no more need to use our local agents when we can we find another place in the world. When we do not need "knowledge and can do it ourselves we simply surf the Web so we can book directly with tour operators and travel wherever we decided to go. Some travel agents use their own circuits, there are both wholesale and retail trade, certain consumer choices that limit the sale of their "preferred" suppliers and professional consultants have years of experience invested in the acquisition of knowledge, experience and expertise and are worth their weight in gold for the discerning traveler. Beware however, as some experts are also called destination and some of these designations merely require the agent to pass a rudimentary test offered by the offices of tourism, destination marketing groups or tour operators and my opinion, may damage the reputation of the travel industry. A specialist is not necessarily an expert. Travel is probably the most widely used commercial Internet and retail agents if they are to exploit this exciting medium to provide "knowledge" and "kee skills to a global audience, not just their local community, they must adopt the changes that occur. Travelers can now seek answers to the 5 W Travel and important 'how to save money and offset costs by having information at your fingertips. And then it occurred to me that even Internet travel prices often include an element of the commission, even when sold directly to consumers. If we book directly with operators we should not have to pay full retail price as we do for ourselves what a retail agent would normally do for us. A dilemma for the operator to show that both a retail and an option of cost may deter many agents selling services that travelers can use an agent for free advice and book directly with the operator to obtain a "net of commission" price. Obviously, this two-tiered pricing is often not available, but travelers who do not need advice should also not be penalized by the retail price. A new way must be found and I think I've found it! The need for a fairer price tariff is why I developed the Top Travel Bills Top Club travel program and I even found a dot com to it. All selections travel to the site are net prices for the Commission members who handle there own travel arrangements directly with operators bound on the club website using our coupon program. I'm inviting travel operators around the world to participate in this program, B & B, motels, hotels Luxury Lodges, Eco Resorts, Beach Resorts and Adventure Tour Operators wishing to promote their products and services for travelers are comfortable with direct bookings and reservations. I am also invited travel agents with knowledge, experience and expertise of destinations and activities to showcase their skills to a global audience of travelers and members of this club travel news. I am wary of "special agents and want only the experts to present their services. This opportunity is available to the travel trade without cost, except for them to offer prices net, wholesale or outlet for club members and visitors to the website using travel vouchers top. I think this program offers fair fare prices for travelers booking direct. The operator should pay the fees anyway, but now travelers to save money, because they make their own arrangements. Top Travel Club opened in mid-April 2008, offering thousands of travel vouchers up for more than 70 countries with nearly 150 travel operators on board. Each week we add more travel operators with more options for members. Currently you can get discounts on lodging, adventure travel, boats, tours Culinary tours hiking, biking and diving, flags of the automobile and RV rental and fishing guides, safaris , vacation rentals, travel single women and ranches. Members get the good without charge by paying an annual fee and non-members can purchase the bonds on the website Top Travel Sites at greatly reduced prices to face value. The future growth of restaurants, travel clothing, travel insurance and the opportunity to access tickets consolidators who wish to deal directly with consumers. The way I've traveled and how I see travel is that consumers should have unlimited access to all travel opportunities with the ability to do their duty of care or find a professional who can provide advice and quality services at fair prices, and find all this without requiring long hours of research. To learn more about the new way of compensation for travel costs please go to the Top Club travel and apologize for some of the spelling (traveler or the traveler), but this is m has learned. Until we all understand the meaning, long live the difference!
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tapizar-blog · 14 years
HD Radio (Hybrid Digital) Radio vs. Satellite - Cover, Price, and Technology
For many sectors of the radio industry, it must actually work at a radio station or a radio or even online radio, but radio ads, advertising agencies and voice over artists are required to work in a recording studio to produce ads that are broadcast. These radio ads are created for lots of different radio stations and they will be created and disseminated using the marketing manager or head of radio advertising. If you want to promote your company or products, radio is one of the best ways to do that you have a solid base of listeners throughout the day. Unlike TV, people tend to listen to the radio all day and sometimes at night, if you have more people who are likely to hear your radio commercial. When you as a company wants to advertise, you should contact an advertising agency to start recording studios, sound engineers and voice over artists to create the ad. Sometimes the advertising agency will liaise with the marketing manager at the radio station for you, or you can choose to do so. The advertising agency will set up a meeting with the client to discuss the process and ideas they have. Once the idea is finalized, the writer or editor will make the script depending on the location you have, which is usually 30 seconds. It is really difficult to adapt a convincing presentation in 30 seconds, which is the case, if you have handwriting experts, you can get a job as a radio bright. Radio copy is not only limited to commercial radio, but many stores have radios shop, where radio promotions and advertising copy running competitions in high demand. This work style radio will retail at a marketing company that specializes in the radio version. They, along with advertising agencies, will also be responsible for obtaining the voiceovers that are used in the ad. Voice overs are one of the interesting jobs radio that you can get, and if you have a unique voice, distinct, clear, interesting, warm, welcoming and friendly, you can get a job with the voice over artist. You must also complete a voice on the course which will cover all aspects of voice over work you can get, including soft sell, hard sell, narrative, character, radio spots, and more. Voice over artists can easily find a job by joining an acting and voice over agency where you will have a portfolio and potential clients can read your CV and demo to listen to your voice. This is done online in most cases because it is practical and effective. Once you are selected, you will go into the recording studio, and sometimes read cold copy and do things right away. At other times, for more copy or radio commercials that demand greater quality or accents, you get the script sent by email so you can repeat. In the recording studio, radio jobs you can get more in the artist voice and representative of the advertising agency, is the sound engineer will record your voice, change, and add music and sound effects. The sound engineer is also called the sound engineer and sometimes that person will also create sound effects and background music is used. This ensures that there is no infringement of any copyright on the actual music, and it provides products and advertisements on the radio a unique and memorable brand. The sound engineer is also responsible for the registration of a singer or musicians that are necessary for radio jingles that ads some call. This radio is a great job you can do in the comfort of your home. Creation of radio jingles can be done by a professional musician and once a catchy jingle and lyrics were created, the composition will be sent to professional musicians to play and a professional singer to be recorded. As you can see, there are tons of jobs that are related to the broadcasting industry and are necessary for radio production. You do not necessarily work at a radio station or broadcasting company to be involved in the radio. You can also find great paying jobs, high in radio advertising agencies, production companies, marketing agencies, voice over agencies, recording studios, or even at home as a freelancer. Being involved in the production of radio is exciting and very rewarding for many people, and if you want to be the person who helps create the environment of radio shows to take place, namely radio and radio promos, why not get great job in radio today an advertising agency?
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