taynaud · 7 years
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          “hmm ... good question,” he started, thinking about it as she explained. “okay, okay, twenty seems weak, and two hundred and eighty might seem like you’re trying too hard, so i would go with a solid one hundred. but thirty years, really ?? you good ??”
@taynaud liked THIS for a personal starter !
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“how many exclamations points is too many when you’re tweeting about how hard your life is? like - is twenty decent or should i fully commit and fill up all two hundred - eighty characters to really drive the point home about how oh-my-god completely content i would be turn off all the lights and eat candy alone in my room for the next thirty years?” she looked up from her phone, brow raising. “you know, from one absolute trainwreck to another.”
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taynaud · 7 years
⚡ ┊— “don’t be such a party pooper, dude.” bradley said, pulling the other back into the club. “everyone’s got early call times tomorrow but who gives a fuck? this party’s wild and you’d be a real loser if you left right now.”
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          fully offended, arnaud allowed himself to be pulled back inside, side eyeing the other. “i’m so not a party pooper, but tomorrow we have that big scene, remember ?? with the fbi agent and all ...” narrowing his eyes at the other in defeat, arnaud sighed, glancing around --- bradley wasn’t leaving, and he didn’t feel like leaving by himself. “i’ll get a drink.”
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taynaud · 7 years
🌸┊— “so i spent my entire morning in a pr training class where i had to practice getting out of a car without flashing and had to practice writing my signature on multiple different surfaces. i didn’t think this hollywood thing would be so…extra.”
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          “without flashing ?? is that like ... a super common thing ??” he asked, brows furrowing --- he honestly hadn’t thought of that. “extra doesn’t even come close sometimes, but yanno, all part of the deal i guess.”
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taynaud · 7 years
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taynaud · 7 years
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“and it’s not like i can’t ride a bike, because i can, but - sorry,” loren paused in her story, side-stepping so another crew member could pass carrying something that looked incredibly heavy. “but see - there was this dog and he was on his leash but he wouldn’t move and neither would his owner, so i did and i fell and now i’m here. it’s honestly a miracle i made it here alive and on time!” she concluded, gesturing at the small hello kitty band-aid on her elbow. “anyway, it hurt and that’s precisely why you should buy me lunch today.“
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          he held his hands in front of him, listening patiently and growing more amused as the story went on. he made an exaggerated sad pout, it breaking into a chuckle at the request. “really, you could’ve just asked me to get you food, and i might’ve said no, but that story was so good, so good, that i’ll buy it.”
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taynaud · 7 years
“You know, sometimes I would like to think of myself as the jack of all trades but there’s just some shit I know I can’t do — like be a surgeon,” the blonde started off, “I know I would be ace as a rapper though,” she laughed jokingly. “What about you? What job would you be absolutely terrible at?”
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          arnaud thought about it, lips pursing in thought before his eyes widened. “lawyer. i’d make a shit lawyer, talking my mouth off until the judge tells me to shut up or i get escorted or, or, maybe, i could use that to win ?? ya think ?? like, my argument is so long that the opposite side gives up ?? wait, no, that might work --- i’d be a terrible farmer, that’s it.”
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taynaud · 7 years
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taynaud · 7 years
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☆—『 TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET / 20 / CISMALE 』did you see ARNAUD TAYLOR on last weeks episode of ROSE HOLLOW ? they play my favorite character, LOUIS BAIZEN . while their publicist insists they’re GENUINE + JAUNTY, the pages of the tabloids seem to always catch them when they’re being DISINGENUOUS + UNSYMPATHETIC. despite all of that, every time i hear HEAVEN by JULIA MICHAELS, i immediately think of them.『 MELISSA / 16 / EST / SHE + HER 』 
okay it’s one. hella late for me over here so apologies for any lack of cohesiveness but also two. apologies for the hella misleading aesthetic choices he’s like the exact opposite but aNYWAYS ,,, onto this idiot
he’s from a small town in idaho, his parents are a chiropractor and a librarian, but they saw him smile a bright grin at age three and from there decided to make him a child model. never booked anything too big, but he got exposure, and his parents got experience.
when he was eight he started acting, and continued this up until fifteen, when he was spotted by a talent agent while performing at the local shopping center. the agent LOVED him, arnaud LOVED that, his parents were excited, and he flew off to
chicago, where he stayed for a couple years building his resume even more. he worked at a library himself, collecting hours and reading time while he occasionally flew out to do quick stints on netflix shows or the cw. doing big shot theatre around the country, to finally landing his spot on rose hollow.
now personality wise !
he’s a lot more secretive than you’d think tbh: he’s very warm to everyone, likes creating a good atmosphere, but he’s a lot more crafty than you’d think. this isn’t to say he’s hiding a bad person: he just took fake it ‘till you make it too close to heart
not ONLY is he a gay disaster but he insists on practically stamping it on his damn FOREHEAD
smokes occasionally
never discusses it but he had an addiction problem in hs
favorite color is orange
mildly vain but ONLY because he knows he’s not too big so that it’s annoying
honestly ?? a pretty good friend if ya let him !
aand that’s all i got rn ! i’m about to crash buuut feel free to like this or im me or add me on discord once i edit this post tmrw for any wanted connections/random plots/whatnot, and it’s so nice to meet all of you :DD
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