tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
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this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
best thing i learned today: “The Loud American” role in Japanese businesses
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
hey you know these comics that always have the signature cropped out
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yea i found the original artist and
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1, these dudes have names 2, theyre happy now 3, the dude is still making these comics
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4, theres a shop
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so basically what im saying is buy me pon and zi merch thanks
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
i still can’t get over the fact that you don’t need parental permission to be in the triwizard tournament, but you do to go into the next town
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
Early Christmas (Lip Gallagher Imagine)
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“It’s not even Thanksgiving, Y/N!” Lip chuckled as he sat on your bed watching you decorate your small apartment for Christmas.
“Doesn’t matter!” You said in a sing-song voice and carried on stringing the lights everywhere.
You loved Christmas and you did respect Thanksgiving as a holiday but you would have rather celebrated it with Christmas decorations everywhere. “It needs to be perfect for your family.” You sighed and sat next to him on your bed.
You were having the Gallagher’s to your apartment and cooking a big meal for them.
“I’ll help you if it means that much to you.” Lip pulled you close and kissed your temple.
“Let’s put up the tree then!” You squealed with delight and jumped up.
You had a fake tree until it got closer to Christmas.
Lip spent the rest of the night decorating and it looked perfect to your standards.
You were extremely happy and went into your bedroom with him. You laid on the bed and Lip laid next to you.
The Christmas lights twinkled and you cuddled into Lip. This was your happy place.
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
if the men find out we can
Shape Shift
they’re going to tell the church
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
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#chris evans #in where he is actually steve rogers
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
George x reader / Crush
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A/N: Two fics in one night, WhAt? I know right! This wasn’t requested but it’s just a cute lil’ fic idea I had that I needed to write to get it out of my head. And I promise I’m writing some Fred fic tomorrow because I know I haven’t written any in a while. The reader is really shy in this fic and is also Hermione’s twin sister because why not?
Word count: 2,105
Warnings: Fluff.
Masterlist | Requests closed 
Growing up with a twin sister like Hermione was difficult to say the least. It wasn’t that you hated her, far from it, it’s just she could be a bit much especially when you felt like you were in competition with her for your whole life.
But other than all of that, being a twin was fun. You knew each other better than knowing yourselves and although you weren’t identical physically, you were identical on an intellectual level or near to at least. You did however, tend to be more socially awkward than Hermione which she always tried to help you with. For instance, she had introduced you to Harry and Ron when she had become friends with them, you weren’t as close as Hermione was to them, but you still considered them friends. From there you developed more and more friendships with people and slowly you found yourself being less awkward then you typically were.
There was however one exception, someone that no matter how hard you tried to not be awkward around you always managed to be. It didn’t help that he was George Weasley. Everyone knew him, so it was hard to hide your obvious crush especially from Hermione who you could have sworn could read your mind sometimes.
You never acted on your crush though because if you were awkward just by being around him, there was no seeing how you would be actually asking him out. As much as Hermione may have encouraged you (“The worst he can do is say no.” “Exactly!”) there was no way you were telling him. And then he left Hogwarts for good and you felt so much regret and annoyance at yourself that it was difficult. But he hardly knew who you were besides Hermione’s twin so what was even the point of feeling down about it?
You had never really stayed at the Burrow like Hermione had and instead chose to stay with your parents because the thought of seeing George every day and potentially embarrassing yourself in front of him more than you could ever do at Hogwarts was too much to bare. And whenever George had spoken to your group of friends you could never find the words to say, that is until he leaves and then every perfect response comes to your mind. Another source of regret.
But in your 5th year you felt a lot of change. There was an impending war you had heard talk of, people were dying, and Voldemort was back and it all terrified you. So, you decided that enough was enough of hiding until you felt regret and you accompanied Hermione to the burrow for a while in the summer, determined to talk to George. You had made a start in the DA meetings after you were paired together to practise a spell and he had made you laugh, joking with you. You felt confident that it was a step in the right direction of at least becoming his friend.
You had, of course, heard of the Weasley twins’ store. It was popular before it had even opened. So, when Molly said she was stopping by there and asked if anyone wanted to come, Hermione volunteered you and you didn’t know whether you hated or loved her more in that moment. Ginny also came along.
It was their opening weekend and you were not surprised to see the shop packed with people, Molly however, was. Fred and George spotted you, Ginny and Molly through the crowd and beamed matching smiles. They rushed over and was instantly pulled into a tight hug from Molly. Ginny gave them compliments on the shop and you nodded with a quiet agreement. George turned to you and smiled, and your heart began racing to fast to pay attention to anything else after that.
Soon enough, the twins had to run to deal with business and left you to look around. You navigated your way around the crowded shop, stopping at a very pink display. You were intrigued so looked closer. A group of giggling girls were standing on the other side, looking at the bottles on the display. You picked one up and read the label. It was amortentia – love potion. Before you could dwell anymore on the potion, Ginny came up next to you and quirked an eyebrow at the bottle in your hand.
“Have anyone in mind?”
“No! No, I was just looking is all.” You hurriedly placed the bottle back and turned away, hoping that the pink of your cheeks just looked like they were from the glow of the display. Ginny smiled knowingly as your eyes flickered to where George was talking to a customer.  
“Y/n it’s alright I’m not going to tell him.” Ginny reassured.
“What? Tell who?” You said, hoping to sound innocent.
“You’re a terrible liar, y/n.” Ginny chuckled and gave one last smile before walking off towards another part of the store. You hated that your crush was that obvious, all except to George apparently.
Eventually you had to get back for dinner so you all bid fleeting goodbyes to Fred and George who were still rushed off of their feet dealing with business. Your heart sank a little bit at leaving but then you remembered George’s smile to you and suddenly you felt a bit better.
It became a sort of recurring theme to make a trip to diagon alley. Sometimes it was because Hermione needed to go, other times it was just simply so you could return to the shop and see George. Hermione still came with you but every time you lost the nerve to talk to him, she got a bit frustrated or worse just gave you a look of pure sympathy which you hated because to you it felt more like pity.
You noticed that although the hype of the store never calmed down, the crowds did thin significantly. Fred and George were still busy, but they’d hired an assistant now, so it wasn’t rare to see one or both of them sat down or giving a demo of some of their products around the store. It wasn’t until you went up with all of the Weasley’s after Harry had arrived that something strange and exciting happened.
Hermione had left with Ron and Harry to go somewhere else, but you had stayed. You were just looking at some extendable ears (you always tried to buy something, you didn’t want it to look like you were shop lifting) when you heard a voice behind you, making you jump and drop the product onto the floor.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You quickly picked the extendable ear up and put it back on its display before turning and being met by George’s warm brown eyes.
“It’s okay.” You shook your head and tried to keep focus on an actual conversation. “They’re pretty cool.” You gestured lamely towards the extendable ears.
“I know right! I was so proud of myself when I thought of them!” George smiled widely. You nodded. “Fred will try to tell you he thought of ‘em but it was me.” And then he winked, and your mind went blank for a second.
“Granger? You okay?”
Maybe it was more than a second. George’s brows furrowed together as he waved a hand in front of your face. It took you a second to realise that he was referring to you because it was normally Hermione who was called by her last name. You regained your composure and nodded.
“Yeah, just staring into space.” You laughed awkwardly and then cringed at yourself. You were sure your cheeks were more than pink at this stage. George laughed along with you and then he seemed to turn more nervous. He put his hands in his pockets and bit his lip.
“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are?” His eyes were still staring into yours and as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t break the contact because his eyes pulled you back every time you tried. Your shook your head in response.
“No. I’m not cute. Well, no one’s ever told me I am, but I guess you just did so
 and I’m rambling, aren’t I?” You broke the eye contact and chose to look at the floor, at least that couldn’t tell how embarrassed you were. You missed the smile on George’s face, but you did hear his laugh.
“Yeah but that’s cute too. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk so much.” He laughed again, and you looked back up with a shy, amused smile.
“It’s because I’m not good at talking around you.” You admitted.
“Me? Why?” George almost looked offended or hurt so you quickly amended it.
“Not because of anything bad! It’s just- it’s stupid. I’m just going to go actually.” You felt your cheeks burn with the heat of embarrassment and quickly turned to leave but George’s hand lightly grabbed your arm pulling you back.
“Wait, you don’t have to leave. You don’t have to tell me either.” George seemed to think on the spot quickly. “But I do make a good cup of tea if you want one?”
You felt a smile creep back onto your face, the blush seemed to be there for a whole other reason now. George smiled expectantly and before you could process the movement you felt yourself nodding. You followed him upstairs to where he was now living with Fred. You noticed the shop was dying down now as the remaining customers brought their products and left.
You thought that sitting down with George alone would be awkward and tense, that you’d not have a clue what to say but you were surprised at how easy it was to talk to him. You both sat and talked over a cup of tea and then another until you had to call it a night and get back to the burrow.
“Okay, I’ll walk you down.” George offered, and you nodded.
You passed Fred, who was doing inventory, on the way out of the shop. He smiled at the both of you and if you didn’t know better you would say he knew something that you didn’t. George shot him something of a warning look before exiting the store.
The evening air was brisk and the cold bit at each part of exposed skin even though it was summer. The atmosphere between you and George had become more awkward now, you had known it was too good to be true. Just as you were searching for the words to say, George spoke.
“Y/n.” You turned to fully face him with a small smile. He looked nervous again, it was cute. “Um, I know we haven’t spoken that much but I hope we’ll get to more in the future.”
You felt an explosion of butterflies in your stomach and smiled with a nod, trying to keep your cool. “That’d be good.” You hated not having more to say but George didn’t seem to mind, instead he smiled back even wider,
“Okay then.” He seemed to become more upbeat, his confidence flooding back to him. “I’ll see you next week.” George winked.
“Yeah.” You nodded before processing his words. “Wait, what?”
“Well you’re here almost every week, you’re like our best customer even though you don’t always buy things.” George gave a little laugh and you once again felt embarrassed.
“You noticed that?” You grimaced.
“Yeah, it’s hard not to notice you y/n. You’re beautiful.” George’s smile was subtler as he looked down at his feet and began shuffling them on the ground. His eyes met yours again after he inhaled a deep breath and you both smiled. Every system in your body was going crazy, not knowing what to do, you just continued smiling.
“Thank you.” You laughed under your breath and ducked your head down, staring at the ground. Before you could think about what to do next, George leaned in and kissed your cheek sweetly. His warm lips connected to your cold skin and even though it was brief, the kiss lingered, and it spread warmth through your whole body.
“I’ll see you around Granger.” George gave a large smile with a wink as he walked back inside.
Despite the cold evening air, you felt like melting to the ground. You got back to the burrow via floo powder and told Hermione about your evening. Your sister was nothing more than happy for you, but she did throw in an “I told you so” because she wouldn’t be Hermione if she didn’t. 
Masterlist | Requests closed 
Permanent Taglist: @blue-andbrxnze @queengirl56 @mamapuritysan @rochelle-the-ravenclaw @harrypotterlifejamesphelps @miss-tipton-is-beautiful @shutupweatherby @sweetsummertime99 @allthehogwartsimagines  @wildfire-whizbangs  @wizardingworldwaitforme @bloody-chicken @skiving-snackboxess @clockworkherondale @weasley16 @wnygirl2012 @nina-soto @ceruleanrainblues @thebustedqueen @puppycat714 @larii1411 @damnedandbroken @nerdypisces160 @sly-vixen-up2nogood @vulpecula-minor @fanxy-dystopian @kpoplover1306xdepressedgirl315 @Rachelletwin2 @leighxlover @izzythefanfreak @xxsophie-raabxx @glacialsnow-flakes @cutie-bug @xxsophie-raabxx 
George Weasley only taglist: @blusnowflakee @georgeweasleyx @knreidy1 
Join my taglists here! (Or feel free to message me)
(Those in bold are the ones I wasn’t able to tag) 
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
Fun Vampire Fact; the reason that Vampires traditionally cannot see their reflections in a mirror is because mirrors used to be backed with a reflective layer of silver — which, as the metal of purity, would not ‘interact’ with Vampires, who are the Devil’s work.
However, modern mirrors have used aluminum as their reflective backing for many years now — and aluminum is not a ‘picky’ metal at all. So Vampires are able to see their reflections in modern mirrors.
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
if you’re irish and you complain about britain “erasing culture” but can’t even speak the language/ don’t know shit about ireland before 1910 then just shut your cakehole nobody cares
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
hey if ur ever feelin shitty use this
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
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Credit: Virinka
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
Needy (Jax Teller Imagine) NSFW
Authors note: the RARE occasion I write smut
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Keep reading
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
I can agree with most people that the live-action Grinch is far from a great movie, but this scene always kills me.
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tazzyswildlife-blog · 6 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if you could do prompt 22 with Neville? Thank you sooo much!!!! Your blog is so awesome!!!!
Thank you so much, lovely! Hope you like it :)
Prompt list
22. Who did I piss off in a past life?
You scowled at your timetable, taking a vicious bite of your breakfast as you glared at the paper sat before your plate. Double potions followed by divination on a Monday morning? Hell to the no.
What made it worse was the poor night’s sleep you had. Your roommates decided it would be a great idea to giggle and gossip until the wee hours of the morning. As someone that needed more than three hours of sleep, particularly on a Sunday going into Monday, you were not a ray of sunshine upon getting up. You absently wondered if revenge was feasible. If they were in the hospital wing, they wouldn’t keep you up. Or maybe you could ask Weasley twins if they knew what happened to the vanishing cabinet
 or find out where the Chamber of Secrets is located.
“Bad morning?” Neville asked as he sat down next to you. You grunted in response, and Neville smiled sympathetically once he saw your timetable. “Why don’t you come by my dormitory later? I have a surprise for you.”
You perked up a little as curiosity took a firm hold of you. You agreed with a soft albeit sleepy smile, pressing a quick kiss to Neville’s cheek before you made your way to the dungeons for the first part of your weekly torture.
Maybe it was your attitude, or maybe the universe was out to get you, but your day got progressively worse. Firstly, you added the wrong ingredient at the wrong time and so your potion was made completely redundant and earned you some good old public humiliation courtesy of Snape. Then, in Divination, Trelawney predicted that someone in your family would have a fatal fall due to a quidditch accident. You had charms in the afternoon and of course someone would accidentally set your robes on fire. Why would you expect to get through the day without a burnt arm and a trip to hospital wing?
By the time you actually made your way to Neville’s dormitory you were frustrated and stressed and tired to the point of tears.
Neville wasn’t actually there when you arrived. Dean and Seamus were, and you muttered a greeting in their general direction before launching yourself onto Neville’s bed and wrapping yourself up in his duvet.
His scent, earthy and homely, wrapped around you like a warm hug. You vaguely acknowledged Dean and Seamus leaving but otherwise let yourself fall into a light doze. Maybe you could just sleep the frustration away.
“Sweetheart?” You woke up to Neville sitting next to you on the bed, shaking your shoulder gently to rouse you. “What’s wrong? You never sleep during the day. Dean said you looked stressed.”
He let out a quiet oof as you sat upright and brought him into a bear hug without warning, practically sitting in his lap. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his unique scent. “Who did I piss off in a past life? Because today has been particularly awful.”
Neville ran his hand up and down your upper back. “I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad day, petal,” he murmured softly, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Will seeing the surprise I have for you make things better?”
You pulled away from your boyfriend almost unwillingly. You weren’t sure if anything other than his hugs would make you feel better. “What is the surprise?” You asked inquisitively. Neville was good at surprises; they were always thoughtful and you could never quite predict what he would so. Sometimes it was a dinner date, sometimes a walk in the grounds, and sometimes it was sketches.
Neville grinned and made you close your eyes. You felt his legs move as he reached down the side of the bed. He rummaged around for a moment, before sitting up right once more, and told you that you could look now.
In his hands was a potted flower. It was similar to an orchid, you supposed, but this was clearly a magical plant. The give away was that the purple spots glowed. It was absolutely stunning.
“Nev,” you breathed, reaching out a finger to gently caress a petal. The flower actually hummed in response, the sound calming and stress-reducing and it was one of the most beautiful things you had seen and heard.
“I don’t know if you pissed anyone off in a past life,” he said, “but I’m sure I must have been blessed in mine to have you by my side.” He looked at you shyly, and you couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss him soundly, pouring all your heart into the action.
Neville seemed startled but pleased at this response, pressing his lips back against yours softly but eagerly. He’d missed you over the course of the day and he’d been nervous about the gift. He knew you weren’t quite as passionate about Herbology as he was.
When you pulled away, you eyes were slightly glassy. Merlin, he always said the sweetest things. “I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you too.” He smiled affectionately, brushing a stray hair behind your ear. “Now about the plant. It needs watering only once every week and
You admired Neville as he spoke. You were sure he’d tell you all of the important information again. He might love you, but he did not trust you to keep plants alive. And as you sat there, listening to him give instructions about keeping the wonderful gift alive and blooming, you pondered on the notion that maybe you were also blessed in a past life. Sure you may have pissed off the priest after the blessing, but you had to have done something right to be with Neville in this one.
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