tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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🎃 time for my yearly samhain giveaway!! 
winner will be decided October 30th, 2018, Samhain. 12:00 EST. i’ll message/inbox you, please answer within 24hrs or a new winner will be picked, i will ship international. must be 18+ to enter!
🎃  need to be following this blog to win!
🎃  please don’t reblog to giveaway blogs please! (nor tag it as one)
🎃  winners will be chosen randomly by an online number generator.
H A P P Y   H A L L O W E E N
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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🎃 time for my yearly samhain giveaway!! 
winner will be decided October 30th, 2018, Samhain. 12:00 EST. i’ll message/inbox you, please answer within 24hrs or a new winner will be picked, i will ship international. must be 18+ to enter!
🎃  need to be following this blog to win!
🎃  please don’t reblog to giveaway blogs please! (nor tag it as one)
🎃  winners will be chosen randomly by an online number generator.
H A P P Y   H A L L O W E E N
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
In the way of the hurricane
Does anyone know of a rune or sigil for protecting a house from bad weather. I'm gonna get hit by the hurricane and need all the help I can get
#wiccan #wicca #witchcraft #HurricaneFlorence #runes #sigils
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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Behold! The accompanying tarot spread for the January Shadow Work Challenge. So if you don’t want to commit to the whole challenge, feel free to give this stand alone spread a go. Best wishes and happy new year!
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
Protection spell for your feline friends! Like to charge, reblog to cast.
⭐️ Let’s protect all the kitties! ⭐️
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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Evocation of the Witch
I am one with the universe
I am nothing and I am everything
I am the stars and the Moon
The seas and the Storms
The breath of life
The Alchemical charge
The living and the dead
I am!
I am the power and the joy
The spirit that dances
I am the magic and the priestess.
The witch and the sorceress
Angels and elements
Omnipotent, omnipresent.
I am the past, the present, the future.
I am the void.
I am the manifestation of all my desire.
Blessed be. ♐🔆
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
🔥 Burnable Spellboxes 🔥
For spells, rituals or offerings!
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I just made some offering boxes to put into the wickercreature at Castlefest, so I wanted to share some ideas! I had this idea for a while and finally found some time and energy to make some.
What you need:
🔥 Pretty patterned paper (I got some paper blocks from the dollar store)
🔥 Spell ingredients/Offerings (anything goes as long as it burns)
🔥 Cord/wool/linnen ribbon (remember: natural fibers)
🔥 Optional: pretty flowers for the top!
What you do:
Find a favourite tutorial for an origami box online. I used this one. And fold your pretty papers into a box. If you want, decorate the box a bit more. I made three: one for the Goddess Baduhenna, one for Nehalennia and one for the Horned God. I designed bindrunes for them and put them on the bottom of the boxes.
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I got some fresh flowers from my garden and wrote down some poems (and made my own) to dedicate to the Gods. Then I added some herbs, lots of Marjoram as a taglock (my name means Marjoram) and even a bit of my favourite perfume. I wanted to make it as personal as possible.
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Now simply close them and tie them shut. I used wool in the colours that matched the deities I’m making them for. I also tied some pretty flower to the top!
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And there it is! Now my boxes are ready to be sacrificed! Of course you can substitute any offerings by spell ingredients to make it into a spellbox! Have fun, and as always, feel free to tag me when you make these! 🌙
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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A spread for figuring out what’s really weighing you down and how to overcome it. Feel free to use this spread for non- commercial uses, I would love to know how helpful it was!
If you would like to commission me for a tarot reading, please stay tuned for my paid readings post! ^^ <3
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
☕ coffee witchcraft ☕
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☕  what is a coffee witch?  
☕  coffee energy grounding
☕   coffee flavor correspondences
☕   coffee brews correspondences
☕   various coffee and tea potions
☕   coffee lore and superstitions
some spells involving coffee beans/ grounds
new job protection pouch - a requested spell, a pouch to protect you while you start a new job
hamilton nonstop motivation spell -  a spell to give you motivation like alexander’s.
plant growth spell -  a spell for helping plants/herbs grow and stay alive
rose quartz shielding spell -  protects from and dispels negativity
waiting for the bus in the rain - night vale spell to make the bus come
what kind of man - spell to help get away from a bad relationship
sea foam latte -  a bath spell and coffee scrub for motivation and clarity
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
Breaking Astrology Down
Your Sun is about yourself. Your Moon is your heart. Your Rising is how you look. Your Mercury is the way you think. Your Venus is how you love. Your Mars is how you deal with life. Your Jupiter is your luck. Your Saturn is how you discipline yourself and your responsibilities. Your Uranus is how unique you are. Your Neptune is your imagination. Your Pluto is your transformation. Your Chiron is how you heal. Your Ceres is how you take care of yourself. Your Pallas is your relationships. Your Juno is beauty and Influences. Your Vesta is your potential and your organization. Your North Node is how you develop in your current life. Your South Node is how you developed in your past life. Your Midheaven is your career, how others view you. Your Lilith is your hidden emotions.
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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Flower of Life Tarot Spread
Current energies
External forces/influences
Challenges/things to let go of
Strengths/things to cultivate
Messages from spirit/unseen guidance 
This is one of my first original tarot spreads and has become one of my favorites. It’s a great spread to use when you don’t have a specific question formulated, but works just as effectively with open ended questions. Enjoy! 
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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Prosperity spell including a crystal grid, thirty three tea lights, cash received by kindness and divine intervention. An offering to the wonderful Hermes as he watches over it all.
Spell is for prosperity, wealth, manifestation and joy. Reblog to invite all into your life and the lives of others. Likes help charge, reblogging helps cast.
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
ok guys. its happened. witchcraft is officially going mainstream.
I have heard that Sephora is starting to sell “beginner witch kits”. Sephora is an incredibly mainstream store selling something that has “witch” in the name specifically for real witchcraft. This means, a bunch of people that have no idea what they’re doing are going to start fucking around with the craft.  I have said this many times and I will say it again. RESEARCH ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU DO IT. TELL YOUR FRIENDS. POST ABOUT IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA. TELL THAT RANDOM GIRL YOU SEE SITTING NEXT TO YOU IN ENGLISH CLASS WITH A HUNK OF ROSE QUARTZ HANGING FROM HER KEYCHAIN. PEOPLE CAN AND WILL FUCK THINGS UP IN THE ENERGY REALM FOR NOT ONLY THEM BUT EVERYONE AROUND THEM. Especially because Halloween is coming around as well.  Some of you are probably thinking “oh this is a good thing people are going to start accepting us”. Not only would complete cultural acceptance take years, its kind of the least of our problems right now. 
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
Reblog for Good luck🙏🏼
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
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“Sephora will start selling entry-level witch kits in October.”
All right witches, listen up.
Sephora is to begin selling a “witch kit” next month featuring a tarot deck, fragrances, a sage bundle, and a rose quartz crystal for $42.
I think it’s wonderful that witchcraft is making a resurgence, but what I don’t think is wonderful, is that a huge corporation like Sephora is trying to tap into this market.
Why don’t I like it?
Because Sephora has their fingers in enough pies and generates over $4,000,000,000 in revenue per year.
Because witchcraft produce and supplies should be provided by people with knowledge on the practise(s) and who care enough to make sure their products are ethical, of a high quality, and non-appropriative.
Because Sephora will be stealing business from actual witchcraft and occult centric shops who likely don’t make huge sums of money anyway due to the niche nature of the market.
Because Sephora doesn’t need the fucking money!
So, I urge you to share this post and refrain from purchasing this “entry-level” witch kit (and any future witchcraft related product) from Sephora. Instead, support small, witch-owned businesses. We need you and we’ve got your backs.
Here is a list of shops owned by witches. Check it out!
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
characteristics: optimistic, energetic, aggressive
element: fire
modality: cardinal
sister sign: libra
ruled by: mars
rules: first house
characteristics: sensual, stubborn, realistic
element: earth
modality: fixed
sister sign: scorpio
ruled by: venus
rules: second house
characteristics: talkative, witty, adaptable
element: air
modality: mutable
sister sign: sagittarius
ruled by: mercury
rules: third house
characteristics: nurturing, intuitive, emotional
element: water
modality: cardinal
sister sign: capricorn
ruled by: the moon
rules: fourth house
characteristics: protective, generous, prideful
element: fire
modality: fixed
sister sign: aquarius
ruled by: the sun
rules: fifth house
characteristics: critical, organized, shy
element: earth
modality: mutable
sister sign: pisces
ruled by: mercury
rules: sixth house
characteristics: polite, oblivious, fair
element: air
modality: cardinal
sister sign: aries
ruled by: venus
rules: seventh house
characteristics: powerful, secretive, jealous
element: water
modality: fixed
sister sign: taurus
ruled by: pluto
rules: eighth house
characteristics: adventurous, funny, impatient
element: fire
modality: mutable
sister sign: gemini
ruled by: jupiter
rules: ninth house
characteristics: responsible, independent, unimaginative
element: earth
modality: cardinal
sister sign: cancer
ruled by: saturn
rules: tenth house
characteristics: creative, rebellious, eccentric
element: air
modality: fixed
sister sign: leo
ruled by: uranus
rules: eleventh house
characteristics: imaginative, selfless, sensitive
element: water
modality: mutable
sister sign: virgo
ruled by: neptune
rules: twelfth house
characteristic: initiating 
signs: aries, cancer, libra, capricorn
characteristic: sustaining
signs: taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius
characteristic: changing
signs: gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces
characteristics: action-oriented, creative
signs: aries, leo, sagittarius
characteristics: stable, practicle
signs: taurus, virgo, capricorn
characteristics: intellectual, unpredictable
signs: gemini, libra, aquarius
characteristics: psychic, sensitive
signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces
sun: personality, ego
moon: emotions, behavior patterns
mercury: communication, thoughts
venus: beauty, love, female
mars: aggression, vitality, male
jupiter: growth, luck, charity
saturn: boundaries, responsibilities
uranus: rebellion, change
neptune: dreams, imagination
pluto: obsession, power
first house: self, individual (rising/ascendant)
second house: possessions
third house: communication
fourth house: home
fifth house: creativity, fun
sixth house: schedules, health
seventh house: partnerships
eighth house: transformation, death
ninth house: adventure, growth
tenth house: public image, career (midheaven)
eleventh house: friends, social justice
twelfth house: imagination, endings
major aspects
degree: 60°
polarity: positive
indicates: harmony, natural talents 
degree: 120°
polarity: positive
indicates: luck, oppurtunity, creativity
degree: 0°
polarity: neutral
indicates: blend, two energies working as one
degree: 180°
polarity: negative
indicates: tension, energies compete for center stage
degree: 90°
polarity: negative
indicates: conflict, challenges
keywords: healing, wounds
keywords: cooking, nuturing, parenting
pallas athena
keywords: creativity, justice, talents
keywords: soulmates, marriage, commitment
keywords: pure, perfection, insecurities
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tarotwitch0314-blog · 6 years
A legit “starter witch kit” 🔮
Alright guys, so now that we know what not to include in a starter witch kit, I have decided to post my own! 
Dragon’s blood incense (cone or stick for ease of use)
Why? Because it can be used for both cleansing, and warding.
A piece of clear quartz, onyx, and hematite
Why? For power, warding, and grounding.
A set of chime candles and candle holders
Why? For spells of all kinds.
High John the Conquerer oil
Why? To anoint candles, as it is associated with powering over any situation.
Basic herbs or plants; such as rosemary, sage, thyme, lavender, mint, clove, or basil
Why? Again, for spells of all kinds, and because they’re relatively easy to find.
Small jars
Why? To contain various spells.
Pen and parchment paper
To make sigils or statements of intent
A notebook
To document and record your spells
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