tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
I endure.
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
“this work is never done.”
florence + the machine starter prompts / x
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❝ TOO right, my pointy-eared friend. ❞ Throwing his shovel into the grave beside the cadaver they had buried, the fortune teller smacked his gloved hands together, rosy petals twisted by a sinister grin. Turning to the vampire, he reached inside of his coat and produced a worn, aluminum tin of cigarettes. 
❝ Yes, indeed, and made short work of him, you did. Quite impressive, I must say. ❞
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
“does that make you mine?”
florence + the machine starter prompts / x
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Vincent nodded. In some sick, twisted way, he supposed it did. He and Death had, for so long, courted one another from a distance; it seemed only natural that their destinies had become intertwined. ❝ I have what you want, but I will never want you have. Ours is a strange affair, I think. ❞
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
“am i making sense?”
florence + the machine starter prompts / x
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VINCENT stared quizzically at the other, face wracked with confusion that he tried his hardest to mask. Stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jacket, he swept his heel across the dirt and took a graceful, if slight, step backward. ❝ Sort of——would you mind, uh, giving me the SparkNotes? Just so I know that we’re on the same page? ❞
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
“it tore you open.”
florence + the machine starter prompts / x
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❝ AND how could it not? I loved her. I loved her with everything that I am and she turned her back on me. ❞ Vincent’s brow creased against his forehead. The images of that night played over and over in his mind as he reminisced with the witch. It took everything he had not to lose his equilibrium. He wanted to cry, to scream, to pitch a fit, but then, he did have a flair for the dramatic. Most of all, this was a skeleton he would have rather left in the closet.❝ Even after all this time, it still hurts, Aeva. How do you make it stop hurting? ❞ 
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
“remind me, what was it that i said?”
“did i drink too much?”
“am i losing touch?”
“what’s with the long face?”
“do you want more?”
“you were on the other side, like always.”
“i was drunk enough to deal with it.”
“sometimes you’re half in and then you’re half out.”
“how do you manage to have me crawling back for more?”
“now there’s a few things we have to burn.”
“tell me you see it too.”
“i’m happy you’re beside me.”
“maybe i’ll see you in another life if this one wasn’t enough.”
“what is it worth when all that’s left is hurt?”
“some things never sleep.”
“come on, is this what you want?”
“somebody’s gotta lose.”
“you’re driving me away.”
“i gave myself over willingly.”
“i am teaching myself how to be free.”
“if you could just forgive yourself…”
“some things you let go in order to live.”
“i know you’re bleeding, but you’ll be okay.”
“one day this will be over - i swear it’s not so far away.”
“i’m gonna be free and i’m gonna be fine.”
“these chains never leave me.”
“can’t you let me know?”
“never knew i was a dancer.”
“are you missing me?”
“is it too late to come on home?”
“i figured out where i belong.”
“it’s the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do.”
“when i sleep, i never dream of you.”
“i can’t keep calm - i can’t keep still.”
“i forget all that i’ve been taught.”
“it tore you open.”
“you don’t know why.”
“you don’t have to be a ghost.”
“you deserve to be loved.”
“i’m the same. i’m trying to change.”
“each side is a loser, so who cares who fired the gun?”
“maybe i’ve always been more comfortable in chaos.”
“i couldn’t keep my mouth shut.”
“i’m trying to find the meaning.”
“won’t you leave me?”
“i want no more than this.”
“can you protect me from what i want?”
“all these couples are kissing.”
“you don’t have to tell me why.”
“not sure i can deal with this.”
“i know there’s a part of you that i just cannot reach.”
“you don’t have to let me in, just know that i’m still here.”
“it’s your pride that’s keeping us still so far apart.”
“i never thought i’d be a killer.”
“while you’ve been saving your neck, i’ve been breaking mine for you.”
“make up your mind before i make it up for you.”
“let me live or let me love you.”
“it’s an old scar.”
“who’s a heretic now?”
“am i making sense?”
“you can’t tell me to regret.”
“i’m on trial.”
“it was more than i could bear.”
“you know, i hoped to see you there.”
“i keep on moving in the spaces where you used to be.”
“i knew that this would end in tears.”
“does that make you mine?”
“this work is never done.”
“who’s in control? who’s playing who?”
“i know this part so well.”
“wasting my goddamn time.”
“i went as far as i could get.”
“i am unloved.”
“i’m not far enough yet.”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
me; lets plot !
sb; yea !
us both;
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
Rule one: Always hide the pain.
Six word story (via thedarkestofponds)
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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❝ PLEASE, ❞ he held up a hand, a fiendish grin stretching across his broad face. ❝ If my skin were that easily broken, I’d have been long dead. In point of fact, I find your wit quite refreshing, my dear. ❞
Taking a bold step forward, he cradled her chin in the palm of his hand; stoking the proverbial fires of her frustration, no doubt. ❝ Besides, even if it did hurt, what’s love without a little pain? ❞
“I’ve got one somewhere in the universe. It might be gone, but it’s still mostly mine.” The witch retorted, suddenly realizing she might have hurt him.
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“Too much?”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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❝ Uh, yeah, that’s probably because you don’t have a soul, sweetheart. Of course, most people don’t actually know what’s happening until, well, their time has already expired. ❞ He knew that she was just being pejorative, but the remark stung all the same. 
“I said you won’t find a better fuck. Anyone can get some action.” She gave him a playful smile, shrugging.
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“Even someone like you, I suppose. Some people really like the looming fear that you’ll take their soul. I can’t relate, I’m afraid.”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
@verfuhrerin // x
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❝ Pardon? ❞ 
Vincent turned away, face stricken with disbelief at the utter crassness of what the witch said. ❝ Here’s a news flash, sister: you’re not the first to lay in my bed and you won’t be the last, either. ❞
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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She’d not been there but twenty minutes and already, they were back to verbally sparring with one another. Some people, in Vincent’s experience, just weren’t meant to coexist peacefully with one another. The irresistible force meets the immovable object. As she continued to spin him her yarn, he recoiled the flask he’d proffered and shrugged, taking a sip from the vessel before putting it back underneath his chair. ❝ We are, all of us, victims of circumstance. It sounds like you tried to make the best of yours. ❞
Of course, he still didn’t believe her, but he didn’t much care if she was lying or not. They weren’t even friends. Cautious acquaintances at best. 
His eyes darted around the room, following the wisps of smoke that rose from the end of her cigarette as they dispersed into the air. Finally, his gaze settled on her cup of tea. ❝ You haven’t even taken a sip. I thought tea sounded divine. ❞
“None for me.”
He wasn’t buying it, but she supposed there was no way for him to prove her wrong. He had to believe her, lest he make himself look rude. Reaching in her bag, she pulled out a cigarette tin, lighting it up as she stoked its ember with her lungs. A brow raised, and she leaned back.
“I won’t pretend I didn’t commit petty crimes to survive. My wages weren’t nearly enough to keep myself afloat. I had many boyfriends who did many bad things to get money.” She paused, taking a deep drag, “I wasn’t above stealing or selling. Sold myself a handful of times, but it wasn’t for me. No, I was a much better thief than prostitute. Surely my beaus appreciated my change of occupation.”
She seemed a touch bothered by his choice of words. Aeva didn’t like being seen as a tragic damsel, even in her true past.
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“My tragedies stopped when my parents died. Anything I did on my own was no tragedy, thank you.”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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It took everything Vincent had to stop himself from laughing in the off chance that was she was saying just so happened to be factual. Had she read that on the back of a copy of Oliver Twist? Aeva would have to do better than that to try and fool him. The way she emoted was far and away too practiced for this to be something she held so dear. No, her real history, he suspected, would be much darker than the Dickens-esque fantasy she recited for him. Regardless of whether or not what she said was the truth, he listened all the same, making eye contact and nodding wherever appropriate. When she had finished, he reached underneath his chair. His hand returned clutching a small, tin flask, pouring a liberal amount of its contents into his cup. When he finished, he held the flask out for the woman to take if she so desired.  
❝ I’m not interrogating you, Aeva, ❞ he reasoned with her. ❝ I’m just trying to get to know you. And thus far, I’m not entirely certain that you’re being straight with me. But do continue. I love a good tragedy. ❞
Leaning back in his chair, he took another sip of his tea to hide the cheshire grin forming on his lips. 
“A terrible one, but yes.”
She looked down into the cup for a moment, feigning a sudden bout of sadness. Her shoulders rose, and she sighed softly.
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“I drifted after staying at an orphanage for a time. Must have been at least ten or so.” Fingernails tapped along the cup in a slow rhythm, “It was hard, but child labor laws weren’t so big back then. I worked in a clothing factory and sometimes a few of the ladies would let me stay at their homes. I wasn’t very good, but I learned to at least not prick my fingers. Boss let me live in a closet in the factory until I was old enough to move out, so long as I kept the place tidy.”
What a daydream that was.
“Anything else?”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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❝ I want you to help me find Samara. I have no intention of killing her, I scarcely believe I’d be able to were I even to try. No, no. My aims are much less barbaric. ❞
For all of the power that the OTHER had given him, his body was still as vulnerable to wear and tear as it had ever been. Unintentionally, Samara had ruined his femur, making it so that he would never walk correctly again. More than that, she had left a piece of herself within him. Her bite had carried with it some kind of supernatural malaise, causing unusual side-effects throughout the years. Most notably, imprints of the vampire queen’s memories. But not just any memories--things long repressed. Things, he wagered, not even Juliette knew of her sovereign. 
❝ Since she destroyed the city, she’s been moving around from place to place. No one has been able to track her movements. But I’m guessing you might know how to get her attention. ❞
Forced back into her chair, the blonde is stunned. Not only that he had the balls to do that to her, but because of the words that fell from his mouth ; Samara. They’d met. Which meant he was older than he looked. Her face was unmoving, in pure shock that he knew of the city, and apparently of her.
Despite all of this, she wasn’t intimidated or frightened. It took quite a lot to shake Juliette.
“I know not what you wish of me, but say it carefully.” She finally said, peering into his eyes. Surely he didn’t wish to involve her in some revenge plot? 
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“Very carefully.”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
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❝ It gets cold sometimes, yeah. But there are ways, I’ve found, of warming it up. ❞ The ghost of a smile crosses his lips as he takes his seat opposite hers, a sudden jolt of pain from his thigh making him wince momentarily. 
He’s not sure he entirely believes what she tells him. A tragic story, to be sure, but then all good stories were tragic. For the victim of a house fire, she appears to be remarkably unscathed. Then again, she was immortal; there was no telling what other sorts of supernatural abilities she harbored. 
❝ I never knew my parents. For all I know, they died in a fire, too. Wouldn’t that just be a grand coincidence? ❞ A smug grin was hidden behind his porcelain cup. 
❝ Who raised you, then? Relatives? Someone else? ❞
1“I love your tent. It’s so…” She swiped a finger over a thin layer of dust upon a shelf, “… comfortable. It must be terribly cold at night.”
Watching him retreat back further into his rat’s den like the hungry and curious owl she was, Aeva reveled in the effect she’d had on him. There weren’t many feelings like making a man feel like he’s the center of her world, only surpassed by making him realize how small of an insect he was when she eventually devoured him.
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“Earl Grey is lovely, thank you.” She took the cup, gingerly taking a sip as she sat. His desire to go digging in her past didn’t bother her. She had her story rehearsed. “I was an only child, and my parents passed away when I was very small in a rather awful accident. Fire still makes me nervous to this day, silly as it sounds.”
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tarotsinistre-blog · 6 years
Respect Your RP Partners
Something I’ve noticed in the RP community is that we expect our RP partners to be writing machines. We expect them to churn out a reply almost immediately after we post ours, be on when we are, always send us memes, et cetera. Here’s the thing: our RP partners are not machines. They are human beings who need to be respected for more than their ability to write. Other than the usual “your RP partners may not feel like replying at the moment,” here are some things to respect them for, and remember when you’re RPing:
Respect that your RP partner may be in school.
Respect that your RP partner may be employed.
Respect that your RP partner may have at least one physical illness.
Respect that your RP partner may have at least one mental illness.
Respect that your RP partner may have friends outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may have a family outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may be a parent.
Respect that your RP partner may have hobbies outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may have religious obligations.
Respect that your RP partner may not always have internet, or computer access.
Respect that your RP partner may be going through a difficult life situation.
Respect that your RP partner does not have to disclose everything happening in their personal life to you.
Too often, it’s easy to say “no one RPs with me” or “no one ships with me” or “no one sends me anything” without considering any of the above, or even more circumstances your RP partner(s) may be dealing with. Too often, it’s easy to say one of those things, and not consider how the other person feels when reading it. Someone dealing with at least one of these circumstances can feel guilty for not replying right away, sending something, et cetera, or feel like they have to once they see their partner is unhappy. 
I know I do when I see things like that on my dash.
When you start feeling guilty for not doing something that is part of your hobby, or feeling like you have to do something that is supposed to be fun, it stops being fun. It feels like a job. I know when I feel obligated to do a reply for a person, I drag my feet. I do not feel excited about the RP as much anymore. Even if they say, “Sure, I’ll wait,” I see them post elsewhere that no one sends them things, or no one RPs with them. The guilt turns on. I feel like I have to reply. It’s a passive-aggressive tactic that a person may not even be aware that they’re doing. No matter what, though, it needs to stop.
All in all, we need to show more kindness and patience towards our RP partners. The best relationships I have on this website are the ones where we treat each other with not only that, but with mutual respect. We also communicate regularly, and tell each other if we need to hold onto replies. I feel relieved knowing I can go to my RP partners, and tell them to hold onto my replies because I’m not feeling well, and I don’t know when I will be. It is an amazing feeling. We need more of that on this website, and less expecting one another to be robots.
We are all human. Never forget that.
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