taylorroyalhill · 7 years
I get it from time to time – I swear it’s like an illness. I think I get it from my Mom, she likes to bake a lot. You should get in there quick before they’re all gone!
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Thats an illness I’d like to have to be honest, I mean that sounds like a great kind of illness. I will, I’ll race to the food! 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
A baking bug? That sounds like the best kind of bug for sure and honestly, I’ll happily come over and eat as much as I can, which honestly, is a lot! 
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With this awful weather going on for the past few days, I’ve been bitten by some kind of baking bug and have ended up with far too much stuff for one person to eat by themselves. I don’t want anything to go to waste, so if anybody is wanting any cupcakes, brownies, cookies, or any other sweet treats then feel free to come round.
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
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Taylor Hill and Romee Strijd for Michael Kors Summer ‘17.
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
I’m sure you’ll figure something out. Calling me hot works just a tad. Can I just wear Star Wars socks or something? Although it will be like a hundred degrees outside so maybe that’s not a good idea either. Is it? Damn. More people to add to the Christmas gifts list. 
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You are super hot, the mickey ears will help even more. You’ll die from a heat stroke if you do that and im not actually up for that! You gotta get Tate something too, you know that, right? 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
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Taylor Hill by An Le for Numéro Russia October 2015
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
I usually give in too easily when it comes to you. You’ll have to do more to convince me this time. We can go right before July the 4th and go back stateside in time for the celebration. My sister and her family usually gather up, so I’d have to be back in time for that. 
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Like what? What would I have to do for you to wear Mickey Mouse ears? You’d look super hot with Mickey Ears by the way! You do know that your sisters family is your family also, right? But yes, it all sounds like an amazing plan!
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
No, I meant Basically with a capital N. The N is silent. Do you think just saying please with that face of yours will make me change my mind?
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Yes, I kind of did hope that saying please with my face would make you say yes to actually wear the mickey ears...doesnt work, does it? 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
Basically. With capital N. I wouldn’t have suggested Disney if I weren’t. No, you won’t. I said yes to my nieces once and that was it. You can wear mine _and _yours.
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Basically does not have a capital N though. I am kidding, I do know you meant niceness with a capital N, dont worry. But..please?·
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
I wouldn’t put it like that. I’m nice enough to do as she says. Nothing special, just a road trip to Disneyland Paris. Even I can’t resist the magic of Disney.
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Youre niceness in a person basically. Nothing special? Thats...yes! Yes! Yes! Will you wear mickey ears if I ask you to? 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
As long as she doesn’t teach you her ways, I’m fine. I can’t handle being ordered around by two women at once. I have no choice, do I? I’ll come up with something. I do have something in mind, actually. I don’t know if you’d consider it as being spoiled or not since it implies moving.
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So you only take orders from her? It depends on what kind of moving it does involve but I am interested in what you have planned, thats for sure. 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
Talking normal is overrated. Just look at the cash me outside girl. She doesn’t talk normal and she’s going on tour. 
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True, its kinda overrated, very much overrated really! Who needs normal if you can be weird, right? 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
Amen to that! I love when that happens and I can just smile blissfully at my connected phone! Well no matter the weather you are back in town at the right time, it's always the right time to come back to royal. I'm sure everybody has missed you!
Your know your home when your WiFi connects automatically! And everything is in the exact same place I left it. Home sweet home, though it seems I landed at the exact right time.. not! I know Royal is known for it’s thunderstorms but come on, really?! When all a girl wants to do is enjoy the town she once fell in love with.  But it still looks as amazing as ever and I’m so excited to see everyone’s beautiful faces again- what ‘ave I missed? Or I suppose it’s been that long I should ask, what haven’t I missed?! Someone, update me on the goss! I need to catch up.. Anyhow, to those I didn’t catch before I left, I’m Leigh-Anne, how’s everyone doin’?
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
Why is it that embarrassing or something? I can only see it being justifiable to kill you if it was embarrassing. 
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It was, trust me, I cant talk like a normal person as it turns out! 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
Remember when I said that I’m an honest guy? I’ll stop for a moment to tell you that you aren’t awkward at all. Satisfied, pretty? Oh, Scarlett. She manages to give me orders even from another continent. I thought I was spoiling you by… being here. Do I need to step up my game?
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Shes good at giving you orders apparently if you are thinking about stepping up your game because of what she said. I kinda wanna see what you stepping up your game would be like, so I might say yes to that!
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
What? I was trying to be encouraging by giving you what you asked for. Is this not cute? Plus, I happen to like your awkward a lot. Which is why I offered to cope with it myself and hide you.
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That was kind of cute to be honest, damn you! You are still supposed to say I am not awkward at all! By the way Scarlett said you should spoil me, I feel like thats something I need to tell you so you can spoil me so you can brag about spoiling me afterwards! 
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
First of all, where do I find a shovel in Cannes? Second, where do you want to be buried? ‘Cause if it’s here then I might take it into consideration. If it’s back in the states, that’s way too much of an effort. What about I hide you for a while instead of letting anybody kill you?
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Probably with the gardeners I guess? Also everybody else told me that they’d not wanna kill me and that i could not possibly be that awkward, where are your cute encouraging words? But fine, hide me, that sounds good too!
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taylorroyalhill · 7 years
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