tatogunner-blog · 7 years
peter parker: exists harley keener, at the nearest store: bring me all of your most powerful bug sprays
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
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          ❝so you're just gonna leave me here?                                        like my dad?❞
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
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harley moodboard - 1/??
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
Guys please reply to this with what your url means or references I’m really curious
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
@tatogunner liked for a holiday starter
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        pepper has never been GREAT with kids. luckily HARLEY seems to be more of a small adult than a kid, in fact he sometimes reminds her of TONY with how smart he is. still, when tony asks her if they can invite him over for CHRISTMAS the following year  ( since his had kind of been ruined by tony crashing in his shed )  pepper does HESITATE before saying yes.
        when she finally meets him, she’s not sure whether to hold out her hand to shake, or hug him, or what. she instead settles on a smile. those are something she can always spare, especially to the OTHER people that tony cares for.
        ‘ it’s nice to meet you. hoping you brought an appetite; there’s a LOT of food. ’
           of course he was excited. who wouldn't be excited? christmas away from home was fun, christmas with IRON MAN was better ( and he would know, he already spent a christmas with iron man ). even still, he wasn't some random kid winning a fan ballot to spend a 'dazzling evening of adventure with the iron avenger'; he was THE KID who pulled TONY STARK'S ass out of the fire ---- or the blistering cold. semantics.
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          regardless of his excitement he kept his wits about him, to the best of his ability. it had been a year, after all, and, hey, he was used to being forgotten. still, an inkling of that excitement he was trying so hard to bottle up sparked out in a toothy grin at ms. potts. harley let out a single chuckle, nodding his head slightly and swiping the end of a slightly too-long sleeve over the tip of his nose. oh, he ALWAYS had an appetite. ❝yeah--yeah you too.❞
          his gaze wandered around and he turned in place, looking the interior up and down. this was definitely a step up from his garage. several steps up. a whole flight of stairs. and an elevator ride. ❝so are you tony's boss?❞ harley asked before he completed his turn around, coming to a stop once he was facing pepper again. ❝on account'a you runnin' the company and stuff.❞
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
Harley doesnt get jealous or have abandonment issues it’s just that when I watched the new spider-man trailer he rolled up his sleeves and got ready to fight Peter Parker.
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
Harley doesnt get jealous or have abandonment issues it's just that when I watched the new spider-man trailer he rolled up his sleeves and got ready to fight Peter Parker.
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
you act like a “it’s better to apologize than to ask for permission” kind of person, except you don’t apologize either.
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tatogunner-blog · 7 years
On hiatus until December 15th for exams
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
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inhuman!harley tho
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
          question after question — flash after flash. it’s a never ending pattern. ( you’d think he’d be used to this by now. ) quick, toss up that peace sign and run. nothing’s stopping you from escaping. that is, nothing except perhaps a KID on a mission.   ❝listen, junior — as much as i’d love to hear you go on and on about how great i am — i gotta run. you know, avengers stuff.❞
          WAIT — hold on. this wasn’t just any kid — this was THE kid. quick duck of the head, eyes peering over frames of sunglasses. and cue that exasperated sigh.   ❝kid — what’re you doing here?❞
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          air bound. feet dangling. oh, happy hogan — remind him to give you a raise, because this sight currently displayed was simply priceless. alright, alright, alright — he’ll ATTEMPT to be an adult for five seconds. one, two, aaaaand cue the wave off. it’s a vague gesture tony’s damn near perfected.   ❝it’s fine, hap — let him go. as much as i’d love to see how this ends, we go way back.❞   oh, harley — have you ever been so grateful pavement was reintroduced to the soles of shoes?   ❝kid, you look like you’re about to explode.❞   is it an invite to talk? one would think. but was tony going to make it oh so easy peasy lemon squeezy? nope.
          a single flick of the wrist, hand lifted in between before harley can so much as get a single word out. eyes fall closed in concentration, hot rod red shades slipped off in one quick motion. c'mon, harley — you gotta remember he always did have a flare for the dramatic.   ❝ah-ah-ah — me first.❞   flicker of his gaze, both hands delving into the deep pockets of slacks.   ❝i have a question. and it’s a three-parter.❞   lick of the lips, followed by a roll of the shoulders.   ❝one — how’d you get here? two — what’re you doing here? and three — do you have a one way ticket BACK because i’ll be honest with you, kid — i’m in no position to be babysitting anyone.❞
        oh, jesus, here we go. as soon as tony started speaking of his overflowing greatness harley WISHED he was within shushing distance. what a sight that would have been, wouldn't it; this wirey teenager shushing IRON MAN. but, alas. he gave stark a pointed look, as though he were wearing a blinking billboard that said HARLEY KEENER above his head. really, though, what kid yelled at him and called him tony? did most kids even know there was a guy in that suit?
       as soon as his feet touched down on the pavement he gave a huff and made a show of straightening up his layers of jackets. he briefly directed his attention to mr. stark's over zealous body guard, giving his arm a SHOWY PAT ( laden with ego, of course, to show simply that he could pat him ). ❝it's a shake-weight, man, not love. chill.❞
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       he turned and took a breath, mouth opening to speak, and suddenly HE'S getting shushed. immediately the young boy's brow furrowed, mouth contorting in to a crooked frown, casting a glare to the billionaire hero as though he were a nagging tutor. his expression remained screwed in place, only shifting to raise a brow once it seemed that tony was done talking. even then he remained silent for EMPHASIS.
       ❝public transport, talking to you, and, again, public transport. most of us get around WITHOUT flying suits, ya'know. and ----- wasn't it ME babysitting YOU the last time around? i mean i could just be remembering wrong on account'a you holing up in my garage and eating all my tuna and---❞ yes, he fully intended to carry on, listing each thing off on a highly raised finger.
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
It’s better to have nobody than someone who is half there, or who doesn’t want to be there.
Angelina Jolie (via thequotejournals)
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
RP starters: Concern.
“It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
“Stop keeping your phone in silent, you got me worried!”
“Blood? Are you bleeding?”
“I don’t like the idea of you walking down the streets all alone.”
“I thought I would never see you again…”
“We should get you to hospital.”
“Where did all those bruises came from?”
“I have the right to be worried!”
“Have you been drinking? You look terrible.”
“Sleep at my place tonight.”
“I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.”
“Please talk to me about it.”
“Let me take care of you.”
“You need to rest now. Don’t move.”
“How many times have I told you to not go there?”
“You could’ve died, you know…”
“I don’t care if you don’t want my help, I’ll do it anyways.”
“You really need to stop drinking. I’m serious.”
“This time you got yourself into a hospital. I think that’s a sign.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“You need to stop doing stupid shit like that or you will get yourself killed.”
“I’m your friend, of course I care!”
“You know I’m always here for you, right?”
“You’re not okay.”
“I’m just trying to help you.”
“Let me clean your wounds…”
“Why did you do it? Tell me.”
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
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                     potato gun mk ii
                                      written by nebula
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
whaaaat? your obviously bad plan completely backfired on you?? nooooo say it isn’t so! how could this have happened??? that’s just! so terrible for you!
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tatogunner-blog · 8 years
Parade released 1986 Label: Warner Bros. Best Of 2001 on Rhino
You don’t have to be cool to rule my world
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