tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Creating Rhythm Minds Logo
A couple of logo designs I created for Rhythm Minds
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The last two logos above is somewhere I'm leaning towards.
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Rhythm Minds Logo
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I chose this logo because using percussion sticks effectively represents the essence of learning percussion rhythms.
The logo still requires significant improvements.
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Rhythm Minds
Designing a logo is the most exciting part! When it comes to creating a logo for the name Rhythm Minds, I like to start by sketching out my ideas. This helps me visualize how I want it to look and also consider the meaning behind it. It's important for a logo to accurately represent the essence of the brand it represents. So, by sketching, I can explore different concepts and find the perfect design that captures the rhythm and creativity of Rhythm Minds.
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Music Website
I've given a lot of thought to the name of my website, and I'm leaning toward…
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Rhythm Minds
In my humble opinion, I must say that Rhythm Minds holds a certain appealing flow that is truly unique. I found myself caught in a dilemma between two options: Rhythm Minds and Rhythm Readers. However, as I thought about which to choose, the term "readers" gradually lost its charm. The appealing concept of the mind, a word that holds immense depth and significance in my personal journey.
Rhythm Minds perfectly captures the essence of the description. The word "rhythm" refers to the pattern of beats in music, which is essential to learning percussion instruments. The word "mind" implies the mental aspect of learning. The combination of these two words creates a name that conveys a sense of focus, discipline, and creativity. Rhythm Minds is dedicated to teaching its audience not only the technical skills but also the mindset needed to excel in the world of music.
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
What to name my website?
Thinking of a name or logo can take time, of course, but I have a few that I'm working towards.
Rhythm Readers
Tune Into Teaching
Rhythm Minds
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Senior Thesis Idea
My goal is to create a website that educates individuals on music reading and learning to play various percussion instruments.
To help start building my website, I did research on what other music educational websites look like and also watched a couple of videos on how to start a website.
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Calendar Project
In my most recent class, Advanced Digital Imaging: Topics in Design & Digital Imaging, we were assigned an interesting project centered around the creation of calendars. When it came to choosing the topic, we were given complete freedom. However, there was a catch - we had to produce a grand total of two calendars, complete with appealing covers, all within the span of just three months. Now, let me tell you about this incredible digital calendar that I've created.
I knew from the jump that I wanted to do a calendar about music but wasn't sure where I could go with music. My professor warned me that music is a vast subject, and he was right: I could write about hip hop—my personal favorite—or about the history of music or about individual artists or about different types of music altogether. After doing a lot of research on where I could go with it, I decided why not just teach music. And just like that, I began my journey. Ever since my middle school days to now, I have had the incredible opportunity to be a part of both the marching band and concert band. I played the percussion. As a result, I thought it would be cool to demonstrate how to play percussion instruments and teach simple technique notations of music.
Below is my sketch idea of how I wanted it to look
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Below is a link where you can check out my Music Calendar
The project was challenging but fulfilling. I discovered a new program that I had no idea existed and received a lot of positive feedback from my professor and classmates. I'm showing this project because I'm considering doing something similar with it for my senior thesis.
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tasiadevansblog · 11 months
Senior Thesis Thinking...
Coming up with an appealing senior thesis idea can be quite the challenge. When it comes to pursuing a major in Visual Communication & Digital Media Arts with a concentration in Advertising Design, the possibilities are truly endless. The skills and knowledge gained from this major can open doors to a wide range of exciting opportunities in the world of design. Whether it's creating captivating advertisements, crafting visually stunning graphics, or developing innovative marketing campaigns, the versatility of this field allows you to explore various paths and industries. With a solid foundation in graphic design, you'll have the power to make a lasting impact through your designs, wherever your creative journey takes you. When it comes to breaking my plans down, I believe the best approach is to begin with the interests and hobbies that truly ignite my soul.
Taking long car drives
Graphic design (of course)
Watching YouTube videos of people designing using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
The list could go on and on, but that's all I can think of right now. Being a graphic designer can be quite challenging at times. Have you ever experienced the frustration of brainstorming a brilliant idea, only to realize at the end that it doesn't quite connect with you? Or perhaps you find yourself selecting a topic that doesn't align with your comfort zone? Trust me, you're not alone in this creative struggle. It's a common dilemma that many of us face when trying to come up with captivating content.
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