taraqxinn · 6 years
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Bryce was relieved. He had hoped that his position was solid, but this just confirms it. And he knew that people weren’t thrill that an outsider was taking over Boys Club, but honestly, it wasn’t his problem. You’re right. I didn’t take this job to make friends and be popular with the staff. And as long as my contract is still intact, I can sleep better at night.” Bryce inwardly laughed at what she said. “I can imagine as a lawyer, you’re probably used to people not really caring for you or the way you do things. But you have a job to do like everyone else. How long have you been working for Weston Publishing?”
“People can pretend all they want that it’s about being friends and whatever other rubbish –– but everyone working here is out for themselves. And that’s okay. It’s how you survive in such a fast-paced business.” She shrugged her shoulders gently. “I am, and that’s not a problem for me. The only people I need to the approval of anyway are the people employing me. I’ve been at Weston for seven years now –– if I can last THIS long, I have no doubt you’ll be fine.” A smile of encouragement. 
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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taraqxinn · 6 years
text mssg.
Diana: I don’t know whether I need a cup of coffee more, or some tequila.
Diana: Is it against company rules to drink at your desk, even if its not during company hours?
Tara: Not sure, but I'm happy to crack something open with you and risk us both getting fired.
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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I’m a very ambitious girl. I’ll go wherever there is a good part.                           - Katie McGrath
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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taraqxinn · 6 years
I’m smart.
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taraqxinn · 6 years
You have to continue to work even when you’re not being praised. You have to dig deep and go the extra mile because breakthroughs don’t happen when you do the bare minimum. It has to come from you and be for you. It all comes down to you.
a reminder to myself when I get frustrated and defeated (via amandagenine)
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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taraqxinn · 6 years
Bryce stepped into the office with his hands in his pocket. He didn’t know who else to voice his concerns with without seeming cold-hearted or insincere. He felt bad about Richard’s death, but seeing as he has known him for less than a week, it didn’t impact him much. “So Richard hired me about a week ago, and I signed the contract and everything, but I know some around here might not be too thrilled with my hiring.” He paused a bit before getting to the next part. “I wanted to know if the contract is still legal and binding no matter who the next CEO is?”
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AH, of course. Could she blame Bryce for being concerned about his fate at the company? No –– after all, she was still devastated and concerned about her own future considering she had no clue if the promotion she’d been so close to was even a part of it anymore. “Though there will be a lot of change and a lot of confusion with finding an interim CEO and what comes after that, all employee contracts are binding and tied to this place of work. Which means that no matter who is in charge, you are legally tied to not to a person, but to this company in your contract.” Her lips curled into a slight smirk after that. “Even if there are people who are –– unhappy with your hiring, unless they have proof you’ve violated your contract in any way, there is simply no way they can sack you. Trust me, I’ve rubbed PLENTY of people the wrong way during my time here, so if they could simply fire me for being disliked, I’d have been gone years ago.”
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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       as much as jocelyn tried to press on like normal, nothing was ever going to be the same again. the past few weeks and been strange and she would never get closure with any of the issues that had begun to crop up. the woman had thought that he had LOVED her. as rumors circulated, she started to doubt it, especially with the talk of her replacement. jocelyn knew that he wasn’t the most loyal of people, she had been his mistress and the reason that his family had broken up in the first place; she would have been able to move past that, thinking she was different but the opportunity to discuss any of it had been taken from her and that didn’t sit well with the woman. 
           it was no secret that she could be controlling and in a situation where she felt powerless and she was only going to force herself into a rather public breakdown if she kept going on like this. jocelyn had her daughter to worry about and knowing that she couldn’t fix any of it for her was even more upsetting. she was ten and her father had died suddenly, how was she supposed to explain that? tabitha had cried a lot at the hospital and every time someone had to remind the girl that her father wasn’t coming home, she’d cry. it was a difficult situation for them all to be in. 
             everything seemed to be too loud for the woman. people only cared about progressing in their careers now that richard was gone and it was unsettling; she had HEARD these words out loud and they made her feel sick. people were undoubtedly thinking about it but she would have never expected those words to come out of their mouths. it was going to end up suffocating her in ways that they didn’t even realise were possible. 
       as she ran her finger over the desk, a drink in the other hand, she looked up towards the other woman. jocelyn had been raising her voice at others all day and she didn’t have the energy for it. “you have to admit, it’s a little hilarious. this place… it’s no different from any other office. plus, the desk is cheap.” she couldn’t help but chuckle. it was clear she wasn’t dealing with it well as she tried to hide behind humour. “i remember telling him that and then he used the difference between this one and the one i wanted and bought me earrings. needless i say that i appreciated the tasteless desk after all.” the chuckling quickly subsided as tears were building in her eyes. 
Tara had never seen Jocelyn like this before. And granted, it wasn’t as if they were buddy-buddy on a regular basis. She was never close enough to see her in such an emotional state –– and yet, something about her warmed up a little more to the woman, seeing her somewhat vulnerable. Though she could see the brunette was fighting back her tears, at least she was talking to her and reminiscing rather than coldly telling her to get out. A lot of people assumed it took a lot of strength for women to be tough and business-like –– on the contrary, Tara believed it took FAR more to be emotionally transparent in front of others. 
“I think most of the employees assumed it would be something far more grand than our own offices,” Tara replied softly with a hint of a smile curling the edge of her lips, hoping engaging in the humour would help the other. She walked a bit closer, thinking it would be okay to do so, though she still maintained a slight distance. “Mr. Weston had a way of ... distracting from the negative. I remember times the company has had to make some tough decisions, but somehow he managed to keep us all happy regardless.” That was perhaps one of the most important qualities that had made him a good leader, and without him there to distract everyone from the bad, it seemed things were slowly descending into CHAOS. 
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“I know you must be going through a lot,” she continued, faltering slightly for a moment and swallowing as the forbidden topic was forced to be spoken of in order to comfort Jocelyn. “Having to cope with losing your husband and the father of your children, and on top of that trying to keep a whole company from crashing to the ground. And yet you’ve been trying to keep things running and maintain order –– I admire that, Mrs. Weston.” 
Her pale green hues examined her boss as she paused briefly, clasping her hands together in front of her. “But I hope you know it’s also OKAY to not be okay, and to put yourself first for once. This company wouldn’t be the same without you, I just hope you don’t push yourself too hard right now. Even if the board wants to pressure you and cares more about themselves, or if employees are more focused on their job security.”
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taraqxinn · 6 years
With the death of Richard Weston, work had been unusually quiet all week, with most of the employees keeping to themselves as they grieved the loss of the CEO of the company. Duke was compiling future and past photos of Mr. Weston, preparing for the tribute they’d no doubt include in the next issue of Boys Club, but after hours of going through computer files, he needed a break, and found himself at the shop downstairs. After ordering a smoothie, hoping for an energy boost, he waited for the elevator to come back down, offering a polite smile to the other person waiting. “I think we’ll be waiting for a while, these elevators are slow as hell.”
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Tara had just gone down to get herself a coffee to pick her up and keep her from falling asleep at her desk when she found herself next to a familiar face before the lift. Dick, was it? NO –– Duke. They had rarely interacted, but she recognized him from the Boys Club side. “A lot has changed recently, but I’m sure the speed of the elevators in this building will unfortunately always remain the same,” she replied with a soft smile, shaking her head. 
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taraqxinn · 6 years
delphine ⇾ ?
delph: hyeyyyyyyyy whaddup you wanna party????
delph: i got hte good ish
tara: delphine i don't think your mother would approve of you very obviously drunk texting me at this hour.
tara: please tell me you're not out by yourself like this
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taraqxinn · 6 years
“Sorry to bother you, I just had a personal question, but if you’re too busy I can come back at a more convenient time.
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“A ... personal question?” Tara set her pen down, sure there was SOME disbelief in her eyes at the inquiry. This was the legal department, not the psychologist’s office –– nonetheless, she forced a slight smile. “You’ve already got my attention, love, might as well ask.”
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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“Sorry to have interrupted, I just wanted to drop this off with legal, and you were the most available person.” Arden explained as she handed over the small pile of papers she’d taken from an intern.
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Tara restrained her annoyance because she actually LIKED Arden, and wasn’t as opposed to her interrupting her work as perhaps some other people. “Please tell me these are the papers I’ve been trying to get Juliana Davis to sign for ages.” She was already flipping through them, trying to confirm that indeed these were the signed papers she’d been after.
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taraqxinn · 6 years
REACHING OUT. / @wcstons
Tara had never had an easy time when it came to the topic of death. It was something she actively avoided thinking about because she figured it to be too triggering. The last thing she needed was to slip back into the depression that had nearly drowned her in her twenties after her own father’s death. But it was IMPOSSIBLE to avoid the topic with Richard Weston’s death being so recent; it seemed everywhere she went in the building there was some murmur of his passing. 
She couldn’t stop thinking about the fact she’d seen him not long before the fatal car crash, and their brief conversation played over and over in her head as the day passed on. Tara was finding it difficult to focus on her work ... and the thought occurred to her that if it was hard for her to complete her tasks, Jocelyn Weston was probably going through hell. She couldn’t imagine trying to keep an entire company in order after losing your significant other –– Tara was tough, and a resilient worker, but she too had her LIMITS. 
She wondered if anyone had even bothered to check in on Jocelyn during this ordeal. It seemed like all anyone really cared about was their job security, or who would take Mr. Weston’s place, and so forth. But none of that mattered if the woman now in charge was crumbling quickly without anyone to give a shit about her. Tara closed the folder before her on her desk and left her office, striding down the hall to slip into the elevator. Something told her to take a trip up to the fifteenth floor, and up she went, eventually finding herself in front of Richard Weston’s private office. 
The brunette knocked carefully on the door before cautiously entering, not surprised to find Jocelyn Weston standing by the desk. She said nothing, waiting for the other to notice her and hoping she wouldn’t get mad at her for intruding. 
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taraqxinn · 6 years
“Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it.”
Sam Ewing (via somaistockholm-blog)
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taraqxinn · 6 years
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