tarunv008-blog · 7 years
Forgotten Golden Bird
The clock struck 2 o’clock in the afternoon and we started our journey to home. I was visiting home after almost 4 weeks, I was quite excited to see parents. It was always a great feeling to be at home and feel its warmth. I was accompanied by my younger brother who was behind the wheels. During the course the general conversation started he was telling me about few Ayurvedic medicines he is using these days for the wellness of eyes and stomach. The discussion deepened and reached upto the level where we started discussing questions like, Is Ayurveda better or Allopathy ? It’s true that in today’s era science & technology has given us marvels. Medicine has grown upto a level which can increase the life expectancy of humans. But this fact can’t be denied that Allopathy works on the symptoms and helps preventing the disease and suppresses the pain contrary to that Ayurveda works on the root cause, the doshas (called Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and help restoring the natural functioning of the body. The discussion then plunged into the deep enriched culture & history of our great country, India. The Ayurvedic techniques that we use today to cure diseases have actually been invented thousands of years ago in India. Sushruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita, Ashtangasangraha and the Ashtangahridayasaṃhita are the ancient Sanskrit text written in the field of medicine, surgery and Ayurveda. Sushruta, one of the earliest surgeons, Charaka, a medical genius, and Vagbhata are considered to be “The Trinity” of Ayurvedic knowledge. The triad was successful in diagnosis and prognosis of many diseases thousands of years ago, many of them are the topics of research in medical institutions of America and Europe. I was getting more engrossed into the discussion and my mind then started flipping the pages of history books those I have studied during my school days. By then, I started feeling proud about my country and its rich culture. Now a general conversation switched its mode to patriotic. It has taken a fathomless dive into the freedom struggle of our country and the reasons of our slavery against the British crown. The East India company, a group of merchants were given monopoly privileges on all trade with the East Indies (Maritime Southeast Asia). The company’s first ship arrived in 1608 in Surat, India. They got the license from the then Mughal Emperor, Jahangir to set up their first factory in Surat. It won’t be wrong to say that the company’s merchants bribed the corrupt & debaucherous Mughal rulers with British women, money and other attractive goods meanwhile they kept on strengthening their roots in India. The company saw the rise in its fortunes and started transforming from a trading venture to ruling enterprise. Back then Siraj-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa was a strong ruler with superior army, the British stood no chance to defeat him so, Robert Clive, military official of the company bribed Mir Zafar, chief army general of Nawab. Nawab was betrayed by his army in the battle field and that battle is known as Battle of Plassey in 1757 which paved way for the British in India. Under Robert Clive the British army looted Indians, chopped their heads, raped the women, looted gold, silver, diamonds. Robert Clive looted so much gold and other precious metals that he had to use 900 ships to transport that looted gold, silver, diamonds & pearls to London, the capacity of each ship was 70 metric ton of material. The worth of the loot was equivalent to 100 million Sterling Pounds and to your surprise it was the wealth of only one region of India that is Calcutta. On the day Britishers left India, they gave us a chronic wound in the form of Pakistan. Helpless Gandhi Ji was sorrowful at the day of partition, he was surrounded by the leaders like Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mohammad Ali Jinnah who were quite influenced by the British ideology. It’s ironic that the Independence Act (1947) for the freedom of our country passed in British Parliament, the then viceroy Lord Mountbatten transferred the power to New Delhi. A “free” India took birth. Then a race of establishing the constitution started and from countries like Britain, US, Australia, Ireland, France, Canada, Soviet Union, Germany, South Africa & Japan we borrowed tits and bits to stitch our own suit. We were in so much hurry that we did not even emphasize to go through the thought process and then to decide the type of constitution we need as per our social and economic state by then. Indian Constitution is also called the “Bag of Borrowings”. Transfer of power act gave privilege to many American and European countries to establish their trade in India. To quote one, Unilever, a Dutch-British transnational consumer goods company, in India it is called Hindustan Unilever and in Pakistan it is called Unilever Pakistan Ltd. To give the sense of belongingness and patriotism it attached the name of the country in the brand. ‘Be American, Buy American’ this was the agenda of Barack Obama when he won in 2009 and it has been carried forward by Donald Trump. A hump on the road decelerated the speed of our car and I felt the jerk by then I realized that we were about to reach home in 10 minutes. I was spell bound when I was listening to these facts from my brother. Suddenly a thought came to my mind when we were so advanced, so sophisticated, so rich why do we actually get excited to see the foreigners, give them extra attention & respect foreign brands more? In many parts of our country it happens. This practice can only be changed if we will make people familiarize with the rich culture of our country. Our Prime Minister gave the slogan to our country ‘Make in India’ it’s an excellent policy to fuel the dreams of our country but partially deployed. The slogan should be ‘Maker of India, Make in India’. Our country will only develop if we our self will build the goods and that too here only. We have intelligent brains & resources the area where we lack is the affinity with our great culture and history. The day we will imbibe it, we will be unstoppable.
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tarunv008-blog · 7 years
Thought of Separation
It struck 4:45 PM in the clock and it was meeting time, a meeting to discuss about the reason of me getting a thought of separation from my current company. So, it started with a very basic question: “What is your concern ? Why do you want to leave ? ” and follows that there is a big list of titles being used for me like a good team player, an intelligent worker, a hard working fella etc. The boss goes on adding up onto it and then you suddenly realise that it’s going like a one way session where you are just listening and your boss is speaking and making you count your achievements in your tenure in the company and then you just almost intrude to make her listen your point of view and express your mindset. And that moment the action begins. As an individual we all have some milestones set for us in our careers be it in terms of work, physical fitness, finance or family related. I wholeheartedly believe that no company is good or bad if you have these milestones set for you and you understand that what is the right time to achieve the one. Like any other ordinary employee I had only one reason ‘growth’ that comes in two dimensions, first is quite obviously my finance and secondly, roles & responsibilities. Just to be precise I put it in that way stating that I’m being underutilized and underpaid here so want to make a move. Then she explained me that in terms of utilization there are number of folks who are pretty underutilized and she can make efforts to align me somewhere as per my satisfaction. Other folks are also underutilized ? And that moment you think…. seriously !! there is something wrong with the think tank of the company who is managing. As she was going further on this point I again intruded to remind her about my second point ‘being underpaid’. Then she got quite enraged and her tone suddenly changed. She explained me that this is the thing where she can’t help me and can’t violate the pay parity of the company and attacked my loyalty to the company and trust worthiness. One thing I don’t understand every company says that they can’t violate the pay parity but at the same time there are huge differences in the numbers that define that it is being practised. If this difference does exist I’m just trying my best to achieve the best, it’s no crime If you feel you can do it you should do it. She went on to explain me that the employees who stay longer get rewarded in various forms like stocks & on-site trips. I tried to explain her my version of trust worthiness, I would consider a resource trust worthy if he delivers on time and provides effective solution to whatever the problem is thrown towards him rather than an employee spending 5 years in the same organization with the rusty skills and the laid back attitude however, exceptions are there & I respect them. I went on adding that If I know something that I can achieve now why to wait for it longer, then she agrees on my point little bit that we all have milestones defined in our career that we strive to achieve at a particular interval of our career. We all have our own pace to reach at the top of the castle nothing is right or wrong. If we do a role reversal I would always ask a question to the employee leaving us ‘What is it I can do to retain you ?’ If I can’t fulfill his expectations I would smile truthfully without any grudge or anger in my tone and wish him all the best in his career. won’t that be appropriate and encouraging for him as well ? 
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