tarons-girl · 5 years
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He’s so adorable 😭🥺❤️
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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*tarons insta pics*
Look at his smile🤧
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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Excuse me sir who said you could look this good🥵
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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Taron’s photoshoots 🥵
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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I freaking love this 💓🌸💓💘💙💛💗🧡💓💝
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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I want taron to look at me the way he looks at dex🥺💓
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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I can’t express how much I Stan these two beautiful people💓🥺
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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He’s putting these male models to SHAME
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tarons-girl · 5 years
O my days, he’s not even doing anything an I wanna fuck’em🤤
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i have no words
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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Get a man who can do both😍
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tarons-girl · 5 years
*Reading thirst tweets*
His adorable laugh after🥺💓
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tarons-girl · 5 years
Taron Egerton and Dexter Fletcher for Paramount Japan’s TikTok
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tarons-girl · 5 years
*credit to creator *
Fun fact: I cryed when harry died 🥺
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tarons-girl · 5 years
*credit to creator *
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tarons-girl · 5 years
Here we go again
A/N- I would have posted this earlier but I had a little writers block but thanks to @primaba11erina for helping me with that
Part 2
I don’t if I should do a part three, let me know if you want another one
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Last night was a night you would never forget, the feelings, the affection, it was amazing
You woke to the feeling of light on your eyes, “good morning” you whispered to dean while kissing his forehead, you got up to go cook breakfast ‘damn we need to go grocery shopping’ I thought to myself ‘I guess I can run to the store while he’s still asleep’ I went to our room and found an outfit quietly so I didn’t wake dean, I went over to his night stand and grabbed a piece of paper an a pen I wrote “Hey babe I went to the grocery store, I’ll be back xoxo- Y/N 8:30”
I took his keys an drove his car, which I don’t like driving his car because it’s a straight drive it’s not as easy as driving a manual, I was at a stoplight an a black Subaru pulled up beside me, I had my windows rolled up but I was still scared so I locked the doors, I look over to the car when I did I regretted it, a ruger SP101 was staring right back at me, I never have been so afraid in my life I floored the gas peddle before he pulled the trigger the blullets hit my back windshield, “holy fuck holy fuck” I kept repeating to myself, I grabbed for my phone but it fell “shit!” I said to myself, I tryed grabbing for it but it was to far away, I got back up an saw the Subaru still following me, I turned into a parking lot of an abandoned store, I looked back again an I didn’t see them I was relieved
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I stopped my car in the back of the store, I grabbed my phone I tryed dialing deans number but my hands were shaking to much, I heard screeching come from the front of the store “shit!” I yelled, I got out of the car an ran into the woods, I ran for about 5 minutes before I saw a highway an a store I looked behind me I didn’t see them so I thought I was safe, I was almost to the store when I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head then it all went black
Deans P.O.V
I woke up to the feeling of the other side of my bed empty, I opened my eyes Y/N was gone ‘she might be in the kitchen’ I thought to myself, I got up to use the bathroom, I looked on the mirror when I was done I touched my face lightly ‘look like shit’ I laughed slightly I walked back into my room to get dressed for the day when I saw a note on top of my phone “hey babe I went to the grocery store, I’ll be back xoxo-Y/N 8:30” I put the note down and grabbed my phone it read 10:30, ‘2 hours?’ I called her but it went straight to voicemail ‘wth?’ Her phone is always on
I got dressed, I called jo “hey man Y/N went grocery shopping this morning an she hasn’t came back an I’m getting worried” jo didn’t speak for a minute “she’s probably still shopping” I could hear him shuffling around “for 2 hours jo? An I called her an it went straight to voicemail” I said putting my shoes on “ok yea that is kinda weird her phones always on, ok I’m on my way” he said ending the call ‘fuck! I hope she’s ok”
Jo got there in 5 minutes “so the closest grocery store is, the one on Main Street” jo said driving out of my driveway I nodded “we can check there first” he said speeding up alil “jo I hope she’s ok” I said with worried coming off my voice “I’m sure she is dean, she’s a tough girl” he said reassuring me, I knew she was but I was still worried
We got to the grocery store, “hi can we speak to your manager please” jo asked one of the workers “sure” he said an he took us to the back of the store “John they ask to see you” the worker said an walked away “hi nice to meet you” I said shaking his hand jo follows my lead “have you seen this girl today?” I showed him a picture of Y/N “no I haven’t but I can see if my workers have” He said taking the picture and walking up front, he asked every worker they all said they haven’t seen her today “can we check the surveillance cameras?” I asked him “um sure” he said looking at me confused, we all walked back to his office “what time do you wanna see?” He asked “8:30 to 10:30” I said, he played back the cameras
We didn’t see anything till 9:15, “wait slow it down!” I yelled he slowed it down “that’s your car!” Jo said yelling, “now play it with the sound” I said looking closely all I heard were gun shots “omg” I said “dean look” jo pointed out someone out of the window shooting at the car, my heart sunk, I ran out the store ‘I think I’m gonna be sick’ I thought to myself , i sat in the car waiting for jo
I saw him walk out with a map on his hand “ what’s that?” I asked him when he got In “it’s a map, I have marked down the places I saw your car at” He said cranking the car “ok follow this road right here” I instructed jo, he turned, we drove for a while before we turned into a abandoned store parking lot, he parked the car “there’s nothing here” I said to him “let’s look around back” he said already walking that way, we got around the store an I saw my car, I ran over to it there was no one inside but the other door was open, I walked over to the other side “fuck jo were is she!” I yelled “I don’t know dean!” He yelled back, I looked around for clues, there was note on the front windshield I grabbed it “we have Y/N, shes is hurt meet me at the abandoned warehouse in the valley ALONE” i read, I looked at jo he was as worried as I was
“Wake up bitch” I felt a slap on my cheek, I opened my eyes there was a bright light on me I could barely see “hello Y/N remember me?” I heard a voice say “well I can’t fucking see you dipshit” I spat at him another slap landed on my cheek I spit out some blood, a face popped up in front of me ‘Zach!’ “Why Am I tied up Zach!” I said to him trying to get out of the ropes I felt someone behind me hold my hands from moving “well sweetheart, I didnt like what dean to me the other day” he said caressing my cheek I moved my head, he grabbed my face “don’t fucking move when I’m touching you” I tryed moving again but his grip got tighter, he put a gun to my head
“you think dean will miss you?” He asked me cocking the gun, he was gonna pull the trigger but I heard a door shut an so did he, he put the gun away he walked over to the window “o look who it is......deano” he said smirking at me “ don’t you fucking hurt him!” I yelled he stalked over to me “o sweetheart I’m gonna do more then hurt him” he said pulling his gun out again, “ DEAN HE HAS A GUN RUN!” I yell so loud I think the neighbor hood could hear, I was punched in the face, I was knocked out
Deans P.O.V
“DEAN HE HAS A GUN RUN!” I heard Y/N yell, I looked up to the window a gun was fired my way I ducked before it hit me, me an hi ran for cover behind the car “shit shit shit” I said “Dean the person I wanted to see, I told you to come alone?” I heard a man yell , I looked through the car window, “Zach I’m gonna fucking kill you!” I yell at him “I would love to see you try” he said to me again before firing more shots twords us “I’ll distract him, you get the guns in the back of my car” jo said handing me the keys, I nodded “ hey motherfuckers” jo yelled running behind a broken down car, they all started to shoot at him
I snuck behind the car an opened the trunk, there was a duffle bag in there I grabbed it an ran we’re jo was “ok I got it” I said he grabbed from me, he gave me a pistol an he grabbed a pistol too, “ok on the count of three were gonna run in there” jo said cocking his gun, I cocked mine too “I’m ready” I said “1...2...3” he said we both started running to the building they were shooting at us “shit shit shit” I said while running, we got in there an I walked down a hall way
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I looked around the hallways An didn’t see anything “you check that room I’ll check that one” I said walking over to the room “ok” jo said walking to the other one, I opened mine really fast no one I heard a gun shot behind me, I turned around really fast an saw a man on the ground “jo are u ok?” I asked him “yea I’m fine” I walked father down the hall
Two men ran around the corner shooting at us we had to duck into the rooms, one walked in the room I was in, it was dark so he couldn’t see me, he walked right pass me I got up an hit him in the back of the head, he fell to the ground, I heard another gun shot, I cocked mine an ran out the room jo met me in the middle, he nodded I heard a scream
I screamed, Zach stabbed my leg “how do you think your boyfriend would feel of his girlfriend was stabbed huh” he said moving the knife “FUCK! YOU!” I screamed at him he slapped me, I was dazed, but when he made his guards to get dean I managed to almost out of my ropes “I’m gonna make you watch me kill your boyfriend” he spat at me while walking away
I pulled at my ropes alil but an I was free, I couldn’t go no where cause there was a knife in my leg, ‘I have to get this out of my leg’ I thought to myself, I grabbed it I whimpered I started to pull it out but the pain was to much but I couldn’t stop now, with one swift movement I pulled it out, I was breathing heavily I got up from my chair
I was walking to a door when one of Zach’s people came in “what are you doing out of your chair” he asked me, I didn’t even give him an answer I just punched him in the face
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(I couldn’t find a good gif to go with it)
He swung at me but I ducked just in time, I pulled his head down on my knee , an punched him one good time he was almost out, I grabbed his shirt an stabbed him, he fell
I walked to the hallways which led to the room I heard someone walking an I got prepared, I swung at the person who came around the corner he ducked an held me, I looked at him “dean?!” I said while hugging him he hugged me back “dean watch out!” Jo yelled I looked up an saw Zach running at us I pushed dean out the way
Zach tackled me but dean grabbed him from behind An wrapped a cord around his neck (if your seen billionaire boys club this is the same part as dean killed that one man) he struggling to breath he was grabbing at the rope, I wiggled from right under him I stood up beside jo watching dean, he broke his neck, I winced so did jo
Dean got up from were he was, he looked at me “are you ok?” He said looking me over “I’m fine dean” I said hugging him “I love you Y/N so much” he said in the crook of my neck my heart fluttered “I love you to dean”
We went home and cleaned are selfs up “ we have another meet tomorrow” I yelled to dean he groaned “here we go again”
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tarons-girl · 5 years
No one talks to my girl like that!
A/N-i hope you like this it took me a while, an there are probably gonna be more parts to the story, so buckle up this is gonna be a bumpy ride💓
Warnings-fight an kinda smut😉
An sorry if there is any misspelled words
An I would like to thank the very lovely @primaba11erina for giving me this idea, Thanks bruv💓
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“Y/N!” Dean yelled from the living room “would you please get me a beer?” I rolled my eyes “Dean I have to get ready we have to leave in 30 minutes!” I yell back to him, I heard him scoff an get up from the couch ‘I hope this dinner goes well we really need to get this deal’ I thought to myself, I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn’t feel hands sneak around my waist and pull me in
“Babe are you ok?” Dean said in the crook of my neck, I hesitated I saw him bring his head up “babe tell me what’s wrong” he asked me he turned me around for me to face him “I’m just worried about the dinner that’s all” I said pouting at him, he pulled me In for a hug an kissed my neck “it’s going to be fine love I got it all handled” I looked him in the eyes “I know babe I believe in you” i kissed him “shoo I got to get ready now we have” I looked at my watch “20 minutes!” I yelled pushing him out the bathroom he laughed “babe you look good already” he said slapping my ass, I rolled my eyes ‘I’m glad I only need to do my makeup’ you laughed at yourself
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(That’s your outfit an hair style you chose for the dinner)
You walked out of the bathroom “how do I look babe?” You said walking in front of dean, he looked at you with the most loving eyes “you look beautiful” he stood up, he stared at you for abit “what?” You asked getting alittle shy “your just so beautiful” he said kissing me I pulled away “ok babe we have to go we’re gonna be late” I said walking to the door “awwww why can’t we just reschedule the meeting, I wanna know what’s under that’s dress” He said while coming over to me an kissing my neck “because we need this deal” I said pulling away from him “ugh fine, but it’s gonna be hard for me to keep my hands to myself tonight”he said grabbing your hand
We arrived to the place, Dean handed his keys to the Valet, “Were here for Mr.beacns table” dean told the host “right this way sir” we followed him
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He showed us our seats, dean pulled my seat out “thank you kind sir” I joked “anything for my perfect lady” he said pushing me in “what kind of wine would y’all like for today” the host said “white wine please” dean said giving him a nod, “when did they say they would be here?” I asked dean, he looked at his watch “they will be here in about 10 minutes babe” he grabbed my hand an kisses the back of it “it’s going to be fine don’t worry” I nodded
It has been about 5 minutes when they all arrived, I got up to greet them “hi I’m Y/N” I said shaking his hand “hello Y/N an hello dean” he said shaking both of are hands “My wife an son will be in here in a minute” he said setting down “shall we wait?” Dean asked him he just nodded, it wasn’t long before they were sitting down with us too since the table was round the son had to sit beside me an he already made me uncomfortable “ so let’s get started” dean said clapping his hands “were here today to talk about trading sells, is that correct?” He said while grabbing his suitcase an propping it up on the table
This meeting when on for a couple minutes I wasn’t really listening but I made sure that thought I was “an that’s why this pretty lady is your assistant?” I heard Mr.beacns son say while winking at me I gave him a dirty look, “actually I’m his girlfriend” I told him while scooting closer to dean, an I felt dean tense up “o really?” He said putting his hand on my thigh dean got up “listen here buddy don’t you ever! Touch my girlfriend like that again or I swear I’ll bash you fucking brains Into this table!” He said pushing him, the son Smirked at me “I think your little boyfriend is mad that he knows I can please you better then he can, daddy Zach I can hear it now her moaning my name” he said while walking twords dean
Dean swong at Zach an punch it square in the jaw, Zach tackled dean an punched him dean got on top of Zach an started to wail on him, some people tryed to get him of but no success “you fucking asshole don’t ever talk about her like that again!” He yelled punching him one more time before getting up “come on dean” I said softly pushing him to the entrance, he grabbed his coat, the valet gave dean the keys an we drove back home
We got inside then I actually got a good look at him, there was dried blood on his top lip an under his nose “aw babe look at you” I said softly grabbing his face “I know I know your mad at me” he said putting his head down I looked at him with disbelief “no, no! I am not mad at you” I said putting my hands on the sides of his face, he leaned into them “come on let me clean you up” I said pulling him into the bath room, “sit on the toilet” I said to him while I grabbed the first aid kit from out under the sink, I put the first aid kit on the sink an grabbed an washcloth an soaked it, “ he got you a few times” I said washing off the dried blood he hissed “I’m sorry babe” I said doing it abit softer “he just made me so mad, no one talks about my girl like that...ever!” He said getting heated up again
“Babe it’s fine, calm down it’s over now”I said while getting a cotton ball an putting rubbing alcohol on it “are you mad at me?” He asked “why would I be mad at you, you defended me baby” I said dabbing the cotton ball on his busted lip, he winced “I know that you don’t like me fighting an I thought you would be mad” he said looking at me “if anything baby” I said leaning into his ear “it was sexy” I whispered, he looked at me liar filled eyes he smashed our lips together an I moan he picks me up an sets me on the sink, he pulled away just to attack my neck with sloppy kisses “o dean” I moan out, he picks me up again An sets me on the bed “ lay down” he instructed I do what he says “spread your legs” he told me to do while he was taking out his shirt, I spread my legs as far as they could go, he got between them he kissed me passionately, but slow “I’m gonna show you, who can pleasure you better” he said going between my thighs, then I knew this was gonna be fun
Part 2??
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tarons-girl · 5 years
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Tarons wink😫💓
*gifs not mine*
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