tc54 · 3 years
Le Chef Evaluation
What went well?
I very happy with how things went in this project. I have learnt so much and I have build a game that has working code and looks visually good. However, the game doesn’t have any story or much gameplay but that’s fine because I have learnt so much about designing and developing games. 
The thing I am most happy about is the trap door because I managed to develop a working trap door that only opens when the player has a key. I am really happy with the trap door because I didn't ask for any help with it and I didn’t use google to find out how to do it. 
I also really like the design of Le Chef and that I completely redesigned the original Le Chef. I think he looks so much better now and works really well with the style of the tilemaps. I do wish that I could have made some of his animations a little cleaner like the jumping straight upwards one and I wanted to improve his death animation.
Another thing that I think went really well is the camera effects. I really like how the camera starts of close to Le Chef and is tracking him and then blends to another camera that is stationary and zoomed out. It ended up with a really cool effect.
What could have gone better?
Although so many things went really well in my project there were also lots of things that could have gone much better. I did manage to fix and get some of these things working but not to how I wanted them to.
Things that could have really gone better is that I didn’t actually make everything that I wanted to but it is a really short project so I wasn’t expecting to. I wanted to include things like weapons, enemies, levels, bosses and more.
With the cameras I wanted to make it so that at the start of the level the camera zoomed out from the player to an overview shot and then zoom back in when the player jumps into the trap door. I did manage to make the first bit work where it zoomed out to an overview but I couldn’t get the camera to zoom back in to the player. Instead I made the camera rotate and transition to the next camera. This did give it a cool effect where it looked like gravity had inverted. I think for my next project i might try actually make the gravity inverse somehow.
What will I do differently next time?
Next time I will plan out what I am going to do before I start working on the project. For my next project I am going to prioritise core mechanics that I will focus first and other more fun mechanics that I will work on later on. Because on this project I ended up not getting many core mechanics done like the weapons and enemies.
I am really happy with this project and have learn’t a lot of important things that could be used in my next project. I am looking forward to starting my next project because I will be able to use all this current knowledge and use it to make my next project better.
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tc54 · 3 years
Play Tester Review
The play tester found my game visually appealing and liked the idea of a chef with a large hat. They thought that my HUD/UI was good and liked the smooth animation of the score. 
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They really liked that they can pick up a key and they can open a trapdoor which was originally locked. Their favourite thing was the way the camera moved and how it zooms out from a close tracking camera to a still distant overview camera.
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A few things they didn’t like about it was that there is this weird bug between the tiles where random lines would appear. The other being that there is lack of any gameplay/story and is a really small and short experience. (This visual bug doesn’t appear in screenshots).
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tc54 · 3 years
Live Tile Map Updating
I have made code that replaces a tile or more on the tile map to a different tile. I wanted to make this because it meant that I could have a trap door which can automatically open when the player goes near it. I also made it so that the trap door only opens when the player has picked up a key. 
I did this by placing down a collision box around the closed trap door tile. So then it opens when the player is walking towards it. 
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I then set up a simple brand and condition. So when the player has the key it will return true and continue through the code. 
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I then took this branch into a function that makes the tile map editable (I don’t know if i need this because I think it worked when I didn’t have it but it makes sense to have it.). I then took it to a sequence that has two exit pins which both lead to functions that set the tile. 
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For it to actually change the tile I had to give it a new value which means I connected a function called make tile where I select which tile set it will use and enter the number that is given to that tile. Then to make it so the player can fall through the hole of the tile I have to rebuild the collisions.
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So basically when the player collides with the collision box if they have the key the tile will change from tile 26 to tile 27 which I have marked below. I really enjoyed trying to make this live tile switch possible and I am happy it works even if it took me some time to work out how.
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Code that changes single or multiple tiles on the tile-map when the player collides with a collision box. This means I can create trapdoors.
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tc54 · 3 years
Improved Jump Animation
I have decided to make jumping in my game more interesting and reactive. I originally had it so that I had 4 flip books for 4 animations, death, jump, walk and idle. Although these animations worked fine together I wanted to have two jump animations. One for when I jump upwards with no movement and another for when I jump and move side wards.
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To do this I spent ages guessing and experimenting with my code. I ended up with many problems and struggled to fix them. The biggest issue I encountered was that I had to work out if the player was moving while in the air.
I created two new variables ‘Moving Jump?’ and ‘Still Jump?’. I set up code that adds together the x axis value of the player with the movement of the player. I then set up code that shows the player is jumping without movement by just getting the players x axis value. This means that if the player is jumping and moving ‘Moving Jump?’ variable would be higher than ‘Still Jump?’.
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To get this to set the flipbook to the correct animation for the action I needed to create another branch that leads of the previous branch with a condition that if ‘Still Jump’ is not equal to ‘Moving Jump?’ then it will be true and play the moving jump animation and if false it will play the still jumping animation.
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tc54 · 3 years
Max Fleisher, Eadweard Mybridge, Cuphead Research
Max Fleisher
Max Fleisher was an American animator, inventor, film director and producer. He founded Fleisher Studios with his brother Dave. 
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Fleisher is famous because of his invention of the Rotoscope. A Rotoscope was a device that allowed animator to use a technique called Rotoscoping before computers came along and made it easier. Rotoscoping is where the animators trace over motion picture footage. A few other things that he was responsible for was the “Bouncing Ball2 song films and the “Stereopitcal Process”.
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Fleisher brought comic characters like Koko the Clown, Betty Boop, Popeye and Superman to the movie screen. Popeye was Fleisher's greatest business decision because Popeye became the most successful screen adaptation of a comic book strip in cinema history. It was so successful Popeye had become more popular than Mickey Mouse.
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Eadweard Muybridge
Eadweard Muybridge was an English photographer and important because of his early pioneering work in photographic studies of motion and early work in motion-picture projection. 
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Eadweard moved from Kingston upon Thames to America as a bookseller at the age of 20. He suffered from serious head injuries due to a stagecoach crash and returned to Europe.
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Muybridge was famous due to his early creation of “The Horse in Motion”. This was the first ever film to be created and was a short few frames of a race horse running. Muybridge was tasked with capturing this image of a moving horse during times when exposure times were really long.
Cuphead is a video game published in 2017 designed to look like cartoons from the golden age of cartoons when they were prominently produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Fleischer Studios around the 1930s.
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Popeye is a great example of how Cuphead is similar. You may notice the weird 3D effect that is in this cartoon. This is there because of the Stereotypical Process, that Max Fleischer himself invented, that combines 2D animated characters with 3D dioramas. I think Cuphead does a really good job of re-creating this effect as it makes for an interesting world to play in.
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Another thing that really influenced Cupheads art style would be the colour palette that takes its colours from the Technicolour palette that most cartoons had in the 1930s.
Cuphead was also influenced by Betty Boop because Dave Fleischer because he believed that characters should be constantly moving, usually to the music because he thought it increased the humour and interest of the cartoon. An example of it in Cuphead would be during this fight where all the background characters are moving in some way.
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tc54 · 3 years
Who is Rieko Kodama?
Reiko Kodama is a Japanese video game artist, director, and producer who is employed by Sega in 1984 and is one of the first noted female artists in the industry.
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Kodama has worked on the original series Phantasy Star as a major designer. She has also been heavily involved with the first two entries in the Sonic the Hedgehog series where she worked as a graphic designer in the first and a zone artist in the second. She has worked on many more games in different roles.
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Kodama changed to a director after working on Sonic The Hedgehog 2 where she would shortly change again and began working on games as a producer. Her most recent work is on Sega Ages, which is a series of game ports that has spanned multiple iterations across different hardware since its inception on the Sega Saturn.
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tc54 · 3 years
Ivan Dixon, Pedro Medieros Research
Ivan Dixon
Ivan Dixon is a animator, pixel artist, illustrator and game maker. Dixon has co-directed and produced with Paul Robertson to create their own tribute couch gag for The Simpsons. They were then later contacted by The Simpsons producers who wanted to use their gag at the start of episode 14 in season 26. 
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I love all the extra references to the show that are in the pixel animation. I also really love the exaggeration of Maggie's facial expression and how dramatic they made the scene where you are made to think that Maggie is driving the car compared to the original.
Dixon and Robertson also worked together on another animated opening but this time for Rick and Morty. This animation is a recreation of the normal Rick and Morty opening scene but in pixel form with lots of detail. They also include many references similarly to The Simpsons episode which don't show up in the usual opening.  
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Dixon has also worked with some other large companies which include of Fallout 4, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney, Warner Bros and Gotye. 
Pedro Medieros
Pedro Medieros is a pixel artist who believes that education should be free wherever possible so he doesn’t want to make people pay for his knowledge but does appreciate his patreon supporters. 
Medieros is part of an indie game dev studio called MiniBoss formed by Medieros and some friends. He makes lots of detailed and really good tutorials for people to follow. He talks a lot about animation and key pixel art techniques. He has tutorials for shading, anti-aliasing, lighting, and many more.
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Medieros has worked alongside many companies and developers. He provides these companies with pixel art and some of the games he was worked on are, Celeste, Towerfall, and more. He is currently working on art for a game called EarthBlade. Unfortunately their isn’t much information about this game, currently there is only a teaser that shows of this splash art and title.
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tc54 · 3 years
Paul Robertson, Army of Trolls, Waneella Research
Paul Robertson
Paul Robertson is an Australian animator who is known for his pixel art and animation. Robertson has worked on videogames, short films, theatrical films, television and music videos. He has worked on the videogame art for games like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game, Fez, and many more. 
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Paul Robertson, Ivan Dixon directed and animated, with the help of Jeremy Dower who created the music, their own pixel tribute animation of The Simpsons couch gag that appears at the beginning of each episode. In this tribute they made many references to past seasons (particularly the early ones). They were later then contacted about their tribute by the producers on The Simpsons who requested to use it at the start of the episode. They agreed and it can now be seen at the beginning of the episode “My Fare Lady” S26 Ep14.
The Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIZ_gDOrzGk
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Robertson worked closely with the independent game studio Tribute Games on each of their games. Some of these games include Mercenary Kings, an action-packed platformer and Curses ‘N Chaos.
He is continuing to create creative and unique artwork and is actively posting on his tumblr. Here is one of his most recent posts where he has drawn many references to Dennis from Jurassic Park played by Wayne Knight.
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Army of Trolls
Army of Trolls is a portfolio by artist Gary J Lucken is obsessed with videogames. Lucken has worked with many large companies some of which include, BBC, Honda, Disney and many, many more. He creates his work at his computer in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK where he produces really unique and colourful artwork which is heavily influenced by videogames, toys and pop culture that he loves.
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Lucken does do work on video games. An example of this is a game called Chis Moyles Hackney Dash where you fire Chris across London and try make it to Hackney in time for BBC Radio 1′s Hackney Weekend. Lucken was commissioned by the BBC to create art work for this game.
Lucken also creates lots of isometric cities and room-sets. Here is an example of one of his room-sets. This one is based of the BBC editing room. I struggled to find a good example of what it is but this looks very similar
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Waneella is a tumblr blog created by Wunylla a Russian artist. She creates beautiful futuristic landscapes and creates them in a colourful retro 8-bit look.
Waneella went viral and her blog started to get many supporters. In 2018 many of her supporters wanted her to create some tutorials for her work and she decided to ask her supporters what they wanted to learn. 
One of my favorite artworks by her has to be this retro arcade its so vibrant and neon with lots of detail. I also really love the colours that she has used.
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Here is one of many Waneella creations. It looks to be a small ally with a river running through it. The colours are fantastic and work incredibly well with one another 
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tc54 · 3 years
Platformers and 2D Games Research
Platformer games are a genre of video games and are most commonly associated with consoles and arcade machines. Platformers were extremely popular during the late 1980s to 1990s. This genre was generally 2D and would only use flat graphics, but due to 3D technology seeing a big improvement over the last few decades 3D platformers have become very popular.
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There have been two major types of platformers over the years. The most recent being a scrolling movement platformer where the player views the game from the side and when the character moves left, right, and up the screen scrolls with them. The earlier type of platformer, originating in the early 1980s, was single-screen movement and were based on climbing mechanics between platforms. 
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In the 1990s 3D platformers start to take over their 2D predecessors. 3D meant that platformers could have another dimension to mess around with. Games with 3D gameplay and 2D graphics is called isometric platformers. Those that had 3D graphics and 2D gameplay were 2.5D.
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tc54 · 3 years
Pixel Art Research
There are many different types of pixel art but they all come down to one basic principle. It is digital art that is created on a pixel level. Pixel art originated from old 8-bit and 16-bit computers and video game consoles.
Here are only some of the different styles of pixel art used in games. My games protagonist looks very similar to the second row, second across style.
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Pixel art generally follows the power of 2 for example the following sizes, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, and so on. The reason that the power of 2 is usually a necessity in games is due to the way the game engines work. If it does not follow the power of 2 and for example you have 46x60 the game engine will have to resize it meaning it could lose some quality.
8-Bit started to become more popular from 1983-1987 and then 16-Bit started to become more popular from 1987-1993. This increase in 16-Bit was because technology had improved.
Pixel art has evolved over the many years for example this is how super Mario has evolved since his first appearance in Donkey Kong (1981). Pixel art has become more detailed now are large pixel sizes. 
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tc54 · 3 years
Camera Switching
I want to have it so that when the player collides with a collision box the camera switches to a different one. I have managed to make the camera switch to a level view camera but I am unable to make the camera switch back to the tracking camera or to another level view camera.
I made the camera switch from the tracking camera to the level view camera by using an “Event BeginPlay” (Activates when the game begins) and connecting it to a “Set View Target with Blend” which sets the current view to a different camera. I use a “Get Player Controller” function to set the target and I set the ‘New View Target’ by creating a reference to the camera I want to target.
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This is the current code for switching back when the player touches the collision box. I think the main issue that I have is either I am unable to get the correct Event to activate the code or the new target is not correct. The rest to me looks like it should work.
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tc54 · 3 years
Small Changes
I have made some small but effective changes to my game. I have done these changes to improve the gameplay and make the game feel more polished.
The first change is really big but not entirely noticeable is that I have re-scaled the tile-map and character sprite to 6.4 x 6.4 x 6.4. I have done this because this means that the pixels are the exact same size. Before I made these changes my game looked really weird because the spite was bigger meaning that the pixels were larger on the sprite than the tile-map.
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But once I made these changes the pixels on the sprite matched perfectly in size with the tile-map. Small changes like this can make the game look polished and more pleasant to play.
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Camera Lag:
The next change that I have done that is way more noticeable is that I have added some camera lag which is where the camera moves with a delay to your movements. This makes the game more cinematic and makes your movements feel more reactive. This effect can have negative effects especially in 3D games because it can make aiming difficult/awkward and might give some players headaches.
Here is an comparison of Camera Lag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu-TGw0-qZQ
Player Movement Speeds:
Because I re-scaled the sprites and tile-map my character was moving really fast because I have made everything smaller meaning that the character moves the same speed over a smaller distance. So I just lowered the max acceleration until it felt like a reasonable speed. 
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I also changed how high and how quickly the player jumps.
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tc54 · 3 years
Game Building - Movie Similarities
Here are three movies that have similarities to my game. These movies definitely helped me out with developing even if I wasn’t thinking about them while developing my game.
One of the movies with the most similarities to my game has to be Ratatouille. I say this because it was one of the main reasons I gave my main character an oversized chef hat. This is clear by the villain of Ratatouille, Skinner.
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I was also thinking about including some sort of animal inside the oversized hat that would control the player but I decided otherwise because I couldn’t think of a way to make it clear that the player is being controlled by an animal. However, I do still want to make the hat have a use. I want it to be used to store weapons and ingredients I also want to make it so when the player is falling Le Chef uses the hat like parachute.
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Another thing that is similar to my game is how Remy, the rat dreams of becoming a great chef like his idol, Augeste Gusteau. Remy tries to prove himself by controlling a garbage boy. This is similar because the antagonist of my game, called The Young Apprentice, dreams of becoming the greatest chef like his teacher, Le Chef. However, unlike Ratatouille my game takes a different turn and instead of trying to prove himself by controlling a garbage boy and cooking tasty meals, The Young Apprentice turns to evil recipes to try prove that himself to the world that he is the greatest chef.
The final thing that is similar is the flooring in the kitchen of ratatouille where the floor is a large white tile and small black tile pattern. This is very similar to my game which has white and black tiles. However, in my game they look more chequer because of the pixel style of the game.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is another movie with a similar aspect to my game. This being the story of Kylo Ren, a Dark Jedi, is similar to the story of my games antagonist, the Young Apprentice.
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In the film Ben Solo was the apprentice to Luke Skywalker, a Jedi, Ben was seduced by the dark side of the Force and renamed to Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren was then driven to destroy his past and in doing so killed his father and his master. Similarly in my game the antagonist is a young apprentice to Le Chef, the greatest chef in the world. The Young Apprentice wants to prove to Le Chef that he is now the worlds greatest chef so he turns to dark recipes that rises dead/rotten food creatures from hell which he tasks to torment the world for not believing that he is the worlds greatest chef.
This isn’t completely similar but definitely has aspects of similarity.
The Adventures of Food Boy:
This movie has some really big similarities to my game and was one of the biggest influences to my games design. However, I would not recommend watching this film as it is not that entertaining.
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In this movie the protagonist, Ezra Chase, is a top high school student that is trying to be more extraordinary. He is often challenged into eating disgusting food combinations and manages to eat them. He discovers that he has the ability to create food from his hands (at inconveniently timed situations). He uses this “gift” to climb the popularity ladder in his school. This is whats similar to my game. The idea for my game was that the protagonist fights rotten food creatures from that has been risen from hell by the antagonist and he fights these food creatures by shooting food from his hands, similarly to Ezra Chase. Le Chef would be able to improve his ability to do this by collecting power ups which let him shoot different foods.
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Another thing that was very similar was one of my unused character designs. This character was never given an official name but was nicknamed Food Boy since his design was based of Ezra Chase.
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I designed this character to look like Ezra Chase’s costume during the scene when he is on stage doing a magic show. I really liked the idea of having his cape flap around when walking and jumping. Although I decided not to go with this design since I think Le Chef was designed much better and visually made more sense to be shooting food out from his hands.
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tc54 · 3 years
Game Building - Genre
What genre does my game fall into?
Currently my game is just a platformer with no genre. I have a few ideas for what kind of genre my game is going to be.
Action and Adventure:
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My main idea is an action and adventure game. This idea is that Le Chef, who is the greatest chef in the world, is training a young apprentice in hopes he will take over the title of greatest chef. 
However, the young apprentice ignores Le Chefs advice and starts learning dark recipes. These dark recipes cause creatures from the depths of hell to rise above and cause terror around the world. It was down to Le Chef to defeat the young apprentice. 
Le Chef must fight both small and large waves of enemies and strong bosses and in the end fight the young apprentice.
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One of my other ideas is a puzzle game. My idea is that Le Chef is trapped in a large complex filled with different traditional restaurants from around the world where Le Chef has to find hidden ingredients around each kitchen that create many recipes and has to use the clues around the kitchen to figure out what meal is the correct one.
The overall aim would be to escape the complex.
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Another genre that has come across my mind but I’m not so sure about is a horror. This idea is that Le Chef is cooking in a restaurant when the world is overrun by zombies. Le Chef discovers that a really rare ingredient can cure the zombie virus and he must travel to different worlds and explore abandoned buildings in search for this rare ingredient.
I really like all three ideas but I am going to go with the action and adventure because I really like the idea behind Le Chef having to defeat the young apprentice that he was previously training. I also really like the idea of rotten food creatures coming up from hell to attack the world. 
I might also try include the rare ingredient idea from the Horror idea into my action adventure idea. I would do this by having small side missions where you explore a location for rare ingredients that could be taken to a shop where you can purchase more weapons, tools and also combine rare ingredients to the weapons to make them stronger. 
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tc54 · 3 years
Game Building - Look
How I want my game to look:
Here are another three pixel art games that have different styles of pixel art and why I prefer these three styles over others. I am going to use what I like about these games and implement them into my game. 
Tormentor X Punisher:
Tormentor X Punisher is a brilliant example of a game I want to take inspiration from as its a very colourful game. The game is dark and dingy but at the same time with really vibrant effects. 
Once you click play you are instantly taken into the game by these two hands tearing the main menu away.
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(Tormentor X Punisher Loading)
This is a really good transition because it is really quick and is much better than a loading screen or slideshow. This is a good touch because it seamlessly connects the menu with the game and no one likes long loading times that bore the player (Looking at you GTA 5).
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(Tormentor X Punisher Gameplay)
I think one of the things that stands out the most would be the font. I really love the bold and cartoony style it has and the way its very aggressive. I really enjoy watching the text just appear and start flashing and shaking fast. It makes the game feel even more fast-paced and crazy. Another thing I really like about the use of the HUD is the score shakes in time to the music.
Another thing I really like about the visuals in this game is the bright red explosions of blood that appears every time you kill an enemy. It makes you feel powerful and shows how strong the weapons you are using are.
I find that this game is similar to a game called Neon Abyss. I talked about how I want to implement my weapon mechanics from Neon Abyss but I also think that the game is very similar to Tormentor X Punisher because of how much the weapon effects stand out with their vibrant colours making them look powerful.
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(Neon Abyss Gameplay)
What I want to take from these games is that I want the font in my game to be cartoony and bold and I want it to stand out and really add to the theme of my game. I also want to show the strength of my weapons with the effects produced from the gun and killing enemies. I prefer this style over most other games because it very dark but vibrant which makes for a good contrast.
Fez is a really relaxing and beautiful game. The key thing about the game is that you can rotate around this 3D world but view it in 2D. I really like this purposeful boundry break and I think the design of each world is filled with colours.
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(Fez Homeworld)
What I love about the art style is that the worlds are bright and colourful but have so many secrets hidden. I also really like that the 2D view of the worlds still has lots of depth. I love that the worlds are 3D uses both Orthographic and Perspective cameras to make this effect look smooth.
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(Rotating View)
With my game I do not want to implement rotating between sides of a 3D world but I do want to have bright and colourful levels in my game. But I do want to implement the depth of the 2D view. I also want my game to start of dark and grim but with some vibrant effects and then quickly progress into a more colourful world. Maybe I make the player collect items through out the game and each item add some life to the world. 
I really like this style because its really unique and makes the game really entertaining and doesn’t feel like a game I have played before.
Terraria is another brilliant that is colourful and open. In this game you can explore for ages left, right, up, and down. I love the amazing proceduraly generated terrain that and I really like the combat in the game.
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(Tower Build)
What I really like about this game is the backgrounds. They are so well made that it really feels like you are looking out into the distance. The background bring more life to the game by changing depending on the weather and biome. I think background are really important in making a game feel alive. 
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(Beach Biome)
I really want to implement interesting background that match the scene really well to make the game more visually interesting and this style makes it interesting to traverse around a 2D world. I might also make it so that the background matches with any weather or events that happen in my game. Although I am not sure if my game will be set outside so it may not have much variation. 
I really enjoyed picking out bits from each of these games that I would want to include in my game. Some may not work well with my current game but I could use these points in some of my future work.
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tc54 · 3 years
Game Building - Play and Feel
How I want my game to play and feel:
Here are three games that I want to take ideas from and implement them into my game. I want my game to be fast-paced during the fighting, fun and tell a story.
Neon Abyss:
A really good example of the mechanics I want my game to replicate would be the combat mechanics in Neon Abyss. Neon Abyss has a really good variety of weapons. The game has a total of 60 unique weapons which all look beautiful when used. https://neonabyss.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons 
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I really love the different effects that the weapons produce and I want to implement something similar into my game. Though my game is based in a kitchen I will most likely not have bright lasers and guns. However I do want to copy the idea of fun and crazy weapons.
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In my game I want to have my weapons made with kitchen equipment that you can purchase from a shop and these weapons will all be unique.
An idea for a weapon I have is a toaster gun. The gun will shoot out burning toast that would have gravity so it curves and drops to the floor over time. I also have had an idea for upgrades to weapons so you could make this 2 slice toaster gun and make it a 6 slice toaster.
Cuphead is another really good example of mechanics I want to replicate in my game. I really like the design of the bosses as their abilities match what they look like. For example, the onion called Ollie Bulb cries and tears fall down from the sky and dealing damage if they hit you.
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I think this is brilliant character design and I want to design my characters so that their abilities match their appearance. 
An idea for a boss in my game is a large lemon that shoots pips towards you and also squeezes itself and sprays lemon juice everywhere which you make the screen blur.
Castle Crashers:
Castle Crashers is a good example for a game mechanic I want to use in my game. The game sends small waves of enemies which have different abilities and are sent to entertain the player between boss fights. I also really like the eating events where you compete with your teammate to find out who can eat the most food. I really like it because all it is is just who can smash the button the fastest.
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I want to have a small waves of enemies that the player would have to fight and earn money and have ways to return to the shop to buy upgrades and I also want to add friendly events similar to the eating food event where you compete against bots to win money. 
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tc54 · 3 years
Why did I change my mind with the tilemap?
Here is the tilemap that I had made previously.
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I think they are alright and look like what they are suppose to look like. However there was a really big issue with them that I cant believe I didn’t realise this when designing them.
Here is my protagonist Le Chef standing on the previous (left) and redesigned (right) tilemap.
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Now the really big issue is that Le Chef doesn’t look like he belongs on the old tilemap where on the redesign he looks right at home (or should I say kitchen). 
What changes did I make?
I removed the dirt entirely because I’m thinking that around the rooms will be a grey abyss.
I also made it 10x more simple to match Le Chef’s design which I think I succeeded with. 
I added a simple transition into the abyss with a couple of pixel lines.
I am really happy with how the new tilemap looks and cant wait to build my first level with them. 
I also made some other tiles as well as the floor tile. I really like how well these tiles connect to each other.
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