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Only twenty minutes to sleep
But you dream of some epiphany
Just one single glimpse of relief
To make some sense of what you've seen
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Sounds good to me! That is a perfect idea! I’m so glad you’d like doing that. I usually only us me, my friend Dan, and my ex Arin so it would be nice to use more people. He does see them whenever Arin brings them by. He just misses being with them twenty-four seven like he used to. He’d love that and he’s so friendly with others. I could definitely teach you any game you’d like to play. Some are simple and some are more complex. That’s true. Some breakups are a lot harder so it depends on both parties. Mine was a more mutual one where feelings were not hurt as much. 
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i offer myself as tribute to pose for clothes on your site, they look beautiful. that really sucks, i think my cats would hate being apart like that, especially meridith and olivia, they’ve been together for so long compared to them with benjamin. they’re pretty friendly as well. i wanna play that fall guys game right now, it looks cute and fun. it really does, i’m open to friendship if they are, i’m not looking for anything right now so, all is well on my side of the party. i’m happy for you though.
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I hear Nashville is so cool! I think I went once or twice on a WWE tour, but I’d love to explore one day. I would love that! We’re gonna talk about how uncool you were before you got famous, and then you can meet my dogs, cats and my pig!
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it is, if you ever decide to come, let me know, i’ll go and show you and i’m always open to horseback riding. i do that there sometimes. how uncool i am? damn.. i wanna say savage, but you’re right. now i’m uncool at home and cool when i’m out because of fame, i guess, haha! i would love to meet all your animals, how is it raising a pig?
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Sounds like a good enough plan for me. Justin kept the two cats, so I’d love to go give Mer and Olivia as much love as they’ll let me give. Thanks, Tay, you’re the best. Oh wow, that’s very nice, very nice indeed. Are you in LA?
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that sucks! mer and olivia will love you, i also have a new addiction benjamin button, we’ll call him benji. you’re welcome, anytime, hails. i am in LA actually, come by whenever you want.
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Taylor Swift accepts the award for Best Direction for ‘The Man’ at the 2020 VMAs
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red // folklore
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                         i think i’ve seen this film before and i didn’t like the ending                      you’re not my homeland anymore, so what am i defending now?                                you were my town, now i’m in exile, seeing you out
                                                        f o l k l o r e, taylor swift
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That’s definitely what I’m looking for right now, just time for my friends, and I’d love to if you wanna hang out. Breakups suck, but we’ll get through them, bee. Who is that fabulous guy? 
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time for friends is always nice, i’m enjoying time with my cats currently, so i’m free to hang whenever you are. we definitely will, we’re strong woman, with or without men. his name is andy, he does music as well.
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Better late than never is so true! As long as you have fun, it doesn’t matter when you pop in. I’m such a huge fan of you, I was listening to Red while getting ready the other day. I’m pretty sure I would just be like starstruck, and then ask you every random question because I wanna know everything/
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of course and i had a blast in my few days there and spent time in nashville after to see my parents, i also saw my brother. are you? that’s good to hear! maybe we should hang out for this random interview. i hope you’re not too starstruck to hang, maybe see my cats.
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i’m sorry. the old taylor can’t come to the phone right now. why? oh, CAUSE SHE’S DEAD!
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folklore is wistful and full of escapism. Sad, beautiful, tragic. Like a photo album full of imagery, and all the stories behind that imagery…
It started with imagery. Visuals that popped into my mind and piqued my curiosity.
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i’m sorry to hear that but, i highly recommend enjoying the single life again and spending time with some gal pals, which i am open for. i went through a break up recently from my long term boyfriend, and now i’m hanging out with this really neat guy that may or may not have assisted me in writing my newest album. nice fun fact for ya? though drinks, you and me, i’m open to that if you are.
Well, I got an email from my lawyer this afternoon that my marriage is now officially not a marriage anymore. I can’t believe I’m a 23 year old divorcee now. Wow. Anyways, please tell me a fun fact about yourself or whatever you want to distract me from this, because if not that’s just gonna ruin my last day in the snow and I wouldn’t want that at all. @hchqstarters​
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i think it’s fair to brag about things when you worked hard for them. speaking of i actually feel the need to congratulate you on your #1 hit and i’m open to going out for drinks if you are. my week has been well, i spent my weekend enjoying a small trip away from home and it was beautiful and very relaxing. i’m taylor, we can be friends if you don’t hate me from our past together dating.. unless you’re not the same harry today, then i’d say forget i said that, buddy.
I’m going to take a small moment here to- i don’t know the right word. I don’t want to say brag because I don’t want to sound a little self centered or whatever you call it, but I am going to say that last week Watermelon Sugar was number 1 on the hot 100 for Billboard which makes it my very first #1 spot like that and yes I am still reeling off of it. How was your week? How was your weekend? Tell me all. Introduce yourself to me! I’m Harry! Let’s be friends. / @hchqstarters​
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@networkthirteen and @tscreators lover anniversary event: Lover
“Lover feels like a return to the fundamental songwriting pillars that I usually build my house on. It’s really honest; it’s not me playing a character. It’s really just how I feel, undistilled. And there are a lot of very personal admissions in it. And also, I love a metaphor. I love building on the metaphor for a very long time.”
— Happy anniversary to Lover
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This album is a love letter to love itself—all the captivating, spellbinding, maddening devastating red, blue, gray, golden aspects of it. In honor of fever dreams, bad boys, confessions of love on a drunken night out, Christmas lights still hanging in January, guitar string scars on my hands, false gods and blind faith, memories of jumping into an icy outdoor pool, creaks in floorboards and ultraviolet morning light, finally finding a friend, and opening the curtains to see the clearest, brightest daylight after the darkest night.
We are what we love. This is Lover.
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@NickJonas: Question...
@NickJonas: How do I keep a puppy from chewing on me despite the millions of chew toys I buy him?
@taylorswift13: i don't know dogs that well..
@taylorswift13: maybe he wants to play with you?
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