tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
🌟 Harry Potter Magic 🌟
a quick list of my harry potter spells and potions for you pop culture witches
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🌟 Potions
felix felicis - pop culture spell to bring luck and confidence
veritaserum tea - a potion for spilling tea
amortenia tea - pop culture tea spell to bring or strengthen love
wolfsbane potion -  for when you find yourself transforming
polyjuice potion -  to help you take on the qualities of someone else
draught of living death -  potion for peaceful sleep without dreams
pepperup potion -  for the common cold. not for serious problems.
🌟 Spells
wingardium leviosa - general overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes
alohomora spell - pop culture spell to unlock opportunities
obliviate spell - pop culture spell to help rid embarrassing memories
lumos spell - pop culture spell to bring light where there is none
nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity
riddikulus charm -  for getting rid of one’s personal fears and boggarts
accio - for summoning lost items from their hiding places 
expelliarmus - to disarm a witch from cursing you
expecto patronum - to summon your patronus to protect you
levicorpus -  in which one’s is metaphorically lifted up
🌟 Curses
imperius curse -  to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control
cruciatus curse  - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional
avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life.
🌟 Misc:
“fantastic beasts” animal attraction spell -  a spell to attract animals such as cats and deer to you 
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Offering Ideas For: Apollo
Make a devotional music playlist.
Tell your favorite artists, poets, and musicians that you appreciate and love their work.
Study basic medical knowledge; how to do CPR, what to do when someone is having a seizure, what to do when someone is having an allergic reaction, etc.
Learn different types of divination! Tarot, dice, numerology, shufflemancy, bibliomancy, etc.
Staying healthy; taking showers, keeping up with your hygiene, etc.
Writing poetry! Even when a poem looks bad, keep writing so your skills get better!
Dance/play a musical instrument/sing/hum.
Meditate on what miasma means to you.
Get some sun; go outside, walk around, get some fresh air. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes of your day, it makes a difference.
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
girl boss
girl boss? more like struggling gryffindor and good friend hufflepuff
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Violet’s Witchy Tips Masterpost
This is a collection of my most popular witchy tips content posts! I will be adding on to this regularly. It is designed to help witchlings and seasoned practitioners alike! If there is a topic you would like for me to writer about that I have not already covered, please contact me and I will make it!
The Basics//
So, You Wanna Be a Witch? : A Beginner’s Guide to Witchcraft
Classification of Modern Witches: A General Guide to Witch Types
Which Sect Should I Start In? : A Personality Quiz for Witchlings
Glossary of Commonly Used Witchcraft Terms
Common Misconceptions and Appropriations in Witchcraft
Getting Started/
Witchcraft is Not a Religion: Difference Between Wicca and Witchcraft
All About Grimoires: Creating Your Very Own Witch’s Journal
A Beginner’s Guide to Spell Writing
A Brief Guide to Sigil Creation
A Beginner’s Guide to Tarot
A Beginner’s Guide to Runes
Elemental Based Craft//
Green Witchery: A Guide to Earth Magic
Sea Witchery: A Guide to Water Magic
Suncraft: A Guide to Fire Magic
Stormcraft: A Guide to Wind Magic and Weather Work
Winter Witchery: A Guide to Snow Magic 
Stellar Witchcraft: A Guide to Space Magic
Location Based Craft//
Kitchen Witchery: Magic for Homebodies 
Urban Witchcraft: Magic for City Dwellers
Wastecraft: Magic for DesCert Dwellers
Swampcraft: Magic for Swamp Dwellers
Internal Based Craft//
Hedgecraft:  The Basics of Astral Work
Oracle: The Basics of Divination
Channeling: The Basics of Spirit Work
Intrinsic Magic: The Basics of Energy Work
Inner Darkness: The Basics of Shadow Work
Chaos Magic: The Witch on the Offense
Hobby Based Craft//
Creature Magic: A Guide to Working with Magical Creatures
Artistic Craft: Magic for Artists
Melodic Craft: Magic for Music Lovers
Pop Culture Witchcraft: Using Mainstream Media in Magic
The Craft, Identity and Health//
LGBTQA Witches: Tools and Spells for LGBTQA Practitioners
Spoonie Witchcraft: Magic and Chronic Illness
Magic and Neurodivergency: Metaphysical Tools for ND Witches
Stimmy Ideas for Neurodivergent Witches
Period Magic: Blood Magic for Menstruating Witches
The Craft and Activism//
Resistance Witchcraft: Standing Your Ground
Ways to Go Green!
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint and Carbon Offsetting Programs
OneTreePlanted, What it is and Why Witches Should Care.
 Open Pantheons//
The Nordic Pantheon:
The Kemetic Pantheon
The Hellenic Pantheon
The Celtic Pantheon
Intro to Traditional Celtic Magical Practices (Pre-Wicca)
Intro to Traditional Norse Magical Practices (Pre-Wicca)
Cultural Appropriation//
Cultural Appropriation Masterpost: How to be culturally respectful
A Basic Guide to Open and Closed Religions and Cultures
Censing/Saining Instead of Smudging
Totems and Spirit Animals (And why non-natives cannot have them)
Dreamcatchers (and why you should Buy Native Instead)
Halloween Costumes, Redface and Mascots
Racist Slurs and Phrases to Stop Using
Letter to White American Witches and Pagans from a Native Witch
Other Useful Information//
Which Herb Should I Use? A Helpful Beginner’s Quiz
Which Crystal Should I Use? A Helpful Beginner’s Quiz
Crystals in Healing and Magic
Herbs in Healing and Magic
Herbalism: How to Do It Yourself!
Violet’s Witchy Tips
Vi’s Witchy Book Rec List and Book Reviews
Violet’s Shop of Curiosities
Vi’s Youtube Channel (Crystal and Stimmy Videos!)
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Want to ID Some Crystals but Don’t Know How?
This is a wonderful resource for Identifying crystals that are black in color
Mineralpedia has in depth descriptions and pictures that will help you figure it out
For your mystery polished stones
Search by color
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
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Youtube is a wonderful resource with lots of helpful information on it! I’ve collated together all the Divination Lessons I could find. If any of these links break, or you find something that should be added to the list, please message me!
This is as much a resource for me as it is for you - I have only watched part of most of these so take them with a grain of salt!
Learn the 78 Tarot Cards in Two Hours (Part 1, Part 2)
Tarot Cards - Understanding Reversals
How to Practice Tarot Readings when you’re on your own (Part 1, Part 2)
How to Shuffle Tarot Cards
How to Get Good Results Every Time with Tarot
The Only Way To Learn The Tarot (and a bit about what Pages mean)
How to read a Tarot card easily and comfortably
Putting it all together in a Tarot reading
Know How To Use Your Tarot Cards By Munisha Khatwani
Tarot - An Introduction by Munisha Khatwani
22 Major Arcana Cards In Tarot - Munisha Khatwani
Tarot Cards Use and History
7 Tarot Tips for Learning Tarot Card Meanings
How to read runes (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
How to Cast Runes (Runes for Beginners)
What are Runes?
150. A Technique for Memorising Runes
How to make Runes
Your First Rune Readings: Practicing with Meanings
The Long History of the Rune Stones
All About Runes (Intermediate Magic) (Part 1, Part 2)
How to Use a Pendulum (Basics)
Your Pendulum and Its Secret Uses
An introduction to dowsing with a pendulum
How To Use A Pendulum For Divining
How to use a Pendulum for Spirit Communication
How to use a Pendulum to get answers from your Subconscious
How to Scry (Part 1, Part 2)  
Magical Techniques: Part 1 - The Art of Scrying. 
One Witch’s Way - Crystal Ball (Part 1, Part 2)
Crystal Ball and Mirror Gazing Tutorial 
Crystal Spheres and Scrying 
Simple Water Scrying 
How to Scry 
Scrying Mirrors | Witchcraft 101
Tea leaf reading with Amber McCarroll 
Tea Leaf Reading 
Tea Leaf Reading 
What Is Tea Leaf Reading? | Psychic Abilities 
Tea Leaf Reading with Shaheen 
Tea Leaf Reading 
Fortune Telling with Playing Cards 
Playing Card Meanings - How to read a deck of cards - Cartomancy 
Fortune Telling Cards (Reading & Meanings)
173. The Art of Bibliomancy
Bibliomancy introduction
How to do Bibliomancy, divination with books!
Read your palm ! - only 7 minutes lectured by Japanese Ninja 
Secrets Revealed in Your Palm
Secrets Revealed in Your Palm - Part 2
wealth indications in detail more points palmistry
palmistry detailed analysis (very refined hand)
Palmistry Saturn Line Fate Line Money Line Wealth Line Analysis
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Latin Incantations
Below is a list of some nice Latin incantations that I have compiled, which I would very much love to share with you all. Of course, I am no expert in Latin, but these are as close to perfect as I myself could get them, using Google Translate and a Latin dictionary to tighten the sentences up (Google Translate is baaad with Latin). Please, Latin experts of tumblr, feel free to correct me if need be! I kept each incantation short and to the point, for ease of memory and tongue, and have included phonetic pronunciations and also spells they would go best with. (Please note that where I have added apostrophes after the r’s in the pronunciations, are where you are required to roll your r’s with your tongue).
I create as I speak/I create what i say: Ego creo quad ego loquar. (Pron. Ehgo kr'ayo kwod ehgo lokwor’) - Manifestation spells.
I control time: Moderari tempore sum. (Pron. Moder’ar’ee tempor’ay soom) - Time spells.
It is done: Factum est. (Pron. Factoom est) - At the closing of a spell.
Love come/s to me: Amor venit ad me. (Pron. Amoor’ veneet admee) - Love spells.
I dream the truth/I have dreams of truth: Somnia verita sum. (Pron. Somneeah ver’eeta soom) - Prophetic dream spells.
I am protected: Munita sum. (Pron. Mooneeta soom) - Protection spells.
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!
General Folklore
Various Folktales
Weather Folklore
Trees in Mythology
Animals in Mythology
Birds in Mythology
Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
Folktales from Around the World
Egyptian Mythology
African Mythology
More African Mythology
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
Even More African Mythology
West African Mythology
All About African Mythology
African Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
The Americas:
Aztec Mythology
Haitian Mythology
Inca Mythology
Maya Mythology
Native American Mythology
More Inca Mythology
More Native American Mythology
South American Mythical Creatures
North American Mythical Creatures
Aztec Gods and Goddesses
Chinese Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Korean Mythology
More Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythical Creatures
Indian Mythical Creatures
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Korean Gods and Goddesses
Basque Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Etruscan Mythology
Greek Mythology
Latvian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Roman Mythology
Arthurian Legends
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
Finnish Mythology
Celtic Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
Middle East:
Islamic Mythology
Judaic Mythology
Mesopotamian Mythology
Persian Mythology
Middle Eastern Mythical Creatures
Aboriginal Mythology
Polynesian Mythology
More Polynesian Mythology
Mythology of the Polynesian Islands
Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
Some superstitions:
Read More
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Orriculum’s Spell Masterpost
(because i did not realize i had this many spells lol) updated 3/04/2017
shine like the sun - to be radiant like the sun
glow like the moon - to reclaim youth and past beauty
spectrum glamour - pop culture glamour to help with dissociation
glamour to attract comments - to help get comments on a selfie idk
rabbit heart - pop culture spell for courage and confidence
felix felicis - pop culture spell to bring luck and confidence
charlotte’s entrance glamour - spell to make an entrance
seductive words - lipstick/chapstick spell to make your words more persuasive
venus transformation - sailor moon spell to feel beautiful and powerful
clear speaking glamour -  a spell to aid with speaking clearly, and get your point across
ariel singing glamour -  a glamour to help your singing voice be like a mermaid’s
sailor moon glamour -  a glamour to feel confident and beautiful, even when nervous and self-conscious
shine aqua illusion glamour -  a sailor moon inspired glamour to blend in, or make something less noticeable
polyjuice potion -  to help you take on the qualities of someone else
love-related spells:
cosmic love spell - pop culture spell to lead you to your soulmate
howl love spell - pop culture spell to strengthen yourself before a confession
simple love attraction spell - to attract general love and romance
amortenia tea - pop culture tea spell to bring or strengthen love
show me your love - to help your signif show their affections for you
rekindling spell - for relationships that have lost their “spark”
buried and decaying, we plant new seeds - to build new bonds over the breaking pieces
sweeten your feelings - simple jar spell to sweeten a bond
over the moon - full moon spell to bring love
the smoulder - glamour to spark “love at first sight”
greg and rose romance - to aid unconventional couples
once upon a dream - to share a romantic dream with someone else
mistletoe kiss spell -  a seasonal love spell to bring love in your year to come.
rose quartz altruistic love spell -  a spell to encourage unconditional and altruistic love for humanity and Earth, and give an air of approachable serenity
lust spell -  a spell to increase lust in oneself or a consenting individual
spell of release -  a simple spell for ending dry spells of romantic, creative, or other natures
emoji spell -  to help get flirty texts from someone
jolly sailor bold - for drawing in a lover, or draw one back from leaving
rose bath spell -  a bath of roses and milk to gather love and beauty
undoing love spells:
anti-lust spell -  a spell to lower lust in oneself or a consenting individual
unwanted lover spell - to repel unwanted lovers, to undo love spells gone
what kind of man - spell to help get away from a bad relationship
communication spells:
conversation attraction spell - to encourage others tofr initiate conversations with you
no light no light - pop culture spell to help you confess or apologize when you don’t know the words to say
mind message spell - sending a mental message to someone
contact spell - to get that someone to text you first
tiny truth spell - ask a question and learn the truth
open your mouth, your heart - to stop someone ignoring you
see my feelings spell - a spell to help someone realize your feelings
veritaserum tea - a potion for spilling tea
friendship spells:
seeds for new friends - spell to attract new friends
bring us closer spell - to give you opportunities to make friends w/someone
cold shoulder spell - to break a friendship
empathy spell - a spell to let emotions/empathy flow between two people
long distance spell - to preserve a bond even as the people are separated by distance
nostalgia spell - to resurface old, fond memories in someone else
stay with me spell - to strengthen a bond and ensure communication
friendship fastening - hand fasting spell for close friends
stevonnie fushion - to meld with a friend for a short while
death stranding bonds potion -  a potion be for strengthening bonds
wrapped around your finger - for signifs flirting with others online
to bind a bully spell - to keep them from harming you
know what you have done spell - to prevent them from doing it to others
unfollow them spell - for signifs flirting/following others online
tongue tying spell - for signifs to stop flirting with others in general
lapis water binding spell - to bind someone to a place they cannot escape
t/r/u/m/p - emoji binding spell
self care spells:
spell to break bad habits - spell that utilizes mundane methods
cecil voice charm - radio spell to aid sleep
amethyst home spell - to make things feel like home
spell for personal freedom - pre-done spell, just draw the sigil
respect jar spell - simple jar spell to help gain respect
go to the ball cinderella - to help you go out and have fun when you’re not feeling it
healthy eating spell -  a spell to aid in the eating foods for a healthy diet, neither too little nor too much.
buffy ‘rest in peace’ spell -  a spell for emotions that you can’t reveal to be let to rest.  
restarting spell -  a ritual for fresh starts, to remove old energies, and invite new ones in
stuffed animal sleep spell -  a spell for keeping negativity out of dreams, whether it’s pain, difficult subjects, or people that hurt you.
gender-orientation validation spell -  a spell to help one feel valid in their identity concerning gender and orientation
mermaid’s breath -  a spell for the ability to survive in emotional or situational circumstances a bit out of your depth or comfort zone
emotional self care:
garnet’s gauntlets - to give you personal strength
amethyst empowerment spell -  spell to help bring about self-empowerment here comes a thought spell -  to help calm you down from the little things and stray thoughts that worry you
determination spell -  a spell to “fill you with determination” to do kind things
alice tear jar spell - a  jar spell to help keep you afloat in your sadness
peridot personal growth spell -  for personal growth
sapphire insecurity spell -  to help when one feels small or useless, overwhelmed and alone
stars guide me home - for guidance
lover to lover - for a fresh start and reassurance
bubble your feelings - to hide away feelings that are causing you harm
arms of the ocean - pop culture spell to comfort you and give you strength
hurricane drunk - pop culture spell to turn pain into invincibility
what the water gave me - pop culture spell to relieve burdens of the mind
queen of peace - pop culture spell to bring peace when you are stressed
shake it out - pop culture spell to shake off anyone/spirits bothering you
dog days are over - pop culture spell to bring happy days and self love
lumos spell - pop culture spell to bring light where there is none
obliviate spell - pop culture spell to help rid embarrassing memories
buffy ‘rest in peace’ spell -  a spell for emotions that you can’t reveal to be let to rest.  
harley quinn moving up spell -  a spell for when you leave a bad relationship, to help you find a better one than you had before
wolfsbane potion -  for when you find yourself transforming
levicorpus -  in which one’s is metaphorically lifted up
soft shores bath spell -  for peace and tranquility in one’s life and energy
healing spells
how big, how blue, how beautiful - to renew one’s self, and open to change
seawitch renewal spell - bath spell to renew one’s energy
rose quartz healing tears - simple ritual to heal emotions
“nuka-cola” potion -  a frosty potion recipe for emotional healing and positive disposition.
alexandrite separating spell -  to separate toxicity from a person, whether it is a toxic situation, person, or behavior.
opal mending spell -  to help heal a bond between two people who don’t always get along
elixir of the wounded heart -  a tea potion made to soothe an injured heart
da:i spells: resurgence -  a spell that calls on benign spirits to heal you
“heroes never die” spell -  a spell based on her resurrection ability, for emotional healing from a particularly bad place
fire element bath -  a bath spell that uses the element and correspondences of fire to heal and cleanse oneself emotionally
pepperup potion -  for the common cold. not for serious problems.
wingardium leviosa - general overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes
flower gleam and glow - rapunzel’s sun-inspired healing spell
career/wealth spells
alohomora spell - pop culture spell to unlock opportunities
job prosperity spell - to help find a better job
dandelion wish spell - a tech wishing spell
wait for it - to gather and prepare you for the right moment
sea witch money spell - a money spell with shells
full moon prosperity spell -  working with the influence of the planet venus, done when the moon was in libra.
dragon money guardian -  a dragon-based spell to aid you in budgeting, and accumulating wealth! or at least spare change
smoothie prosperity spell - smoothie potion request for increased chances and monetary opportunity
protection/defensive spells
pumpkin wards - seasonal spell to protect your space
steven universe shielding spell - pop culture spell to protect your feelings
expelliarmus - to disarm a witch from cursing you
dark dome close sailor pluto spell - to shut bothersome things down
expecto patronum - to summon your patronus to protect you
plutonic protection spell - to invoke pluto/hades’ protection
dog park ward - to keep you from going into harmful areas
“stronger than you” spell - a spell for strength and protection
snow drop protection spell -  a floral charm to protect you from magic meant to cause you harm of grief
mars celestial fire surround -  a fire-based protection spell
da:i spells: mind blast -  a spell using your willpower that drives harmful people back and makes them less likely to target you again
bucking bronco vigor potion -  a potion to help throw people off your back, and keep them away for some time
return to sender vigor potion -  a potion to help shield the drinker, and return any harm that is sent your way
charge vigor potion -  a potion that helps with those you tend to knock heads with, a magical aid to keep them at bay, or arm’s length.
hiding secrets spell - a spell specifically to protect one’s gender or orientation, to keep it safely hidden when you can’t be out.
jupiter thunder crash -  a sailor moon inspired spell to banish toxic and dangerous people
moon tiara magic -  a sailor moon inspired spell to protect against people ragging on you
riddikulus charm -  for getting rid of one’s personal fears and boggarts
offensive spells:
shock jockey vigor potion -  a potion to stun enemies, and make them more susceptible to baneful magic with lightning elementals involved
devil’s kiss vigor potion -  a potion that allows the drinker to cast a fire elemental on someone else (particularly a spurned lover)
undertow vigor potion -  a potion that helps shift power of advantages to you, whether in magical or mundane issues, offers you tactical advantages
possession vigor potion -  a potion that distracts your enemies from you, and brings their ill-attention to one another instead
murder of crows vigor potion -  a potion to summon fowl forces to protect you
nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity
breezeblocks curse -  to affect someone you resent for leaving
your heart in my hand -  to curses someone with nightmares and to feel a general sense of being lost in life
bad moon rising curse - a revenge curse, general misfortune for a month
pumpkin head curse - seasonal curse to “burn” those who wrong you
cerberus curse - attacks what hurt’s anything under the plutonic protection spell
thorn in my side - a curse for abusers
burn your wishes - a simple curse to destroy someone’s wishes
red in your ledger - to return the hurt someone has done
spell of shattered sight -  a curse that makes a person only see the most ugly aspects of themselves and others around them
curse for a player -  a curse from scorned lovers to the one breaking hearts, to give them difficulty finding anyone to be with romantically/sexually
seven devils curse -  a curse to burn the kingdom of and haunt the target
imperius curse -  to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control cruciatus curse  - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life.
burst your bubble -  a simple curse to destroy someone’s ego/hope
work/school related / everyday spells:
simple study spell - scent-based studying/memory spell
finding things/memory spell -  a spell for when many things go missing, to help things reappear
rosemary memory spell -  a simple spell for when you need help remembering something
hamilton nonstop motivation spell -  a spell to give you motivation like alexander’s.
waiting for the bus in the rain - night vale spell to make the bus come
babylon candle - a spell to help travel, physically or emotionally
home & hearth spell -  a spell to promote warm, maternal, homemaking qualities in an environment
new job protection pouch - a requested spell, a pouch to protect you while you start a new job
baudelaire home finding spell -  a spell for those looking to find a better home, and to leave an unfortunate situation.
draught of living death -  potion for peaceful sleep without dreams
accio - for summoning lost items from their hiding places 
spirit work:
hail the glow cloud - to attract paranormal events to you
golden compass spirit charm -  a tool to enhance communication with spirits
weather spells:
spring spell - silly spell to help spring come
a spell for snow -  a spell to help bring snow and cold weather
storm spell - emoji spell to bring storms and rain to you
plant growth spell -  a spell for helping plants/herbs grow and stay alive
fire writing spell - written spell charged with flame
“fantastic beasts” animal attraction spell -  a spell to attract animals such as cats and deer to you.
pokemon companion spell -  spell for finding a life long friend in an animal
pastel stars -  a spell to enchant paper stars with luck, love, happiness
a spell for passing and mourning - a spell to ease the passing of spirits and mourning from their loved ones.
emoji spell - for promoting hair growth
updated 3/04/2017
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
period magic.
what magic do we have for witches with painful periods? suggestions! herbs! tips! links! 
lets help eachother out. 
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Back to School Magic
Motivation & Organization:
Motivation Charm Bag Storm Witch’s Motivation Potpourri  Flames Within (for Motivation and Passion)  Study Success Spell Herbs for Studying and School Charm to Light A Fire Under Your Ass  “I’m Tired, I’m Dying” Tea Spell Worker Bee Spell for Productivity  Stones for School and Education  “Get Shit Done” Bottle Going to Class Tea Spell  Study Aide and Test Success Spell  Concentration Sachet  Energy Shower Scrub
Meeting New People:
First Day Friendship Spell Crystals for Social Anxiety Friendly Glamour Beauty & Confidence Glamour Creative Conversation Mints Make you shine: Confidence Spell Goddess Glamour Bath Friendship Charm
Stress & Anxiety:
10 Minute Guided Meditation Stress Fix Bath Anti-Anxiety Smelling Salts Anti-Anxiety Chant Water Spell to Soothe Anxiety Anxiety Reducing Oil Blends Essential Oils for Anxiety and Depression Reduce Stress Sigil Anxiety Relief Jar Spell Crystals to Carry for Anxiety  Reduce stress sigil
Stellar Self-Care:
Soothing Bath Spell  Busy Bee’s Overworked Pick Me Up Spell Collection of Self-Love and Self-Care Spells  More Self Care
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
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The Spiritual Practice Workbook is a workbook for developing a spiritual practice from a self care perspective. Inside you’ll find journal prompts, worksheets, and guides to deepening your understanding of yourself.  Get yours now!
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Here’s what the planets do:
The Planets affect your sense of…
The Planets & everyday life
Posts that relate to each planet
Important Astrological Definitions
Which Planet rules each sign
Which Planet rules each sign + descriptions
Here’s what the signs in each planets mean:
Moon in…
Mercury in…
Venus in…
Mars in…
Jupiter in…
Saturn in…
Uranus in…
Neptune in…
Pluto in…
Have no idea what I’m talking about? For the love of God please do your birth chart.
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Shards: An Informational Post
So here’s a topic I’ve quiet about on this blog, primarily because I didn’t want to deal with insecure devotee backlash. However, in my own attempts to try and find information on shards I’ve found next to fucking nothing anywhere on this subject. The only knowledge I have is from varying chats and people I’ve had the luck to meet. I’m not going to claim my information is all-emcompassing, in fact, I’m partially making this post out of the interest of networking and providing at least some bare information for other shards out there.
So if you’re like 99% of people in this community you’ve probably never heard of shards. What are they? Shards (sometimes called godshards) to put it simply, are smaller, independent “instances” of deity-class entities. I define deity-class entities as entities with access to varying domains, energy webs, and sometimes belonging to certain worship paradigms. My experience with other shards has been primarily with deity splinters and higher angel splinters, though I don’t think it’s fair to say that these are the only instances of sharding. Here is another explanation from @divinecalls for shards!
Okay. Now that’s all well and good, but what does that even mean? Why would someone even shard? How do you find out you’re a shard in the first place, what does it matter, does it make you special?
Well let’s get into the fun shit now.
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Beginning Shadow Work: Masterpost
Part 1: Preparing Yourself
Part 1, Section 1: Introduction
Part 1, Section 2: Understanding the Shadow
Part 1, Section 3: Understanding Shadow Work
Part 1, Section 4: Mental Health and Stability
Part 1, Section 5: Basic Exercises
Part 2: Initiating Yourself
Part 2, Section 1: Initiating Yourself
Part 2, Section 2: Shadow Work Initiation Ritual
Part 3: Identifying Your Shadow
Part 4: Understanding Your Shadow
Part 5: Interacting With Your Shadow
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
If you draw/depict any of the Egyptian gods or goddesses as human/human-like, DO NOT draw them white. White washing them is extremely disrespectful. Instead, look up skin colors/tones of people from Egypt and go off that. You’ll be very respectful and conscientious doing so.
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tarot-babe-blog · 7 years
Nami’s List of Glamour Spells
A long organized list of all of my glamour spells by purpose.
💖 Charm (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to improve your charms and flirting 💖 Eye Catching Glamour Spell a spell to catch the attention of that special someone 💖 Honey Gatherer (Pokemon Inspired) to encourage others to compliment you 💖 “Kiss the Girl” Glamour Spell to encourage a consenting person to kiss you 💖 Siren’s Lipstick Spell make others hold onto every word you speak and be captivated by your voice 💖 Spiderclaw (Totally Spies Inspired) grab the desire and attention of others 💖 Words of Honey Glamour Spell to make your compliments be taken to heart and brighten another’s day
💖 Beauty Sleep Sachet Glamour wake up feeling beautiful 💖 Eye Catching Glamour Spell a spell to catch the attention of that special someone 💖 Fairy Aura (Pokemon Inspired) to bring your inner beauty out to the surface 💖  Glamour Chants for Beauty 💖  “I’m Hot Damn” Fire Charm for Attracting Attention spell to attract attention to your fiery beauty 💖 Mermaid’s Bath Spell a spell to promote your beauty and bring it out 💖 Milk Drink (Pokemon Inspired) promote beauty 💖 Pink Sugar Heart Spell (Mini Moon Inspired) a spell to promote cuteness and radiance
💖 Cherry Lip Bomb (Totally Spies Inspired) to bring confidence in your voice and to overcome vocal obstacles 💖 “I’m Hot Damn” Fire Charm for Attracting Attention spell to attract attention to your fiery beauty 💖 Red Hot Lozenge (Totally Spies Inspired) makes your words more feiry and intimidating 💖 Siren’s Lipstick Spell make others hold onto every word you speak and be captivated by your voice
💖 Honesty Lip Scrub Spell to help yourself to speak the truth
💖 Red Hot Lozenge (Totally Spies Inspired) makes your words more fiery and intimidating
💖 Blur (Pathfinder Inspired) to go unnoticed by others  💖 Chameleon Eye Shadow (Totally Spies Inspired) a spell to evade unwanted attention from others 💖 Invisibility (Pathfinder Inspired) spell to go unnoticed and travel unseen 
*All from my digital and physical grimoires; all spells were written by me.
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