tarnera-talks-tarot · 3 years
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Tarot Nova by Dennis Fairchild illustrations by Julie Paschkis
This deck is very interesting; it is also the first deck I can recall buying. I believe I got it at a Borders. It was one of the little minikits that could be found in the carousels in the checkout line, and I think Barnes & Noble has similar things in its checkout line even to this day. I’m not sure when I bought it... it was probably some time in the mid-to-late 2000s. It seems to be completely out of print at this point, or at least googling to try and find it turns up nothing available to buy on the more reputable sites. (Edit here too: looking for the actual name of this deck turns up quite a few results, but be cautious. I have heard far too many accounts lately of people buying a deck in good faith only to find it’s a dupe. I was also the victim of one of these scams, which I will talk about when I get to that deck.)
I have seen people with this deck but scaled way down so each card is about the size of a postage stamp. That version seems very flimsy, not good quality at all in the art, and possibly missing cards. I’m very happy to say the version I own has none of those issues.
Each card is 3 3/16 inches tall by 2 5/8 inches wide (8.096 by 6.67 cm). The card stock is actually quite thick; this is possibly the thickest deck I own. The combination of these things plus whatever the cards are coated with makes the whole thing surprisingly hard to shuffle, but at least the coating does do a fantastic job of protecting the deck. Unlike some of my other decks, this one looks nearly new.
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Hopefully you can see that the corners are all different colors. Each suit has a different colored corner, with major arcana being purple, swords being orangey-yellow, cups being blue, wands being red, and pentacles being green. The artwork itself is simple, but I think it still manages to get its point across relatively well.
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As you can see here, the basic elements of a Fool are all here--save perhaps the dangerous cliff for the figure to teeter over, but it could well be argued that riding a cat is a risky business indeed. The art itself is nicely colorful, and though it is simple, that is part of the charm of this deck. All excess is cut away, leaving only the most important parts of each card.
This deck comes with a guidebook, an actual book that is just a tiny bit smaller than the cards themselves. It includes the reverse meanings, and feels weirdly modern in some places. The Fool’s upright entry includes a suggestion that now may be a good time to consider remodeling your home.
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A confession here: Death is my favorite card in the deck, and it annoys me to no end that so many decks focus on the reaper aspect of the card and not any of its other meanings. So I always look at Death (along with the Fool and the Tower) to judge if I will like a deck. It has yet to steer me wrong.
This is a good Death. The moths are indicative of change and metamorphosis; the hourglass speaks of time running out and being mindful of what time you have. The guidebook entry leaves something to be desired in my opinion, as it leaves me more confused than if I were reading the card without using it at all.
All in all, a decent deck, if a bit difficult to use. I would use it to read for someone, if they didn’t mind me taking an age to shuffle.
ETA: someone has informed me that this is in fact called the Tarot Nova. I have edited accordingly. (Seriously, if I ever mess up please feel free to tell me so. I am hardly perfect.)
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 3 years
Update of sorts
Hello, anyone still following this. Thank you. I’m glad you’re here.
One of the things I always intended to do with this blog was actually talk about the many and widely-varied tarot decks I own, and I didn’t want to actually draw cards from the decks until I’d talked about them. So I ended up being ‘stuck’ because... where does one begin? As I state in my FAQ, I am an enthusiastic collector, but a rank amature when it comes to reading and understanding the cards. Should I start with a basic explanation of the cards? Talking about my three favorites, and how they effect how I choose a deck? Just jump into the deep end? I had no idea what I was doing. I still don’t, but I really want to do something.
I suppose I could have kept drawing the Oracle cards, but so many of them were upside down. I felt weird turning them around, but keeping them as they were drawn was making me feel even weirder. Perhaps I should have taken that as a sign? But regardless, I chose to just... stop drawing altogether instead of making this leap.
But now I am. I wanted to do a quick explanatory post because it just felt weird to suddenly post things out of the blue after five months. It is what it is. Hopefully I’ll knock together a ‘real’ post soon.
Thanks again!
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
Sorry for the radio silence!! I will get back to doing this soon, it has been a stressful few weeks.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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‘I am comfortable in my own skin, as I detach to replenish my soul.’
The reverse of this card, naturally, implies that the above quote isn’t always true--though I hardly think any of us need the tarot or anything else telling us that extended solitude isn’t a good thing at this point in time. Instead, I choose to look at this card as a reminder that while you might feel alone and isolated (even if you live with other people, maybe they’re not the people you want to see), there are ways to reach out.
Text a friend, call your sibling, see if you can facetime with your family, whether that’s a family of kin or a family of choice. I’m sure at least one person is thinking of you too, and would love to hear from you by any means you can reach them.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
While digging around to try and find some old boxes that I guess I threw away like a fool, or maybe one of the guidebooks that I guess I also threw away, I discovered three more tarot decks that I forgot I ever owned. Bringing my current total to 13, with two that will eventually get here for 15.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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‘You are a clear channel for Divine creativity.’
I sure am getting a lot of reverse cards, that’s interesting.
This card speaks to a time to rest. If you’re getting burned out, maybe take it easy for a few days and see if your passion returns on its own. Be wary of people trying to douse your spark in this time, and guard the fire until it can be built up again.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
I hope to start sharing my other tarot decks soon, and hopefully taking better pictures of everything. Sorry things are still a bit of a mess around here! I never have been a very organized person, lol.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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‘You are capable and competent!”
This card, especially the reverse of it, has many possible meanings, but it mostly has to do with letting go of control. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to relax your grip a little and let those around you step in to give you a hand.
If that isn’t the problem, consider if someone else is having a little too much control over you. Perhaps now would be a good time to establish some boundaries.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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‘You have the power to see things from a higher perspective.’
The reverse of this card is a reminder that it’s not time to fly, not yet. Keep your feet on the ground, and keep an eye on your limitations. Patience is hard, but moving forward before you’re ready will only mean you crash and burn. Your goals won’t remain out of your reach forever.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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So today, the dice came out to seven, which means someone will be sharing knowledge with you!
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Upon further reflection, we got a solid fifteen, which adds to six, which means gold is coming your way! Listening and taking in this knowledge will deepen your connection with this person, so keep an open ear and maintain active listening! Ask questions, get them going, because I'm smelling something creative in these rolls!
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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From the guidebook: ‘Forgiveness is the healer of the soul’
The description mentions many things that seem kind of a lot--healing your connection with the earth by reducing your footprint, or maybe studying the healing arts. That’s fine of course, but for myself, a smaller starting point feels more achievable today. Is there someone you’ve been thinking about? An old friend or estranged family member you’ve lost touch with? Today might be a good time to reach out, and try to heal that old bond.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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For the record, I don’t usually like to use upside down meanings. I feel like the normal tarot decks are actually well-balanced enough that you don’t need them, but these Oracle cards do.
From the guidebook: ‘If you expect the unexpected, you’ll be prepared for miracles.’
This card is, unsurprisingly, about unexpected things arriving at our doorsteps. The reverse meaning also goes on to talk about unpleasant ones. If you get some bad news today, try to bear in mind that what happens after may lead to you being in a better position eventually.
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
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Naturally, my first post on my tarot-centric blog will actually not be a tarot deck. This is an Oracle deck called The Enchanted Map, made by Colette Baron-Reid.
The guidebook reads: ‘Fear is an illusion. Choose love today. Forgive yourself and others.’
I won’t write out the whole thing, but this card concentrates on how you should try not to give in to the bad thoughts that get to everyone to some degree or other. Choose love, let go of negativity, and always try to look on the bright side of any situation.
A good card to start with, and a good thing to keep in mind as we move forward into a new day. (Also a good thing I need to keep in mind, my job makes me very angry haha.)
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
This is the sideblog for @tarnera-blog where I do what it says on the tin. I intend to discuss the decks I own, delve into the meaning the cards have for me, and talk about the artwork of each card I choose to discuss.
I do not at this time intend to read for anyone, but that may change in the future. You are free to send me asks about anything tarot-related, but bear in mind that while I am an enthusiastic tarot collector, I am far from an expert on the subject. I do not have the meanings memorized, and some of my decks deviate from the standard set by ‘traditional’ decks/the Rider-Waite deck, so I will be looking up the meanings and interpreting the cards I draw from that basis.
This is all an inexact science, of course, and what you may take from my blog is up to you to decide. I can’t tell you how to feel about the cards or whether you should believe in them or just see them as a tool of self-discovery, because half the time I don’t know myself.
I am still trying to get my act together lol, this FAQ is subject to change at any time. I will start posting content soon!
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tarnera-talks-tarot · 4 years
Hello and welcome, I will be posting things soon~
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