I love bolding surveys. A Walk to Remember is my favorite movie of all time. I wear black more than any other color, but I am not gothic. I genuinely care for my friends. I don’t trust people easily. I am female. I do not wear glasses. I have never seen the movie “Phantom of the Opera”. I did not attend preschool as a child. I have an older brother. I am too organized. My shoulders are always hot, but my feet are always cold. This is not the first survey I have ever taken. I am interested in taking psychology classes. I refuse to use any other brand of tissue, besides Kleenex. Easter used to be my favorite holiday. I have an Ipod. My lips are chapped at this moment. I was afraid of the monster under my bed as a child. I have a boyfriend. My birthday is in February. I don’t have a job. I have never left this country. I have cried within the last 24 hours. My fingertips are freezing cold. I have already eaten dinner. Normally I don’t eat breakfast. I really don’t like country music. I have a cat. I have thrown up from crying too much before. I love Sushi. I crack my knuckles often. I’m not in any sports. I play the acoustic guitar, and I love it. I have only been to 2 concerts before in my life. I used to want to be a vegetarian. I get along better with guys. I used to like Pokemon. I am mostly French heritage. Lip rings are arousing. I had a pet turtle one summer. I get excited about getting new underwear. I need a boost in my self-esteem. I love receiving mail and e-mail. I’ve had a penpal before. I can’t sleep on my back. I just can’t. I hate public bathrooms. I listen to my parents; it’s just that sometimes I really don’t care. Once in my life, I named a pigeon. I laugh when I watch old home videos. I used to be obsessed with the Spice Girls. I once started a fire in my microwave. I really like the name Mathias. I keep a diary online and a diary on paper. I love reading. The OC is my favorite TV show ever. I’m glad this survey is almost over. I am in the mood to take a shower. (always lol) I feel like crying when I look at old pictures. I have a very busy day tomorrow. I am in the mood to kiss somebody. Anybody. I might be in love with my best friend. I have watched all three High School Musical movies. I don’t think Zac Efron is all that hot, honestly. I don’t even like one single song from any of the three movies. I’ve been involved in a school musical before. I can’t sing to save my life. I am/have dating/dated a basketball player. I know a guy who is almost never seen without a hat/cap/fedora/etc. I hate movie musicals. I hate Disney movies. I know someone who drives a pink car. I made a new friend today. I want to study theatre in college. Brown hair + blue eyes = hotness. I’ve written a song before, and I think it was pretty good! I play an instrument pretty well. I’m in a band. I pretty much live in my earphones/headphones. My ringtone is a song from my favourite artist/band. I’d rather watch a horror movie than a romantic comedy. Animated films still amuse me. I’ve noticed that nobody makes cartoons the old-fashioned way anymore, it’s all CGI. I would love to play in an orchestra. Better still, be the conductor! I wonder if the orchestra players really pay attention to the conductor. I’ve been extremely annoyed at someone in the past 24 hours. I don’t get irritated easily. I wear a ring on my pinky finger. I’d prefer to sing the second voice (harmony) in a choir. Pfft, who wants to sing in a choir when you can go solo. There’s at least one teddy bear in the room that I’m in now. I have something from Build-a-Bear. And it’s not even a bear. I just yawned. I wouldn’t even know it if I were standing right next to a Jonas Brother. The last person I texted is blood-related to me in some way. I’m registered to an official fanclub. I hate it when Youtube videos take forever to buffer. I hate it even more when the title says one thing but the video is another thing altogether! I want Brad and Angelina to adopt me too! I have my own personal blog. I could never be a model because I love to eat. I know how to play the bass guitar. I listen to Christian music. I’d love to learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese. I’m listening to my favourite song right now! I’m going to bed within the next 3 hours. I’ve made a bolding survey before. I think it’s easier than making a random survey. I made my Xanga layout myself I can’t stand girls who claim that they will marry their celebrity heartthrob. I laughed at Rihanna’s “Umbrella” the first time I heard it. I must have everything in my favourite color! I am single. I’ve bought a guy a birthday present before.
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merry christmas 
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A much shorter movie
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I hate when people have no depth and only relate to people through alcohol, their children and pop culture.  I mean, there’s nothing wrong with liking or doing these sorts of things but I want to have conversations beyond the Walking Dead and drinking jokes based on disney movie quotes.
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Giant ocean waves of wood and glass by Mario Ceroli
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Photo by Paul Dufour 
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