taylorxholt · 3 years
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“Pink streaks? Was it Rachel McAdams that inspired you? I remember that phase when everyone was going wild for the pink highlights – my mother wouldn’t let me touch my hair. I wanted to go blue.” There was a lot Arlo hadn’t been able to do growing up, the longer it went on, the more she began to resent it all. “She gave me her number but I’ve never had the guts to call. What would I even call Lady Gaga for? To borrow a hedge trimmer?”
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“I think it was more Avril Lavigne inspired.. Like who needs a man anyway type of rebellion. So dumb.” She laughed, “Oh, my mom freaked, but I was a teenager, there was nothing that would’ve stopped me.” Taylor gasped, “If I had her number I would find literally any excuse to text her. That’s awesome!”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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“and who said i wouldn’t follow through with it? i keep promises. especially promises like this one.” he definitely has seen taylor around the studio before, and they talked a little – but go figure, the first chance he got to sit in her chair, he immediately tries to flirt with her. “i don’t know, do they? you tell me, blondie. and be honest, cause i’ll be mad if i don’t live a slightly better life as a blonde after this.” 
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“Well... Follow through with it sometime..” Taylor chewed on her bottom lip, trying desperately to hide the blush on her cheeks. She smirked, “That is, if you’re not too good for me when you’re blonde.” She got to work cutting his hair, “I mean, I am blonde so I can tell you first hand we do have a lot of fun.” As she shaped up the sides, she put most of her attention in his hair, though the flirtation had her glancing over his features more than she had in the past. He was handsome, there was no denying that, but he was so distinct that she was moving him up from top ten to top five almost instantly. Taylor ran her hand over his now-buzzed head, giving herself a small smirk of pride. “Look at that.. can already see you much better now.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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        bella’s lips curled into a smile at taylor’s laugh, glad her question wasn’t being taken as stupid although bella assumed it was a dumb one to ask.       “oh yeah that doesn’t sound fun at all. do you just, like, stand at the sink washing your hands for hours or is there some special soap to use?”       okay, maybe that was a dumber question, she shook the thought out of her mind.     “that’s so good! i feel like i’ve heard so many horror stories of big stars being horrible when you meet them but i’m glad that’s not him. that’s so cool though, that you got to do his hair and just, like, be in the same room as him.”
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“I have to stand and scrub for ever.. Vaseline helps.. sometimes.. Honestly, you may be onto something.. Maybe I can invent a soap for removing hair dye from skin.. I’ll be a millionaire.” She joked, taking a sip from her coffee. “Don’t get me started.. I have been disappointed so many times meeting people and being let down.. I try not to hold people to high standards, cause we’re all human.. but it definitely hurts when they’re rude out of nowhere and you’re like.. but I liked you.” Taylor laughed, shrugging it off. “But then I get to meet people like you and you make up for it!”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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“OR, YOU KNOW… if it happens to be yours.” it was definitely a bold statement to make, but he happened to lack a filter and let his mouth run faster than his brain did. “well, considering i’ve never dyed my hair in my life, it’s definitely gonna be a shock. i’m not so sure i’ll be able to pull off the blonde look, though.” 
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“Don’t you tempt me with a good time, Alex... Definitely don’t make offers you’re not going to follow through with.” She raised an eyebrow, smirking as she plugged in the electric razor. Taylor was not new to flirting with whoever ended up in her chair, but it was always exciting when someone reciprocated. “I don’t know, I think it’s gonna bring out your eye color. Can’t go wrong with blonde. Besides, blondes have more fun, right?”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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“i only know what i’ve seen in movies, but california is nothing but sun and beach isn’t it?” mj tilted her head as she thought about the american media she’d been. it seemed like the opposite of vancouver, with its current snow and all. “i think you’ll get used to it soon enough. i know the best places to visit so you won’t freeze your tail off.” mj thanked the bartender when he set down taylor’s drink before turning back to her. “it must’ve been a pretty good job offer for you to move so far.”
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“I don’t know if it’s exactly like it is in movies, but nothing is, really. It is a lot warmer than it is here, that’s for sure.” She laughed softly, taking a sip of her drink once it was placed down. Taylor gave the bartender a thumbs up, melting back in her seat. “The stuff I was doing in California was great and all, don’t get me wrong, but the offer was too tempting.. getting away from that tiny apartment and the people.. It’s so much better here.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
“that’s scary to think about, i haven’t thought about that before… it’s really scary that someone could have access to your phone, but i am glad that at least they’re not looking into mine.” he said with a small smile on his face, as he got his phone out of his pocket, as he held the drink carrier with one hand and searched for the pictures with the other, before handing his phone to taylor. “it’s okay, he apologized for it after, but i think it’s because my dads told him to… i do think i look good. maybe you can dye my hair pink or blue one of these days, i’ve always wondered how i would look. and you’re right, i should probably get these out. thank you for being so nice.” he said, offering a smile as there weren’t many people like taylor around the studio.
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Taylor shrugged, “Hey, not like we’ve got anything to worry about, I’m not really in the public eye, so no one cares what I take pictures of.” She teased, taking his phone with excitement to look at the picture. “You look hot!” Taylor smiled, nudging his arm softly, so she wouldn’t knock over the drinks. “I feel like you could definitely rock a pastel pink. If you ever want to be bold..” She spoke, adding her number to his phone, “You are more than welcome to come spend some time in my chair.” Handing back his phone, she waved him off, “It’s nothing. So many huffy people around here, doesn’t hurt to be nice. Good luck with your coffee orders! And your rubber duck!”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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💙 IG: @purplepaty 💙
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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mj was a little proud at how close she’d gotten, given the short amount of time she had given herself to make a guess. “close enough is what we aim for,” she chuckled, half kidding before raising a hand to get the bartender’s attention. “so a mojito then? it’s nice to finally talk without running around at the same time—” mj remembered taylor’s words about no work conversation. “i mean, have you been in vancouver that long?”
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Taylor smiled wider, shifting in her seat with a small dance as the drink was ordered. “I will give you a free pass here, because I did move here for work. I’ve only been around for six months.. Definitely not used to it being this cold, so I’m adjusting as well as I can. Coming here from California was rough to say the least.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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“I liked it, I felt like a bit of a badass. I’ve been blonde my whole life and because I’ve been working since I was 6 I was forbidden from ever dyeing my hair – the whole experience was pretty cathartic. Minus the dark black smears across my neck.” Arlo laughs, tapping her fingers against the table as she recalls the time she met Lady Gaga. “I think she was sweet? I was pretty hysterical the whole time so she might have just felt a lot of pity for me.”
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“I had a phase in high school after a breakup where I put pink streaks in my hair.. That was the boldest I’ve ever gone.” She laughed softly, “I honestly don’t blame you.. She’s a gem. I’m pretty sure I played her music every day throughout college. She got me through some ridiculous periods in my life. She’s hard not to love.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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all that mattered was that taylor had agreed to go, which meant his ass was effectively saved. he didn’t acknowledge much of what she said other than a relieved nod. he crossed over to one of the make up tables and began flipping through the palette’s that didn’t mean much to him while he gave taylor some information, “party starts at seven, i’ll have a car come get you at seven. i can have the driver come to my place or we could link up there.” he finally looked over at her, “do you have a preference?”
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Taylor watched him roam through the makeup, moving to put the rest of her hair supplies away. “Seven.. Okay..” She met his eyes, giving a small smile in his direction, “Either way is fine.. Whatever is easier for you is okay with me.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
“John Stamos is such a hottie. A total shame that he’s like married with a kid because I’d take him to my downstairs mix-up in a flash,” Coco commented, not fully listening to what Taylor was saying. She heard John Stamos and practically ran with that. “Actually, scratch that, do you have his info? Because I’m so not against homewrecking,” it was a long shot, but how many people could say they fucked Uncle Jesse? Probably a lot, but did Coco have that pleasure? Hell no. Looking over at Taylor washing the dye off her arms, Coco furrowed her eyebrows. “You’re definitely gonna wash all that off before you touch me, right?”
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Taylor’s laugh brightened at Coco’s words. “I wish I had his info, but I sadly do not. It was a one time thing.” She dried off her arm, eyebrows furrowing together. “Well, it’s as washed off as it can be, my arm is just stained at this point. Nothing will get on you, I promise.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
“i don’t think spying would be fun for anyone, especially not for ducks or for pigeons.” he said with a small shrug of his shoulders, as he stood there for a while as he looked at taylor with a smile on his face, his eyebrows raising when the other mentioned that they were watching their phones. “wait, they are? because i have a lot of games on my phone but i don’t want the government to watch that… i also have a lot of pictures that are not… appropriate, if you know what you mean.” he said with a sigh, as he bit his bottom lip for a few seconds. “really? that’s pretty cool! and it’s nice of you to offer. i think my hair looks good like this now, but i’ll definitely reach out to you if i ever need it… because it gets long and messy. as long as you don’t give me a buzzcut like my brother did one time. it was bad and i cried, but then i actually kind of liked it. i have pictures if you want to see.” he said with a nod.
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Taylor chuckled, bringing her coffee to her lips, “They’ve got access to like everything.. Though I don’t think they’re looking at your games.. Or your dirty pics.” She laughed, “I would never do anything you didn’t ask for, though I would definitely like to see pictures of your buzzcut. I’m sorry your brother made you cry.” Taylor smirked, “You should probably get those coffees handed out, though. Here, I’ll give you my number and you can come by my trailer anytime.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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HE WAS STILL GETTING USED TO IT, the thought of having his hair buzzed off and bleached. but the role demanded it, so it seems. he was a little bit excited about the results, if he was honest. “the old tucking a strand behind the ear lovingly. or maybe a little hair pull for the spicier scenes?” he grins, meeting her gaze in the mirror. “think of this day next time you see me doing that on tv.” alex scoffs at her response. thinking about the fact that he had FANS always made him chuckle a little. “i would be quite offended if i wasn’t on your top ten already, taylor!” he teases her. 
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Taylor smiled softly, giving his scalp a few scratches before she opened her drawer to grab everything she needed for his hair. “A hair pull? Wow, look at you.” She laughed, her eyebrows lifting, “You want me to think of this next time I see you pull someone’s hair?” Taylor teased back, placing a towel at the back of his neck and the black cape over. “I mean today is definitely a top ten moment. I think it’s gonna look amazing and the fact I get to do it? I’m a very lucky girl.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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“no work talk for an hour starting now? you’ve got yourself a deal,” she agreed with a soft grin. it’d admittedly be a little tough, but a break after the long week was what they needed. “i definitely want to say a cosmo… maybe a margarita like mine if you’re wanting more of a buzz? one of the classic fun beverages for sure.” mj took a sip of her drink before smiling and sitting up straighter in her seat. “i’m actually confident about this one. how close did i get?”
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“You know, you’re not far off at all. I am a bit more of a mojito girl, but a good margarita is a necessity at least once a month.” She rest her arms on the bar, flashing a wider smile, “You hit the nail on the head. A fun beverage is the way to go. I can’t do that hard alcohol, I’ll wake up hating my life.”
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taylorxholt · 3 years
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a mix between a snort and a laugh fell from bella’s lips, though she couldn’t quite relate. being someone who’d never coloured their hair, she could only imagine just how messy the job was. “ does it at least come off easily ? or are you left with different coloured hands for a while ? ” she inquired, genuinely curious. maybe one day she’d have to get taylor to dye at least a strand of her hair. “ wait are you serious ? that’s so cool ! what was he like ? what was his hair like ? or wait, is that a weird thing to ask ? ”
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Taylor’s smile widened at the question, a soft laugh escaping her lips. “Not exactly, but at least it wasn’t a dark color.. The idea of getting stained with purple or blue.. not a fun time.” She cleaned up what was left of the mess at her station, “He was a dream. Super sweet! And his hair was just as soft as it looks.. Not a weird question at all because the whole time I was taking in the fact that I was touching the hair.”
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