tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
Thinking bout deleteing?
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
I give up.
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
Vanilla people who enjoy BDSM vs Lifestylers ***REPOST***
At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be a difference, but I assure you there is.
A few years ago, I was talking to a friend who was into BDSM long before me…but I was sharing with him some of my new experiences because now I could relate to some of what he enjoyed.
During the conversation he said to me, “Well I’m fine with vanilla or D/s.  Either way it’s cool.  I don’t really give it much thought.  An orgasm is still an orgasm, after all.”
It was when he said that, I realized it was no longer that way for me.  I craved D/s on a much deeper level.  It surpassed something kinky and fun to do.  It was an emotional and mental thing too.
Daddy and I weren’t together for a while in 09’ (I know I told you guys in another post) and I was seeing a vanilla guy.  We ended up having sex and I realized that I NEEDED BDSM to take me to that next level.  Sure, I could have an orgasm and sex that was decent…but it didn’t take me to that height I yearned for.  I knew in that instant, that if I didn’t have it, I wasn’t going to have a fulfilling sexual experience.  Since I had tasted what it felt like to have that deeper level of connection and intimacy, sex seemed somewhat dull without it. 
In the beginning I thought that BDSM was ALL about the sex.  I have since learned from some wonderful mentors that I am HARD-WIRED to be a sub.  In fact, I am more slave than anything because I want little to no control when it comes to being Owned.  I thought that because I am so independent in my daily life, that this could not be…but it is far from the case.
There are many vanilla people who love whips, chains, rope, clamps and all the BDSM gear, but they don’t need or desire the power-exchange OUTSIDE of the bedroom.  Knowing whether or not BDSM is a fun thing to do to spice up the sex or if it is a desire deep in your gut is easy to figure out.  When you find yourself sitting around, not even horny, but longing to serve or dominate, then you know it’s not only about sex.  There is something within you that NEEDS that.  When you are in your role as Dom or sub, you feel COMPLETE!  That is the bottom line!  When I am serving I feel at my best.  There is a contentedness that washes over me that nothing else can create. 
I am sure that many of the people on tumblr are vanilla and intrigued and turned on by the idea of BDSM, but some of you know that at it’s core D/s isn’t actually about sex at all…the sex is simply the icing on the cake.  ;-)
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
Whoa. I’m not into that, am I? Shit. I’m into that.
me, constantly (via sweetmidnightmoans)
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
so who else gets irrationally afraid and embarrassed about their interests being known to people in real life
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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Magikarp’s hidden talent.
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
It sucks when you realize the person you thought was your best friend turns out to be an actual piece of shit.
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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Okay, this is a really long post so I put everything under the cut. Just a heads up, none of these recipes include borax, but I still wouldn’t ingest the slime. Disclaimer: None of these recipes are mine! they are all recipes I've found online, compiled into a list to save you time. 
Keep reading
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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What do you expect me to do? Use them?
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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you will never be on this level of rp
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
Your gency art gives me life ♡ I really love your art! You're really talented ^-^ ♡
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have a quick doodle i did as part of my warm up continuation as thanks TAT 
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
when my s/o doesn't immediately reply to my texts
grown me: it's okay, he is likely just busy with something else
child me: nooooooo, must send a dozen messages asking if okay, must ask if he still loves me. What if he hates me? What if I'm annoying him? what if he doesn't ever reply to my texts and i will not be his baby i must apologise for whatever i did to upset him and send cute emojis with that
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
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tashawhuv-blog · 8 years
Secret Thoughts #1
I like wakeing up to midnight messages, i like knowing you where thinking of me.
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