taqwa2-blog · 9 years
How IYLEP experience made me more meture
her I’m .. writing my story .. I’m Taqwa 16 years old girl who were wasting her time about non important stuff such as Korean stuff and sitting all day on the net or TV After getting accepted in IYLEP which was easy and hard to get accepted in it Easy cuz i know how to talk in english and I’m out going out person Hard about writing essays and stuff like that But after i came back from IYLEP and had the chance to meet amazing people from Iraq or America was one of the reasons that made me more meture Alots of friends, staff and people helped me through this Alots of friends and I’m really thankful Now I think more about developing my community and my school and of course my self .. i did some voluntary work at my school like cleaning and helping change the educational system which I’m soo proud of .. So thank you every one And thank you World Learning And big thanks for my group and IYLEP G2 @iylep
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