tatisujj · 2 years
—idk when will parents understand that the shit they say affect us the most. more than any critical comment by a best friend.
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tatisujj · 2 years
Sad hearts in love will be strong. Weak hands will learn to hold on. Come drink from the well that never runs dry. Wash all the sadness from your eyes.
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tatisujj · 2 years
Do you think it’s random who goes to heaven or not?
I always thought it was accepting christ and knowing he dies for us and a stupid thing I saw with a man who says he is Christian who was dying and says he saw Hell even when he said he asked forgiveness so it just make me worry which probs makes me sound so bad lol
The Gospel was never a tool to escape hell, unfortunately on average in America that’s how it’s preached. The Gospel, the bible is an invitation into a relationship with Jesus where He makes you brand new from the inside out. All sins forgiven. All sins no longer in sight. Knowing this makes it hard to believe He hasn’t or won’t love and accept you.
God’s accepted you through the confidence of what Christ accomplished so much that He gifted you with His own holiness and righteousness. Through the death of Christ’s body on the cross you’ve been made holy, blameless and above reproach.
When Jesus comes back, He’s only coming back to received what is His. What He paid for—you, and all other believers, and all the world, and the heavens.
The Gospel was never made for us to fear hell. The bible doesn’t say, “God so feared men would go to hell so He sent His Son.” It says, “God so loved the world…” It was sent, and Christ was sent to expose sin, to remove sin, to expose your created value, that His presence was the home He created you for from the beginning.
And that hell, although real, was never made for human beings but for idols. And that when a man never repents and makes his mind his own god, the lies of the devil his truth, he becomes a false god, a god unto himself.
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tatisujj · 2 years
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It is only because of God that we have any victory in our lives. Every victory we experience - on the field, in the classroom, on the job - is because God has allowed it.
But more importantly, He has given us victory over death through saving our souls and helping us become spiritually reborn through His gift of grace that is our eternal salvation. He has given it to us. We could never have accomplished this on our own. God ensures our victory through Jesus Christ, who died for us, shed His precious blood for us, rising again and soon returning. Through Him, we are indeed victorious!
Thanks be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
Lord Jesus, I thank you for Your victory on the cross and over Death. You are my Savior and King! My everything!
You have fought my battles for me and made me victorious in You. Because of You, I never have to know eternal death and I will be safe from the snares of Hell. Thank you for this - For everything! Your will be done! Blessed be Your mighty name! To You and Your Kingdom be the glory forevermore! In Your name I humbly pray, Amen and amen
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tatisujj · 2 years
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The things that we receive from God are always good and they always refresh and renew us and our soul.
The world tries to offer us counterfeit forms of the good things God gives us, but they can never match up.
Stick to the things of God: They will refresh and renew your soul and make you feel as if you will remain a youth forever.
Thanks be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Amen!
Dear Father God, Lord Jesus, I thank you that the things that come from You are good and pure and true. For everything!
May You and Your Holy Spirit help me discern what is from You and what is not. May You always be my strength so I may lean on You and Your Holy Word and be humble and do Your will and walk in Your ways daily. Your will be done! Blessed be Your mighty name! To You and Your Kingdom be the glory forevermore! In Your name I humbly pray, Amen and amen
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tatisujj · 2 years
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And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the LORD had called the child. Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth. - 1 Samuel 3:8-10 KJV
The Lord called, “Samuel, Samuel.” Samuel didn’t recognize the Lord’s voice. Now, imagine the Lord calling your name. Would you recognize His voice? I’m sure I have missed it many times in my life.
Samuel needed Eli to help him understand what was happening and once he understood, he immediately said yes. In order to hear and understand the Lord’s call to us, some things are necessary: First, we need some quiet in our lives. The world is full of noise. Some of this noise is unavoidable – traffic, construction, machinery, etc. – but much of it we inflict upon ourselves. How much time do we spend listening to the radio, the television, video games, idle chatter? In order to hear the Lord, we need to turn away from the noise and turn toward the Word of God.
Samuel also needed the help of Eli, a man who had been listening to God’s voice for many years and had served the Lord as a priest. Although he was old and had not always been faithful, he could help Samuel know how to respond to the Lord’s call.
God has put people in our lives to help us in our search for God’s voice and sometimes we are called to be help for others. Have you ever heard someone say to you, “That was just what I needed to hear?” Or perhaps it was you who needed someone to say just the right thing to you.
Once you do recognize what the Lord is calling you to do, you have two choices: Either to respond as Samuel did or think about the difficulties you might encounter, or how you might offend a friend, or think of all the things you need to do first. We choose what to do.
We can listen for God’s voice or turn away; we can do as the Lord requests, or refuse. God has given us free will. The question is, what will we do with it. Choose wisely, friend.
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Amen!
Lord Jesus, open my eyes and ears to hear Your voice as You speak to me through Your Word and through others and open my heart to respond to your call with love and trust.
I love you, O Lord my God, and I am Your humble and faithful servant now and forever. Your will be done! Blessed be Your mighty name! To You and Your Kingdom be the glory forevermore! In Your name I humbly pray, Amen and amen
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tatisujj · 2 years
You tell yourself, “What this person said and did hurt my feelings,” well you have to think, as a believer what if the Lord in Himself took that idea toward humanity? “Father, their rejection hurt Me. Peter is going to deny Me, three times might I add. And Judas, don’t get Me started. You know what. I’m going to distance myself, loving them is not a good idea because every time I try it always, they always hurt my feelings. I can’t take it. I feel too much. I feel too deeply. I feel I want to leave. Forgive them not. Beam me up.”
If Jesus took on the mindset we take on towards each other His Spirit wouldn’t be living in us and we truly would be in our sins but He died for our offenses and rose for our justification in Him. And if people said or did wrong things to you, it’s not because they’re not worth loving, it’s because they don’t see and know the truth about who God says they are, they’re deceived, not your enemy.
We have to stop taking personal other people’s faults and marking them as not worth loving like Jesus because if what they did to you was done to Jesus, He wouldn’t have changed. He would have denied Himself, carried His cross and loved them so effortlessly, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” He’ll suffer for doing good because He knows what men look like when He’s in them and they’re surrendered, and that’s what He paid a price for, and that’s how He wants us to love others.
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tatisujj · 2 years
“If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me.”
Robert Murray McCheyne
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tatisujj · 2 years
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Jesus Christ - the Word of God and God Himself in the flesh - was sent to this Earth as a baby to live as a man. He grew from a baby in the womb to the Lamb and Savior on the cross at Calvary.
He lived among us, He ate with us, He healed us. By taking on flesh, He also took on our sins on the cross. His death on the cross is what granted us reconciliation with the Heavenly Father and a chance at eternal salvation and eternal life with Him in His Kingdom, our true home.
May we never forget Him and His ultimate sacrifice. Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and amen!
Dear Father God Almighty, You sent Your only begotten Son to this fallen world to offer us atonement when we did not deserve it. You sent the Holy Lamb and Word down to our world full of sin to shine like a light in the darkness and give a chance at life eternal with You in Your Heavenly Kingdom.
Thank you for Your mercy and grace, O Lord Jesus! For everything! May we, the adopted children of God, live like You had as we fulfill our duty to You, follow You and strive to walk in Your Holy Spirit and do Your will daily. To You and Your Kingdom be the glory forevermore! Blessed be the name of the LORD! In Your name Lord Jesus I humbly pray, Amen and amen
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tatisujj · 2 years
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“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” —1 John 5:4 (ESV)
“And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” —1 John 5:5 (NLT)
“He comes to set you free: Bible verses on the Lord's power to break every chain” By Alannah Francis
“Chains are an obvious symbol of imprisonment. In physical terms they restrict us, hold us down and back and signify our captive state. In spiritual terms they do more or less the same. While many of us won't experience physical chains, we're by no means immune to the impact of spiritual chains which harm our spiritual growth. These kinds of shackles are just as unmissable and detrimental to our freedom because they affect our behaviour, our outlook and our faith.
The Bible features numerous accounts of physical chain breaking but it also is full of stories about people who had their spiritual chains broken by the Lord. These types of chains manifested in various ways – demons, sickness, sin. But these biblical stories aren't just documented so that we know what Jesus was able to do for people that followed him in the past, they're also there to show us what he can do for us today. Jesus comes to set us free and destroy the chains that bind us.
The modern day chains that we may experience can come in a variety of forms. It might be an addiction, a lazy attitude or a failure to forgive. We can identify such spiritual shackles by assessing whether whatever it is weakens us, restricts our freedom and prevents us from reaching our potential to become closer to and more like Christ.
If you're aware that there are chains holding you down or you think there's something shackling you but you're yet to determine what it is, appeal to Jesus to set you free.
Here are some Bible verses that will also enable you to see that regardless of the power that chains have, the Lord's power to break them is far greater.
1. Mark 5:8 - “For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God's name don't torture me!" For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of this man, you impure spirit!"
2. Acts 12:6-7 - “The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.”
3. Acts 16:25-26 - “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone's chains came loose.”
4. Psalm 116:16 - “Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did; you have freed me from my chains.
5. Psalm 107:13-16 - “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.”
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tatisujj · 2 years
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And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11
The Saviour has been born. This is the good news of great joy! The shepherds were filled with joy and wonder and praise. Why? Their Saviour has come for them. Christmas reminds us to be joyful. Our Saviour was born to set us free from every bondage, sin and shame. May the Joy of Christmas fill our hearts now and always!
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tatisujj · 2 years
Sometimes, we go through rough things because it is in those rough things that God is establishing us.
Have you ever thought about how after certain experiences you find out more about your true self?
Sometimes, we can't discover who we really are until we go through something that leads us to. If you feel as though God is allowing you to be in a rough place for a prolonged period of time (some call it the "wilderness") it could very well be that God is establishing you.
Helping you to see who you really are. Showing you the real you! Showing you just how strong and powerful He has made you to be. Showing you that you're capable of more than you think. Showing you that you mean more to Him than you know. Showing you that with Him, ALL things are truly possible. Showing you that with Him, there is true love. True love!
My advice? Keep pressing. Keep walking. Whatever you do, don't stop walking with God. It gets better! Just wait!
I've been through the wilderness and I can tell you from experience that it is worth enduring. It is. You'll see the other side and you'll thank God that He carried you through.
Keep pressing. Keep pushing. Most importantly, keep walking with God. You can do this!
James 1:2‭-‬4 NLT
"2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."
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tatisujj · 3 years
there are a lot of things people don’t tell you about life and about how to deal with it.
they don’t tell you that you can experience mental illnesses without even realizing it for years or that abuse more often than not looks like love. they don’t tell you that sometimes it feels like you’re getting better or you’re having a breakthrough but then the next day you feel like you’re spiraling again. they don’t tell you that you will always be recovering. they don’t tell you that it’s okay to feel negative about things even after they’re over.
recovery is not one size fits all, so please don’t hold yourself to an expectation like that when you see other people healing “faster”. it’ll take time and patience. but you will get there even if it doesn’t just magically happen one day.
every mental illness looks different just as every life looks different, so no one’s growth will be at the same rate. what works for some won’t work for everyone. you’re a valid human being with valid experiences and feelings. don’t give up on yourself because you think you’re the odd one out. we’re all different.
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tatisujj · 3 years
When I don’t spend time with God I begin to feel so low and lose sight of the things that God has placed in my heart. When I spend time with God, I feel strong and I feel loved and I feel peace and I feel like I am going to be ok. I don’t know where God is taking me really, but I trust Him and I trust Him wholeheartedly. I am not ashamed to say that I am so in love with Jesus!
To those of you going through something that you want to go away. To those of you looking for an answer. To those of you whose herts are broken. To those of you who need love and support and peace and joy, spend time with Jesus and you will find what you’re really looking for. You might not find what you want, but you’ll definitely find what you really need. Let God melt away your sorrows. Let Him fill you with a bubbling joy! His love is for you! Don’t turn your face from God. He looks at you with love, not disgust. He is healing my heart and He can heal yours too. God is in love with you, absolutely in love with you. Run to Him, His arms are open waiting for you. Spend time with your Heavenly Father today, let Him embrace you and hold you tight, I know you won’t regret it! I hope this blesses someone today, I love you so much because Jesus does. God Bless yall!
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tatisujj · 3 years
Sometimes, we go through rough things because it is in those rough things that God is establishing us.
Have you ever thought about how after certain experiences you find out more about your true self?
Sometimes, we can't discover who we really are until we go through something that leads us to. If you feel as though God is allowing you to be in a rough place for a prolonged period of time (some call it the "wilderness") it could very well be that God is establishing you.
Helping you to see who you really are. Showing you the real you! Showing you just how strong and powerful He has made you to be. Showing you that you're capable of more than you think. Showing you that you mean more to Him than you know. Showing you that with Him, ALL things are truly possible. Showing you that with Him, there is true love. True love!
My advice? Keep pressing. Keep walking. Whatever you do, don't stop walking with God. It gets better! Just wait!
I've been through the wilderness and I can tell you from experience that it is worth enduring. It is. You'll see the other side and you'll thank God that He carried you through.
Keep pressing. Keep pushing. Most importantly, keep walking with God. You can do this!
James 1:2‭-‬4 NLT
"2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."
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tatisujj · 3 years
The Trinity
God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit or the Trinity are one, but each has different roles in our lives and ways of expressing God’s nature to us.
God the Father is the Creator and the Living God. He anointed prophets in the old days to show us and teach us how to glorify Him and how to inherit His kingdom by establishing His laws.
Jesus is the Redeemer. He saved us from our debts, sins, and violations against God’s commandments. He died for us to live again. Thus, those who believe and receive Him as their Lord and Saviour will not be condemned to death (eternal suffering in hell), for He is the way, the truth, and the life. In Him, we are forgiven and renewed. Our faith and relationship with Him is our key to the gates of heaven.
The Holy Spirit is the Helper. He is the mind of God that dwells in us, convicts us to His word, and guides us in everything that we do. When we talk to God, He responds through the Holy Spirit. When we read the Bible, it is the Holy Spirit that helps us understand and reflect on God’s word. Every spiritual affection that we do to glorify God, it is the Holy Spirit that pours out love and conviction in our hearts. This is why we cry when we sing worship songs, why we understand the message in the Bible verses we read, why we feel God’s presence when we pray, and even when we feel compassion towards other people. These are all gifts and works by the Holy Spirit. We do not usually see it nor realize it sometimes, but when we do, it is a blessing. The Holy Spirit will open our eyes, change our hearts, and reconnect us with God when we ask Him to.
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tatisujj · 3 years
God’s forgiveness is just too beautiful, too powerful, and sometimes it feels too good to be true that I struggle to believe it.
He is faithful even when I am not. He is still a friend and more to me, despite my biggest failures. I end my days with a stain on my soul, a mark on my skin, yet He greets me every morning with grace and washes me clean.
I breathe the air, eat the food, rest on the bed, live under the roof, and walk on the ground that I do not deserve — but He gives it to me anyway. All the blessings rain down from heaven to the house of a sinner, endlessly.
This is when I realize: being a believer will never be about me or my mistakes. It is about who God is.
In John 8:19, Jesus told the Pharisees, “You know neither Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father.”
I believe that knowing God is not only about studying the Scripture and the laws or doing ‘good’ things or going to church. I believe that to genuinely and truly know God starts with knowing Jesus Christ, His Son, Our Savior.
Jesus, in His time, taught us about loving God and loving others because He mirrors who God is — God is many things, but above all, He is love.
Not having love in your heart is not having God in your life.
Because where God is, there is love.
And where there is love, there is forgiveness. There is grace. There is provision. There is happiness. There is peace. There is compassion. There is mercy. There is generosity. There is patience. There is truthfulness. There is faithfulness. There is selflessness. There is goodness. There is kindness. There is healing. There is resurrection. There is restoration. There is sustenance. There is salvation.
And there is no failure that can separate us from His love. The gap between the sinfulness of man and the holiness of God, between sin and salvation, has been revived and reconnected by the blood on the cross.
So today, I told myself that whenever I start to underestimate God’s forgiveness, I must remember how great God’s love is that He sent His only Son to save me from the eternal suffering that I deserve.
He loves me so much that Jesus — the holiest, spotless lamb of God — sacrificed Himself and became my sin, so He can become my righteousness.
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