tastytea-love · 2 years
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21 years old me..still fagirling for these kind of moments…
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tastytea-love · 2 years
Sanji saving Nami in chapter 1065 🥰 (spoiler below)
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tastytea-love · 2 years
Why SaNami Over LuNami
Let me first start by saying I’m not here to offend the contrary. My goal is not to prove why SaNami is better than LuNami but simply show why I think SaNami is a good ship. Also, similar assessment has probably been done before so I might be repeating what other people have said without knowing so just know that. I’ve read a lot of posts from LuNami supporters and their evidence as to why they think it’s a good ship and to be frank, I’m quite surprised because they had a lot of ‘evidence’ but not really at the same time but that just what I think you don’t need to take it for granted. Once again, this is my personal opinion. I’m not here to do anything negative of any sort, I’m simply just sharing my thoughts. Without further ado let’s begin.
1. Nami is Sanji’s number one + More
Yes, wow! Amazing right? I know I know. Okay, if you’re the person who is going to disagree with me now and say “But Pudding loves Sanji so they should be together.” Then, you either hate Sanji or you like Sanji and you just want him to be with a person that actually loves him. Which I wholeheartedly understand but as a person who likes Sanji very much I think Pudding doesn’t deserve Sanji. I’m not gonna explain why as I already did in my previous post so read that if you want to know. Nonetheless, I do want to point at one thing about Pudding that I haven’t noticed in my post regarding her. Big Mom said that Pudding will have an awakening that’ll allow them to decipher the poneglyphs. I think she was referring to the special ability of the 3-eyed tribe. Big Mom may have been defeated but she is definitely not dead because Zeus didn’t disappear and she said it herself that it wasn’t enough to kill her. So perhaps we will see Pudding again and if Oda ever tries to add more on her redemption maybe just maybe I could accept her and even be willing to say that she deserves Sanji depending on how significant her redemption is. Viola is another contender that I see, as of now I’d rather have Viola instead of Pudding, because both Sanji and Viola shared mutua romantic interest. However, the problem lies in developing their relationship and the two just weren’t given the time to do so. Even if they are both in love, Sanji is gone. Unlike Pudding, the chances of Sanji seeing Viola again is very low because she has no other roles to play except for her role as a princess of Dressrosa. My point being that Sanji will just become more attached to Nami or have more interactions with Nami which may or may not further advance their relationship. Now let’s start talking about Sanji. Some LuNami fans disagree with SaNami because of the fact that Sanji loves all the ladies in the world. So he automatically doesn’t have the sense of commitment which I think is false. He was committed to the marriage with Pudding and was ready to give up his adventures with his crew and dreams if it meant saving their lives including his father figure Zeff. I mean he was so committed that he didn’t have his usual reaction (heart eyes) when seeing Nami enter a whole yonko territory to save him. Sanji’s kindness and bias towards women probably won’t change but I think Sanji is definitely capable of commitment. You can’t hate Sanji for liking other girls because he isn’t into a relationship with anyone. It’s all a gag that I personally find funny but preferred to be lowered down. Oda has undoubtedly made Sanji more perverted than he ever was post time skip and it’s hurting his character. I do think after Wano things will become much better for Sanji and I do hope he doesn’t encounter female opponents. I do think Nami is conscious of Sanji’s affection towards her so he does take advantage of that sometimes but I really don’t mind and Sanji enjoys it so who cares. Nami also cares a lot about Sanji (She wanted to get Sanji back as soon as possible Zou and WCI highlights). Despite saying “I’ll never forgive you” to Sanji in WCI, she was overjoyed when Sanji caught her, preventing her from falling to the ground.
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Part of me thinks she’s just playing hard to get or even acting like a tsundere sometimes but I’m probably wrong. I mean who wouldn’t fall in love with such a dependable and smart man? The only thing that’s ruining Sanji’s chances is his lack of commitment and out of control perverted behaviors which annoys Nami often. Sanji’s post time skip has undeniably become worse in regards with his pervertedness towards pretty ladies. But out of all the female characters in One Piece Sanji had most of his interactions with Nami. They had several moments with each other which just forced the belief on me that being them being together in the end. Oda could’ve simply not have included those moments but he did like the wedding theme exclusively for Nami and Sanji the groom and the bride. I don’t know why but their relationship reminds me of Usui and Misaki from Maid-Sama if you know you know😉. If you don’t know, I’d recommend watching it. Misaki’s confession is how I would imagine Nami confessing to Sanji though the chances of this happening is probably close to zero. The difference is that Usui is an actual giga chad and is only dedicated towards one girl. I think Sanji and Nami just need a scenario where they can better understand and develop their feelings towards one another. Though the chances of this is very low due to it being a battle shounen it’s still possible. Since Sanji has been with Nami all this time and has had some sole moments with her I do think that she’s more special compared to other girls given that she’s the only girl Sanji calls with San suffix and he’s the only guy Nami calls with Kun suffix. Which could just refer to respect but then again at the end of the day I find it cute because it’s what a couple would do. Towards the recent chapters it was shown that Sanji actually lost control of himself and even gave Zoro a heads up to kill him if he ever goes berserk. 
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 Maybe at one point Sanji will be forced into transforming into a monster to save his friends, probably more towards Nami and Robin. His emotions of course are what will cause this transformation. He’ll unleash the devil that is hiding inside of him to save the person that he cares for the most, Nami (biased). I could really see this happening to Sanji. Sanji transforming into this monster will finally make Nami realize that she isn’t just any girl for Sanji and she might be aware of this already but who knows. Nonetheless, perhaps Sanji could lose control like his siblings and have no remorse or the sense of value like he once had. Then, maybe Nami could do something to calm him down which would prove to her that Sanji’s love for her is more special than she may have initially thought. This is all speculations and chances of it happening is slim to none. At any rate, Sanji and Nami’s relationship is undoubtedly just going to progress. I would also like to mention those people that say “Romance between the crew would destroy the image of friendship that they have going.” I understand what they mean but you have to understand one thing: Sanji has had a different intention towards Nami ever since they met. Yes, they are friends as of now, but them being together wouldn’t destroy anything because Sanji has viewed Nami more than just a friend and in chapter 991 Sanji actually calls her MY nami-san. Perhaps you think oh it’s gonna ruin it because it’s going to be forced since it’s a one sided love. Again, I understand what you mean but them being together has yet to happen and I don’t think Oda would simply make Nami love Sanji romantically for no reason. 
For the second part of this talk I will discuss some of the plausible hints that may or may not prove anything. Though one thing before I do that, I wanna talk about some of the reasoning of LuNami fans and try to interpret it with my own logical reasoning instead of biased reasoning. Please bear me with me. 
1. Nami and Luffy are the only ones wearing crowns on some of the color spreads which apparently shows that they are both King and Queens meaning that they will be together at the end. Now this could be the case, but it could just show that Nami is the heroine of the story, the main girl. Similarly, Luffy is the protagonist and has a crown on him and it would also lead to the idea of his dream being the KING of pirates which is mentioned by him a lot. However, the idea of QUEEN of pirates has never been mentioned of any sort. The closest we got is Boa Hancock being referred to as Pirate Empress. Therefore, calling Nami that is just pure speculation with no relevance to One Piece but I do understand what the LuNami fans mean. 
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2. Nami and Luffy are the only ones that appear to be raising their hand on some of the color spread. Now Luffy is raising his hand because there's  treasure which would mean he’d be able to eat a lot of meat. Similarly, Nami is raising her hand also because there’s treasure and as we know Nami loves treasure.
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3. Luffy putting his straw hat on Nami’s head. Now I have no idea how this turned into a romantic gesture but I guess there’s no point in questioning it. If anything though, Luffy giving his straw hat to Nami shows his trust to her even though she betrayed them which shows that Luffy still considered her as Nakama. Luffy knows his nakama very well and will do anything for them. Sanji literally went on a brutal beatdown on him and he took it without using haki because he understood Sanji’s sacrificial motive. Unlike Nami, who believed Sanji’s act, Luffy knew the truth. Sanji just thought of it as Luffy just being selfish but Luffy knew what Sanji really wanted, which was to be back with them. It’s one of the reasons why Luffy is such a good protagonist his always true to his words. It goes to show the lengths Luffy will go to once he views you as a nakama. Luffy treasures his nakama and puts his hat on Nami and says “Of course I will” after Nami asked for help. My point being, his hat is his treasure and was a way of confirming to Nami that he still viewed him as one of them. This is because Luffy could’ve just said “You’re my friend, of course I’ll help you.” Instead, he took the hat route as means to say you’re my friend and I view you as my Nakama.
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4. LuNami fans like to use movies, especially strong world, for hints. But those movies are not canon…in other words it never happened in the real story. You can call it fanservice if you will. Some argue and say what matters is Oda’s intention. I’m just like😂🤷 because sure it was his intention FOR the movie which is not CANON. The hints or moments in the movie are for the movie exclusively. It’s like blood type just because we’re both humans doesn’t mean we have the same blood. We can’t use each other’s blood if they DIFFER as means for transfusion. (I was not arguing please don’t hate me.)
5. LuNami fans also bring up Usopp Gallery where Oda apparently called one of the SaNami fan arts ‘stupid’ and ‘delusional’. All I can say is it’s called Usopp Gallery for a reason which means that it’s Usopp’s commentary not Oda! Even if we say it was Oda’s intention it just wouldn’t make sense because Oda made those Sanji and Nami moments knowingly that it’ll create some sort of ship between the two. So if it was his commentary then it wouldn’t make sense because it’s like his calling his own creation stupid. Usopp though calling it stupid makes a lot more sense. Also, one of the fan arts indicating SaNami commentary stated “This is Sanji’s dream” which would prove SaNami right? Since One piece is all about reaching your dreams. Again, We don’t have a way of confirming it 100% if it was Oda’s intention or just Usopps but if you’re a SaNami fan don’t take it for granted and let it deviate your initial thoughts.
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6. Portgas D. Rouge, the mother of Ace, apparently looks similar to Nami. We don’t know anything about Rogue history to make comparisons in regards with character. So saying they’re similar is quite invalid. Appearance wise they do not look alike at all: different hair color, eye shape, and eye color. I also don’t think she’s a navigator or part of Roger’s crew because the navy didn’t seem to have known her. Luffy and Roger are comparable but not really in terms of character. Roger is more intelligent than Luffy in terms of being captain; he knows what he needs to achieve his goals. Luffy on the other hand, was just lucky enough to stumble upon the right people and had to save them to build trust vice versa. Roger seems to not have a problem killing people as he did for Squard’s crew. Luffy is less proud because he is in fact willing to kneel in exchange for favors and mercy. Whilst, Roger seemed to contain a lot of pride as we can see with Ace. Luffy also has the ability to draw everyone on his side which I doubt Roger had. Luffy and Roger share the same passion of becoming the King of Pirates but they are very much different. As a result, they are not gonna have the same outcomes except of course becoming the king of pirates.
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7. Nami’s punches working on Luffy actually means something other than being a GAG. Garp calls them “Fist of Love “ so LuNami fans think that there’s some connection between the two. In reality, unlike Nami, Garp knows Haki so it makes sense that his fist actually hurt Luffy. In an sbs Oda confirmed that it’s not that Nami’s hurting Luffy physically but his spirit.
8. They would also point out Oda’s wife cosplaying Nami and use it as a hint and say Oda thinks of himself as Luffy. However, when asked what he thinks about Luffy Oda said that Luffy is what his “ideal child” would be. Did you know that Oda’s a chainsmoker and a pervert? Well now you do. That reminds me of someone that we One Piece fans know very well…..Ohhhh that’s right, Sanji! My point being, if anything Oda is more of a Sanji than a Luffy. Thus, this hint is logically more favored towards SaNami.
The main reason why I choose SaNami over LuNami is mainly because I don’t see Luffy as someone who is interested in romance. I don’t think Oda will change Luffy’s character and turn him into a character that appeals for romance like Sanji. This could possibly change after he is able to achieve his main objective of becoming the king of pirates like Roger suddenly having a baby. However, for Roger he had a reason why he wanted a kid which was to inherit his will of becoming the next king of pirates. As you can see the Roger pirates were too early. 
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So he made sure to have a kid that could inherit his will which we now know as Ace. Unfortunately, Luffy will be the man Roger is waiting for and become the one that he hoped his child would become. Therefore, Luffy wouldn’t really need a child to inherit anything because he already will be the one finishing the mission. Now, Luffy can still definitely have a kid but he is the embodiment of freedom. I’m not sure if Luffy would desire such responsibility. Luffy can also just end up with someone with no child like Rayleigh. Sanji has a sense of commitment as I established earlier; he just needs to be loved back and taken seriously. Despite Sanji being one of the more intelligent straw hats he has yet to discover the WAY to Nami’s heart. Nami could personally just ask Sanji to do so and Sanji would probably be able to maintain composure and just love only Nami and still be kind to other girls which is not a problem and Nami actually favours it though not the point of him killing himself because of it. Like how Nami respected his chivalry in Enies Lobby. Personally, I just find SaNami really cute even though it’s one-sided as of now. The slow burn romance of two friends slowly becoming true lovers at the end MaMa Ma Ma! that would indeed be sooo satisfying. My headcanon is getting more severe as we speak. If you have read until here you’re a legend. T'was mostly nonsense coming from me but thank you for reading have a beautiful day.
Today marks the birthday of Nami-Swaaan July 3rd
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tastytea-love · 2 years
This week's favourite manga panel:
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➡ One Piece Ch. 1053 I really missed that smile, Marimo!! 💖
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tastytea-love · 2 years
What's with you two and always being connected by a heart??
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tastytea-love · 2 years
One Piece color spread 1045 and SanNami
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When I corped the pic,Look… They re fit perfectly in the same panel
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Nami , She ‘s with in the apron, Seem like she prepare to helping Sanji in the kitchen for cooking the meal
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And her outfit made me reminding to someone who important about Sanji , when he was a kid
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Her apron pattern look resembly with Reiju’s outfit, Sanji’s older sister
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In the same way ,Sanji’s T-shirt pattern , Looks like the gibi Lion,Yes!! The pattern made me remind with someone ourfit
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Sanji’s t- shirt  look resembly with young Nami’s outfit when Bellemere get old cloth of Nojiko ,renovated the sunflower to be the lion
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tastytea-love · 2 years
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Their blush and the heart between them 😍😍
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tastytea-love · 2 years
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I don’t know whom can exchange the duty on the cruise each other, but I feel good with Sanji and Nami they can exchange and proceed the duty each other and I never seen someone can did it like two of them
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tastytea-love · 2 years
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- One Piece Chapter 1039
Colourspread by Oda Eiichiro
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tastytea-love · 2 years
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For my thought, Seem like the scene from “ Romeo and Juliet” LoL
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tastytea-love · 2 years
Oda really said Sanami rights!!!
From color spread of chapter 1,036 💖💖💖
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tastytea-love · 3 years
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Sanji,Nami and Chopper, Seem’s  Oda usually to setting them together  like this.
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tastytea-love · 3 years
SaNami theory: The power of love
After recent chapters with Sanji awakening his powers and his reactions to it I am very curious to see how Oda is going to solve this. He is going to need to address it in some way and give a good resolution for Sanji’s current inner turmoil. My idea is that if Sanji figures out that his powers come from his emotions, and he realizes that he is nothing at all like his brothers, he might accept his powers and be willing to use them moving forward despite his hate for Germa. I think Nami could be used as the trigger for Sanji to understand his powers and then also feel comfortable with who he is even with the powers.
I have little faith in this theory actually happening, mostly because it’s too shippy for Oda. But I couldn’t get it out of my head and felt it worked fairly well, so I ended up writing it down.
What we know at this point is that Sanji is awakening his Germa powers and that he doesn’t want them. This means that Oda will likely have to deal with it in some way so that Sanji accepts them. It also needs to work with what we saw happen in WCI and be done in a way that feels like it makes sense for Sanji’s character.
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Sanji doesn’t want to use the Germa powers, but he already has, so he seems open to change his mind if the reasons are good enough. Of course it’s very different if his whole body changes, and I totally understand Sanji’s worrry and fear of turning into something like his brothers.
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He doesn’t want to “be a moster like them”, which means he might need to see the difference between himself and his brothers and come to understand his powers as something good. (Unless Oda actually goes down the route of Sanji losing his emotions, but that would mean a whole lot more drama and inner conflict for Oda to solve.)
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The thing is that here Sanji says that he doesn’t want to lose his emotions, and that is likely his biggest fear. So, if instead he doesn’t lose his emotions, but understand that his emotions is what awakened his powers it could make him accept them. Oda writes out “I need to figure out what caused this” so it’s likely Oda has a specific reason for why it happened, and will show Sanji figure it out.
At the moment it seems Usopp and Nami got separated, and also that Sanji is moving away from his initial fighting spot, this makes it possible for them to cross paths during Sanji’s fight with Queen and while he tries to understand his current powers.
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But now I want to go into a bit more small things that make me think this could work and that Oda might have foreshadowed it.
To start off, I think that if there is one person Sanji could consider becoming a “monster” for to begin with it’s Nami and he’s said as much before.
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The first time Sanji meets Nami he says that he is willing to become a devil for her. Later in Skypiea he repeats a similar sentiment about becoming the devil of the blue sea if Enel hurts Nami. 
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Then again we have Sanji in Thriller Bark catching on fire when he learns about Nami being kidnapped and that Absalom wants to marry her. We’ve in other words seen Sanji being prepared to go very far for Nami’s sake and him already seemingly getting powered up by his feelings.
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We also know that Sanji’s feelings have made him stronger before in other examples, perhaps most notably with his attack “Hell’s memories” which is literally fueled by anger. 
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But also the fact that his fire powers are described to be because his “passion burns hotter than flames”.
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Basically, Sanji’s fire power at least seems to stem from his emotions. If his new awakening is also because of emotions I think that would work in line with Sanji’s character and be something he can accept rather than if it’s the opposite, that his Germa powers will remove his feelings (which is of course another possibility). Still, at least to some extent Sanji already seems to gain power from his emotions.
You have other small examples of this, for example the cigarette burning more when Sanji is speaking to Capone about his family, or even something as silly as Sanji getting a speed boost after touching Nami’s breast in Punk Hazard.
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“What kind of source of power do you call that?” It’s possible these small moments with Nami have been foreshadowing for something that’s about to come.
Now looking at what seems to have triggered the awakening of Sanji’s powers he specifically says he has felt strange since the second time he wore the Raid suit. 
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If I am not mistaken he wore it the second time when he saw Nami naked in the bath (the first being when he fought Page 1 and third being when he saved Momo), and it’s possible his strong reaction might have triggered his powers in some way. I just wonder why it would be so specific as Sanji feeling off after the second time in particular.
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It might sound silly, but it wouldn’t be too odd for Oda to make Sanji’s pervertedness/love into a source of power. The thing I think speaks the most against this is why the Raidsuit would react to feelings when Judge clearly never meant for his children to have feelings at all. Still, it’s possible Sanji’s feelings have always been the thing to power him, and now with the raidsuit on these Germa powers get more easily dragged out of him so to speak.
Looking at the current situation it’s possible that if Sanji realizes that 1. the second time he wore the suit he saw Nami naked, and 2. he gets a second moment with Nami now that somehow makes him feel different he could connect the two and figure out it was Nami and his emotions that triggered it when he wore the raid suit in the bathhouse.
I also think that out of anyone Nami might be one of few Sanji is willing to change for. Again, he has basically already expressed it a few times, how far he is willing to go for her. So if he gets put in a situation where Nami needs him to use his powers, he might put her above anything. It’s also possible that Nami could be used as a way for Sanji to understand the source of his powers, if it’s true that feelings are triggering them.
Nami was there in WCI and has even mentioned Sanji being different from his brothers. If Sanji realizes that feelings is in fact what makes him stronger and has triggered the latent powers it will still work with Sora’s wish and show how Sanji is both different and in a way better than his siblings specifically because of his love.
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If Nami can help Sanji realize that it’s not what he has in common with his brothers, but what makes them different is what’s important, then he might be able to overcome his problem with changing. We know he already is changing and it’s likely going to be permanent, so in the end Oda will have to solve this in some way for Sanji to move forward. If we are lucky Oda might use Nami in regards to Sanji finally accepting himself as he is and help him change his perspective.
It also matches with Sanji’s theme of “Love is a hurricane” and cheesy as it might be the “power of love” being a source of strength for Sanji. Which we have seen expressed before by Sanji’s zombie in Thriller Bark as he jumped in to save Nami.
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In the end I just felt it could all match up rather neatly.
Sanji can come to understand that his powers come from his feelings. Not that he will lose them and become like his brothers.
Considering the timing it’s possible that what triggered the awakening was when he saw Nami naked while wearing the raid suit.
Sanji can start to accept that his kindness and emotions is what matters and makes him very different from his family, just like Sora already expressed.
Sanji’s powerup will be related to his love and want to protect.
Nami is one person that knows about Sanji’s family and has seen the difference between him and them.
Nami is someone Sanji has been willing to become a devil for before and it could have been foreshadowing from Oda.
So that’s it. The power of love (or perhaps lust?) could be a trigger for Sanji’s powers and Nami might be part in how Sanji realizes this and also accepts the powers as a part of himself.
Thank you for reading, and let me know what you think. Any possibility at all of this happening or am I just dreaming up shippy scenarios?
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tastytea-love · 3 years
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Quite the same, if you'll ask me.
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tastytea-love · 3 years
Sanji said his hands are only for cooking but...
I think he found on them another meaning...
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tastytea-love · 3 years
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They worry about each other in their own ways
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tastytea-love · 3 years
Found an old card game and noticed that Sanji is wearing the same outfit as Nami in Onigashima 👀✨
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